Brit/pol/ #1233: RAF Respect Edition

DAT INDOCTRINATION: Corbynistas set up "kid friendly" network to promote political activity

London cucks go on a HUGE cuck-march

Based Diane supports Putin

Nigel taking a breather

Nigel discussing the death of liberalism on Marr:
Diane James' first interview as UKIP Leader:

Other urls found in this thread:




Fat slav makes a glorious return.

I'm honestly going to end up just getting a gun and killing people en masse because I see no hope.

Well that's convenient

nth for are nige

Pnumonia takes weeks to recover from, she's a lying cow

Rhodesia feels

Seems like saying she was fine the same day she came out saying she had it was kind of a bad move.

Think off it this way if you live long enough to see victory you can establish your own institutions to the teaching and cultivating of history.

Protectionism BTFO?


It never went away

##th for ASMR.

Thanks lad. Makes me feel a bit better.

Women should be banned from ASMR they corrupt and degenerate it.

shes a yank
probably a slav-yank tho tbh

it was like this at A levels tbh
bunch of dumb weed smoking bimbos, teacher was dumb as fuck too

We told you not to go to Uni lad, we told you

ASMR is shit anyway tbh


Why do cucks keep thinking fair trade is protectionism? It's quite moderate tbh

I want to protect them.

tbh Rhodesia seems a bit too dry and warm for me tbh. Need a country covered in green tbh. Preferably forests.



lad u wot

r8 my gf


I hope you're all learning your regional languages tbh.

Lad, they are just children.

would steal her if wasnt autistic/10

absolutely not.

Of course too much of it to the level that the EU and lefties would do it, it'd be a disaster. A little bit here and there doesn't hurt and is necessary though. We should run the economy in the interests of our country and to our advantage, not let "muh free market invisible hand" dictate it. Not a one size fits all plan.

All in your head/ 10.

((((David Mitchell))))


7.5, possibly higher is she has a nice voice.

lol my uni had a "anti-fascism officer", but no "anti-communism officer"


I don't think the decision is wrong. The degree is immensely valuable.

Modern society just depresses me. Leeds looks like an absolute dump as well. Dirty boarded up buildings everywhere, plastic and concrete and glass everywhere, everyone smokes and the floor is littered with cigarette butts, people throw up in the street, people litter cans and bottles everywhere. Xenos everywhere. Dyed hair everywhere. Homeless everywhere.

looking at the map it looks like it's very dry outside of certain areas and rivers. Also it's landlocked. smh

I've seen that pic before, lad…

That's abig helm, lad

it weighs about the same as one of 22 stone anons tits

the cities in this country are utter toilets.

Why is Scruton right?

inb4 she cancels the debate because of it

my uni had a black students officer who was a paki
cultural appropriation smh tbh

I doubt my tits are that heavy, lad.

Because he is one of the nations top /thinkers/.

It's not an especially hard observation to make.




Very nice lad.

How old is that flag?

Value isn't measured only in the pecuniary, my jewish friends.

A great many of them will definitely be progressives. Every facet of society has been oozing liberalism for the entirety of their teenage years; colleges are no exception. Psychology and Sociology are (obviously, to us) two of the worst offenders, but the kids don't know that when they go in - they just think it sounds cool.


Yeah he's terrible and smug and really thinks you should be learning Hindi instead.

I'll tolerate no Scruton-dismissing he's my dad


commies will cry out in pain as they strike you

It's not the degree, it's all the other stuff you do at uni that makes it valuable.

I'm sorry lad. I'm so sorry.



Don't listen to the cucks lad

I wish I did a history degree instead of a business degree, might've been great studying something I actually liked.

I liked his talk on moral relativism.

Another argument against the uni meme.


Not quite sure if i should just call it a day.

I doubt youre that high lad

not even an argument


no idea on its true age but probably somewhere from ww1 to the 1950's, its 4ft x 8ft

I might be cheating tbh. I kind of lost track, but I know it's at least 4 weeks.

Where did you get it from, or was it in the family?

Lol I'm being trolled xD

Wish I could make a good album tbh lads.

When did I say any of that?


They are no different to the victims of abuse. Their innocence used against them, they have been weaponized.

I can’t feel negativity towards them but I do wish to save them.


Genesis are top tier tbh lad.


picked it up from a car boot sale years ago, theres no date i can see on it but its a military grade flag


They're aright tbh, wish I made Laughing Stock tbh.


go back to Holla Forums tbh lad




Don't know why I expected otherwise from an Imperium lad tbh




Don't know what you're referring to, pretty basic common sense that studying a non-vocational degree at to a shit uni is a waste of your time and money

yeah they're breddy good

I'm like that woman when I'm drunk tbh lmao

Lol, 10/10 ruse cruise xD wait til I tell the guys on 9gag I was TROLLED XD


I just don't get why they were so big. The skullcap or bascinet with mail and padding underneath would already be pretty heavy. And it kind of looks like it goes all the way down the neck and to the shoulders so I am sure it restricted movement somewhat as well.



You don't go to University to learn, I'm afraid m8

yeah m8 9 grand a year for a reading list, a library card and 40 hours of lectures from a bored postgrad is the deal of the fucking century

wtf I hate Russia now

Shoo shoo, Lemo

can't they do it sooner, getting a bit bored tbh.


