Walk into kitchen
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tell her to leave my house and that if she tells anyone that i did anything improper/illegal to her that i will hunt her down and kill her slowly.
hex gets banned
wat do?
clean those nasty ass tiles.
I'd tickle her kidney and then we'd watch Disney.
no homo
spin her
walk out
Depends, how old is she?
Pick her up and put her back in her playpen.
checking these digits tbh
Ask why she is wearing makeup if she is just sitting around the house in sweats. Stupid whore.
punch that dumb fucking face
Hand her this and tell her to fill it up with soapy water.
Call the fucking cops b/c this bitch is trespassing and obviously high as fuck tripping balls staring at my ceiling. I've dealt with enough fucking druggies during my time. Nothxkbai
What will happen then, user-kun~?
I always thought she was cute.
rather see this
I would datamine her so hard
Fuck off 4chan
Pregnancy pose detected. It must have lied about the pill. Kill it with fire.
It has to be fed with soy milk.
Take her to the sofa
Put her across my lap
Pull her pants and panties down
Spank her bare bottom with my hand
Finish off with the wooden spoon
Stop only when she has learned her lesson
Tell her to stand in the corner with her hands on her head for ten minutes
Allow her to pull her panties and pants up
Warn her what will happen if she trespasses again
Send her home
why is a horse in a kitchen?
Tell her to practice her break dancing backspins somewhere else.
oh fuck what is it hibernating or something
i just want some new megan jifs tbh famalinos ;_;
Light her fart. Then cook her up a good old bowl of chilly
Get my baseball bat and beat the shit out of this cunt
5/10 its more sexy when the tile is smaller.
. …. .
ask her to stop spinning on the floor like an autistic retard and finish my sandwich
She is spinning on your spilt salty milk, you faggot.
She was spanked and put to bed.
You mean "Cock Slapped", surely?
No, I distinctly remember it was a spanking.
What happened to Keek? It was lewder vine before vine existed.
It was revamped then butchered.
I miss stickam
Go buy a new dishwasher cuz this one is obviously broken
Fuck her in the ass and choke her until she screams like a bald eagle my dude
meep meep "screams like a bald eagle" is the best new meme friendo tbh no homo
Would be a soft ass.
satan says soft ass. by god or by devil that's a soft fucking ass for ass fucking
underated post
make a
How To Make a Breakfast Pizza