ITT Post sexy midget (NO CP ALLOWED!!)
Midget Thread
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this is a nice tread :)
bump for justice tbh
i'd fuck both tbh
Same im a non-exclusive pedo.
aoc should be abolished tbh
this tbh
It should be put back at age 7 like it use to be in the 1880s or better yet lower to age 4.
whew tbh
3 yos also have the right to suck benis tho
4 is too young tbh
i want her to be able to climb up on it and ride all on her own. 4 year olds pretty much only just learned how to walk.
True but i think for children to start fucking they need to at least be out of fucking diapers
I saw a cp video on tor of a 6 year old doing exactly just that.
kys tbh
hanna>laura tbh fam
i see what you did there
fug u hex
It says no cp allowed you 4chan faggot get the fuck out of here.
nothing wrong with having conversations tbh
in my experiences, lauras are better than hannas tbh hannas are usually crazy
Dont insult Lera
there, see? 6. not 4. 4 is too young.
always nice have cute lolis to admire when having a conversation tbh
4 is still too ripe
She is cute
well thats like your opinion
3 yos have right to suck benis, end of story
Kek you took my bait buddy.
t. Diaperfag
tbh if you care what the laws says you're a cuck
And if you actually bother to talk about the aoc you probably should be shot
passies are cute and diapers are tolerable tbh
Oh great its this faggot again here to ruin the thread for everyone by talking about wanting to rape toddlers.
fuck off scat fag
I recently watched a 30 minute cumpilation of toddlers and newborns getting it straight in the mouth.
All I can say its not for me, I only got maybe 5 minutes into the video and deleted and cleaned my HDD.
why would you watch that shit?
dont like diapers i just think 3 yos are hawt tbh
I don't even post here mate, I have feds monitoring me
toddlers are cute tho tbh
poo is gross but 5minutes of cleanup is worth toddler-time tbh
Okay ill. agree with you on that.
i like toddlers but newborns is too far tbh
Hello Mr. convicted pedo so what did you do??.
diaperfags should be gassed tbh
Except fro the last time you posted here with that exact same image and filename.
How about you stay true to your word and never come back?
niggers think i'm fucking larping
just out of curiosity
Nothing I posted online and feds came and roughed up me and my 4yo cousins family because apparently they thought I had 8-9kids in the house and was trafficking them or something.
Fucking loonies tbh
t. sickos
the diaper fag is probably you just larping tbh
don't know what you're talking about friend
some people just love babies fam
No you.
we just need the antis to derail it and then we can all be a happy family. someone call the hebephiles and ephebophiles tbh
no thanks
there aren't any left, I'd take antis over baby fuckers any day tbh
this tbh
t. normie
No user most pedos like children who are out of diapers babies cant understand shit especially sex but a prepubescent child and up could.
t. normie
t. feelscuck
we nepis are pedos too
t. sex-crazed degenerate
t. normie
Fuck this im posting midgets since this is a midget thread.
this is a boy
deletion incoming
it's OK to be gay, user
And then…
I want to fug her so bad tbh
Same tbh
t. normie
No it doesn't diaperfag now please kill yourself.
Is that real??.
t. normie
You're the reason those images are dost violations
yeah, it was from yandex reverse image search.
it's just some troll that posted it, I guess
how is that normie tho
Normies are hyper-sexual degenerates that think like that
t. Virped
i'd push the girl over and steal her ice cream tbh
i'd lure her into my windowless van with the promise of candy and pretty stickers but then i'd take her ice cream and peel off, never to be seen again.
the perfect crime.
t. normie
Get out of here Todd Nickerson.
im not hyper sexual tho
Children are sexual beings tbh
cool story, bro
shes cute :3
Mmmmm i would let her swallow my cum.
And you say babylovers are mentally ill
Not really tbh
Being hyper sexual isn't a mental illness its natural.
You are fucking stupid.
babylovers are hurtcore fags don't fool yourself
well i am a toddler lover
No it's not
It's learned
That's why kids who are raised good don't turn into hyper-sexual degenerates as often but rather affectionate loving people.
This like Peter Scully.
ITT: Larp pedos
peter didnt like babies, he just cared about money
Nigger please.
t. hypersexual degenerate
Ever try being around kids mate? Affection, loving, cuddly, sure, but they don't and you shouldn't really be thinking of them "that way" unless normies got to you or you are one of them.
tell that to Lux
Lux is a dumbass though
Top kek what are you smoking faggot?? LOL.
where are the midgets?
still a babyfag
Burkas only
t. normie
lux didnt like hurtcode, he just believed in extreme freedom
but i need someone that i can fuck AND can stand watch over my lawn
you mean freedom of the soul after they killed the child?
virpeds not welcome tbh
i think thats a kid though. kids are cool but they dont usually prevent trolls from causing mischief in your gardens. not without special training anyways.
Seriously though it doesn't make you a pedo
You're just a degenerate tbh
definitely not a cuck mate
No, I'm genuinely attracted to little girls.
Realistically, I recognise that no little girl would let me fuck them, even if they did want to have sex, but that doesn't change that I want to.
lux just didnt like any censorship, but he himself did not enjoy hurtcode
you must be new
She has good DSL
why tho you really ugly?
ugly and fat and poor and stupid, yes.
yeah stay away from lolis you'll only traumatize them.
Daily reminder hebe is masterrace
Fuck off Jew
normie pls go
bbs are life
well no, i recognise that they don't want me to and i don't want to do anything that they don't want to and i'm too honest to trick them, so it's okay for me to be near kids. i'm not going to fuck them unless they want me to and they never will.
theres a hebe who posts here who wants us banned ;-;
this, pedofags are gay
No (You)
You shouldn't take this stance as it's not unreasonable for such an event to occur depending on what kids you're around and what you define by "want to."
I have no plans to do anything but gently deny a girl if they want to and bring it up/try to as it's not worth risking the relationship and/or her future.
this is another automated thread ?
hebes are great tho. women my own age don't even notice that i exist, whereas hebes shower me with attention.
i rarely get attention from lolis though they aren't really old enough for that.
Whenever hebes talk it's depressing
I like little girls because they're amazing, I don't want and deny attention from women/teens
Meanwhile you put off a vibe that you borderline resort to teens because you have no choice
You're why the pedo loser stereotype exists
chris hansen only went after hebes but never pedos
maybe because children can't give birth, and he is pro white-genocide
anyone home?
i like teens because they're easier to get
no it's no resort older women just repulse me, they are all strong independent roasties.
i just don't get attention from them because i don't take care of my appearance.
ok, im leaving
Hebes can
This is a weird thread tbh
if you leave the people who want to fuck babies win tbh
adios :)
seems like it
tbh roy is pro war so fug him
what a joke
What a joke tbh
Imagine fucking both her and the bunny.
i'm actually about 7/10 i just don't care to much about what i wear and how often i shave cause i'm not a cuck. teens are less judgmental from my experience.
that's a pig actually ;0
t. oversexual degenerate
path is blocked. now what?
I was joking dumbass.
Fuck all of them.
i want to have a 3some with them tbh
that is cat, it just has autism
jesus anons, too lewd
Checks out tbh. Nice to see you again, friend
shutup postingscript, ur dumb
This "cute not pedo" meme needs to end.
What are you talking about?? it would be heaven on earth.
Well at least in this thread I know it's a pedo thread, any other thread I go to could turn into a pedo thread at random with cpanon around.
someone really needs to break zhenya's hymen while recording it and put online. i'd legit pay for that.
Not everyone is a degenerate like you
I haven't even noticed my dick till JUST NOW when I was thonking on what to say and noticed I not only haven't gotten hard or anything but I haven't even noticed I had a dick.
Cute is pedo
Put your dick away
i haven't seen him today. are you the cpanon, hex? he only pops up with you pop up.
stop talking about abusing children. admire, not sexualize tbh
true. but I don't think that cpanon is here though
hex is the spammer, but not a cpspammer
t. virped
I admire their ability to make my dick diamonds.
I can't get hard to pictures of lgs anymore. Videos of them stretching and being provactive gets me going though
no. i'm not even a pedo. and i don't like seeing porn at all, regardless of if it's cp or not. it's just something i live with being on this site.
