so this guy asked someone if they wanted to see his dick, they said yes, and somehow hes a monster?
this just makes women sound like prostitutes. so if he was an ugly hobo the answer to his proposition would have been a categorical "no", but because he had money and fame women felt obliged to say "yes". this implies that they expected to be remunerated for their compliance. if the reason someone agreed to something was to serve their own selfish interests then they are hardly a victim.
the reason why doctors arent allowed to have relationships with their patients or teachers with their students is because one group is considered vulnerable and it is the responsibility of the other group with power, to protect them and also because the vulnerable group are obliged to be there.
women who are saying that they cant simply say no to a professional peer who is propositioning them are admitting for what ever reason - whether it be that they arent mature enough etc - that they arent responsible enough to make those decisions and are therefore admitting that they have the diminished responsibility in the order of that of a child and that presumably powerful men should be effectively babysitting adult professional women.
just create a new subreddit for incels and go there already tbh
Kevin Johnson
i'm not familiar enough with louis CK but if someone could help me out that would be great
isnt he a liberal and liked by leftist types?
i kind of TLDR his apology, i just read enough to get to the detail about their being verbal consent which is at the very beginning but it seems to me that he is being a submissive to liberal cuck in it.
this whole story would therefore have a quality of "if you live by the sword you die by the sword"