Oh my fuck, EA might actually die this year
>>>Holla Forums13794849
Oh my fuck, EA might actually die this year
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meep meep lol who cares tbh no homo
>>>Holla Forums13790036
esports too
Good. Worst company ever.
this is just amazing, I wont say that I can't believe this is happening because that would be a lie. I do believe in good things happening.
Do they even include their logo on games anymore?
is that really the real guy!?
alright shill, I know that you know, but we all know that this is because of many failed games, and not just one recent game.
you really mean to tell us that this man is really the previous CEO of EA? the actual real guy?
wont be so easy anymore.
This timeline just keeps getting better.
Yes, we know!
ea ever made a good game themselves?
>>>Holla Forums13795395
even the game awards!
Why does it matter? They're just a game publishing company. If you've got a problem with them, their products, or the way they do business then just don't give them any money.
It's not like when we were kids and the only way you could get a game was by leaving the house, going to a store, and physically picking it up the cartridge. Back then a monopoly could be a problem, but right now there are waaaaaaaaaaay too many good games at reasonable prices and easy access. There's no reason to worry about what even the biggest game publishing company does. It just doesn't matter.
maybe it's just me but i couldn't give less of a fuck about the video gaming industry tbh
nope, we celebrate.
this tbh
EA will never die so long as there are enough inbreed retards who buy the annual releases of COD, FIFA, and their other sports games. Thinking that this one Star Wars game will flop and kill it is just wishful thinking - understandable wishful thinking, but just wishful nonetheless.
This is why I buy my games from pawn shops :^)
If EA profits from abusing consumers, other companies will see that and do so as well. If EA abuses consumers and suffers for it, other companies will be dissuaded from those practices. This isn't just about one publisher, every hit EA takes is good for the industry as a whole.
bioware still works, its just a part of ea now
lucasarts belongs to disney
Digra, tards that destroy nice things dont do it for free.
Keep dreaming.
I am going to rewrite that post to reflect another familiar situation in order to perhaps give some perspective.
"Holla Forums will never die so long as there are enough inbreed retards who post trap, roll, and what-do threads. Thinking that Dysnomia will flop and kill it is just wishful thinking - understandable wishful thinking, but just wishful nonetheless."
I knew it, you are literally EA and you're just butthurt.
EA more like Entirely Asinine
I don't give a fuck if shitty video games are made, because I don't have to play them. Retards deserve to be abused by companies like EA. Fuck off back to your faggot board, Holla Forums.
haha fuck you EA, we know it's you.
Go back to your designated shitting board.
big if true
meh, I'll believe it when I see it
EA is based
video games are fucking based~!