His name is Literally Hitler. He spams 8ch and fox. Wish he would just stop it already.
pick one.
vidpeds are as bad as anti pedos
nice meme tbh
You never know until you try. And if it doesn't work the first time, you should try again in case it just didn't work the first time. And then again if it doesn't work the second time. And so on and so on and so on.
The reply speed in this thread scares me :O
This tbh
t. delusional oversexual normie
Sorry but I'm not jerking off to cute clothed girls like you and actually think before I post
It definitely wouldn't be heavenly.
Sounds like you're maturing mate
You should probably not have recreational sex with a child in any given situation
Yes they can. 9yo give birth all the time in South America.
everyone on Holla Forums is in this thread because everyone on Holla Forums is pedos tbh
i agree.
we should have procreative sex with a child.
that, of course, precludes homosexual sex.
fug off, go back to sucking todd's dick
wew lad
I'm a hebe tbh
close enough
so a pedo?
if someone said that about 8/b/ then I wouldn't doubt them - i'd believe them.
not really, ones natural and the other is mental illness.
The funny thing is people like you never actually are around kids
Probably for the best seeing as you're a degenerate
mentally ill tbh
tbh if south america had less crime and less poverty it will be the best place in the world
I agree, hebes are mentally ill
no u
i live with my 2 sisters who are under 13, and i walk a lot and see kids all the time amd sometimes i even talk to them
must be hard
fake news. I have never spammed any websites
If you used to get erect at something and can't anymore from too much fapping thats called erectile dysfunction.
Am burger. Not just a meme
pedo is not mental illness tbh
tbh I just entraped you
feds are watching me
Now they'll be watching you
tbh you're fucked
lets be honest
You're one of (((those))) people aren't you?
Or it means your goals and desires have matured and you care less about sex you fucking baboon.
It's not anything I haven't seen before, but it is hard in the sense that my religion tells me I should avoid this kind of stuff. And I would like to avoid it. There is probably benefit to avoiding it. I quit watching porn an entire year ago now. Before I ever became a Mormon
Remember 'virtuous pedophiles' are Pedophiles and no matter what they tell you they WILL RAPE your child given the chance.
They are only pretending to be law abiding to fool you and to get near your children. Don't discriminate, hate all pedos equally. Report virtuous pedophiles to police.
the belief that oneself is a hebephile rather than a pedophile is mental illness tbh
the traits of hebes to which one might be attracted are the same traits that lgs have, only lgs are better in those ways.
Kikes have made it a mental illness
So I have erectile dysnfunction? There isn't a problem when I watch legal porn maybe its a mind thing or a mood thing.
i haate virpeds too but that claim is bs
have fun with your 16-18 AOC faggot.
Legally/clinically it's not a mental illness for me, if you read the book it's a "orientation" if it doesn't cause you direct distress.
tbh normies don't even believe this
If you're good with kids and they love you no matter what happens (as long as you don't actually molest anybody) you'll be solid.
I know.
Actually Virpeds are the only ones you have to worry about. Normal pedos wont hurt your kids but Virpeds will hurt and molest them.
hex confirmed pedo
you cant just report virpedos, theres something called 1st ammendment, thats why NAMBLA is legal
What book?
NAMBLA legal
Nice try faggot
it is
the founded of NAMBLA has never been arrested
Lol yes you can
Cops can do whatever they want and can slander your name or fuck with you if you say anything pro-pedo, at least in the US/UK/Leaf.
There is nothing legal about dirty old gay men raping little boys asses and giving them aids.
Are you implying you haven't mastarbated in a year or have you just used your imagination? This is some serious shit, Hex.
gay pedos out
homosexuality shouldn't be legal tbh
heterosexual child sex should be legal though.
reply, also it is legal, you must not know law
you must not know you're being fucking trolled.
it's only legal for jews
the us is gay, but as long as 1st ammendment exists you can not just report ppl who are pro pedo
You don't need porn to jerk off mate
You can be taken to court for slander though so I don't see how LEA will get away with it. Nvm they're LEA so they could do anything immoral with their bullshit mental gymnastics.
checking these digits tbh
Your testosterone levels plummeting to where you don't even care about sex anymore isn't maturing dumb shit go to a doctor.
Delusion - a belief that is held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.
Just use my imagination. The missionaries told me I shouldn't masturbate at all, but I googled it for a while and the church policy these days seems to be more don't ask don't tell in regards to masturbation after some kid killed himself when he couldn't stop masturbating. I know that if I don't do it at least one time per week then it's probably gonna come out while I sleep and that's fucking annoying. I'd rather control when I cum, than have to wake up and change my sheets/boxers/shirt depending what I wear to bed
you're not on halfchan anymore buddy
you can fap without porn or your imagination you know
sounds alright
What the actual fuck?! No that is not legal. Troll. Fuck Off.
Ha that's why I had two feds show up to my door in an unmarked car flash their badges and open-carry, then question me about things posted online, and then have them go to my families home and tell them all sorts of shit that was never posted and pester their children.
You have no rights.
My T levels are higher than average and I'm even vegan.
It's called actually loving kids for who they are and caring about them rather than wetting your dick. When you love a girl you don't think about sexing her, you just want to make her happy and improve her life.
You realize most of the pedos here are actually pedophiles. They're not larping or joking around. They are legitimate pedophiles.
Yeah, I call bullshit here buddy
Also as far as imagination goes, I don't really imagine anything that could be considered impure.
Matthew 5:27-28
not trolling, you just know nothing about nambla or law, pro pedo groups that advodcate for pedophilia but dont do anything illegal are legal
so like do you imagine fucking a granny or what like an actual grandmother
Wow a vegan beta male with no sex drive way to be a living stereotype.
simply untrue. sex is the highest expression of affection for men. when a man loves a woman, he wants to have sex with her.
you're a woman.
thats serious stuff. I couldn't do it. At best, I could remove porn and fap less.
No you don't mr troll. You literally said that adult men having sex with underage boys was legal. It's not. I am not letting you cover it up with fallacies.
Your post
in response to
Nice Try (((You)))
I don't imagine fucking anyone. I used to imagine fucking girls, but I'm told I'm supposed to keep my thoughts pure so that's what I try to do. It's not an easy task
Removing porn is a good step.
I was hoping he'd say the latter. Thank fucking god he said the latter.
I'd rather control when I cum, than have to wake up and change my sheets/boxers/shirt depending what I wear to bed
That's understandable. I think I've gone little over a month without mastarbating and after I think I came a few buckets after the whole 'dry spell.'
I agree that porn is bad but you are taking it a little too far with your life.
I'm serious.
After a little ittling your skittles they come around. They freak out at first, maybe stop trusting you and push you away, but if you continue doing your thing loving kids and being loved they'll cuck over as they can't hate someone who's so good with kids and who their kids love so much.
I have loved her for years, just not sexually.
I don't plan to change that anytime soon. It's not only not worth the risk, but as I said it's not something you think about when you fall in love with a girl.
its rude to attack someone's religion …
I'm trying to live my life a certain way, you can live your life your way. We won't know who was right until we are both dead.
sorry never meant to say that it was legal to fug lil boys, what i meant to say is the NAMBLA as an organizition is legal
Heaven forbid someone be rude on an imageboard.
i get scared thinking about death, even more so then getting v&, hex. death is forever while life is limited. hold me ;-;
I've never been addicted to it, thankfully. It's just the 'easy' (lazy) option for fapping sometimes, I guess. I recognize that it is bad and try to limit it
you can just call hex a nigger and be done with it. even though he's whiter than sour cream
I didn't say I don't have a sex drive, and I'm definitely not beta or any of the memes.
Strong, fit, active, well liked, etc.
If you aren't basically a vegan by now you're a brainlet.
If you don't feel quite a bit like a woman you aren't a pedo tbh
But I didn't say I don't want to, just that you don't think about it with them.
t. hebe-cuck
The fuck are you doing dude. You only reap what you sow.
Not what i mean and you said it best yourself.
So why are you living your life according to what x group of people tells you is right instead of finding your own way? First masturbation is bad, but now its ok? That doesn't sound like someone you should be following to me. Unstable at best.
