Are there any actual drawfags left that could make some?
Tfw no commiecat hatefucking porn
Have you seen the leftypol BO that cat is based on sucking cock?
Is it actually based on "her?"
I don't care who it's based on. I just need to see a pic of a lefty cargirl getting railed by muh ebil gnatzee. Or at least a picture of said catgirl that is drawn by someone who actually knows how to draw. Is that really too much to ask?
the most degrading thing you could do to that character is make it into a wholesome housewife they started drawing porn of it themselves they have no self respect
Yes, but hatefucking it would be far more satisfying.
Pics? Is any of it any good?
the shit in this thread is done by leftypol, dude
The pic I posted in the OP probably wasn't Holla Forums, unless Holla Forums is so into cuckoldry that they are actually making cuckold porn out of their own board-tan.
The pic in could be Holla Forums I guess. It's 4/10, which would fit Holla Forums's level of artistic ability.
I don't know for sure about either though. I got both pics off of rule34. According to that site, there are only seven pics total, and none of them are any good. Are there any more?
No, i was in the Holla Forums thread when we found this stuff a few days ago raiding leftypol for their dumb memes. They seem to think that it's clever to have a capitalistic fat cat fuck their mascot.
of course they're into cuckoldy
go look
Where? I never noticed it, and looking through the catalog I don't see anything.
i think it was a 4/pol/ thread
Oh. So it's probably gone now, right?
just go to fucking leftypol holy shit
go to 4plebs, it will be archived there if the user you are talking to is telling the truth. they keep an archive of all 4/pol/ threads
the gay cat was not a very big focal point, we were making fun of their memes mostly
I went there too. Didn't see anything particularly interesting.
should be their slogan
quick draw today. might go back in and fix it up.
7/10 still better than anything I could draw
look at this
Yeah, but did he beat Michael Phelp's record while stoned out of his gourd like Micheal Phelps? This little nigger looks like a lightweight tbh.
fuck off kike
(((Golden Curry is a decent approximation of authentic Japanese curry. It's not perfect but it's close.)))
(((Firstly, Japanese curry is to real curry in the same way British curry is. They're different implementations, but about equally distant from, say, a more familiar Thai or Indian one. It sounds like OP knows this now, but it's just how they do curry. Not for everyone.)))
(((Second, did you follow the instructions? It sounds like you did.)))
(((Thirdly, it's difficult to enjoy this curry separate from Japan. When you're hungry and you've spent the day walking around and drop into a curry place, it's different to just making it at home. I saw a number of them in train stations, and they're a neat alternative idea for fast food when you think about it. In Japan, you order these curries via a vending machine in the shop, which then communicates your order to the kitchen staff. The staff work behind a high counter with chairs, so you can see them work. They pass you your food when it's ready. When I went, I would have paid 7 or 8 dollars for the meal, which isn't too bad by my country's standards.)))
(((I guess what I'm saying is that making it at home perhaps fails to capture the greater magic of the experience.)))
How are they supposed to stage a revolution when they can't even into basic computer security?
bump for more
I don't know why you'd waste your time making OC for this board but I commend you nonetheless.
What's the name of that type of hat? It looks kind of like a beret with a bill.
If you get the time, you should make more.
Now draw her getting railed from behind.
I second this.
No problem.
Didn't see these until now. Hope this one will do
Thanks user these are great
good job user
This is gold.
You are just fueling his delusion.
Whose delusion? The only thing it's been fueling so far is muh dick.
Not sure if newfriend or homo.
How is liking a feminine 2d homo?
Newfriend then… ask for lefty BO video, i am not gonna post that.
do you take commissions?
More like this! Cutest face in this version. Is there set?
I've seen that video. But this isn't about the leftypol BO, it's about the catgirl.
Well, in his delusion lefty BO thinks that he is the catgirl and you know, he is BO, catgirl is a mascot for a reason.
glad you like fellas.
I do but not gonna do that here. just wanted to contribute some catgirl OCs
Well, when I'm fapping to the catgirl I'm not fapping to the BO, so it's not gay r-right?
I commend you
OC, on my Holla Forums?
My sister is a drawfag, perhaps I could convince her to draw some good porns of the leftycat.
She posted her pic on here before.
Fucking pleb
How's this, OP?
How's this, OP?
Why not just fuck her, then?
have a tumblr or a link to a profile? I like your style
Google Bookchin
How did you learn to draw like that?
Throat fuck the marxist catgirl
Kill the commies, fuck the cats now!!!!
Dont know, ask him.
If there's good OC being made about it, then I definitely care.
Please tell me you're going to release that at some point, user.
I was busy but now got the line work done and am throwing on some colors. Don't fap just yet.
You can't make me
well memed , geve me bonner
Can we get a version with cash scattered across the sheets please?
Fuck yeah my nigga, nothing gets my almonds harder than Commiecat spread eagle.
My cock just experienced a couple of violent revolutions
You are missing some lines in the soles and a rolex, but is purrfect.
I don't know why, but that detail in particular is very appealing.