Can we talk about how literally everything is fucking shit now...

Can we talk about how literally everything is fucking shit now? I mean like how civilization in general is just shit now? The 90s, before 9/11 happened and fucked up everything for fucking everyone, was the LAST livable decade of the west. Everything after that has just been people living day to day trying to distract themselves with cosmopolitan lifestyle as world governments have slowly been moving closer and closer to a Disneyland model of the world where everything you do is watched over by someone and you are constantly bomboarded with distracting imagery and amusement rides. A world that is the culmination of an entire generation of Cold War-era city planners that is now being made possible with advances in technology. Where people are afraid to even be outside on the streets anymore so it creates a depressing feedback loop where everyone just wants to stay inside because nobody is outside enjoying life anymore. Where Pokemon Go as breif as its popularity was, was the first time children probably went outside just for the hell of it in a decade. Where post-industrialism has created an environment more antagonistic towards getting a job if you don't want to be a lifeless white-collar cubicle jockey. Where actual creativity unless its underground is being pushed out by producers reading off of Big Data algorithms of what's popular in the moment. It's like the very fucking soul of the western world has been ripped out and what's left is a large soulless machine. And people have been saying this since forever, that only tells me that it's only been getting worse as what was last decades fears inches closer to this decades reality.

But fine, I guess we're the crazy ones. Science and progress are great right? Except we don't have science anymore, just rampant abuse of the "Scientific Rhetoric" by ideologues whom are blindly and ironically worhipped by shallow drones on Reddit (c.

Is this what it felt like to be at the tail end of the Roman Empire?

Other urls found in this thread:

Short sighted burger confirmed.

I always forget that Europe became fucked up long before America did. I feel for you

It took you long enough to realise that?

We've also almost reached the point where all of the greatest people of the 20th century are dying off, and someday they'll all be gone. Harbingers of the end. I don't think the 21st century will produce a generation even comparable. To produce great people requires hard work and conflict. We live so deep in our hugboxes that I fear for Gen Z or fucking whatever


Being a 90's child I sensed that optimism. Seeing my parents work in stable office tower jobs and remembering majority white kids in school. As an adult I now walk through my city and fucking flips cautiously eye me because they're short and flips and I'm tall and white. Same with regular chingchongs. They see white people and because of their small stature, they react in the same way white people must react to niggers. Welcome to Canada.

However, the motion of all of these events started moreso in the 60's. The 90's was the last time you could be blissfully ignorant of it, I guess. All that 90's stuff will eventually be lost to time and there won't even be anyone to remember that sense of optimism.

I kind of used to hate the opportunities that I missed but even as a child I felt like I was missing out - my parents are slavs and they weren't on the same wavelength as other n. american white families, being immigrants from socialism and all. Took me a while to unslav myself and accept the 90's as gone. There's only me and my personal future now.

Sidenote: Complete shutin who socializes online mainly. And a bit irl.

Isn't it funny how NOT BEING ABLE TO AFFORD SHIT is the "new normal?" Even people doing "the right things" live paycheck to paycheck. This whole new globalization thing is so fucked it's shocking. These new browns and asians will make far better goyim, being "grateful" for their chance to live in a third world country.

I expect the new fucked up ideas to start emerging in the 2040's, 2050's, when ALL remembrance of what was before begins to fade, as we get old and increasingly irrelevant.

I agree. And as you said, the west is just going to continue to drift further and further into third world territory. Like the Roman Empire before us, Classical Liberal society tends to gradually decay rather than collapse. The decay may last decades or even centuries. We'll move into a new Dark Ages, again, much like Europe following the gradual decline of Rome. But after the New Dark Ages WILL surely come a New Renaissance. Will whites still exist by then? How different will the world be by then? And will we have even moved beyond this rock yet if not only the elites as the rest of us suffer during the New Dark Ages? Only time will tell.

You can even see this "loss of innocence" in pop culture. Literally fucking kids today are disillusioned. Modern memes are all about jaded nihilism

The chain of events that led to the faggotry of today may have started before 9/11, but things definitely took a turn for the worse there. 9/11 was arguably the most pivotal event that happened within the lifetime of anyone old enough to remember it. It basically cemented America's course into police statism and ruinous overseas military adventurism. I wonder if things would have turned out differently if it hadn't happened, or if it had been stopped while in progress or somehow mitigated so only a handful of people died instead of thousands. The establishment would have tried to do the things it's done no matter what happened, but the American public may not have bought into it so readily without the specter of 9/11 looming over them. If there's any event in the 21st century that would lead to a dramatic difference if it were changed, it would have to be 9/11.

