Patrick Paumen doesn’t have to worry about forgetting his keys and being locked out of his apartment...
WE 1984 NOW
This is just crazy shit. Like this was the kind of stuff that got you called insane 20 years ago but now its just fucking everyday news.

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fuck that

Revelation 13:16
It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

this and the frog quote has assured me that there these are the end times

lmao I really hope this catches on before shit hits the fan, I'm not going to need anything but an RFID scanner/encoder and I'll be set.

People have been getting chipped without their knowledge since the late 20th century during dentistry or surgery.
This isn't exactly new tech.

Why not just put an rid on a fucking keychain. Idiot


What's that?

This. I'm a christian and our church has been shilling about the evil chips that will be pushed into our hands for over 10 years now.

And here we areā€¦ in the current year


Revelation 16:13
Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

Curious about this too. I've seen several, but I want.

something something frogs out of the mouth of the antichrist. hillary puking that green ooze

Only if people are being coerced into doing it or having it done without their knowledge.

The person in your story chose it for himself and, thus, it's not part of some global conspiracy.

Is it a cohencidence that our subverted governments have also mass-imported a culture of thieves who chop off peoples hands?

At least with keys, you can hand them those and make an escape. Now you'll be dragged along or they'll chop off your hand.

regardless of the ethical concerns I don't think they've even solved the medical concerns (rough versus smooth implants and all the problems that come with it)

This is just a retard with a key as an internal piercing.

RFID is way too unsecure for any 1984 shenanigans anyway

So, how much EM radiation is required to fry these?

All you need is ton of propaganda and a rhetoric to push acceptance into the cattle's mind. Probable something aimed for the next generations, starting with this one, as always.

RFID is old news lad
I'm more worried about helmets being developed that use electromagnetism to alter brain activity to render you more susceptible to hypnotic suggestion

its subdermal lad theres no mark keep sitting on your haunches waiting for the jew book to predict some other vague shit that eventually happens anyway in some form or another

So many things can go wrong with digital security. Best to just get a dog at this point.

I imagine they're resistant to it but im sure a standard taser should do the trick

kek, neat. I live in that city, so where is this guy and how should I laugh at him in his face for being a techno cuck?

Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

RFID shit is retarded, but give me a fucking break you dense evangelical cunt.

Fuck off christcuck, Kek is the only true god.

Go to church, retard.

So, what's the problem with having keys? They work, has worked for centuries.

Why? if you've been on Holla Forums for any real length of time you'd already know that the jewish propaganda that you're quoting has no place. For we are truly free. While you have allowed yourself to become the jews cattle. The day will come when you will be forced to choose a side, on that day you shall either embrace the chaos and become one of us, or you shall close your eyes to the light and be destroyed with the kikes.

Remember, even Jesus hated the jews!


He meant this:

Here we go!

How is it tricky? Are they saying it's going to become mandatory?

Newfags or shills?

Reminder that Jesus drove out the moneychangers (kikes).

Also what the fuck is up with that Keep Calm etc bullshit, I've never seen anything so stupidly on the nose, its almost like people want us to seem like lunatics

when I was little, we used to have a big (~50 cm) bible and one of the pages had that first image or something very close to it

Maybe he shoulda start using his own brains instead of planting brains in his own body



knock you out.