I have literally no idea what you're on about lad


history grad here, at least pick up some trade skills during your summers off tbh. I remember being a naive idiot like you


Rotherham politics are commie/corrupt as fuck. Same with Blackburn as well tbh. Labour knew full well what they were doing when they imported these third-world cunts.

Bad tbh. You?



t. guy who will be NEET at 23

I regret killing him tbh

t. neet since he was sixteen

You can do in-depth learning while working a job or learning a trade tbh. Why pay so much for a useless degree and waste a lot of time in the process?



holy shit lads

Angela Merkel admits mistakes over asylum seekers after disastrous election

Typical bloody politician, only says it was a mistake AFTER they lose an election

you are god damn pathetic

this one i made weighs close to 2 stone but you hardly feel it, with a gambeson and mail shirt the helmet just sits loosely on the shoulders but still has plenty of movement

its size is like a motorbike helmet, the outer shell is big so you can get plenty padding inside


lad, he's trolling you

doing alright lad. how are you?

Yeah, never been to uni cos I'm not a retard

Ah, he's an American. That explains a great deal.


make that an hour, Igor has drank all the petrol again

you will hang along with the pakis

nah lad Im a curator

Ooh err Leeds, was there for a number of years. Waste of time if you ask me.

If your course sucks, jump ship after the first year.

Of what? Your mum's crusty dragon dildos?

phew good thing he isn't comprimised

He's picked his side.


More like "sorry, not sorry" tbh. She's blood god lite tbh

2 stone is fucking massive, lad

You can have a funny night in Leeds, especially in the red bars lmao

What is a red bar?

Is that who is running the Traditionalism channel then?

seven years war collections lad, little undergrad kiddie who thinks he is special with his osprey publishing .jpegs

Yeah, but just look at him. He probably didn't "convert" so much as "drop the act". Guaranteed he's 100% mudslime through and through.


Lad he's no muslim, he looks like he just has a tan, not brown.

looks quintessential tbh


Daily reminder to lift big so you can crush pakis

This news is just huge

A bar where communists congregate fam, triggering them is easy af and usually ends in them trying to attack you. A drunk chase from pinkos through a city like Leeds is pretty fun


A bit of so called protectionism is fine so long as it's from a pragmatic and selfish viewpoint, and not an ideological/dogmatic one.


Why can't real cunnies be like anime cunnies?

This is a bully free zone lad.


I'll allow it

ty lad


Places like that exist in Britain?

smdh tbh

because god is having a bit of banter

I'm an anti-semite and a racist too lad.

Good lad.

Yeah but they're usually in big cities- usually with a Union building. I've seen them in Liverpool, Bristol, Leeds, London, all the big cities I've gotten drunk in with fellow bigots

it sounds it but really doesnt feel it

I fucking hate fat violent dykes lads

How did things get this bad?

lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad lad


I think thats a natural response tbh

simply epic lad



Is there a way for NEETs to get job experience without getting a job? Like do shops take volunteer workers who wants experience? no bullies

Hardly seems like an apology. Should have "prepared years earlier to better deal with this", not that it was wrong to do what she did. Also casually saying Germany will change, we're not made of stone lol bigots is fucking infuriating and I'm not even a Kraut. Yeah, change for the fucking worse almost irrevocably without immense bloodshed in future is okay, because change always happens mayne. Nothing, like, stays still. Nothing stays the same. Why are you afraid of change, bigot?

tfw no Anne Frank lookalike qt3.14 gf

Charity shops do.

pretty sure that is against the labor laws lad



there might be a local volunteer group or someone who can organise something for you

Fuck off Jeff Mangum


iktf, semen stains the mountain tops lad.

my auto-correct is yank centric tbh

Charity shops for sure


Aye but don't fuck your NEETbux lad, 16 hours a week in a charity shop is fine. Why do you want work experience anyway? working is horrible

If they keep poking the Russian bear and pushing this anti-Russian propaganda once again UKIP will be the only option for those who don't want this kind of bollocks.

Add the proper dictionary then, you mug.

fuck off bully

i love the part where she calls it a "complicated" period but Germany will emerge better than ever so really it was a good idea!

Putin did nothing wrong.

Do work experience for a few weeks

Sorry mate. I'll put a pound in the bully jar.

It's like you don't even own any Pussy Riot albums, lad

Don't think there are any of those nearby. Or are they common?

Really? Well that sucks. Seems like a good way for people to get experience, you know, what every fucking job requires these days. REEEE


That would be nice. Maybe they would let me start easy too?

I want money, lad. And I don't get NEETbux.

Work experience?


There are ten on every high street tbh fampai.

What would you do in such a shop, lad?

weird tbh


Good, lad.
You would do good.

1 Corinthians 13:13
And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity

Put shit on shelves, take peoples money in exchange for goods, shop shit.

But I'm not good with people, lad. Even when trying to be friendly I just make them feel uneasy. smh.

I think I could do that, but I am sure there is a lot more to it tbh. Besides being at the cash register would be pretty stressful tbh

havent had a shower in 4 days

Just like Cameron made noises as if he cared about mass immigration, they're just trying to placate what they see as the plebs.
She has no real regret, she's done the irreversible damage and now she's just making soothing sounds. Nothing will come of this I'd wager.

