How cute. I'm terrified.
How cute. I'm terrified
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link, i'll give her a taste of Holla Forums
just kidding i'm not actually going to make a tumblr account. what do i look like, a faggot?
Whoever made that page is obviously just larping
Was it you op?
fake news
it was obviously, OP, m8. and now he wants page hits from 8channers and to become a meme page like the fake antifa accounts on twitter and how they have tens of thousands of followers from 4/pol/. pretty wise tactic, using the jews strategies to outjew the jew
What a waste.
what is its gender?
That thing deserves to be gassed tbh
Mental illness, degeneracy. Choose one.
that is not a real thing
neither is calling yourself a female when you have a penis
Degenerates out
does mentally ill hedonism work?
No. Those things can never be happy or feel pleasure for that matter. They are from the devil.
how can destroy something that's already dead
Pretty effay tho tbh
They can't destroy it. That's where Barth poster is.
I'm not a xenophobe, racist or a hebe. But, fuck it who cares if people here are? Society always wants us to be PC, and that sucks.
Is a trans gender one of those people that want to get fucked in the ass but cannot or will not admit to being gay? I'm a female stuck in a male s body.
Well guess what I'm a lesbian stuck in a males body, but im also zoo. So that means i love to eat horse pussy.