You guys tried out the new Firefox yet?
You guys tried out the new Firefox yet?
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i haven't used firefox in almost 10 years. does is still run half speed compared to jewgle chrome?
Switched to Chrome a month ago, that shit FF worked like it's 2002, while I have SSD
It runs 1/10 speed
Degenerate spotted
thanks user. if i switch it'll probably be to chromium, but then i can't jewflix and chill
I use both and they have similar speed. Mostly I use Pale Moon for my day to day browsing.
The one that breaks all of my addons? No. No I have not.
I also have Windows 10 and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Yeah, it's bretty gud. I just wish he would fix the browser crashing randomly on viewing mp4 or webm files
No, you actually are
cuckmonker pls fix
I upgraded to Lynx tbh fam.
It misrenders everything I look at. I detest it wildly. FF has set up their roadmap to become chrome's cocksleeve within a year or two.
as per OP's suggestion, palemoon is for-sure the way to go. It still accepts extensions, and there's no reason to change that, or the way you can still customize the UI even further that FF during it's peak allowed for.
I have the 64-bit palemoon, and 32-bit flash, so I can still render flash applets in MSIE if I need them that badly but otherwise I never see them.
seriously? it's the only browser i've found that renders things correctly, consistently
i like Windows 10 personally
Me too
that's not qupzilla
Yes. And holy crap, it's fast, much snappier than previous versions. I don't like that it's more restrictive to plugin devs, but otherwise it's a massive improvement.
Mozilla is life.
Mozilla is love.
All you chrumfags, thanks for making getting r00t aksess ez.
firefox is based
pale moon isbased
And what addons would that be, user?
the dataminer addon
firefox is dead. it was sold to the soros kikes somewhere in june or so
Pffffft! Get a load of this goy- guy!
Chrome niggers will be hanged on spot
For a second, I thought you meant the actual new Firefox update. Because yes. And it was shit. So I reverted. End of story.
The only thing I don't like about PaleMoon so far is the Duck Duck Go browser it comes with.
how do you revert? i just turned on my pc one time and half my firefox shit didn't work
Look it up, dork.
chrome is based
based response for based 666 satanic response
well i wasn't wrong
Satan trips means I shouldn't look it up, guess i'm stuck with a shitty browser with no NoScript
Good place to mention Advanced Night Mode extension for Palemoon. It turns every webpage darker by default, but you can change every element on any given webpage to whatever colors you want. Really nice extension
t. pedo
I use IceCat tbh
I'll believe you when you present us with some hard evidence.
for real though, there are way better alternative to duckduckgo in the first place
That's the best you've got?
We are not impressed.
Use whatever search engine you want mate, not my problem.
Gee, thanks, user. Ain't you a swell fella.
enjoy having no usable add-ons
enjoy being cucked by google
chromium is good tbh
chromium is literally a de-googled chrome you absolute retard