Female far-right leader in Germany accuses Angela Merkel of being worse at her job because she has no children and...

Female far-right leader in Germany accuses Angela Merkel of being worse at her job because she has no children and 'cannot see beyond her own lifespan'



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That's great but she better not back down from her statements like that one woman politician in Britain did.


Hahaha great stuff.

Not the same dynamic, it was a leadership election for the same party. Merkel and Petry aren't in the same party. Also her car got torched recently, I have a feeling she's got more courage.


I had a VP cunt who was awful and a lot of rumors around the office were that she was a cunt because she was an "empty nester". Women without children are psychos when they're old.

This just makes me happy because it's subverting the only problem with female politicians. The number one problem is that women should be homemakers providing a better life for their kids, not going off into politics and becoming dried up old hags. This shows that the very lovely Frauke Petry is a homemaker and being a politician is her way of creating a better life for her kids. She is based as fuck and I vote her for Fuhress of Deutschland

She really did hit one of the nails on the head with that. It's what I -and many others here- hate the most about SJWs and liberals: that they want what they want a don't give a shit about how it'll affect others both in the present and future because in one way or another they're not part of the future (as in: not producing offspring, and also inevitable death). It's like those studies where they give a young child the option of taking one cookie now, or not taking the cookie now with the promise that should they not take it, they'll receive three cookies tomorrow. These people would take the one cookie now with the rationale being that tomorrow may never come, and won't consider waiting for the three cookies so that they can provide their family with it (since they [the family] don't even exist). Merkel and people like her have all but given away the future of their people all for the sake of having many people NOW pat them on the back and keep them in a bit of power. She doesn't care though since she doesn't consider her fellow German (and I mean GERMAN) to be like family, and it's not as if she's going to have to worry about how her own children are going to cope with living in a world where their people are actively being removed and replaced by third world troglodytes.


God bless people like you who post posts like these.

No words, visuals that convey essays worth of knowledge. Wrapped up in humor.

Seriously, godspeed, I love people like you.

Loving this woman, makes me embarrassed for Andrea Leadsome who had a nervous breakdown when she said her children played a big role in her bid to be PM, after the press said it was mean to the dusty cunted fuck Theresa May.

Frauke Petry also shows you don't need to become a fatass after having kids. Most women can't even have one before resorting to 4000 calories a day, let alone 4 and have a good figure.


I fucking hate the fact that this got more exposure cause "strong womyn" said it.

Meanwhile, many men have been saying the same thing - yet were never given exposure.


In Merkel's defense, who would actually want to fuck her?

When the clock was ticking, there was still a chance.


Kek. I guess the occasional female politician can get it right. My children's future, not MUH VAGINEE


There's a picture of a young naked Merkel

She was 4/10 on her best day

Would you go back in time and inpregnate Merkel, for the good of your race?

Well Merkel IS a dyke.

well it's true, if she had a daughter of her own she'd think twice before forcing media to ignore rape reports

Imagine if she got a good dicking instead of being left to her own devices causing her to go cock crazy. If you had a time machine, pleasuring a young Merkel would have done wonders to avoid our current crisis.

This is the face and style of a person that could have spent years in an antifa club.

LOL and women make fun of men for only thinking with their dicks. I've seen dumb men who got suckered into putting their dicks in crazy, but I've never seen anything like the destructive power of a woman who isn't getting her God-prescribed dose of vitamin D

Meh, maybe if she just kept her hair long, short hair is in my personal opinion the most unattractive thing a woman could have.


Oh shit, I fucked up there.
*if she just HAD kept her hair long
It's obviously too late now.

is the next hitler going to be a qt girl?
if that happens they are so fucked because of the rampant waifuism in our ranks.
imagine if that qt russian decided to stage a tsarist coup and really start doing shit.

she not wrong

Women have no place in politics, like another user said: countless men have said the exact same thing about Merkel but this cunt is suddenly getting exposure because "muh stronk wymon".


Hence my comment. Even in her prime, she was shit-tier.

There's not enough viagra in the entire world, friend.


I would imagine that user was speaking more in the Catherine the great sense than modern political discourse.

She lets the generals deal with their kebab issues and the entire military rallied around her.

Partly because peter the third was such a cuck.

I'd do it, and as I was splashing my baby batter on her Maginot line I would shout out 'Gott mitt Uns!' knowing that I had just prevented the pain of many of my kin.