A lot of this is the result of late-stage capitalism

I can certainly see 9/11 as a bullet point in some history textbook in the far off future of what started going wrong with American

unironically this


jews or not, the world will only get more fucked over under capitalism

Capitalism drove us to this point actually it was state-driven corporatism that undermined our once-free market. But I seriously hope you guys don't think the "successors" would've somehow have solved the issues of globalism and decadence.

capitalism turns gentiles into kikes

It's possible that capitalism would have collapsed faster without 9/11. The US would likely still go to war in the Middle East, but without 9/11 to wave in people's faces, the pro-war voices would fall on deaf ears. The surge of nationalism that happened immediately after 9/11 wouldn't have ever occurred, and the Bush administration may have even collapsed before his first term was up due to the Florida election shenanigans. People would have become disillusioned much faster and sought to build alternatives to the system.

Communism or capitalism. Nothing would've prevented this. This isn't about economic systems. Kikes undermined the USSRs original Marx-Leninist ambition and corrupted it. Stalin then tried to purge the kikes but by then it was already too late. It ruined politics in the west forever because it allowed for the watering down of politics into a left vs right bullshit. The point is Holla Forums isn't true communist either, they're just more useful idiots driving this false dichotomy wither they know it or not.

Watch "Hypernormalisation" on youtube. I think you'll enjoy it. It too doesn't employ a left vs right, capitalism vs communism method of analysis.

bretty gud user

Don't you think that industrial society has come a long way to fail when it was supposed to be fruitful?

Man has always realized that higher truth remains distant, yet there is an ever present opportunity to create lies and have people live under those lies, thus elevating (certain) individuals to a god like position.

Why don't the elites preach wisdom? They have no domain over wisdom. They only have domain over their fellow man. 9/11 was a huge and deliberate action to kick things off. Slow down growth? Not a chance. The "reduce world population" meme is just a meme. Human life will be very much cheapened. Technology will assist in the management and control of large populations. Nucuck males and other brainless faggots are a virtue in this world, not a burden.

The ultimate achievement of such a world is a caste system where some people buy and sell others like meat and can do what they want to them. Loyalties won't be towards life or truth - loyalties will be to the system and what it provides. The system will provide what it can create - mainly weakness and sickness. Expect opiate microdots to be applied to the skin and agonizing, suicide provoking withdrawl to come to those who try to do anything a normal person used to be able to do - like flee and start anew somewhere else. You can't leave if you've been an opiate addict since birth and you can only get your necessary fix from the system.

That's just my imagination, though :^)

you're fucking retarded
please stop using electricity that could be used to run my coffee maker or something actually useful

Why do you shills, here and Holla Forums and elsewhere, always type all lower case?

b-but economic systems determine human nature, possibly preventing all of this

why do you virgins, here and only here because you don't go outside, have such irreparably damaged intellectual faculties that you literally cannot open a book?

there is literally no point in discussing historical materialism here on Holla Forums, user

you sound like a child, yes he is stupid but you are annoying

Stop breathing you condescending twats

What alternative have you? Don't just reject what we say as false. It makes sense when you actually think about it.

I don't have an alternative. But maybe we should actually come up with one that works instead of jumping the gun again on a theory written by some Jew 100 years ago

You have it backwards

since when? read a fucking book

What have against historical materialism? It is perfectly applicable.

It is certainly not applicable to the issues of decadence and the current collapse of the west. You just want to fellate your ego by pretending to be smart on some Mongolian cave painting board. I hate historical materialism too, because Marx implies that Nations arose as a result of capitalism, while other leftards seem to imply the opposite

i told you it was pointless, user

you weren't kidding.

I want to argue than anyone who primarily reads political science in general, left or right, is probably the absolute bottom of the barrel of any academic. Maybe I don't care because every time I'm told to read Marx or any of the "great left academics" I'm just rolling my eyes reading through walls of rhetoric. But I guess retards want that boost of dopamine when they come to the conclusion "That makes a lot of sense!"

The 90s is marked by virulent nihilism.

I once wrote a bit of a dissertation on the subject, regarding how we're living in a "post apocalyptic society". It's good pasta, I guess.

As a member of Generation X (admittedly a very late member, but not quite late enough to qualify for GenY, at least not sociologically speaking; I usually think of myself as some kind of GenXY) I actually saw it completely the opposite [of that the 90's were depressing].