So i'll say it again…
attacking someone's religion is pretty low but you're probably a Holla Forumstard so it's only fitting.
hes mormon so the creams yellow
He is his religion
being religious at all is pretty low but you're probably a Holla Forumstard so it's only fitting.
Do you guys ever stop to think what the other boards think of us? I know we're small and insignificant to them but do the other boards like Holla Forums and Holla Forums think we're all degenerates? Because I think we're fucking degenerates.
If you don't want to have sex with someone you love then you either have no sex drive or you're married end of story, and if all you care about is making them happy and improving their life you're a beta that will get walked all over and then replaced by a real man because thats what girls actually want.
And I guess an extremely vast majority of everyone on earth are all brainlets and you and your beta male buddies are the only ones that are enlightened by your own intelligence then.
i've been exclusively Holla Forumstard for over one and a half years now so try again Holla Forumstard.
Holla Forums and Holla Forums are both full of degenerates too its just that the themes of their boards don't allow them to freely discuss their degeneracy like Holla Forums does.
how big do you think the hole in her pants is?
I don't really think about it, I just try to focus on doing the best I can in life knowing that if I do what is right then at least I will die knowing that I did what I felt was the best I could.
For me I started with limiting, and took steps to eventually remove it. I never considered myself addicted either. Then the day came I tried to delete my collection and I had trouble doing it. Then I thought to myself why is this hard to do? And I deleted it.
Anyone of the religion will tell you that you probably shouldn't but it's between you and God. Live your life the most righteously you can. Call it whatever you want. I don't care what you think about what I'm doing with my life because what I'm doing will lead to my success.
HOLY SHIT! You're almost no longer a newfag.
you 30+?, only pedos save porn
t. newfag
No, I'm under 30. Why wouldn't you save porn when you have 9 tb of disk space? That was my situation when I had a collection. I just torrented shit.
fuck off tbh
biggest lie ive ever heard tbh
Hate to tell you this but those two things aren't connected. Scumbags are usually the most successful people in the world.
I understand. but then you realize it's not much trouble to
find it again, if you have to
why wouldn't you save it though?
Oh yeah baby shake dat ass mmmmmmmm.
to save space on your harddisk for things that aren't embarrassing or, in this case, incriminating.
normalfags have the benefit of not having to worry about the shit they find online suddenly disappearing so they just go back to the same site every time they want to fap instead of saving it.
He could've said any random number and you would've called him a newfag. Same can be said for him, he would've called a a Holla Forumstard no matter what you said in retaliation because you're both fucking idiots regardless of the outcome of your little squabble.
this mother have a very strange involvement in her daughter life
So what does that tell you?
you think she fugs here?
dys failed once again
I used to contribute to the rest of this board when hotwheels was in charge but now that the owner of this site is trying to force pedo content out I feel compelled to only post what he doesn't like because hes a huge faggot that ruined the point of this site.
pedos keep the board alive tbh
meant to say her
Your definition of success is different than mine. I don't care what scumbags do, I care about what I'm trying to do.
a lot of the old stuff probably can't be found again since all the torrent trackers died, and megaupload, rapidshare, etc all died.
true. but the mothers usually use their daughters for attention for themselves
simple: pedo threads are best threads
even better when hex is here, honestly
that's mostly true. but some of us are just hoarders and want to collect everything 'just in case'.
What's so strange about caring about your child?
you have shit taste tbh
which is why is wrong
glad you liked it
degenerates out
Uhhh I'm putting her first and ensuring the relationship doesn't end abruptly (long-term)?
Sure I could have molested her on a walk, when we slept together before, when I put her to bed one night, tons of times. But why bother?
As I said, if you ever love a girl and are together, and it's mutual and not some obsession of yours, the amount of happiness and comfy you experience just cuddling and basic normal "acceptable" things is absurd.
Why would you risk that or push for more?
Even liking babies and taking care of her and loving her as a baby I never did anything sexual with her. It's not about being virtuous either, so no memes.
You don't need sex to bond, pleasure,connect, and/or be extremely satisfied.
We all know how kids look, we all know they're soft and plushy, while that activity may be intimate and affectionate and bring you closer and feel good for you both so are other activities.
It's really not worth the bother, so why bother? Why have to lie or keep a secret? Sure maybe not that she's older I can't just "get that loli pussy" but I don't care and I don't regret not being sexual with her and not coping a feel.
It's really not a big deal mate.
I didn't say I don't want to.
It's just not in the forward of my mind with her.
It's just another way of expressing your love and affection and in an intimate way. There's other ways that are legal to do the same.
Yeah no girls don't want assholes unless they're damaged.
I'm still her favorite person and she still loves me even after we're away from each other for months (which is forever for a toddler).
They love who loves them and treats them good. This never changes unless they're abandoned or never truly loved.
ehh torrents do exist
stop watching porn tbh
are you gay also?
Her mother just wants to be around youth so she can feel or pretend to be young. It is something people do subconsciously and it is only natural to feel attraction (not necessarily sexual attraction) to youth.
tbh only pedos save non-meme pictures/videos (aside from movies).
tbh I actually am
Everybody here knows me mate
But recently I've been around a baby boy
they're ok tbh
This is what happens when you try to push the pedos away, they only push back harder.
No cp is good for got nothing better to do anyway.
posting her all over the internet to exploit for shekels knowing the audience her "modelling" is catered to is not caring
you can lie to us but you can't lie to yourself now
Yes this is my subtle request.
her mom is a lesbian, end of story
Dicks are gross and boys have different bone-structure than girls
no thanks
tbh how would you know?
Ever thought that maybe its an entirely platonic parental type of love because shes a fucking toddler and thats why you don't think about dicking her? I mean holy shit how stupid do you have to be to not see the difference between loving someone you've been around since they were an infant and meeting a girl and falling in love with her because shes actually a fully fledged human bean and wanting to consummate that love?
i noticed it. too many trolls claiming everyone is an anti
no. and it's illegal anyways
No comment officer
I dont give a fuck you Virped cuck.
i think just watching cp is legal in a few places
there is nothing wrong with being an anti-pedo pedo who reports everything
moderating for quality is needed in a community like that but nobody will accept it
such a shame
let's see who is behind this post
I gotchu fam
Ox is a larp pedo. He might've fooled everyone else but he hasn't fooled me. I know you're an anti and nothing you say or do will make me believe otherwise. Kill yourself, Ox. tbh
stop posting grannies tbh
not fat just big bones tbh
Pedo love is always primarily platonic with extra affection mate.
Parental love is a myth though, most are questionable at best in my experience.
I find toddlers/babies beautiful too, so I don't see why I wouldn't want to dick her now or before regardless, so wrong again.
Kids are never fully fledged human beans mate. Most teens or even adults aren't.
I'm not an officer
I just have three who are on my case viewing everything I do
Let me change that.
mods are good at removing illegal content quickly but I don't think there is much they can do about the quality of the posting. They would be limiting speech and it sets a bad precedent
she's in her 20s. but I will not post more
agent, then.
anything over 14 is too old tbh
You never once tried oral?
Okay never I thought you weren't talking about a newborn but maybe a 9 y/o or something. That's my honest bad.
Yup I understand
Just every fucking thing in this post is wrong holy shit how would I even begin.
actually kinda ugly
makeup + age is bad on her
childcare worker*
they have rule 4 but using it has unforeseen consequences
she is above average. but she is in porn so that is unfortunate
yeah, they are limited. best for other users not to feed trolls though
Significantly quicker.
Good times.
If you are religious because you think it will make you successful you are doing it for the wrong reasons and will be sorely disappointed.
It's called hypocrisy. Look that definition up.
funny I haven't noticed the spiderman or scat spammers in pedo threads lately? Did they all leave or what?
this discussion is about a different chan
If I was going to try that why not do it all?