You're right, but I wouldn't complain if it happened in this sort of way

the best women politicians and queen/Tsarinias have always stepped back let men fight and shit and mostly act like a mother to the whole nation. They can draw much larger crowds into their cult of personality with waifuism

Can Angela Merkel even have children at this point?

She's going to have one autistic son at sixty like Chris-Chan's mom.

It would also give the men more of a reason to fight by taking advantage of their instincts if they were to war with another nation.

It is usually unattractive (a very very very few QTs pull it off), but there are worse things for a woman to have. Like a penis. Or pink dyed long braided armpit hair.

It could be worse. The woman could be anglo.

I'll take a win wherever we can get it

Here's a non-short hair pic of Frauke Petry

You know it to be true. Any woman with short hair would look way better than they already are with long hair.

Put a bag on her head and think of the fatherland


That commie pic is the only time I have ever seen her smile. The more recent pic is nice as well, but you can see the sadness in the eyes.

Stop user! I can only get so hard!

You've doomed us all, user.

I have to disagree user. Its mostly going to come down to personal preference, but I like qts from the 20s than I do the 50s.

>Anne Frank

It's like you want more Barack Obamas.

She's hot but I don't like the butch haircut.
Yet another example of why traditional marital roles and relationships are essential to society.

Would it be good enough for you to finish in three minutes?

This is my question for any idiot I end up arguing with now; how many children do you expect to have?

The kids in college now have no futures at all and they are the most indoctrinated.

Remember when politicians would duel to maintain their honor?

Why the hell would she back down? That is not a hugely controversial statement in Germany. Even our press didn't went full outrage.

To be honest I don't like the argument too much. I agree with it but it's very easy to say "well, you men are not having children either, therefore your opinion is invalid". Women should just not be in politics whatsoever.

Come on, user. It's 2016, she should be a feminist. Check your goddamn privilege already.

That's a shitty line of attack tbh.

Man, in a few month all I'll have to do to get brit/pol/ scum like you v& is to post some loli.
The future sure is looking bright!

The trash: the place that it goes.




The first one in trashy as all fuck but the second is decent and the third is straight up cute.
I actually like short haired chicks when they wear it like the third pic, doesn't look weird or dykey at all.
Older women should have long hair though, if she's over 18, 20 tops.
>inb4 people think I'm a pedo because they live in a cucked country with 18/21 age of consent


lol that last two is a fucking trap, you autist


Sick fucking burn
She almost makes me want to have children

She's right though.


that why all women without kids at like 24-26 get a dog

because they really want a kid but are too lazy / want to be strong and independent because daddy government said so.

Possibly the gayest thing I have ever read.

You're gay.

And the worst part is, Korean people, like Jews, are terrible parents because of the reasons listed in pic related There are some more similarities between Jews and Koreans that are not listed


I agree.

It's true. People without children should not be allowed to be politicians.

Articles like that are written by people who never have to deal with those shitheads. These faggots sit in school all day long where they are only surrounded by rich white kids and think the whole world is okay. They then come across one black person that has money and somewhat behaves like a human being and they assume all black people are like that.

Jeremy Corbyn? We know he fucked that nigger Abbott.

Hitler had no children, whereas Stalin did.

That's what they wanted you to think.

Politicians with children always ALWAYS get them higher positions than they deserve through nepotism. See: Canada (Trudeau), USA (Clinton, Bush etc)

exactly as i put it


for what greater reason is there than your children's future to ensure the nation's long-term success? what stake more personal?

This is the ultimate kick in the cunt and ovaries for Merkel.

This is the true face of a female vs female fighting.

She looks a little bit like Rach tbh


Have fun being in jail user… Unless you're a shitskin, then you can claim you're underage…


Poor poor Merkel

Why is her hair cut like that? It's like someone tried giving her straight across bangs but then their hand slipped.

Except it's right, statistically childless, unmarried women are one of the most liberal groups in a country, but become more conservative on average when married.

Furthermore wanton destruction of a system that not only you, but your friends and family benefit from is less likely, which shows with jews and chinese protecting their own against other groups.

These combined with Petri not being originally from a political class means she is more likely to be "tied in" with the average German than likely to lord over them.

Don't waste your pity on her. She is a jew by birth and went along with her fellow jews for the globalist wet dream.

Why is she underwater?

don't you ever fucking insult Der Fuhress like that again

All this talk has me thinking.
Can you imagine if she was your mom?

