Why don't we have any robotics, agricultural and software engineers in the leftist movement?

Why don't we have any robotics, agricultural and software engineers in the leftist movement?

We have a lot of writers, philosophers, economists, cashiers, and people in trades, but we have little to no engineers.

If we want socialism or communism to become a reality, we need to prove that you don't need money or human labor to provide for basic necessities for human life. So far we haven't proven that this is possible. We have ideas, but we haven't been able to put this into practice.

There's your answer.

I'm close to finishing a CS degree and there are a lot of leftist engineers/students on sites like lainchan.

When Fall semester starts I'm going to start a hobby in aquaponics. I know its not what your looking for but its kinda close.

Because like most workers, engineers are classcucks

How is that not proven already? We're producing an abundance today..

The kind of thinking that lends itself toward engineering is fundamentally different than the kind of thinking that lends itself to philosophy and economics.

Engineers are too smart for the left.

I was trained as an engineer, work as a 'data scientist'.
Engineers are classcucks because they have a lot of job prospects and their desires are easily realised in the capitalist system.
Philosophers are usually unaware of what they want and have a time to reflect about their position and social structure they are part of.
Economists are usually cucked. Cashiers are just fucked by the system, obviously.
How can you 'proof' that?

if you're like me, you can do anything an "engineer" can and arnt stupid enough to waste their time with a degree

Tell me.
How many "right wing" robotics engineers are famous and publicly known?

It is true, however, that more of them should be made public.

PS. Tsipras is an urban planer.

Because engineers remain in high demand due to their niche technical talents, and are thus still able to command respectable salaries and benefits from good professional jobs. As such, many of them remain trapped in just-world fantasy land where the poor people are to blame for their own suffering, and politics is an irrelevant game that no one should care about.

It's a little worrying honestly, my vision for an anarcho-communist future will require a lot of engineering and managerial expertise, but it's gonna be hard recruiting these people when they can still snag a 50k/year job straight out of college.

They're here.

Oh god, you fucking tool.
Ok, here's one for you champ.
This is a very basic electrical engineering exam. paper, a first year can do this so you'll have absolutely no trouble.

You'd normally be given 1.5 hours for this set of questions but I'll go ahead and give you 15 days.

Here's the second page. Time begins now. More than enough time for you to see these posts and get cracking on the answers. I'll mark your work in 15 days.

Do your own homework.

Changing your flag isn't going to fool anyone. 15 days friend. Good Luck.

Protip. Google wont give you the answers, just the means to obtain them.

So, everyone can be an engineer, as long as he has the time, means to live and will to do it?

Isn't this how Socialism works?

Not that user, and no, we cannot be engineers in 15 days. I tried playing Cities in Motion.. .. and urban planning .. IS A NIGHTMARE!

Architects are the ultimate bourgie proffecion though

Too bad lainchan is also populated by ancaps and stormfag scum.

I haven't visited recently, but last I checked about 7-8 months ago it was okay. Guess things got overrun by Holla Forums.

I didn't see too many stormfags there when I last visited. If I remember rightly they had quite strict rules about quality of posts, which obviously deters the "le crafty jew" memers.

Inexpensive open source engineering projects.

One example would be a machine-automated spinaches/lettuces production system that's powered by solar and/or wind energy. This is a team project that requires at least four engineering fields applied to it (robotics, energy/electrical, agricultural and software). Once an acceptable prototype is made, it needs to be streamlined so that anyone who doesn't know any engineering can 3D print the necessary parts to assemble this project and install the AI software. It is now possible to 3D print solar cells (though it's still a very complicated, expensive process only done in universities and labs, but we'll get past that soon).

We have so many people working on Linux for free, and this type of project would affect people's lives a lot more. The success of such an open project would prove that people don't have to work at fucking Wendy's or whatever to justify their existence in this bullshit system to be able to feed themselves. The leftist movement has the politicking and activism, but it doesn't have readily-available technical solutions to prove what's possible.

We are going to start a rad science compound after he solves the world's energy problems. You faggots can join, maybe.

Hey OP,

Not a full engineer, but I'm getting a technical degree in automation (which includes programming and setting up robotic operations). A leftist classmate of mine got an internship and his official title is "project engineer" and he is working with robots. We are both pursuing a 2-year technical degree

Ask me anything if you like

KEK, my training was electrical and even I know that one!


this is bait

and it's still terrible

We have many software engineers and many engineers of all types.
Robotics requires software more than hardware, the hardware can be miniaturized by machinists and put together into clumsy things that can then be improved as the software is polihed.

As for your list of what we need - we need geneticists not just agricultural field but in human genetics especially but also intensive study on microorganisms and viruses.

Do you even understand that with mycelium we could make any soil fertile and with bacteria we can make rock into fertilizer instead of a barrier?

low effort/10