No, tickles/cuddles/hugs are the most we ever have gone. Never even made out with her although she's pushed fore more affectionate things of such, which due to them being grey area I've had to decline them and offer something else less spooky.
above average for an adult maybe
but that's not saying much
I was talking about 8/b/
Cp gets dumped on LF all the time. But my greentext was referring to 8/b/ exclusively.
i hope the scat spammer died in a car accident tbh
Cp gets dumped by LH all the time. FTFY
it triggered me because you quoted a post that wasn't talking about 8ch
I believe scat and spidey were actual pedophiles but they grew tired of spamming lgs. At least that's what I want to believe.
yes. mods are fast on the pgt but quality of posting has been poor lately. quality here is the usual, but now mods are removing things quicker
why would anyone save that shit (literally)
I don't know about 'all the time', but I do think the same person here and there is doing it. Mods remove everything very quickly
spidey might be, but scatfag def wasnt
Literally HITLER !!W/.F6enU6y is the CP spammer
It's more than one person. One of the /lg/ mods confirmed it in one of the old pgts
Ah. Welp my bad. /lg/ and Holla Forums are interchangeable to me as of right now.
disregard anything lgmod has said
Is this the fastest Holla Forums Holla Forums thread ever??.
Possible but unlikely to be just him. I know its a meme but we can't rule out anyone since we're all capable of using proxies, vpns and tor changed with tails. What is more unlikely is for the so called "Cp spammer" to be one person.
not "lgmod" but an /lg/ mod.
doubt it
Because you just said minutes ago "when you love a girl you don't think about sexing her" and you said you love this girl, and now you're saying you want to have sex with her.
So which is it do you want to have sex with the girl you love or not keep your fucking story straight.
I'm sure you think that because your definition of a fully fledged human bean requires them to be vegan or some retarded shit like that.
I don't understand where this meme comes from.
One says I'm the cp spammer (I'm not, seriously) and because I said I report it, another has accused me of being an 'anti', despite posting girls here and there daily for a while now.
no, but the fastest ones are always pedo related
That was such a nice thread. Holy fuck I miss what we were. ;-;
I started it and i do regret it because the meme of ox, lh and hex being the same person is now bigger then me
too young for what?
It seems like you are just looking for a reason to attack me. I have nothing more to say to you. I feel pity for you, as you must live a very sad life if it pains you so much to see others lift themselves up.
how hard was that why didn't you just say that from the start
Ox = "Burger"
Literally Hitler = Burger
Hex = Burger
They're all or claim to be burgers but they're not the same perso
I just want someone to talk to ;-;
kys normie
I hope your first language isn't English
Otherwise you're really a fucking brainlet
Or y'know because they change drastically?
Sorry you're insecure about eating dead animals and pus so you're hyper-focused on my godliness mate.
Would hold/10
Yeah, it was very fun. I think it got 500+ in just a few hours
3 different people, yes. i am lh. hex can certainly speak for himself. and maybe one of you is actually ox.
i know tbh but it just worked so well
Ox would've dropped some cp just because he could tbh
that's amazing
Not appealing tbh
Not what I said.
Not an argument.
You change drastically between being 25 and 85 but that doesn't mean all 25 year olds aren't fully fledged human beans yet retard.
we can still talk if you're lonely :3
I haven't seen him lately or at all today
big if true
I enjoy our little talks, honestly I do.
As do I. It's why I still come here despite the issues we have had over time here. And pgt doesn't really have the energy or this level of discussion
It's what you meant.
It is though.
Learn English you brainlet.
Not really, the core of who you are should definitely be know by 25 and stick around.
The antis will burn out eventually. Just let them shitpost til their little hearts are content because we can't stop them anyway.
Is velocity useful metrics tbh?
Good work bois
Oh boy were on the front page boyz.
got vanned tbh
i haven't even seen any. like I said, it's been very quiet lately.
I would accept it, yes. The fact is our number is the highest
yup that's right now
wow that was a joke. why would you wish that upon him, that's fucking cold man.
I wouldn't count on it. Look what the antis did to halfchan. Can't even post a teen instagram pic without being perm banned.
he'll be fine probably
wow, Holla Forums isn't doing well lately? we're #2 now. I think we used to be #3?
No its not you're just putting words in my mouth because you have no argument.
Pointing out a part of your post that shows I misinterpreted it would be an argument, saying my english is shit isn't an argument.
If you honestly think someone won't be any different after aging 50 years then you're clearly legit mentally disabled and I don't even know why I'm bothering to reply at this point.
i know. but it's not worth going when your forced into bare-IP posting there anyways
we need more cops like that tbh
Foreplay conditions them.
I think its my normal morales or the kikery I've been exposed to but why the fuck did I repulse so hard at that comment.
Its good you're a affectionate and caring person but what about those wins though.
cops get all the perks
Workaholism is sickness tbh.
That's not true at all because I browse half Holla Forums (yes I fucking said, fuck you) and I see small jail and 3D loli drops every once in a while. There are ways to post on halfchan other than using your bare ip.
wish is was australian tbh
he's made it this far so I believe he's competent enough to not fuck it all up. although his reckless cp bombing doesn't help his case.
Trust me you don't.
it would be for argos not because i want to get a license for a bb gun
Anyone archive the fast pedo threads? Asking for a good colleague of mine.
lol. tbqh I wonder how often it happens. You have to imagine some people get into investigating CP because they want to watch and their job gives them cover to do so
it's not much good though. too many traps, dick rate, celebrity fap, interracial porn, and rekt threads over there
Anglo countries have the biggest spy grids over the Internet
um… duh? Are you really this stupid?
(((You))) Fucking Liar.
I was the one who started spamming LH is the cp spammer because LH was being a little VirPed faggot on /lg/ and telling people that being Pedo was wrong. Little self-hating uncle tom prick should an hero already and do the community a favor.
Literally you
To not think about something =/= you don't want something
Not significantly or majority in the way that matters.
I'll love little girls in 10 years, and in 50 if I make it there.
That doesn't change.
Who I am doesn't change and my core desires. My attitude, situation, etc, may, but now who I am and like.
Well yes, but if I was going to lick her I'd have probably done more as well at least to try if she wanted to.
Because the baby meme
It's hard to imagine being overly affectionate and inappropriate with you and seriously so because it's so unspoken of and c'mon, look at her, it just seems silly.
But it's true.
What do you mean?
It's nice when she's overly caring/affectionate or clearly loves me more than anyone else, truly comfy, but it doesn't take away the reality that I can't allow her to straddle me and try to make out.
I have to tell her we can't do that or something similar, then to prevent her from sulking too much offer to do something else, even if it's just holding her.
cute bb
Kind of hard to do when at any moment the faggot mods could come on and delete the thread or delete all of some anons posts because he posted one picture in one of them.
mid-October to halloween had threads and it stayed up until volniggers nuked them.
WHAT THE FUCK like 8 paragraphs pop out of nowhere
you can't prove that lh,hex and ox aren't the same person.
me: 1
you: fucking kill yourself
I had nothing to do with hex part. Also the ox meme was entirely different meme tbh.
you should be much nicer !LLL
yeah vidpeds are the worst
I had a look on 4/b/, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /x/ and dare I say it Holla Forums and after being there for legitimately 30 minutes I wanted to leave. Fuck me in the ass twice tbh.
is that !LLLLLLL ?
what about /bant/ ant /int/?
FTFY tbh. Sorry, I'm not into CP and would prefer people didn't spam it. I exaggerated about reporting everything though. So because I don't appreciate CP spam, I'm an anti? Strange standard, user
we are not
no. he's asleep as far as I know
You can't prove flying spaghetti monster isn't real either.
The old ones in this post
Hitler did you archive any of them because they were actually a good read.
You never did report it which made me laugh
Reminder this thread is about toddlers now
mercy tbh
When you love a girl you don't think about sexing her, you just want to make her happy and improve her life.
When you love a girl you don't want to have sex with her, you just want to make her happy and improve her life.
The context of both of those sentences sound exactly the same to me.
If the only thing that makes you who you are is what you want to fuck then sure you're right. But for most people their attitude and their situation etc is what makes them who they are not what they want to fuck.
Diaperfags must die.
You a mod? I did report a few times, but it's pointless there because mods remove everything within 3 minutes anyways. I've reported only a handful of things in my entire time there
no, sorry ;(
The CP spam was from Ox aka your third personality. Kys tbh.
toddlers are old enough to suck benis tbh
But they are not out of diapers.