Go have a shower you manky cunt.

AHHHH my electric went out, had to go to the paki shop to do the key

Im good though


Would you?

nah but I'll go have a shit

think I have hemmerhoids or something

i suppose

Same tbh.


You can volunteer at sorting houses, where they take all the stuff from clothing bins

this is a really good way to end up with a flea or bedbug infestation

get a wash tbh lad


Or a collection of strangers cum rags.

Never get fat, lads

If she took an interest in me, probably. I fall in love when women smile at me tbh

What kind of job could I get with that experience, lad? Kind of want to get experience in a shop as then I might be more likely to get a job in a real shop tbh.

You're fucking disgusting

You'll need a degree in history for that lad.

wait, you want to work in shop but you don't want to volunteer in a shop?


Did you lads see Jack's autism on original Brit/pol/?

Jack has never been here lad.


I don't understand, lad

I want to volunteer in a shop. I just acknowledge that it is going to be hard for me.

Ive just now realised that pepe's eyes are not closed, just coloured in.
Now I cant unsee it ffs.

You lads love Jesus Christ?

Neither can Pepe




"Hillary Clinton Is Absolutely Right, ‘Pepe’ Meme Is Antisemitic – An Apology"

But there has been far too much antisemitism and normalization, dismissal, and acceptance of anti-semitism online. This publication does not wish to be a part of that. Below I show some handful of antisemitic Pepe / Trump memes, they are everywhere. Here is a link to more of them.

no lad he was Jewish

hey, lad. You're free labour. They will take you and it won't be so bad.


Just a bit of banter at the uni lad from earlier.

I don't know

Good one lad, made me chortle tbh.

No? What's cuckby up to? Losing his mind because he lost a his deposit in the by-election?

Forgot link tbh

Also why did Louise Untermensch suddenly turn on Farage?


She never liked him

He didn't like us using our phones.

Didn't really read that conversation but I think I get the gist tbh.

I hope so, lad. I just want to UnNEET myself reeeeee

Good, that shit is fucking awful.

literally who still cares about this bint


Lemo only cares about sucking ttpw's dick.

are you rock bottom lad?

here's what you do

Jesus wasn't Jewish

What did he say again? It's not gay if it's a girl dick?

Did TTPW actually get banned or is that a shitty meme she's trying to push?

how do i become a SUCCessful author

I don't know or care as long as he doesn't post here

This explains it, lad:

Agencies? Also my problem is that I am pretty much unskilled in everything, and I am fat and out of shape. Also what is this? You're not talking about volunteer jobs?

write lowbrow shite

The rumor is that she's been avatarfagging lately

Wizards and tits.

Yeah kek.

One of those two.

His trip got banned, he reposted using tor, then got banned again.

Be a degenerate and have graphic sexual acts in your books. And "powerful" female characters


Write about mermaids being harvested for their meat

to be fair everyone on Brit/pol/ has a VPN these days

You need it for when the yank/German mods get butthurt

nope, agencies are paid
google "employment agency town name"
call them up and say "i'm unskilled and will do anything"

write shitty generic crime fiction with a hard-bitten cop protagonist who drinks too much and bends the rules but deep down is a still a decent guy. Make sure to have a few really violent murder scenes so middle-aged women can live out their repressed thanatic fantasies. Use a female pen name

Watching old crystal maze.
Shows were so comfy back then but my god some of the contestants were thick.


to become a successful author

what about some post-apoc britain where pakis are hunted down

sounds alright tbh

Change it to whites and it'll be a bestseller.

Yeah but he reposted in the same thread he got banned with his trip still on using tor. So of course he got banned for evading.

LOL I remember a lad saying that cuckby had got himself a good looking girlfriend, but she's threatening to call the police on him if he contacts her again HAHAHAH

Last one I can think of was that Virginia Hale mask but even that wasn't "Really" IRL tbh

tbh something like Sharpe isn't hard to write
(there were actually parts of Cornwells writing I disliked for some reason)


Just come back to original Brit/pol/, lad.

No need for us to be divided, we're all British.

Because 8/gag/brit/ is full of crypto normies and cant be arsed NEETs who aren't even autistic, just lazy.

Here's your reply

Now fuck off

Is may based?

Fuck off, you don't deserve those double dubs.
There's a reason we're here and you're there.
Just stay there in your little cuck box, we're happy here.

Nah get fucked 4cuck Brit/pol/ is like 99% garbage with the remain 1% of decency being the good non-shitposting crossposters

Only time will tell but I'm guessing no

wasted gets tbh
fuck off back to halfchan

Nah she's just being put through the mill like every PM is by the cucks. Unless you're personally sucking each of their dicks and giving away homes to them, you're an evil person.


At least post on both, Iads.

I hate us being divided. I remember Holla Forumsharbour and moot being a cuck too, but we haven't had any problems with Hiro yet.



No thanks


Enjoy your data mining you faggot, and the archives of threads forever saved for May to use against you Fuck off.

there isn't any medicine for what's wrong with cuckchan

I don't mind occasionally visiting a /wsg/ war threads tbh

wew you guys are pretty autistic

I'm not sure I want you come back to original Brit/pol/ tbh


The whole fucking place is a communist nest but where in particular is the bar?