The 90's we're nice. Really fucking nice. Even growing up in a middle-class family, it was easy for a kid around 10 years old to see that the world was gorging itself on a great excess. It was like a modern version of the Roaring 20's, and despite the historical precedent that that was followed by the Great Depression, nobody but some dour economists and the usual apocalypse-callers dared presume that it might happen again. Food was cheap, gasoline was cheap, parties were grand and often, vacations were often, jobs were plentiful and paid well. Houses were easy for even poor families to own (or at least mortgage…). As a kid, it was a time of awesome video games and endless candies and cookies, when the future was turning into Star Trek before our eyes, the internet was new and boundless, and toys and games were increasingly electronic. The "poor" folks you knew weren't living paycheck-to-paycheck, weren't renters in crappy apartments, and did not worry about the bills or about taxes or about their car; the kids of those folks were just like us, except they only had an SNES instead of an N64, and their candy was a little cheaper. Maybe they still had a walkman instead of a CD player; maybe they didn't rent movies from Blockbuster quite as often as we did. The biggest fear was that the world's computers would come crashing down when the new millennium rang in, and that was only because most of the world still did not understand computers.

Then, almost like a flash, everything went wrong. Everything went to hell in a handbasket. Personally, I don't use hard dates for generations or decades, because culture does not follow hard dates. The 90's didn't really end when the year 2000 started, the 90's ended in the fall of 2001, and I think all of you know exactly when that was.

For me, it was even worse because it was a time of great change in my life. My parents divorced, and the slowing economy took every single one of the friends I had on my cute, insular little culdesac and moved them away; and when you're 12, across town or across the world is the same thing: you never see them again. My parents and I used to travel to Europe once every two years; after the 90's it only happened once more. I was a straight-A student all through elementary and middle school, until the loneliness and upheaval of adolescence and increasing pressures and responsibilities basically reduced me to a zombie that only barely passed his classes. In the 90's, I was endlessly happy, and I haven't really been since; I had friends, now I don't. I started high school about a month before the towers fell. I wasn't personally affected — I live on the opposite coast and didn't know anyone who died or who had relatives who died — but it was something that slowly affected every single person living in what could be described as modern civilization.


The world changed too fast. The technological future we were going into changed from the hope and endless possibilities of Star Trek into the fear and control of Orwell's 1984. The promise of space exploration, which made every kid on my street want to be an astronaut, died entirely. Wars were started for reasons nobody really understood. A force of evil — terrorism — which was both everywhere and nowhere, omnipotent but indestructible like a cloud of poison gas, began to threaten us all. Through everything, as a child and teenager, I was left feeling powerless, unsure which figures in power to point the finger at.

It was as if I was left standing in the ashes of all those dreams and hopes of mine, asking the wind: "What the hell did you DO to my world?!"

The adults over 50, of course they cannot understand. They ask us what more we could want, when we have food and clothes, a roof over our heads and no looming threat of worldwide nuclear war. What we lack, of course, is hope that it will ever get any better — which is something they had. The world is staring us in the face and saying that this is the best we're ever going to get, so get used to life this way. It's crushing.

Is it any wonder why so much of the media and fiction of today is apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic in nature? In a small way, that is exactly what happened! The idyllic, optimistic world of the 90's was destroyed by the Great Recession and 9/11 as effectively, if insidiously, as if it were nuked into oblivion, and what replaced it was a world much more dystopian and dark and grim than ANY of us wanted or expected. And it's up to us, the GenX & GenY, to pick up the pieces and try to set right what our predecessors and parents fucked up. We're in our late 20's and 30's now, just starting to get into power in the world and the workplace, starting to exercise the will and color of our generation, starting to replace that which came before us.

I'm a member of this generation, too, and as a writer I hope to contribute to this revolution or movement. Many of my novels are post-apocalyptic in nature, but not obviously so. They're aren't so obvious or garish or mundane as an asteroid strike or world war or rise of zombies or anything like that. Or sure, things like that might be what set events in motion on the surface; but the real apocalypse comes slowly, invisibly, unexpectedly, driven by things like human excess or greed or selfishness, created by corrupt governments and ironically sinful preachers. The post-apocalyptic worlds I see aren't filled with broken cities and biker gangs and dirty people; it's a world just like this one. The government doesn't publicly crush the people under their boot like in Orwell's 1984; they do it in the shadows while the world carries on in ignorance and obedience. It's a dystopia created, not by fear, but by complacency.