What did he mean by this?
diapers are actually cute
tl;dr version
lolifox has a lot of anti ing that goes on. I mean a lot. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Hope this clears up the confusion. Between me and fake ox it was a ton of fun :^)
I will try to lay off the spamming meme. But only because you got satan's trips.
ive seen like hours ago tbh
More glue
meant for
fake ox or leo ox was actually ox all along tbh
Thank you im sure alot of people will appreciate it
t. hex
Are you not a native English speaker?
It's a subtle difference.
To think is an active forward-minded conscious acknowledgement.
To want/desire can be a passive thing that you do not think of or acknowledge all the time.
(((WE))) true pedos desire beyond sex, and therefore our entire fundamentals are often based in kids.
I prefer kid-things and kid-company universally. I operate better with kids, even if I never have a "break."
Who I love built my interests and what makes me happy and gives me happiness, so fundamentally who I am is someone who is good with and loves kids.
I have other experiences, sure, but the core of who I am is that and it's not changing.
kys normie
As I've told you, I don't believe that. Most are just trolls. I myself have done some of it there
So are you Ox or not?
he's not a pedo
Yes he is
replying to wrong goy.
i'm Ox.
just lazy atm and want to read instead of put thought into the discussion. sorry.
I am NOT ox. Not the real one or the fake one.
can i ask who "you" are because we didn't even co ordinate this whole ordeal and i just kinda went along with it because it was basically perfect for "german Ox's" persona.
Why would this matter tbh
Diapers might not be, but primary diaper-users (bbs) are :3
I don't have any more glue pics, I don't keep cute pics anymore (hi fbi)
But you are the one attacking me, correct?
hi there ;0
Liking children out of diapers doesn't make you a normalfag you sick fuck ill. bet you're such a fucking degenerate you would even lick a babys ass when it has shit on it you fucking degenerate scum kill yourself pedos who like children out of diapers and hebephiles are Superior
i started accusing lh of being hex and lh started accusing me of being ox. it was a just a fun little game til i started spamming cp. mb.
hey :3
If you mean the guy who spams LH is spammer, then yes. Thats mainly all ive done.
sad tbh
That's what hex would say tbh
Most definitely :3
Why do hebes always obsess about diapers and shit? Do they secretly have ABDL fantasies?
Seriously us nepis don't care at all. It's just part of the job/care.
lmao my sides
feels bad man
Feels pretty comfy knowing they tried to fuck me over and couldn't gather shit on me and now they monitor me in all likelihood to try to find something, only to see me smearing their faces in it and mocking their petty power-tripping shit.
Maybe being forced to read and investigate makes them realize we're human too and just love kids. Maybe their mental delusion that everything is sexual will go away.
I mean what else do you have to do?
This diaperfag has to be fucking trolling
Trolling very well if you ask me.
Diaper fagging is an anti trolling tactic. They do it because they know peods don't like diapers. This was a thing used in pedo threads way back when 8ch started and allowed pedos here.
why you think that?
lol put an email address down and make it using your real IP, post it here and say you fuck kids or something
You'll get a visit from my guys I bet
Damn did really everybody leave and you're all babychanners or something
whatever. i'm not an 'anti' and i'm not a cp spammer. you guys will have to accept it. maybe ill see you guys on the pgt sometime soon, but I really need to go to bed now. it has been fun, regardless
sleep. pretty important ;)
That subtle difference evaporates when you then go onto claim that all pedo love is primarily platonic which only someone who isn't sexually attracted to kids would ever say.
How can you unironically say "we true pedos" and actually think thats a good argument? You have no idea if you'll still like "kid things" or operate better with kids in 50 years you're just talking out of your ass.
Also way to go acting like a stereotypical pedo where the only reason you like toddlers is because you're mentally at their level, fucking embarrassing.
Diaperfag is most likely Q
Why don't they go after real criminals like politicians and shit? Anyway, keep safe bro.
This, the pedo thread here on Holla Forums was killed long before hotwheels got replaced by babyfucker tripfags that endlessly circlejerked eachother off all day.
This is true but his demeanor makes it seem like he's geniune so once again I think he's not trolling.
Damn did really everybody leave and you're all babychanners or something
I don't like diaper shit but I'm not telling you to fuck off because we're brothers.
IS this glue-y enough?
Lol it was "used" as in there were babyposters yeah, just like in the IRC there were plenty of babies and every other day someone seemed to warm up to the idea of babies and would message me saying how they're starting to like toddlers
Really itttled my skittles tbh'
You can sleep anytime though, I just need to be up on the morning two days a week currently and otherwise it doesn't' matter.
Diaperfag and a larper how surprising
honestly he has better shit to do
Are you sure about that? Look at what we're doing right now.
Going to bed relatively early. Won't be around much but that'll be a good thing.(ユーザーはこの投稿のためブロックされています。)
Way to give antis something to globally report and get this thread deleted right as you leave you fucking cunt.
Go out with a bang as they say
Going out in style
ayy lmao
Rip thread.
Thanks for the fap.
I fuck kids or something
The only one going out is him and hes probably just ruined the thread for everyone else because he had to be a faggot about it.
lets hope the mods wipe all his posts so we can see who he was all along
yasss! lucky lurkers!
Glad i didn't have to see her dirty asshole this time
lets hope the mods delete entire thread tbh
11 is turning even normies into midget lovers nowadays.
I love it!
Is this true? Is it accurate to say most CP does not involve harm, or am I refusing to see demons where others see them everywhere?
thanks for reminding me now i cant unsee
thats a boy tbh
unnecessary effort
dont meme arrow me i understand that but before that he had no need because he wasn't playing as ox
Yeah no that's you implying and deluding yourself.
It is primarily platonic/emotional rather than sexual as pedophiles are stricken by the double-wammy of the parenting meme and the regular love/lust stuff.
As a result emotions dominate typically and put sexual things on the back-burner as things are so damn satisfying already.
Pedos basically are just extremely affectionate and cuddly parents who think their kids are legitimately beautiful and are open to anything bonding and enjoyable in a perfect world, as we'd truly do anything for them.
Lol yes I do
Who you are doesn't change
You maybe haven't had years to learn yourself and figure things out but I did.
Thanks m8
They're just cunts who have been brainwashed.
They probably think they're actually doing good and that I was molesting kids. To them it doesn't matter if they're right as we said pro-pedo things so we no longer are valuable members of society.
I'm not going to cuck over indefinitely though, if they want to keep tabs on me they have to bare through our communities and experiences.
Most likely a one and gone tbh.
Speak for yourself and yourself only faggot, the definition of pedophilia is the SEXUAL attraction to children.
So reason 2 i spammed LH is spammer was to drive pedo traffic back to 8ch lel. This places needs you guys. It is dead without you. But you already know this.
Post what I said then, I'm sure I'm being monitored.
Go on and post it.
They'll come.
Post something on your social media and then say what you said there here and leave a clue. They'll try.
Everyone is a babychanner tbh
Did someone post cp?
I have images blocked, but I'll format just for good measure.
Charlie sheen > Kevin spacey
so you're just a another Holla Forumstard?
I am sexually attracted to kids too but that does not consume my thoughts all the time. Most of the time it's just love, admiration and affection. :3
thats all you wanted tbh
user not when i dont have vpn ;-;
Always some nigger fucking shit up for the rest of us, always.
I don't even connect to the internet without a VPN
I wonder (((who))) defined it as that.
I go off what makes a pedophile a pedophile and what differentiates him/her from others fundamentally.
Just like gays we have a culture and general characteristics which the (((experts))) have it all wrong.
For what purpose tbh
No. But there are so few users at fox. Too much spread in chan community. 8ch is dead but fox is slower than 8ch. I am tired of waiting for posts. I wish 4ch never turned to shit and exodus didn't have to happen. We could all be one big happy fast moving family.
Go to sleep Ox because you're going to get this thread nuked.
No you go off your own personal experience which doesn't apply to most pedos if only for the fact that you WANT TO FUCK BABIES.
Stop projecting yourself onto others.
Idk what you mean. Just stating how it is.
how selfish you and OK! are whats wrong with this community
Why did dysnomia hire new mods? Thought they meant to kick all pedos out but here we are again.
it is an endless cycle here on Holla Forums
pedos are always welcome.