You're not getting any more (you)'s out of me faggit

Is it true you can get banned for racism now on cuckchan?

Yep very easily and anything remotely politics related in non-Holla Forums threads gets deleted or slaps you with a ban

yeah you cant post it outside Holla Forums and Holla Forums



Fucking wew.

The worst "defeat" was the GE but that wasn't because of lack of voters it was just because of hour FPTP works

These are the same fuckwits that were saying that we weren't going to vote leave

Relax lad I'm just 'aving a giggle about the obvious vote rigging.

Nigel Farage is the most successful man in the history of local politics.

laaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddddddddd I'm too tired for this shit smh

Ruse responsibly

These are the same cunts who were left scratching their heads at Griffin and the BNP's 22% approval rating AFTER question time (which was a poor performance by Griffin but an organised lynch-mob anyway).

They're so out of touch that they're not really worth paying any attention to. They're so retarded and clueless about even the most basic day to day tasks and living in the real world.



bring back Kilroy


and millions


Yeah, and if you're on a porn board the mods will ban you for asking people to not post interracial in your thread. The /gif/ catalog is a fucking disgrace even if you're only looking for a quick fap.

remember that racism is ok if its anti-white ;^)

Indeed, they've been saying the same thing at every stage since UKIP started getting media attention. Wishful thinking and desperation, which is often quite palpable in their comments. The one posted for instance, those forced "Ha Ha Ha"'s, I can almost see the grimaced clenched teeth of the poster.


On the other hand there were lads like Shego who were a bit too committed to UKIP doing well in the GE

Shego was a spazz tbh.


I dont know what youre talking about

Just finished work lads, I hate it.


Seems likely we'll have a UKIP member on this Thursday, maybe Diane?

That was the least of his autism tbh.

who /likemusclegirls/ here? Not the really big ones, but saw a cute one at the gym today. Her upper body looked really good tapering down to her hips




he was a bit of a spazz, and he ran off like a coward when we didn't win 6million seats, still made this at the time though

Oh God, it better not be. That'd be taking the piss.

Why, lads? Isn't muscle on women good for protecting your kids?

Was the American Civil War a white aristocratic elite versus a radically liberal bourgeois one?

Why didn't we save the south? smh

Why did they make Shego so sexy?

I'm betting you like it when a woman sticks a finger up your bum too lad

I get the feeling they'll try to push this lolbergtardian meme as far as they can to put sane people off UKIP. Duncan is the out of touch cunt trying to mould UKIP into his own little autistic playpen.


No, lad. I love Virginia. Just this one girl at the gym that I found attractive tbh. As I said, she wasn't that built. Just toned tbh.


What the fuck is wrong with that woman's face?

it was white(british) cavalier society vs kraut-taig liberal puritans

we tried to help them(and did, quite a lot), but our cuck government didn't want to get too involved

bukkake, lad

Jeb! is so lovable.

The Southern 'aristocrats' were larpers. It's hilarious that they pretended to be aristocratic when they were the most bourgeois and preoccupied with money of everyone. The better ones were the ones from the Tidewater who were actually descended from English aristocracy and recognised the problem, like Washington and Jefferson. If they stayed in charge of the South the blacks might have been sent back to Africa, or at least wouldn't have spread further west. The ones in the deep south later on were just cunts though, honestly no better than the northerners.

They created the race problem in the South by importing all of the blacks there in the first place because of their own greed, and then refusing any reasonable solution like colonisation. They then wasted millions of their countryman's lives trying to protect their commercial interest.

bwhaha what the fuck has he gone mad?


Lets just free the niggers and treat them as equals though


I've a bad feeling you may be right, the Duncan/Evans faction are going to use Diane's goodwill gesture
to keep subverting the party to their watered down bullshit. I get the impression Diane isn't of the lolbertarian persuasion at all, and was just trying to avoid the divisiveness in that Neil interview, she really didn't seem enthusiastic about that label for the party. I just hope Farage, Banks and Nuttall can set her straight and stop her making the same mistakes that have been made in the past. Somehow Duncan has got to be kicked out.

Not true at all. The Irish were the most anti war and Democrat in the Northern states, and the most German states like Pensylvania were neutral and pacifist.

It was English on English (with some Scots-Irish on the Southern side)

They were both shit unsurprising for a yank on yank war. The Southern slaveholders created the problem by importing the blacks in the first place.


Sorry you're wrong lad

not an argument


tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh


nah, youre wrong, fuccboi

Lads, google 'American inventors' and look at the top of the page.

Why is there never counter protests to the leftists open borders crap?


Why are they all black?

Jesus Christ.


because a lot of these lefties are professional activists, eternal students etc… they don't need time off work



kek they even swarthy'd up Alexander Graham Bell

What is "near-naked"? Shorts, like everyone else? What is the point of writing "near-naked" other than to create unnecessary drama and conjure up images of people naked like the poofter he probably is.

No agenda here at all.

Was just going to say.