Is it just part of leftists DNA to be condescending or something? Why do they all passive-aggressively gaslight anyone who wont read their shit? They're not retards user, they just don't care. And neither do I

Can we talk about how OP is literally a fucking faggot now?
I know that this is a lot of reading, but it's worth it.

And just look at this shit they produce for kids these days. If this was in a movie in the 90s there would be national outrage.

I'll try to read all your links but I honestly don't know why I should care. I don't know any of these people, I don't know how any of their rhetoric holds any weight. They all seem to just be sources for talking points in debates without conclusion

Even Marx knew who was behind such degeneracy

Are you sure about that? The Minions aren't even sexual.

Everyone hates everyone in Canada here. It is like a developing country.. We have wealth yet we don't have a pleasant society to interact with.

Asians aren't goys in Canada. We make cash and we insulate ourselves from other races just like white people want to do. We just want people to leave us alone since we don't need anyone and we don't want to help you. We especially hate blacks and dumb whites. If you are intelligent then it is fine.

As an asian when we look at white people we think "these white people lack a soul and are plain" and that whites are mentally soft but otherwise decent. That is what we think every time. We think niggers need to stop being niggers and they are the inhabitants of satan. We are okay with browns except for saudi's cause they only have oil money and are like nigs.

That depends OP, can you be honest? Because what you really want to say, is how YOUR LIFE is shit.

He's 12.

OMG I love world government now.

How he think it be… hahaha you need a new analogue kiddo. Also, nothing you mentioned wasn't already happening in the 90's.

More projection.

Yes, that's what jews do to their host before moving on.

Let me just hop in my time machine… yeah, about right. Except guys like you got fuck in the ass before having your head cut off for being such a cuck.

I'm going to go have ice cream now and laugh at you.

Just want to say… what the Hell?? Was this photoshopped from a collection of different models?

She's got the face of a teenager, legs of a 20-year-old, snatch of a 30-year-old, and hands of a goddamn senior citizen.

go back to Holla Forums

This is what you have to bring to the table? This is perhaps one of the most out of the blue comments i've seen. Also, she doesn't look that bad tbh, pretty normal really.

Nah, that "post-apocalypse" two parter from above is also mine. At the time, I'd just read through the thread without paying attention to the picture because women do not interest me.

what does interest you?


This really is quite scary. Most of Middle America is working a job and paying rents that doesn't allow them to build up much of a savings, so they will never be able to buy a house; they'll be renters forever. Meanwhile, hardly any jobs provide any sort of pensions or retirement benefits anymore. Social security won't even cover your fucking electricity bill, and will likely collapse soon anyway.

What is going to happen when Gen X retires? They won't have any money or support system, the government has largely hung out to dry, and any kids they have will be even poorer than they are. In 30 or so years, literally tens of millions of people in this country will end up homeless and start starving to death because they are too old to work. You know those times when some shitty country has some genocide or famine and millions of people are dying, so the UN steps in? The USA will become that country; it's just a matter of time.

Why does that matter?

If I say anything other than "lolis" you'll just not take me seriously in the future.

Do I think my life is shit? Does a billionaire think they're life is shit? No. But I recognize sit that's happening.
I sure wish I could be as smart as you are. Do you perhaps watch Rick and Morty?

As a white, when we look at Asians we usually think the same thing. As much as we all hate to admit it, I think there is a race gap. The most successful countries on Earth were successful because of cultural homogeneity, because of nationalism. Wither that be civic-nationalism or ethnic-nationalism. I think civic-nationalism CAN work, but only if everyone recognizes it and recognized multiculturalism as its antagonist. We should be aiming for a single-cultured, multi-ethnic society, not a multicultural one.

Bullshit. The most successful countries on Earth were successful because of geographic prominence and natural resources. There's plenty of homogeneous countries in the heart of Africa, and look how far that has gotten them.

Fucking where?! I don't think niggers are capable of producing a homogeneous society to begin with. Even the South African Nationalist movement is a fucking disaster because those retards are incapable of farming without whitey

Look, I get it. I understand your bluster about "homogeneity" is just code for "muh white race", but this just isn't the thread for it.

You didn't answer my question. Where in South-Saharan Africa is there any significant Afro-Nationalist society?

i was only making conversation. It doesn't really affect/impact me either way.

