The pictures of DCCC emails attached were found in a liberal Facebook group that I follow for the sake of watching what the other side is doing. And boy oh boy, it seems like all they're doing is panicking.

Meanwhile, our new friend Jill Stein is doing the lord's and by "lord" I mean KEK work and saying that Trump is a better choice than Clinton. This doesn't make Stein's policies less awful, but it DOES give us a unique opportunity. Many Bernie supporters are now on Stein's side, so we can use this to convince them to vote Trump in the states that Stein is not on the ballot. Hell, we might be able to use this to convince Clinton "supporters" who actually prefer Stein but think that she's not viable. We need to make some good OC out of this and blast it on social media ASAP. Everyone should know that even Stein prefers Trump. This will either convert some of her followers or damage her standing in the polls. The latter might be a concern, however, as she IS stealing votes from Clinton on her own. So proceed with caution.

Source: rawstory. com/2016/09/jill-stein-insists-trump-is-less-dangerous-than-clinton-and-attacks-bernie-sanders-as-a-dc-insider/


Do NOT rest on your laurels here. Their panic just means that we need to work even harder. Strike while they're off balance, get into their voters' heads while they're full of panic, and get them to either stay home out of apathy or to hop aboard the Trump Express.

Now, how can we use all of this to D&C? Can we cause in-fighting? Can we turn some liberals to our side? Only KEK knows.

Meant to attach this too.

fuck man

Looks like Jill's going to take a fall soon.

bump for potential

Perhaps she'll accidentally shoot herself twice in the back of the head. It seems to be what happens to those who go against the Clintons. Though, I think that she's such a public figure that she'll be safe for now.

I don't think her saying "he's less dangerous" constitutes an endorsement, but it sure does look good for all the screaming leftists butthurt about Bernie not getting the nod.

How is it physically possible that anyone EVER thought this?

The Greens admitting that the populist nationalist candidate is less dangerous than the status quo candidate is rather big for them, seeing how they don't support much of any that he does

Smoking too much weed for too pong

Fug, I meant long. Fuck my thumb.

“You know, I don’t pretend to be able to do TV diagnosis, but I think the guy has a problem,” she said. “The guy has a lot of problems — physical, mental, emotional, cognitive.”

She emphasized examples like his erratic (rather than calculating) behavior, his confusion over his political positions he’s held over the years, his sudden “softening” on his immigration policies in August and suddenly denouncing birtherism after a five-year crusade.

“It’s hard to, you know, to think too hard about anything Donald Trump says because he will change his mind in the next hour, if not the next day, or whatever,” she said. “Today, suddenly, after five years, he became convinced that it’s not an issue. Yesterday it was an issue. It will probably become an issue again for him. You know, the guy may have a memory problem. Who knows what it is? But he’s incapable of having a consistent thought or policy.”

Not exactly a rousing endorsement.

I think this is just the human brain protecting itself from danger, because while such a thing is almost certainly true, it’s just too terrifying to want to admit to yourself.


Yea, but since when do Clinton/Sanders supporters care about details? Headlines sell. Selective quotes sell even better. Most of them won't read a full article. They'll just share whatever we feed them if they like the taste.

While she describes Trump as a danger she also believes he’s nothing more than a moron who has destroyed the GOP.


Where is that gif of the black people … one smug one and one doing the home alone face … part of some rap shit, I think …

Seems appropriate.

What said, we need to use any possible leads to make sure we get our way. None of us care about democracy being fair as long as the outcome works in our favor. That includes tricking cucks into voting nationalist through the same tactics the media uses to keep them cucked.

oh shut up

This is true, though I still think Stein is a bitch for trashing Trump as she has done. In the end, I can imagine that she knows a full endorsement will make some of her followers doubt her while a tentative "at least he's not Clinton" will make them shamble along and vote Trump. Trump winning is also good for her because that will strike a massive blow against the democrats and destabilize them and if Trump decides to press charges against Hillary, create a power-grab that will lead to the party either swinging center, leaving the far right to come to her, or swing further left, causing the dems to fragment even further while chasing ideals similar to hers.

Thanks for collapsing the reality.

I honestly think that warrant put out for her arrest along with her not being able to get into the debates along with her running mate being revealed as a Soros operative may have opened her eyes a little bit. In the end, she got used and thrown aside and I'm assuming the pay-off for her services were not to her liking so she is going to screw Hillary hard and is daring her to try something.


Technically, from a revolutionary leftist perspective, Trump's policies are much better. Hillary would remove gun rights, and with it greatly reduce the chance of future revolution. There are also the issues of American imperialism, which Hillary is 100% on board with.

I wonder what Holla Forums thinks of this. Should be funny.

They are delusional. They actually thought Bernie was a real revolutionary commie when we were calling him out as a shill months before he endorsed Hillary. If Holla Forums is always right, Holla Forums is always wrong.

Nah plenty of the special snowflakers were wise to Bernie not being a real commie. I like to abuse them from time to time so I've spoken with them a bunch. They're like ancaps, happy they have their own hyper niche theory that will totally work guise but everyone has to buy into it or else the entire system collapses but it's pragmatic or real though.

because they were told so.

I made a bunch of Jill Stein OC a while back in the hopes of winning Bernie Sanders supporters to her over Hillary. It didn't work, but I'm gonna dump it in this thread as well

Someone should post that mspaint bernie pic where its like:

"we're going to destroy the establishment, oops I lost all your money goes to the establishment, vote for the establishment"






last of it

Let them think whatever they want, and don't correct them.