Yeah. Andrea Leadsom really disappoint.

She trap-Hitler.

Sorry but he's right, short hair on women is a change of pace but it can never challenge the beauty a full head of hair brings.

Hey German women -

Remember when your men could protect you from physical threats?

Remember when barbarians were what your sons blew up and shot to vulture bait far, far away from your homes?

That was a nice time, wasn't it?

Wins the thread right out of the gate.

If you ever want to see a liberal 'woman' start acting conservative in the space of seconds, watch a poorly-dressed nonwhite guy start making moves on her and/or her daughter in public when there's no cops around. You will be AMAZED how fast her attitude changes.

I have argued for years that voting should be limited to those who have at least 1 child (adopted or natural), been married for at least1 year, owned/rented/leased a home for at least 1 year and held at least 1 paying job for 1 year. Exceptions made only for military service or *natural* infertility.

Essentially, people who have grown up past their little Archie Comic teenager mentality, past their sheltered college years and are out in the real world being a productive citizen and contributing not only to the economy but to the nation's future. That ruleset means that the majority of voters have a big stake in that future personally and who have had the cloudy idealism knocked out of them by the realities of independent life.

Letting 18 year old children who think Ramen is a food group, live in mommy's basement and whose antics provide stock footage for Girls Gone Wild in the belief that they will provide positive input is sheer lunacy…they haven't even mentally leveled off from the hormonal and emotional rollercoaster of puberty.

It's actually now confirmed he had at least 2. But none knew him at all.

Hitler's children were the German people, his waifu was Deutschland.

A woman who can manage to look beyond her own immediate happiness can be a force which inspires people to change the whole world.

Yeah confirmed.

Pick one.

From what I've seen of her speeches, I rather like her. All the best to AfD and their Fuhress. Apparently some Bolshevik plot was recently launched to set her car on fire. Thanks be that Providence protected her.

www.dailymail .co.uk/news/article-3794275/Car-used-German-nationalist-leader-goes-flames.html

Looks like an uglier version of my sister. If she is a bitch like her, I'm not surprised she had no kids.

But this attack is especially strong from a mother to a barren woman. Having and raising kids is the whole purpose of woman, while to man it's just one part of life. And women like Merkel are very insecure about being judged and pitied by mothers.

Women who want to improve the lot of their families and communities are probably the best example of "strong women" (in the non-pozzed sense).

Yes, it is a shame that cultural marxism makes this the most viable option. Whatever.

Congratulations, you found something uglier than short hair.


Goys I think the Japs meme'd in waifu dictators with their obsession.

This suits her way better but for some reason boyish hair is a popular style in modern Germany.


Very important point. Becoming a father and mother is the final stage in the development of humans, you start thinking about others and the world you'll leave behind for future generations.

M8 almost every leader in the western world is female now. Left, right, far-right, it doesn't matter.

Makes me wonder if I should even bother listening to the men who talk politics anymore. They are fuckin useless.

It's a sign of the downward decline of the West

You're telling me you Germans made a barren woman the leader of a Christian party? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Fraukek Pepry

Get your head examined

Merkel is dead Inside, she incapable of giving life.

AfD will win

She'd be cute if she had long hair.

These ill people cannot hide their eyes. It always reveals their true nature.

AfD leader Beatrix von Storch also has sanpaku eyes.

Is this the ultimate way to insult a woman? It's a stinger.

2017 ELECTION: AFD 88%

Afd will win

Good luck with that, brit/pol/.

She has no children either

fresc oc btw pls rate

quick, get out there and call them anti-feminist and muh soggy knees

How can somebody fuck for 36 years and never have a baby?

they probably had plenty of babies. they're just with moloch now

Frauke ftw

Why are there women leaders only?

Theresa May's a tranny. Even "her" name reads funny.

she's barren, duh

Thats a good point.

Ah well. Can't all be lookers.

Silvio Berlusconi described her as unfuckable

I lasted longer with yer mum, m8

Better doom than me having to use gasoline to clean the smell of her rancid puss off my dick.

Links, please.

Merkel is a nation-wrecker and nearly lifelong ideologue who knows what she's doing. Attributing her attitude and actions to childlessness is too charitable. The problem is speaking the truth about her would seem too bitter and ungracious because frankly there's just no friendly way to say it.

7/10 would headpat

what a great woman, love Frau Petry

It would just be some other puppet in her place.

She better double down.