So, just checking out one of these "American inventors" at random, Benjamin Banneker
I've just skimmed it but all I can see is;

Am I missing something, or is this the 18th century version of 'cool clock Ahmed'? Is that the sum of his 'inventions'?

This is the future. When your kids google 'Henry VIII' they'll get pic related. White people are being memory-holed


Looking forward to them going online only and then hopefully bust someday

How long before the first man gets shot for racism?


I think you've got it summed up quite well lad.

They're dying. Feels good.

Learn to speak a language they can't understand tbh

That'll be English, the way things are going.

I'm sorry lad I didn't mean to ruse.

Hope you sleep well tonight lad.

night lads

here is the most british image I could find

At least 'British Inventions' hasn't been pozzed by Google, yet.

kek. Really though, I can't see anything else, and that isn't even an invention it's just, well, a wooden clock.

Night lads.

Dubs decide what I dream about.



the labour party permanently destroyed

That's not a dream lad.



Fighting pirates and saving buxom wenches as a dashing officer in the Navy in ye olde times


Checked lad.

Congo machete nigger nightmare confirmed



It better not be Louis CK tier tbh

Night gents.

Charity shops sometimes employ literal mentals, you'll be alright.
Also you can have first dibs on all the old books and antiques that come in.

Oh no.

genuinely despise this bitch

Lads I need some help. Mummy asked me what I want for my birthday but i've already got too much Anglo Saxon jewellery and I don't want just money because that's a pretty jewish present and it underplays the specialness of it.

Haha good one….

Serious suggestions would be appreciated

an accordion

bit expensive mate
bit slavic too

A gun

they have their own type lad, its usually different from those used here tbh

why even bother replying

A keyboard or a trumpet.

a job

a life



hugh mungus?

A union jack
A toolkit
A good book (none of theat counter-currents/julius evola horseshit which is going to be no use to anyone either).


Some weights

get an attack dog

not a bad idea lad. Can't believe i didn't think of that

I'm a gymfag already tbh

tbh this is scummy behaviour

We're in here, lads.

I posted this yesterday lad. Christ you're such a bad tripfag it's not even funny.

little willy gook gf having aussie detected


Get in here

no need to be rude :(

I hate when you have a shit but theres a tiny bit left in there, but no matter how hard you push, it wont come out, so you got to scrape it and use a few wet wipes

It's because it links to "African American inventors".


It's bullying behaviour. Brit/pol/ hates bullies, based Joe hates bullies too. Bullying is scummy behaviour. That woman shouldn't be expressing concerns to another man anyway, it's not her place. Bullying is unladylike.

Bullies out, local issues in.

I never hit my balls when I wipe back to front
stop being so forceful

No it doesn't

there is no worse feel. its worst when it burns slightly too

Get out of our thread you snotty-nosed little cunt

i didn't know benjamin franklin was an african american inventor
it's mentioned in this thread

wew lad, someone's a bit peeved




Based bobby r easing me into the night


anyone remember these?



this is because I opted out of the new cucktube layout isn't it?



i dont know? perhaps

What happened to /hebe/?

Not that I'm a paedo or anything.

Post some bangers, lads


Anyone feel any sympathy for this future coal burner?



slide it



Does Scotland not understand that the EU has already told them to fuck off?

I'm watching a girl explain her Magic The Gathering deck. Is this what the NEET life is?


and yes, pretty much

I know nothing about MTG. Hope I don't wake up tomorrow tbh.

morning lads

Edgy as fuck lad.

Scots were a mistake

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're watching asmr

I like moonglove, apparently she has an elliot roger brother though

Hope nobody is plunging their dick into her while he listens tbh.

Dependency truly does breed contempt, Scots should sod off tbh

When will cybernats be exterminated?


I rely hate you English cunts, like seriously historically your almost as bad as jews and can't keep your cuckold noses out of every other country also you couldn't even conquer Scotland lol what pussies

Don't be so pozed though your supposed to be cunts everyone hates not pozed cunts everyone hates



When was the black man thrown into the river?

They're parody accounts.

yes it was amazing

this is a troll post don't listen to it.

Just found out Thunderf00t was against Brexit.

Thank god I never subscribed.

Lad, they were begging to join us by 1701.

Was he the one that stuck a banana up his bunghole? I keep mixing my cucks up.

No, that's Amazing Atheist

Probably angry about science shekels.

Ah yes. All cut from the same cloth, tbh; no wonder I can't tell them apart.


He went on Sargon's Brexit stream when he was drunk and just ranted at everyone, it was pretty cringe-worthy stuff.

Concerned for them😊

Why does he care?

Never got their appeal. They made some sense of some topics, sure, but they just seemed like nasty people. You just have to look at the person to have an idea of what the end result of their advice is.

Pseuds attract pseuds and it all just becomes a great big circle-jerk

My uncle worked as an RAF sergeant engineering so when i was younger i would live on the base for a week for the air show

Absolutely: "Ye shall know them by their fruits."

It's also the e-celeb circlejerk as has mentioned.

Remember when scotland took a shit on you English fags at the Battle of Stirling Bridge or the Battle of Bannockburn how did you fags even come close to loosing with those odds :^)


M8ty I'm pretty sure the English markets grew exponentially after the union

Can someone hmu with the figures about rape being proportionately more commonly done by the "minorities" than british whites
got some plebeian trying to deny theres any link between refugees and inflating rape numbers


Doesn't change the fact that you fellas were still begging for a union.