For the same reason we should be more than happy to let liberals turn to that lolbertarian in name only Gary Johnson.

As long as we can prevent them from supporting the witch that's all we need.

Once we've got Trump in office we can start effecting our changes, at least in theory.

Of course if he betrays us then the electoral process will finally be dead once and for all, and we'll be obliged to resort to other means.

The demographics of this country stand on a knifes edge, we've got to go full Machiavellian.

Wait so a Jewish boomer hippy communist is not 100% adhering to her ideological dogma to take an honest stand against endemic corruption in Washington?

Never thought i'd see the day.

It honestly doesn't surprise me much. I think Stein has shit tier policy ideas and I don't want her anywhere near any elected office, but I'll give her one thing: she's genuine. She isn't afraid to do what she believes to be right. In that way, I can respect her.

In every other way, she's a filthy commie.


Sometimes you can respect your enemies.

Hopefully this will fracture the Green Party and a bunch of NatSoc anons can infiltrate it, making it a pro-White party.

R.I.P. kikess

On a semi-related note, The Amazing Atheist kinda sorta endorsed Trump

What? Is it? That's a hardcore Paleocon position.

When it comes to trade, the horseshoe theory is very real.

Trump offered her a ride on The Schlong in return for an endorsement. She happily obliged.

Being anti NAFTA and anti TPP just seems like common fucking sense at this point. Even Clinton claims to hold these positions, but I suspect she'd immediately ram the TPP through if she was elected.

Fucking hell, this shit can be confusing.

Heil Hitler.

She actually did support it before going against it.

No doubt

No, I take her at face value. She's a hippie bitch, but there's no denying, even if you're in the Green Party, that Trump is a genuine outsider and Hillary is the 8+ year status quo.


He studied with the Sandinistas (he actually invited the leader of them to speak at his college in VT) to learn how to use socialism to control idiots and turn them into raging psychopaths capable of extreme violence if desired. Sanders is a master at using liberal ideologies to make zealots.

Which is why I'm glad that he's out. Never trust a Communist. >inb4 democratic socialist

New to correcting our record?

Dubs confirm he's new.

Wow, never thought I would see the day that Jill Stein and Amazing Atheist would say Trump is better than Hilary.

Meme magic is real! Praise KEK!

True, but just her saying Clinton is more dangerous than Trump will cause a lot of infighting among Democrats.

This has potential to boost Trump's numbers because all of the Bernouts vowed to follow her after Comrade Sanders dropped out.


Or, should I say…



Holy shit, I was actually gonna post that video to that same post, but I forgot.


what a dc insider?

The contents of the article are totally inconsistent with the headline. What the fuck?

How so? She DOES insist that he's less dangerous.

She's gonna get rich suing companies who don't get along with us for environmental fraud, i'am sure many of them are.

Win-Win for everybody but kikes.

To be fair, Most facists re environmentalists to a good degree, nature matters to us, Keeping things traditional also means not erasing man's contact and relationship with the natural world.

I'd probably like TAA if he wasn't such a fucking degenerate.


yeah and she shills for global warming
women should stay in the kitchen

She's always shit talked Hillary, this notion that she was some Clinton plant is fucking ridiculous. Green party was never going to take Republican voters.

I wonder how many exactly. 28 seems to be the minimum, Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama. But I could see it being far longer.

Considering that 90% of jews are voting against Trump, this is actually pretty huge.

I hope Trump knows and remembers this. Even niggers aren't voting 90%+ against him but the kikes are. He needs to stockpile gas.

How the fuck do these people function in society without having every fucking thing streamlined for them?
Seriously, how do they still consider Hillary a good candidate in any fashion?

What would happen if she were to literally stab a baby on stage?

Kill me.

How have these digits not been checked yet!?

Whites are the only ones who actually give a single fuck about the environment anyway, so all we'd really have to to is redpill them on how destructive non-whites are to the environment. I can definitely see this happening. We wouldn't need to "infiltrate" so much as just redpill in a subtle manner.

Tripped and snapped her neck while fetching a pail of water


"Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake"

This makes a lot of sense considering that Trump supporters are the ones that had been making all the memes for Jill Stein. I'm pretty sure every person I saw online pretending to be a Jill Stein supporter was actually a Trump supporter this whole time.

As someone who is voting for Stein, that gilf is 100% right. Donald is less dangerous simply because the machinations of government are a mystery to him and he won't get much done.

I'd like to believe he will MAGA, but experience has taught me not to believe campaign promises. Remember when Obama said he would close Guantanamo Bay?

From the article:

Basically she views Trump as a big moron who will be too stupid to get things done, while she recognizes Hillary as evil.

The writer of the article must be retarded:

So we're gonna have Anti-Trumpites for Trump?
Can you say "landslide"?

He has been shipping people out of there for quite some time now. That was simply a stupid thing to want to do. All that happens is they get back to their groups and then kill more people. You could simply execute all of the prisoners then hand it over to cuba, but that was never going to happen. That's the only fast method.

Trump has an IQ of 160, combine this with an innate ability to find the exact right person to do certain things, and I have no problem expecting fast changes.

That's why we see the neocons as infiltrating leftists. They claim to be the real right, and that's where all the 'Trump is not conservative' bullshit came from.