Remember the 12 year old girl that was raped in Sweden?

The girl was jewish!!

A 12 year old slut girl, who was given a fake name "Ida", was raped like a year ago by a somali in Sweden. She had sent naked pictures around and he threatened to spread pictures of her naked if she didn't come over to his apartment. When she came to the 19 year olds apartment to talk to him, he raped her and said repeatedly "Black dick is expensive." It took the social services 5 months to give a shit enough to report the rape to the police.

Today it was revealed by FriaTider that the family is jewish, are fleeing to Norway because the swedish authorities hate jews enough to not do anything at all to protect the girl. (It should be noted here that Scandinavian socialists, who are fully in charge of these agencies, hate Israel with a passion and donate money to palestianian causes and go on Ship To Gaza bullshit.)

One less jewish family in Sweden. They are also living on benefits, swedish tax payers money, because they don't work. This is most likely an orthodox jewish family.

It should be noted here that this alternative website was founded by a guy that was involved in Thepiratebay and wanted to create a news site that was in favor of him and his views of libertarianism. They don't care about race very much and have claimed in the past that a bosnian woman was "swedish" in order to get more clicks for the article after she was beaten up by an african football player she was married to and have children with.


English translation:

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I can't feel good about this. Her being raped means other euros were raped because those animals are all in Europe.

Yes, more are raped. But jews are responsible of this multiculti bullshit and she was living in a muslim dominated area according to the article.

She got what she deserved really.. And she was a whore jew…


You are saging based on the fact that a jew was raped instead of a swedish woman. Nice try, jidf.

If the choice I had was:
A) 10 jewesses and 1 euro woman raped


B) no one raped

I would pick B. I just want them all gone. In reality it's 100 euro women being raped for every Jew so it's clear that for these one off stories we have endured tenfold anguish over our racial compatriots being violated.

Polite Sage for old news.

This is news. It's not old. She has spent a year being beaten by the somalis family and they have tried to kidnap her and her jewish father in the jewish paradise of swedish ghettos.

This is news, you fucking shill. This story is also used on many platforms about what is happening to swedish women, when it's not about a swedish woman at all and was only spread as such by FriaTider as clickbait so that they could make money.

And this is where I take my leave

It's really not any less fucked up.

I mean I care slightly less about the family, but the victim is still 12.
It's still an issue that the law wouldn't help them but protected somali fucks

They are jews, living in a muslim ghetto, their jewish daughter sent naked pictures of herself to african muslims, one raped her.

It's a bit different from the story that has been spread in the past and needs to be told.

I agree

This will test them.

So? She was a woman (at 12) and "sexually mature" (at 3) according to judaic law.

Wasn't an Ashkenazi so meaningless. Some fucking Orthodox plebs with IQ's of 70 raped by a nigger with a 65 IQ.


Actually, that's perfect if this is swept under the rug. It immediately divides non Ashkenazi jews from the rest.

>implying this hasn't happened to hundreds if not thousands of Swedish girls a lot of them not even half as stupid the jewess

Why would you accept this trash Norway?
Send them to Israel.

They first went to Denmark but that wasn't a good option apparently so they fled to Norway. Apparently they are safe in Norway and the Norwegian government is protecting them now through different agencies. If that doesn't work out, they will leave to France to live in some jewish ghetto.

Bump for importance.


This doesn't really mean much - if they are from such a caste of kikes, that their daughter posts nudes on social media and meets with niggers, then surely they aren't intelligent or high standing enough to cause shit. I'm happy that a white girl didn't suffer though.

You misspelt "the chambers"

The father wasnt sure about denounce it or ask for more.

The nigger knows he has a price tag. They are slaves at heart. You'll notice that a white dick is priceless.

Well, asian girls are well trained in "family economics" and you know their preferences.

Sadly this…

You're stupid if you think the jews wouldn't sacrifice their own.
The ones running things in Tel Aviv just watch the plebs killing each other for a bit of power while they don't even see us as humans.


This world is decaying morally.

This is what happens when you reject memes without understanding what they are.

Where are the sjw faggots talking about a rape culture now?

All shitskins who do this should be put to death, as should those who enable it. One step at a time though.



He probably haggled with them.

Which one?

Say, are there any clearly distinguishable visual characteristics of Jewish girls? Maybe those of us who deal with the savages could somehow get them to acquire a taste for specifically Jewish children. Make them appear like a more desirable target.


They have released the article in english.


Willing to sacrifice their own

I remember how I called her a whore for willingly sending nudes to the nigger and all the whiteknights called me a shill, JIDF, reddit, MIDF (this was before CTR was getting throw around but I'm sure I would of gotten that too) And it turns out she was a kike feels good to be vindicated

This is good news.

I fucking hate Holla Forums sometimes. You are edgy as hell itself.

Butthurt much, Chaim?

Of course do I care more about swedish girls being raped than girls of the race, who are the bane of humanity. Furthermore I assumed the girl was swedish, so it's good news that she wasn't.

Assuming your daughter was raped do you also say: Whelp. Who cares if it's my daughter or any other girl.

Also they should fuck off and be parasites somewhere else. They are free to jew jews in Israel.

We should advertize defective low caste jews to move to Israel to jew jews over there. I know for a fact that a lot of kikes aren't fond of Haredi's and would like to gas 'em. This has a lot of potencial.

Well that's a relief. Kike got jew'd

Now you care kike. Croc tears don't fly so good here

Who gives a shit about subhumans? They sure don't give a shit about whites. Besides, shoahed kikes are always funny.


Lol, okay Chaim. No one is saying the act itself is suddenly not sickening, the point you're not getting is that people naturally feel more when it happens to those closer to them. For instance, everyone knows terrorist attacks happen in the ME and sure liberal scum will claim they feel for them and all but it's almost always a Western flag pasted onto their facebook photo not any of the -stans. Get lost kike

(((Fria Tider)))

is the kike population 1/10th of the goodgoy population?
so then why not Holla Forums?

that's how i feel.

ah the golem. it can turn so easily… so, so easily.

i took the bait, but yeah, how many "white slags" taken the poop dick? my rage has gone everywhere my sides have.
it's politics. why the fuck care about other people who don't given a single fuck about your kids? that's retarded.

if the relationship is a good one. sweden will be african.

Yet the fact that the rapist was Muslim seems important to you.


All I see is one flavor of nigger raping another. Me ne frego.


israel/jew conflation?

she was a whore, jewish women start their sex life early on, they are encouraged to

jewish girls always fuck niggers

they did it in ww2, the jews were funding both sides.


Rape culture is only an issue when it's in predominantly white American colleges.

White American Colleges populated almost entirely with Jews, niggers and mudslimes you mean?