Lads can we meme lefties into being referred to primarily as "Middle class lefty twats" into the real world
it rolls off the tongue nicely and the working class would want to disassociate themselves with such a label

Switch out twats with prats for when the memes are around kids and vice versa and you're onto something.

Yeah good shout, I'll make some OC for this tomorrow


2nd and 4th look more spic than Asian lad.

Lol no.


Middle one is jewish

Also Yank-asian girls do nothing to me.

Yeah, knew I recognised her.

Imperium posters are slacking lately.

Why didn't mummy save me lads?

Why did she let me end up like this?

Which one is that?

You realize there are more white women with niggers on Earth than Asian women right?



w e w


Save yourself, my Amphibian posting acquaintance.

Mummy shouldn't have let me get to this point to begin with tbh.

It's hard to save yourself after so many years of being ground down by the world.

Baby steps lad. If you can leave the house and not be too spergy a few hours a day, you can get a job. If you can do that, you can try to compete a little, then get a better job or better position where you work. And before you know it you could be a multi-millionaire with homes in London, Florida, and Israel, and by strangling Thai hookers in your bathtub with your banker bonus buddies while on cocaine.

I don't work well with others. Tried a labouring job with a bunch of == LADS ==.

Didn't go well.

Me neither. I wouldn't even attempt something like that. Wew guess I'm worse than you and yet trying to pep talk you while memeing a bit.

Yeah, it was rough. I lasted about two months though which I was relatively proud of.

I suspect they all disliked me towards the end and I don't blame them one bit. I haven't tried anything since. I'm such a useless piece of subhuman shit.

Last job I had was literally just washing up in a restaurant. My one role there. Standing up in the same spot for about 7 hours a day doing dishes, and getting triggered by the normie old women there never scraping the plates a little into the bin right next to them before throwing them in my sink. Had to scoop loads of food out of the sink whenever I'd drain the water because it had gone cold every time. Really was not efficient there.

I did a job like that when I was 14, never again.



They've been trying this afrocentric garbage for years.

I hate America tbqh, I hope they go civil war 2.0 and destroy their country

Fuck off tbqh

Nah lad, I like it here




He has flown that thing before apparently, hue

The 4th image brings out the Orc fetishist in me. Tfw not even joking. Must… not… fap…

hey are there any technological savvy Britts or Euros hanging out in this thread?

I need some help

Post your trouble. Might be able to help. Not promising though. Goes without saying search engines are your friend first and if you have to resort to /g/, probably don't resort to /g/. Find a relevant serious forum about/related to your tech woes and start a thread there, even if you have to wait a few days for responses because it's not that active.

Jings, it's ten to ten! Where did the early morning go?

To the time machine!

I can't find /g/ anymore (is Holla Forums the same thing?) whatever technology board is around, it seems to be slow as heck.

I was hoping somebody could direct me to a guide or tutorial for installing Windows 10 in making it as un-pozed as possible.

I'm still on win7 but I want to make a brand-new clean install of win10, just for games and streaming. (and whatever Windows only software I have to deal with).

other than that I'm going to set up another hard disk and experiment with Linux Distros asked us to find the one I like best as a daily desktop driver (I'll probably start with mint as that seems to be the most popular solution for people jumping ship from Windows)

with all the new laws and social unrest coming I'm trying to lock down as much of my digital life as possible

this is also sort of a half step until I build completely separate windows and mint boxes

I just want to make sure I'm not making any grave mistakes when I install 10

Let's face it lads, once the failed colony shite happened we were either going to join a union with France or England.

The trick is not to be naughty, that way Mummy May won't bully you.

I'm not worried about me "mum" I'm worried about alphabet agencies and creepy pajeet's marketing companies.

Begging for a union? The union created by the King of England who was Scottish?

We were a bit done for money after the whole Darien Scheme fucking up, they gave us good terms because they didn't want us to ally with France instead. which almost certainly would have tried to make us a vassal and make us French

Don't pick and choose, mate.

Give a little leeway to the English lad, the reason "we" won so many battles in the independence wars was because English leaders were cocky as fuck, look at stirling bridge for example, instead of going down the river and crossing, he put his troops 2x2 on a fucking bridge towards us, thinking we'd be too scared to do anything while they crossed.

Scots confirmed for colonial-tier

yet another country that would've been vastly improved by killing the inhabitants and settling them with english people, but the peaceful and merciful anglo decided not to

They did do that in the lowlands

Don't anger the Scots lad, we'll spawn another one.

Honestly haven't looked into Windows 10 much. I stopped using Windows at home years ago because I just didn't need to. I don't know if it's possible to be spyware free. Can't go beyond any guide you can find for unpozzing 10.

