>be browsing movies on TPB

Who honestly watches romance movies? You'd have to be a fag or a chick to find this shit entertaining.

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There. You got a post. Now fuck off.


1st week sailing the 7 seas, I see.

1st week sailing the 7 seas, I see.

I use a vpn. I also haven't used TPB in years because I'm not a fucking mongoloid.

Call them up and tell them that if they ever do that again you will drop them. It works.

But you think it's a honeypot, that makes you retarded. If it was a honeypot, why is it getting raided every other month by government agencies?

Sailing the river when there's 7 seas, I see.

The mere fact that the efff beee eye keeps going after them shows they have a closer eye on that site than other sources. The chances of a simple downloaded getting nailed for anything are tiny beyond tiny, and even if you did legal action would almost certainly not be taken unless you are rich as shit and they think they can go after you for a nice comfy settlement.

The chances of me getting an STD from sitting on a public toilet are pretty small, but if my house is 5 minutes away I won't take that risk. Get the logic?

I can't tell if you are trolling or legitimately retarded.

That's a good one. What's next, a honeypot site that hosts coupons to buy groceries?


The fact that they keep raiding the site over and over for a decade shows that it isn't a honeypot. If they raided it once and then stopped, that would be a sure sign that it's a honeypot, but they don't. There is an ongoing battle to shut down TPB. That is proof that it is not a honeypot. I honestly don't think you know what a honeypot even is based on your comments.



But your house is not 5 minutes away, it is actually on the other side of the world, on top of a mountain, guarded by 1000 homosexual gropers with highly dangerous STD's in their hands
Buying all the media you want or can find is a gigantic amount of money, not to say sometimes you can't even find it legally

Good site for american-only movies but pretty treacherous from time to time

I'm not advocating buying you retard. I'm advocating not being a complete dumbass while pirating.

u wot m8

Holy shit, please go back to /r/piracy.
TBP was always shit and only ever gained such a reputation because it stole all it's content from other sites and had the word "pirate" in the title so people thought it was the coolest one.

Literally any other site is better than TPB.
Here's a few to actually git gud at piracy:

And maybe get into some private trackers. Despite the memes, they're insanely easy to get into. I got into 4 without any prior PTs to refer me in 2 weeks.

This is why you only download from trusted users, you dumb fuck. I download from purple and green skulls and have never gotten fake shit. You're the idiot that has to rely on some dipshit aggregate to get "trusted" results and sometimes filters out shit that isn't fake and you end up returning no results. Get fucked pleb.

Yeah, with shitty peer/seed ratios and a hipster userbase that only downloads movies that are 20+gb in size. There's literally no reason to use a private tracker unless you are too poor to afford a cheap VPN.

Look at this faglord, look at him and laugh in despair

Open ones of course you cunt, especially back in the day. Try saying the same into Waffles, PTP and TV-V without any contact at all

Beauty and the beast was charming idgaf

It's like you don't even care about data sharing.

Guess I win, faggot.

Sure thing buddy


No, just different
Rather be assaulted by my own and take justice at hand than be assaulted by some literal jungle negro and be punished for defending myself
Don't kid yourself, almost any top country is suffering these days, maybe except Japan and the Switz

The post was hyperbole (it's not a central country but it's not nigger tier save for the shittier parts of it, and piracy is a nonthing), but still.
You win in quality of life, but do you win in quality of people?
Western society has grown too complacent, too pussified by the lack of actual problems. It is true that having everything served in a silver platter makes for weak people, and Americans and (most) Europeans are the shining example of it. Men who refuse to say their word because of fear of offending anyone, tell me, is having fear of your own word even a thing? how could you let it happen? why? it's extremely fucked. The fact that cucks like the typical skinny carl the cuck character are the norm nowadays is disgusting. You have these people who fear even offending anyone, these beings that are super conflict averse and ask for forgiveness at everything they say, these people who are autists but with a different autism that chanpeople, it's amazing your people never though of laughing at them all the way until they dropped the faggy piercings and ate some steak. But no, because of the "nerd vs. jock" thing, and they are the nerds, underdogs, and deserve more today, no? And they complain of nonproblems, and I dare any of them to spend one weekend in the metropolitan area in my city, to dare be among our dregs, I dare them. To see brown water come out of the tap and niggers trying to steal their latest iPhone. It'd be fun to see.
And I see that my country is getting cuckier by the minute because of American cultural incontinence, too, which is shit. The urbanites are getting too cozy in their ivory towers, and american shitculture is giving them the escapism olympics they needed.
I just wish the age of western expansion had never been over sometimes.

Yes, romance is shit, women ruin everything they put their stupid interests into. They ruin perfectly good action movies with romance subplots on them, for fuck sake.

Back on subject, I like romance movies a lot when they're well done actually. All of them require a serious suspension of disbelief though as you have to be under the impression that at least SOME women aren't total cunts. It's classic escapism similar to fantasy or sci fi movies in that sense, imaging a better world and all that. My favorite romance movies are whisper of the heart, eternal sunshine, breakfast at tiffany's, and moonrise kingdom. Most of those are total pleb choices but it's basically a pleb genre so what can you do.