Nah that would be VirPeds :)
You cucks always say the exact same thing
You said this 5 years ago
3 years ago
2 years ago
And today
Sorry but you're the minority of pedos if you even are a pedo and not just a degenerate.
Aside from tonight I haven't really posted in 2+ years although I was active and a BO before then.
Because I actually have kids in my life and I actually spend time with them. You jack-offs don't literally work thousands of hours a year with kids like we do.
Statistically I've found 30-40% of people who act like you do begin to like toddlers once they get used to seeing them.
You're just a newbie tbh
See the only other active person posting pics , huh, they seem to mirror how I feel. I wonder why?
I meant why post cp
like why bother
who cares
Everybody knows how to get it, so why post it here?
Virpeds are better than babyfuckers, at least virpeds try to make us look good where as babyfuckers just make everyone hate us more and guarantee we'll never gain social acceptance as long as they continue to drag us down.
What is wrong with wanting more users on a site so we can all share posts and have fun at a manageable speed? Waiting 4hrs for a reply (fox) is no way to run an image board.
Statistically I've found that you're full of shit and 100% of what you say is so fucking stupid that it makes me embarrassed to have anything even remotely in common with you.
I guess some like to smear it to everyone's face. Otherwise there's no point.
Oh well, guess next they are saying same from toddlerfags… :3
babyfuckers are our brothers tbh
Oh man feels good to get replies.
To annoy LH but here are some non lewd lolis to make up for it.(ユーザーはこの投稿のためブロックされています。)
No they're our parasites that latch onto us and keep us from gaining the same social acceptance as gays because misery loves company and they know society will never tolerate them fucking babies so they do whatever they can to keep us as hated as them.
is that not what a brother does
You have exactly same acceptance as gays. You're free to go fug some old dudes tbh.
Lol we're the only ones actually changing public opinion positively though.
We're the ones out there hands on with kids and making it okay for men to play with kids and have the idea of some men being good with kids.
We're the ones who connect with mothers and if discovered can convince them of our cause/feelings as they often have sympathies and can understand such feelings and see how we behave first-hand.
People whine in these threads but saying you like 2yos is usually more acceptable than even saying you like a 9yo.
People feel it's less threatening or something
lol stop being around cp communities and only being around other pedos when you want to jerk off
Well yeah but our posts are legal and just a bit cheeky
No its really not.
if we get accepted, babyfuggers have to be accepted also!
I almost agreed with you until i thought about your post. Let's break it down.
almost agreed at this point
Wrong. Virpeds are self hating and self punishing. They actually make the community look bad and destroy morale. Their existence destroys any chance at progress, having rights and being accepted by conveying the message to normies that pedos are ok with being shunned from society.
There aren't that many babyfuckers in existence, even pedos hate them.
As far as this second part to the statement, that is true of Virpeds as well. Slaves would have never won their freedoms and rights if they had behaved like self hating virpeds. If you seriously try to argue with this last point you are truly a bigger idiot than i had previously thought.
Nice job pulling everything from that post straight out of your ass, you have no idea if any of this is true you'd just like for it to be true so you spout it off like its objective fact.
How can you say its more acceptable to like 2 year olds than 9 year olds and not have the self awareness to see how fucking retarded that sounds?
Seriously what kind of fucked up train of thought do you have to have to unironically say something like that and mean it?
Why? They don't deserve it, none of the logic that would make pedophilia acceptable applies to fucking babies because there is no logical justification to fucking babies.
um, babies are also humans and have right to fug too?
I agree that virpeds are self hating and self punishing but their attitude helps us get a foot in the door when it comes to people seeing us as more than child rapists. Gays didn't immediately start their movement with demanding to be able to marry eachother for the same reason we can't immediately start our movement by demanding to be able to fuck kids.
Good joke.
Not trying to derail your discussion just want to post lolis to keep my mind at ease.
Because I have told many people in real life including many mothers and I have collected lots of stories of other people telling.
People are way more accepting of you liking toddlers and babies, especially if you're around them already.
It could just be because they know and feel we actually love them rather than just want to fuck them like you sickos only seem to care about.
Besides, do you not realize about 1/3rd of women are sexually aroused by their baby in one way or another and have sexual thoughts regarding them often till they're a couple years old?
They don't talk about it, but they fucking know. And those that do have those feelings know how it's based in love, not some selfish lust or anything and they can see that that's how we feel.
lol relationships with or even sex with toddlers/babies isn't inherently harmful so yes it does kind of apply.
not joking, denying a child the right to sex bcz of its age is morally wrong bcz children are sexual beings no matter the age
By people by the way I mean women.
Men don't matter when it comes to pedophilia.
I'm just being honest, but their opinion doesn't matter at all.
Very bad comparison. Gay community is not your friend. They used and still use pedos as a boogeyman to get what they want for gays. Whenever gay rights are legalized in a society, age of consent raises and people start witch hunting pedos. This theme has repeated throughout the world down through history. Your thinking is way off.
Yeah I'm sure you've told tons of mothers that you wanted to fuck their toddlers and it all went over great, give me a fucking break you are insane and I don't even know why I've bothered to respond this long.
wtf i love gays now
Me too since you didn't bother to read his post either tbh.
It doesn't matter that they're gay, the point was that they didn't start their movement by demanding what they actually wanted because the kneejerk reaction to people at the time would have shut down the movement immediately just like us coming out and demanding our right to fuck kids when the world still considers us predatory beasts would be a bad idea.
I didn't say "I want to fuck your toddler" as everything isn't about sex to me, sicko.
I tell them how I feel and they see how I behave and they accept tit because they see it as good and don't care what I call it or any of it as they know I truly love their baby/toddle/etc.
Good luck with that activism. I'm positive they never see what it's really about. :^)
You missed the point entirely. They got what they wanted by giving people another boogeyman to go after. Now that i think of it, thats what you VirPeds are doing. You are saying hey attack those pedos over there but not us virpeds over here. So you guys are the homosexuals of the pedo community.
You are 100% right. Normies don't care, to them pedo is pedo.
not all, many gays have fought for our rights
Virpeds and hebes are the same. They want to throw pedos under the bus in hopes they get their way. They don't care about others at all.
Pockets of sympathies are growing, actual mass legalization and acceptance, no, however progressively having more people complacent to (((good))) pedos and less outright hatred en-mass is happening.
More of us are coming out to select people and/or not hiding how we feel whatsoever (just not attaching the P-word to it).
Definitely not.
I've said this many times but we are all the same to them. No matter what they say we are all degenerate assholes to them. They just like to pretend.
I'm not a virped I'd want nothing more than for the age of consent to be abolished but I just understand that the stigma against us doesn't allow for us to just immediately demand that and actually have it happen.
I don't know why you think the stigmatization of pedophiles was the key to gays gaining acceptance because pedophiles were already stigmatized even before gays were accepted. If you look at anti-gay propaganda in the past you'll notice they tried to make all gay people out as being interchangable with pedophiles because pedophilia was already heavily stigmatized at that point.
What I think spurred the gays into acceptance was coming out en masse so the public was made aware that gays are no different than anyone else so theres no reason to stigmatize them, but thats a hard thing to convince people that are actively being witch hunted to do and I'm not entirely sure how gays accomplished it.
You are 100% full of shit. Hate for all pedos is at an all time high right now. What is going on in the world right now? Oh that's right a popular mass pedo witch hunt with hollywood and politicians. There have been more pedos arrested in the last year than ever before. Take your uninformed wishful thinking/shill and GTFO.
So all the women I know and family I have just want their kids to be raped and murdered, since that's how they view "pedos" in general, and they allow me around their kids?
Nah mate, they know I'm different. That I love kids and don't see them as something to use.
It's also morally wrong to have sex with someone who can't consent. ie. a baby.
Just don't give them attention its clear hes been talking out of his ass this entire thread and I'm kicking myself for even giving them credence for as long as I did.
babys can consent
Hello mr "I don't go in real life."
Sorry but you're wrong, again.
There's been a clear spike in even the last few years of women I meet who seem overly okay with it and especially ones who say they have known pedophiles before and how they were good people, etc.