I don't buy the nothing to hide nothing to fear stuff but if you don't go revealing your power level on social media with your real face and name and if there's no other - real - criminal activity that would see you investigated by police and have your online activity monitored there's not much you need to worry about in facing prosecution for malicious communications. You just won't catch that attention. Sad that tone has to be watched, but if you are for some reason talking online with real people you know and are a little afraid of being reported, you can still get away with expressing almost any opinion. You don't even have to make it barely understandable. Just don't swear, mention political violence (even prediction is as bad as inciting sometimes), use any language deemed possibly dehumanising - like when talking about minorities - just point to statistics and mention cultural attitudes etc. It's a bit hard to explain but you probably already know how to change tone for normies and to avoid trouble already being here. That is unless - as you fear - there are new laws that really fuck us over in the coming years. Don't know what to do if we suddenly get arrested for literally talking about hatefacts deemed illegal because knowledge of them is deemed to harm the state, this or that organisation or community cohesion TM.

On a less serious not, in case you don't know, Windows binaries can be ran through WINE on any linux distro, but it's not perfect. Some games will work fine, others won't run at all, others will have weird problems. Had to set the controls for Morrowind by editing files because it would always crash setting controls in the game, for one example. It's a good idea to still use Windows for games if you play lots of them, anything new and play often.

The borders of Scotland maybe, but you do realise that land was technically English before the 1300's, so the people there were already English.






Why was the get removed? Who got it? Wew.

how did thomas babington macaulay make simple rhyming pairs sound so great?

tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh tbh

Probably were we sent all our grumpy arseholes that formed a colony and then a nation.

ah, thanks for the ideas. I'm usually pretty good about keeping my power level hidden (even online).

but I'm not entirely sure what's going to be legal and what's going to be illlegal in the next few years (even months at this rate).

I do know that WINE works for some things but I want to keep as much compatibility as I can in the event I need it ( a probably have to have a dedicated Windows 7 drive just in case 10 is completely bandy, as I've heard every couple of updates makes it incredibly unstable)

I'm not so much worried about what Microsoft or the government sees, but I know they've left a lot of backdoors for themselves and thieves and other undesirables seem to be taking advantage of that Swiss cheese approach to security.

plus I haven't refreshed my operating system sense Windows 7 came out so I'm starting to notice stuttering and other irregularities usually associated with the operating system growing its barnacles, I figured since I was due for a refresh it would be good to familiarize myself with the current generation.

plus I just got a a really nice capture card for a really great price, be a shame if I can't get any use out of it.

Nothing triggers me more.

some eragon/e v alion shit

You ever considered moving to a good red state and buying an arsenal of guns to protect your freeedom?

who /improving/ today?

Slay them all Ray. Feed them to the soil.


What has this bloke done to be qualified as far right in Austria anyway? Has he voiced mild criticisms of the EU or something? or maybe that Jihadis shouldn't be given state-funded breeding classes with young white girls?

I've more than considered it, but I have elderly/sickly family members I'm taking care of, and I currently don't have a way of uprooting them and taking them with me (yet), I can't abandon them but I know I have to do something to protect myself and most likely than when the time comes.

some very dark clouds on the horizon, I just hope we can all weather the storm. (perhaps if I prayed to kek, for safe passage)

Thanks, women, tbh.

>"Christian brethren"
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


morning lads

Both those faces are insanely punchable

liberal women often have the type of face you want to slapped on for days, or at least until your hand gets really tired and sore.

stop. the. presses.

It's natural instinct to slap the smug out of someone so willfully ignorant.



Immorality be gone

You call that immoral?


Not even getting a (you), also, you're filtered.

just fucking no…what the fuck



I don't like this interviewer.

sadness because it's got kind of a cute face, shame about the mental illness though.

I always wonder if there was technology to turn these crazies into 100% anatomically accurate females (on the outside at least) would they still kill themselves at an 80% rate?

Tbh it's probably only the ugly ones that kill themselves.

Nigey should give charisma classes

So all of them?


nigga you gay

What role does a navy play in a modern war? Surely they are too vulnerable to aircrafts to be cost effective

He bugs me a bit too but he's not the worst. Farage got a lot in and wasn't interrupted constantly, which is a change. The interviewer does seem to be going for the appearance of the "tough question" angle waiting for him to stutter, backtrack or not answer but Farage just keeps going calmly being informative and articulate, unbaraged.

How do you get those aircraft to sea lad and whats going to defend the air craft when its stationary on the carrier.


There are lots of passable ones lad. That doesn't make it any less an illness.


That's why you have aircraft carriers where you base your aircraft, the rest of the navy exists to protect them.

The real thing that could make modern navies useless are missiles

that is some shit tier chop chop editing.. good lawd

What a mong.

Why does the frame skip between 'racist' and 'anti-semitic'? Did it honestly need two takes to say that sentence?


Imagine taking out an Aircraft carrier with a rod of tungsten fired at massive speeds from a ship mounted railgun.

Is there a more wormy politician than Farron?

Why are nationalist women so awful?

Is it because all the good ones are off the internet baking and raising children?


Because they're attention whores who either mental or a used up cum dump, sometimes both.

Because they are normally idiotic ideologues who would have been feminists 3 years ago.

Attention seekers

Why does he look like he's shit himself?

wats a minge?





such is life in the north

Cheeky cunt.

why do we live in the Sumerian idea of hell lad?

Kids make shit memes though :^)

They honest to god think this is going to compete.

Lost it.

