Why are emojis even allowed to be in the Unicode standard?

Why are emojis even allowed to be in the Unicode standard?

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Because they're popular

Because either Unicode needs to be updated every year or the committee would have to dissolve itself.

there was room
like, a lot of room

All emoji should be 8bit black and white pixel, normalfags ruins everything on what emoji should look like.

Unicode was a mistake, its literally globalism in software form. Every country should've just stuck with their own local standards like ASCII

i'm not installing extra fonts when I want to fap to jap porn, sorry faggot



This. Unicode isn't completely retarded when used for the few punctuation characters that don't fit on ASCII and other alphabets.


emojis are the most important part of Unicode. Soon emojis will be the primary form of communication.

t. hotwheels

because Unicode has enough free space for billions of runes, so why not have some fun

I'm looking forward to the brave new future of writing my code in fucking hieroglyphs.

Future? APL came out in the fucking seventies. You can code in IBM-runes right now if you want to.

The worst part is when platforms take the liberty of violating the standard to push agendas, such as Apple and Signal changing the pistol emoji to be a squirt gun.

Because they're a language spoken by probably the most people in the world now.

You may hate them as much as you want, but you need to remember that this meme language was invented and popularized by us.

and with us I mean the old internet community


Because base-emoji is the future.


Emojis are weapons of mass destruction.



First they went after the real guns
Now we can't even have virtual guns

wtf is this? a mac classic icon dump?

unicode was a mistake.


How is that useful at all? Printing it in emoji takes up more space.

lol that was stupid lol


you forgot to edit the bottom part.

The Unicode standard is most certainly useful and I'm glad I have to fuck with text files encoded in CP-1251 less and less with every year, but once they filled the space with all the existing (alive) languages, they decided to keep their jobs and keep filling it with dead languages and other useless shit.

I would rather see ISO standard icons and symbols in it, but nope, gotta add more smileys.

To be honest, the only problem I have with emojis is how they determine which emojis should exists and which should not, and the fact they they're colored instead of being one color like all text should be.

This is satire, right?

That's what it looks like in Symbola font. I guess you could force font choice on this page if you wanted, I'm not really sure.

Could we sue them for cultural appropriation?

No, they did remove it ios 10 uses a water gun emoji

bombs and knifes are ok thought, don't want to be islamophobe.

fixed it


Sorry user. You'll get the gay shit whether you want it or not.
⚣ ⚣ ⚣

what the fuck that is cancer

👬 👬 👬

fun fact: if the US was only White, it would have gun violence rates similar to Europe.


They have the exact same function as every other form of ideogram.

Kill yourself fag

There's a Jerkcity for every occasion.


but then why are these in Unicode?
communist red star ★
hammer and sicle ☭
islam star and crescent ☪
These are literally used for nothing other than to be in the heading paragraph on Wikipedia about such symbolism
Answer: Unicode is a corporation and needs to come up with stuff to "innovate". Same with anything to do with X.509 and DNS, e.g TLDs, gTLDs, ccTLDs.

this too

well i at least agree that glyphs should be one color only

you could not be any more of a normalfag

actually, this one is just a black star, and I don't think it even has to have 5 points.
and this one may just be a generic star/crescent instead of intent to be the islam one, but still the hammer/sicle example is correct

Emoji exists in Unicode for the reason that people asked it to be included and there is no reason why it shouldn't. The Unicode standard has so much space in it that it harms nobody to include it.

Unicode lets us communicate effectively

The fucking horror.

Why do they have proper communist symbols but no proper nazi swastika? Both were great forces, and both had their own genocides.

normalfag logic:
>For instance, a few weeks the Unicode list is discussing how to encode Swastika variants. Before you faint with shock, consider