/leftypols/ MUST WATCH LIST

This is the "must watch" thread of leftist documentaries and films.
My recommendation is Citizenfour.

Other urls found in this thread:



Concerning Violence

The only movie that matters.

Also: Sage for socdem flag.

Anything Adam Curtis has done.

The Human Condition is mandatory

The ONLY must watch.


Reich was right.

user reminded me of this gem,
Bitter Lake - Adam Curtis

Power of Nightmares and Century of Self are also GOAT.

this plus every movie he talks about


John Pilger in general but specificially The War on Democracy and Truth and Lies



Not a must watch, but that new Chomsky documentary wasn't too bad.

'They Live' and 'Big Trouble in Little China'

Love these movies.

There's a pretty good documentary about the urban insurgency during the revolution on Netflix. It's got a subtle anti-Castro bend that isn't unbearable.

The act of killing
The war on democracy
Hour of the furnaces (usually you will find that one by the Spanish name) all 'third film'

"The revolution will not be televised" documentary on Chavez and the CIA funded coup of 2002


Well, is he on to something leftypol? Seems pretty smart and yet, he whole hardheartedly believes Hillary Clinton will get indicted and Bernie will win the primary.

He has too much faith in the system. He's going to get his heart broken.

Someone post a link to the Snowden documentary pls


This documentary is an absolute must-see.

Greece, post financial crisis; workers take control of their factories when the boss closes them down and continue to produce under socialist principles.

Nobody has said the Corporation and both Yes-men movies, so there's that.

I'm also fairly fond of Visioneers as well, though that movie is so interpretive and anti-realist that I wouldn't be surprised if someone took something completely different from it.