These people are self-hating, dopamine-addicted maggots. Fucking enraging.

our culture is basically islamic communism tbh

except based barnsley

forgot link

She makes me ashamed to be British


individuality and intellect creates memes
conformist peasants aint got the know how tbh

Still… I met this bird. Medical bird
Called nurses.
Big tits and an arse like two cox's pippins in a bag
She sounds enigmatic.
No. She was from Barnsley.

*getting beaten with sticks by ahmed*

Looks pretty harem-worthy, tbh.



Why do women feel the need to show their udders off like that? So tacky.


I want to be noticed for my personality!

he doesnt sound very based
he just doesnt sound pozzed is all

I said "harem", not "breeding pit".

Because they're women, lad. They crave attention.


is there a difference?

maybe, but i think being a nationalist and christian before you're even a teenager is pretty impressive tbh

most people, myself included, go through a sort of libertarian/liberal phase before progressing to overt nationalism

Nice chant lad. Bookmarked.

Why did we have more beautiful music and architecture in the 13th century than we do now?

"Harem" is for pleasure only. "Breeding pit" is pretty self explanatory.


They all get one chance lad.


i went from imperialist Empire loving nationalist to libertarian and back to nationalist tbh
i blame public school for falling off the path for awhile

because now it is literally produced by jews
i like o fortuna more tbh

Lad i wouldnt even take pleasure in her
shes probably the type to talk about oxfam while your turning her muff into a human custard creme

I'm fucking nicking my controller back next time, the cunt better not have gotten that one incrusted with food as well, who fucking eats while they play games and doesn't even wipe their hands?


You win. I concede.

Fucking kekel


It's not about pleasure tbh it's about power and humiliation.


I get enough of that at home i dont really want more of it in bed

You just give her to your loyal NEET brigade to take care of then.


if this is true its odd
in the north making a noise means you get humped


>''British''' culture

t. spazmoid

is that jew + nigger?
hes got the arab horse face, jewish nose and leatherskin
fuck I hate yank culture


Is tic tac slang for a white person now? I don't think I get it.

I had a dream that Trump won lads

It felt good

Tell us more about this dream.

I woke up (in the dream) turned on my comp to start my day, came back upstairs, went on Holla Forums and every thread was either Trumps smug face or hillarys looking beaten

It was so weird and surreal

That's a premonition lad.

I hope so, it was a good feeling, it reminded me of brexit tbh

Did you have one about Brexit too?

I have premonitions sometimes in my dreams

was it super realistic, mundane and hard to distinguish from reality?
i always find those types are hard to remember and only remember them when they occur and i get horrible deja vu

No. It's an homage to this guy, who's fast becoming a meme.


No, I think I only started dreaming again after brexit

It was very realistic, I woke up and instantly remembered how vivid it was

Lanklets, every time

That sounds wonderful

Y-you have those too?

yeah when i get a prophetic one its always something stupid and mundane like walking to the shops or drinking in the pub or lying around the house watching telly and they only last a few seconds, or at least i can only remember a few seconds from them

Oh lads, kiwi here, how long till the Empire is back and you get all those mudslimes from yogurtstan out

This is satire right? Never seen it before and in this day and age who the fuck knows anymore.

After trump, after the EU collapses and after Parliament burns tbh

Wait for us to leave the EU and then we can give you a good idea on the time scale.

If it is, he's absolutely incredible.

Nigel is on Loose Women right now.

Seems a bit unhealthy tbh lad

Thanks for reading my blog lads.


Why would he be on that?

You have to sign up for an account

Fuck that

Are Nige is such a charmer. He's blowing that munter Janet street Porter out of the water as well.

He literally has a charisma of 10, I would sell my soul to be half as charming as he is

Oh what could have been….

It's called living a life lads, no ones a natural at this stuff

Is a PS4 worth getting lads?

The women are intolerable tbh

If there are games you are interested in then yes, if not no.


There's a call of duty 4 re master coming out in November, get an xbox instead

Ps4 is pretty shit unless you like crash bandicoot re masters

The madman


Nigel literally just got a date live on TV without spilling his spaghetti



Nige confirmed to have a massive dick

He's killing it and they love it.

Come on lad, please fact check. I can see one shitty site with that story. Do you have any half decent source?


The floor was wet for Nige

He's too good

Where's Carol Vorderman, the slag.


Nige is so effortless with his banter. What an amazing man.

Reckon his son has inherited his charisma?

his son looks a bit like he uses skag suppositories tbh

Daughter looks much better

How old is she, m8?

I don't know

with those hips?
legal m8

Id sure like to sire a progeny with her

It'd be a bit weird in bed with the face though.

close your eyes and think of england if it bothers you
id be fine with it lad

15 lad, there was a shitstorm because some paki rapper said he was going to rape her.

Shall I get this for my bday lads?

also asked for some Anglo saxon books and a leather wallet

I think I recall that. I want him dead.

Looks a bit thin, i know that type of jumper.

My problem is how do i stop myself from cumming :^)

Get this lad

Already have one a bit like that

Get this

Kek I love it
the man who gutted a communist on live tv with a sword


Where the fuck are you shopping.


Amazing imagery aswell, extremely iconic, I'm definitely gonna get the jumper or the shirt version

next and shit

it just looks like london in general

