Turk Invasion of Syria Expands


I called it when the first tanks rolled in. They're preventing the Kurds from uniting and probably also going to relieve Aleppo, using "FSA".

Also, hitler dubs

not to mention a "safe zone" is really codeword for a Turk puppet state given the Turkoman populations in northern Syria
As well as ensuring that the civil war will never end as rebel forces can simply cross over to resupply and rearm

My thought was "what for? Keeping crop yeilds up to last through the war?"

Damn I'm slow this morning, you funny user

I think it is telling that the invasion started right as the FSA breakout suffered a defeat in Aleppo, and Kurds began to roll up the ISIS controlled section of the border west of the Euphrates. If the roaches are feeling lucky they may very well try fucking Assad in the ass, pic related

And this is bad how?

It's not good or bad. I'm just trying to understand what the Turks are doing. Military strategy is amoral.

neither bad nor good, but it would cut off Turkish supply lines to "rebels" so they decided to finally act

That, and give Kurds more bargaining power in any potential peace settlement. The Turkish intervention may well have extended the war by a year or two.

It also puts the Turks in a position where the SAA can't do anything against them without bringing down an article 5 declaration

I was just thinking that Syria need another factor to muck things up.

Can we all just remove ISIS at this point and reinstate Assad?

I think after 15 years we've learnt not to topple Middle Eastern regimes.

Indeed. The Turks are using their golden opportunity to jew two nations with one invasion.


It benefits Turkey by removing a competitor and weakening the Kurds at the same time
It benefits Israel since Iran is forced to expand a large effort in keeping Syria afloat as well as giving them a chance to grab more clay if/when they want to
It benefits the US by damaging Iran and damaging the Russian position in the middle east and has the potential to strengthen the US position via Turkey and Israel

WW3 has been going on for awhile now, the fighting just hasn't really spilled into our laps yet. The terror attacks we've seen the extent felt in the west so far

Article 5 isn't in play because the Turks are the aggressors.

Reminder that Turks want to annex large parts of Bulgaria and Syria.

The project even has a name even though I can't remember it off hand.


not necessarily
The Turks aren't at war, it's a "peace keeping" operation :^)
The reason they wouldn't want to is that bringing in NATO would probably disrupt their plans for the outcome of their campaign

This is what Russia was doing. As soon as they started helping Assad make gains all around.

Then FSA terrorist started getting more blatant help from Turkey, Israel and USA to keep Assad from winning.

They've already reached the strategic objective of a drawn-out conflict. Now it's starting to look like a Vietnam.

Let's hope Syria withstands this.

Syria probably won't survive as an intact entity, I expect the Kurds will at the very least have some form of autonomy by the time it's all over

Will Turkey be able to stop this?

Dont know but they've said they will fight it tooth and nail.

On the bright side, summer is almost over.

If they plan to, they'd need to invade North Eastern Syria along with having a heavy military presence in south eastern Turkey to prevent a general uprising

w e w

I am not making any statements on whether Turks fucking Kurds in the ass is right or wrong; I am merely stating what they are doing. Never once did I make a judgement statement, and I do not intend to. Turkey :
1) Doesn't want Assad to win outright;
2) Doesn't want to allow Kurds to gain any territory in a possible peace.
From these things we can wager a guess as to what exactly they are doing. You completely changed the topic by jumping into discussing what is good, bad, right, wrong, beneficial or harmful to us or any party, which has nothing to do with the post you were addressing.

I hate to ask for a redpill but WTF is going on in the ME? I know Muslim sects hate each other but why is the US taking sides? Don't they all hate Israel too?

Our leaders are stupid. They are stupid people.

Risk Kebab soldiers to occupy kebab land with other Kebab.

No white lives at risk. Only our pawns vs. Russian pawns. Many kebab will die.

This should not expand dong, but it do.