Babies can consent tbh
You are :)
Other animals are more capable of consent than babies you fucking loon.
you have no right to say who cant consent tbh
Babyfucker and VirPedo advocate are samefag
I knew babyfucker diaperfag was anti trolling
kek fail/10
You have no right to interpret the consent of a baby or animal when you can't know for sure if they actually want it because they can't communicate.
BO? Who are you wtf?
Get help
Babies can communicate you brainlet
Is this a fucking joke?
you know nothing about babies tbh
You can't be a babyfucker and virped at same time.
Virpeds are non-contact pedos. They believe sexual contact is wrong.
I can't dogwhistle it any more I have mate
No, they can.
I could always understand what she wanted as a baby and could understand why she was crying when her parents did something wrong.
It's subtle, but they definitely communicate.
Babies screaming and crying doesn't fit any definition of communicating.
you should have left it alone and let it played out
Sooner everyone accepts it's not going to be legalized in their lifetime the better for them. The best you can ask for is not to be demonized like now. I'm not activist so all that is beyond me tbh.
Have you ever even held a baby?
They can make different audible sounds in different tones and have physical communication, be it pointing, grabbing, reaching, or different hand signals they give you as a routine.
Most parents aren't connected or care about the child enough to notice yet alone learn these, but they're very clear to me and are more than adequate to convey anything relevant to them.
I'm serious.
Try holding a baby sometime and playing with them for even a day. If you actually care about kids and pay attention rather than ignore them you should pick them up quickly.
Yeah to me I don't care about laws in the first place, and I think the whole argument is silly.
What matters is being able to be who we are and do the basics we actually need, not get sex.
The only way things will change are very well planned mass coveraged events/demonstrations, which I won't go into much as if they're fucked up they will never work again.
Realistically who cares though, those are life-ruining activities. I'm okay with living in my bubble, helping/supporting some pedos, loving kids, and spreading them message through the kids I eventually adopt/have myself and those I take care of and know and their moms.
None of those things qualify as communicating by definition.
This is sort of the key here. Society needs a scapegoat. If you're tired of being it, you need to offer a replacement. Imo the best option is black child molesters. Child rape goes mostly unchecked in ghettos and there's potential to turn that into the next moral crusade.
It just clicked.
Hey there stranger.
I think the next moral crusade is muslims and they're more deserving of it than anyone tbh
Are you trying to argue that you can understand the sounds and signals of a baby as consent ? Also babies are not able consent because of their biologically immature brain.
won't happen because of muh refugees
He is just a troll. He got exposed.
maybe if you didnt fuck up their countries they wouldnt be no refugees?
not an argument
Yeah the middle east was just a sprawling utopia until the U.S started bombing them right?
Actually it is, brainlet.
They can't decide whether they like or do not like something?
So who decides it for them, and why can't they decide sex too?
If we're constantly violating them because they can't consent, why is sex any worse?
Sorry but while it may be an uncomfortable stance, babies can consent.
Now explain how a baby can communicate consent through a common system of symbols signs or behavior.
Their is a correlation between brain size and mental ability in humans
forget about it, its all part of the jews plan to kill the white race
nah the whole refugee thing was a scam because some Swedish middle aged feminist social workers wanted some dick so they scammed the social services system in Sweden and got a bunch of migrant men to enter the country under the false pretenses of being refugee children. The women had the men living in their houses and fucking them. They were also getting a shit ton of money from the government to house them. Some of them went to jail for this. It was all over news in Sweden.
Gotta go. Take care folks.
Btw nice thread.
a baby cant even count to 10 tf you walking about
How fucking convenient.
middle east is better wothout intervasion, look at Lybia, under gadaffi it was much better and look it how it is now
What brings you to this shithole might I ask before you go?
bye and good luck :)
This is the lolifox anti. He constantly trolls the thread at lolifox. So now we know that he trolls as babyfucker, diaperfag, and virped.
To explicitly answer this, yes.
While I don't apply that and accept or request sexual acts with them, there's no reason this would not carry into that department.
We can understand each other and I can receive permission, approval, denial, and everything required before an act is done, during, and after.
What more is there to explain?
The baby confirms/denies different verbal basics you say to them or physical directives through different means, and commands you through various means from that to hand motions or gestures, or even weigh-shifting.
cute smile tbh
I should go too
Sure its worse now but it was still a total shithole before.
No point in arguing with the anti on fox and surely there's more than one anti because that's a lot of shitposting and baiting for just one retard.
who cares, fucking up countries is bad no matter if the country is a "shithole"
Theres no way you're serious, no fucking way.
Yeah its bad, so what? People would still want to leave there and go to countries that aren't shitholes regardless.
So you're saying nobody ever left the middle east to go to another country before the U.S started a war there?
That was the other babyposter, I'm cleaning to do another wipe
I just aren't as busy to say the least since the investigators coming, and while I've fixed the situation quite a bit I still have tons of extra time.
Made tons off crypto and have gotten into finances more, and have made a good amount, to say the least by next year I'll have my life made most likely.
Other than playing csgo and wrecking normies there just isn't as much to do as not all the previous arrangements remained/remain and some are being worked out still.
100% serious
You gotta be a babylover to understand tbh
Normies don't understand
You would be seeking a babies consent from a position of authoritative power which would makes any consent nullified. Not to mention the fact that babies are biologically unfit for sex both mentally and physically.
there was but it wasnt as much as now
the refugees used to be kept alive in refugee camps in the middle east. now for some unknown reason we have to bring them into our own countries? it's an invasion. they know it. the jews know it. white people are only just figuring it out.
doesn't stop molesters from tearing there vulva
spotted the feminist
Yeah you gotta be a babyfucker to do the mental gymnastics you have to do to justify wanting to fuck babies, your justifications sound so fucking ridiculous that I don't know how you can even read them back to yourself and think they make any sort of sense whatsoever.
meep meep the world pedo has appeared in this thread one hundred and twernty seven times excluding this statement tbh no homo
lepenn was our last hope, just remember to re-enforce your property and push for gun legislation
lel lepenn was a kike shill, fug her tbh
meep meep thats pretty good for a pedo thread with 658 replies tbh no homo
you mean word?
diaperfags are tricky. on the one hand, babies enjoy sex and even initiate it. on the other, (((consent theory)))
the word fag has been used forty six times
Anything that has a sex organ would enjoy having it stimulated but when has a baby ever initiated sex what the actual fuck?
loli: 18
little girl: 7
girl: 34
child: 10
children: 16
baby: 49
babies: 32
The positive authority meme is the biggest joke ever made up
If you don't have that dynamic then it isn't there and thus isn't an issue.
If you never punish or force the baby to do things (I never do/did) you are never seen as an authority or someone with more power over them, but rather someone who is more able and capable that they can get help from all the time.
To this day I'm not an authority. Earlier today, or well yesterday now, I went to church with the family and saw the kids and the kids asked me to come into their kids classroom and stay with them rather than going to service with the rest of the family.
That's not because they missed me, which they did, but because they really do not see me as any different. I never punish them, talk down to them, force them, or anything. We're equals.
They have nerve endings and don't combust friend-o.
Just being honest mate
I don't sex babies and probably never will, but that doesn't mean if we really want to break it down there's no reason not to.
you ever been to Vietnam?
oh my sweet summer child…
not a diaperfag but I looked at baby cp out of curiosity and yeah they're into it…
Meow :3
Yeah and the rooster from that video with the man sucking a roosters dick looked pretty into it as well but that doesn't mean the rooster initiated getting blown.
End your fucking life.
thats rood tbh
if all you have is a 5 second clip to go on then yeah.
there's longer videos out there…
You're still failing to explain how a baby could ever initiate sex.
I would be more than rude if someone in real life told me they might one day fuck a baby.
So you're just bullshitting then?
Babies questionably initiate anything, but that doesn't mean initiating it is a bad thing.
Not gonna lie mate
bbs are pretty cute
you never know
maybe bby needs a lil'bit'o'babylovin'
Shitposting aside, I don't lie in these posts.
I doubt I will. But I'm not promising that. If everybody dies but me and a baby or some huge disaster happens, or something majorly obscure in general, I might.
why tho
technically they could if you were naked and the decided to just suck "it" but as I said it'd be questionably initiated and kind of retarded to call it that.
I just aren't as busy to say the least since the investigators coming, and while I've fixed the situation quite a bit I still have tons of extra time.
So you decide to come back to Holla Forums. Aww that's sweet :3
Everyone is getting their shit together. Even Azazel peeped his head in a few weeks ago and he seemed like he has head in the right place. That's much saying much but take it for what its worth.
Well its good to see you're still somewhat around and I wish you the best. I have to get some sleep now. Take care buddy.
Are you sure you don't want to do some mental gymnastics to assure yourself that they definitely can initiate sex like you've assured yourself that babies can scream at the right pitch and wave their arms around in a way that consents to sex?
night m8
I'm going soon too
What's with you normies and your delusion that to consent to sex it's some complex thing
It's not
It's not more complicated fundamentally than consenting to almost anything.
Hell if you want to be questionable and ultra-uncomfortable I could justifiably argue that sex with bbs could be as regular and basic as cleaning their diapers as it literally makes no difference.
Not likening you to Azazel btw. I was just using him as an example of everyone coming back eventually. Although he wasn't here for long too.
Night :3
Consent isn't complex as long as you can communicate which babies can not. You interpret their screams and hand waving however you want to interpret them its not a form of communication.
I'd love to see you justifiably argue how raping babies could be just as regular as changing their diapers though.
You guys see how the babyfucker killed the thread? Do you need anymore proof hes a troll?
Hes not a troll he and others like him have been a plague on 8chans pedo community for a long time.
I watched them ruin the official pedo thread here and turn it into a circlejerk for their babyfucking friends until nobody but them could stand to be in the thread as they asked eachother how their day was over and over every single fucking day ad nauseam.
You can say the same thing with English, you can pretend like when that 9yo you're raping saying "stop" and "don't touch me there" she really wants it.
That's not how it actually works though you fucking idiot.
If bb makes a certain sound and you confirm they meant that specific correlated meaning. That's communication.
Has max ever came back?
God I fucking hate australians
Kill yourself cunts
You niggas ain't tough.
English words aren't up to interpretation they have actual meanings unlike the varying pitches of a babies screams.
Not in the past 10 months, no.
i like them tbh :)
max another baby rapist?
ok retard
Mate I was a hebe and I camped all day look in these pedo threads. I didn't give a fuck about the circle jerking because its fucking natural. Just have a look on /lg/ with how all the namefags and tripfags jerk each other. It is all the same. Get over it, buddy.
Nah I could've missed him. He's probably doing okay.
Babies don't have a language you absolute fucking retard you interpret what they do however the hell you want and then claim you understand them.
at least they started posting qt toddlers
next time use the cpanon as the scapegoat you deluded freak.
what a bunch of fucking normies
I never saw him and nobody else did either apparently
Every baby develops a language to communicate and if you do not understand and speak to them they flip their shit.
This is why most parents have their babies cry "for no reason" and there's memes like "the terrible twos."
I never had any such events ever in thousands of hours with kids every year these past few years.
If you don't understand and comply they will make you know it.
I want a qt toddler gf tbh
Its not fucking natural the pedo thread on Holla Forums was all anons talking like they were actually on an imageboard for MONTHS then these babyfuckers showed up and started tripfagging and talking with eachother like they're on facebook until no anons were posting in the thread anymore.
lolifox is a fucking dead zone because it became a containment site for those tripfags and noone else can stand to go there, I don't go there because of them.
Wow you mean if you don't figure out what the screaming baby wants it will keep screaming man they definitely have their own language confirmed.
Especially if they're in the 5-12 age range tbh.
why live
Glad to see not even your mental gymnastics can save you so now you just have to resort to ad hom attacks.
You can go now you pathetic baby fucking cretin.
antis confirmed incapable of communicating with children and view them as objects
I understand that threads on Holla Forums are suppose to be random but you of all people should know how these things start. Daily users become friendly with each other and they get more acquainted and next thing you know they're making small talk in these threads. Eventually they want to identify each other so they get a name or a trip. It is just standard shit. I hate tripfags as well but my hatred for them won't achieve anything. There is no such thing as anonymity on IBs anymore nor the internet in general.
So I leave you with this general and overused statement: If you don't like it then leave.
Well it's time to go find a place where you can pretend you're anonymoose on.
Uhh, that's not good. I hope he's doing fine.
Anyways I have shit to do tomorrow. Thanks for the great thread. :)
It's not surprising. It seems that in general humans treat anyone younger than their age of attraction as subhuman and undeserving of respect.
Consent to sex acts, at least in our current society, is a different issue with its own ethical considerations, but it's insane to assert that babies are unable to communicate.
I know exactly how to communicate with a baby, once it starts screaming you figure out if it needs to eat, if it just shit, or if it just wants attention and then it stops screaming once you give it what it wants.
does she give consent to sex after or before you feed hher
what you just described is literally treating a baby like an object
This is the place, the only tripfag in this entire thread was hex and thats because right now hes the one obnoxious resident tripfag that every board has that tries to make every thread about themself and theres not much you can do about that.
If anything jim becoming admin and sperging out over pedos was a huge help to the pedo community on Holla Forums because it made all the tripfags run off to another site and stay contained there.
It might as well be an expensive vase thats constantly trying to break itself until it ages and actually gains a personality of its own and turns into a real human bean.
3/4 of this thread was tripfags they just refuse to use them here
user most of the tripfags in the glory days are all on onion IBs and forums. however i do see some familiar images/filenames on clearnet IBs so you're partially true.
there's only a handful of tripfags and namefags from /lg/ who post here and it is very easy for them to samefag so it is actually very probable.
And their refusal to use them here kept their tripfag circlejerking to a minimum and allowed us to have an actual thread with content in it instead of just "how was ur day :3" "it was good" "okay im going to bed" "night" ad nauseam.
Don't you see the similarity between what you're saying and how normies view children?
Personally I'm not attracted to babies and think most of them are ugly retards, but I can also appreciate where the other user is coming from.
Thanks for the warning.
As opposed to being a human lentil?
No I can't, I haven't seen a single normalfag claim that children don't have personalities of their own because its obvious that they do by the fact that they can actually communicate their varying interests.
I enjoyed your post. Thank you.
all except kike cat
the names maybe off but there still able to identify each other
Never heard either of these tbh
very blunt but that's true
no need to thank me tbh because you're not really missing out. onion IBs are slow and forums are straight to the point, and you've made it very clear that you don't want to namefag or tripfag. So having a forum account associated to you wouldn't be your cup of tea.
the media he posts are good though
i get that but you can honestly just filter out their bullshit and look at their media instead of getting angry. this is what i did. i tolerated their exchanges because i enjoyed the atmopshere of their pgts. if i didn't enjoy myself then i wouldn't be there.
I just hope he doesn't get lonely being by himself
he's fine being by himself. it is cat kike we're talking about.
They were struggling to identify eachother all throughout this thread and their inability to do so for the most part made it so this thread was actually interesting instead of the same circlejerk we've seen countless times.
they weren't strugglig that much
from what i can see there's a few tripfags and namefags ITT
Hex, LH, !LLLLL, Anna, Ox, !Ok and possibly Cat-Kike himself.
Theres plenty of better places to find their media than them doling it out at a snails pace alongside their housewife get-together tier drivel.
it was only ox that was hard to identify he had a tripcode for two days and then disappeared to start posting cp
of course there is but i user post there all the time and i just like the atmosphere bar the jerking but it doesn't bother me all that much. i'm there for the lgs but i stay for the banter. call me what you want but that is why i find that place attractive.
ur a faget
hard not to recognize their media, typing mannerisms and general demeanor when you've
Ox is a fucking loose cannon and i think he's had that random trip for a few weeks. i saw him post it in a random pedo thread really late at night US time. so he could be infact a burger but i can't put my finger on him.
that wasn't too bad.
oh shit, we almost at bump limit ;-;
when they're the only active Holla Forums posters and /lg/ posters. wew my bad.
rip. i hate being Australian sometimes. all the burgers are asleep and eupoor is in school or at work. i'm left with the bottom of the barrel which includes myself.
Criminal genes tbh.
out of all these posters lh and anna stick out like a sore thumb when you know exactly what they post
Ox is an anti.
toddlers can consent