Fuck off.

t. nigger

t. kike

>There's plenty of homogeneous countries in the heart of Africa, and look how far that has gotten them
>most successful countries on Earth were successful because of geographic prominence and natural resources
So what's Africa's excuse then considering they have coastal access, access to an abundance of fertile land, and resources that could fund their technological development through foreign trade. Don't you dare fucking say IQ Holla Forumstard or 'muh colonialism'.

If that were the case then every nation that originally formed in areas of geographic wealth would still be around and be powerful forces. It's not that simple. And Africa has plenty of natural resources, most of which is getting raped by China because niggers aren't even capable of taking advantage of that. Rome, Japan, America, China, Nazi Germany, they all rose to power above the rest NOT because of geographic location, but because of homogeneity. Race, culture, language, being homogeneous is important for the growth of powerful empires

Are you actually retarded, or do you just play as one here?

Oh noes! How dare people bring up race realism! Different breeds of dog exhibit different behaviors but humans are SPECIAL! Besides, you'll hurt MUH FEE FEES!

It's called Civic-Nationalism. America was one of the most nationalist countries on Earth, just not ethnically nationalist. At least until multicultural retards fucked everything up. Besides, we were always majority white and still are

There have been plenty successful African empires, but they were conquered by Europeans.

Protip; if your empire gets conquered numerous times, it's not "successful"

Always wanted to bring this one back, now that the thread train is heading to full derail and cannot be stopped.

Actually retarded it is!

what are we supposed to say. colonialism ruined africa and the empires that were

like what?

By the way, the original definition of "white" was literally only English Protestants. When the Irish came to America, they were NOT considered white. The definition has been expanded upon time and time again, encompassing Germanic and Scandinavian peoples, and then even darker southern Europeans. All so you could continue to maintain the absurd delusion that you're still in the "majority", which you haven't been for centuries. Now, so long as you're not more than 50% asian or mexican, and don't have any nigger in your ancestory, you're "white". Wouldn't surprise me if they lumped second-generation or later Mexicans into the white club in the next twenty years, either, else "Hispanic" will outpace "white", and we can't have that!

Rome was civic Nationalist, as well as the USSR. It's a thing, I'm sorry you're retarded

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on. Back that fucking truck up. The USSR was not successful, not by any stretch of the imagination. It goes against everything your Holla Forums types stand for because it was communist. If you lump them in with Rome and the USA and the FUCKING NAZIS, your own brain should be imploding onto its own hypocrisy right now.

When America was founded only rich white land owners could vote, and those did include, German, as well as yes, Irish immigrants. Race realists later brought up the idea the potato niggers weren't white but that was never part of American politics

I never implied the USSR was successful by any means

It's really funny seeing you try to hard to gaslight me because you want to win an argument on an anonymous imageboard so badly. I can feel your anal clench through the screen as you pound your keyboard keys

I have never in my life seen someone backpedal this hard.

Backpedal on what? The USSR wasn't even really communist either. And while I never implied they were successful, they did compete against the USA at its peak. That's just you blowing more smoke up my ass

On precisely two things: producing nukes and launching shit into space. All else was largely propaganda like what North Korea wants people to believe. The country was a MESS. Even their space program was largely only successful because they were willing to sacrifice the lives of cosmonauts to ensure rapid progress.

Mother of fuck, it's like I've stumbled into the Twilight Zone where everything is different. Don't you Holla Forums guys communicate, or anything?

Very interesting read, I'm skimming through it now

One thing I have a problem with so far is to back up his claim the author cites studies involving impoverished animals behaviors. In addition, I fail to see how his assertions are backed against statistical evidence (poor blacks commit more crime than poor latinos or poor whites.etc)

Are you okay there buddy? You seem to be extremely asshurt for no reason at all and are wasting energy trying to gaslight anonymous posters instead of actually discuss anything

The USSR wasn't communist, dipshit. Not even Holla Forums thinks they are. It was a strong authoritarian state that was basically Nazi Germany-lite with Gulags instead of death camps

Countries are successful, to start with, because of geography. End of story. Whether they stay that way or end up consumed by war and destroyed or weakened is also a matter of geography. The USA is the least unified country on the goddamn planet because of the States; half the people are constantly at the throat of the other half over inane issues, and you can't deny that. Yet it's still the most powerful country in the world because of its vast size, rich resources, and the most fertile arable land on the planet that hasn't yet been totally depleted of nutrients. This, despite trying its damnest to fall behind the rest of the world in matters like education, and no longer being "civic nationalist" or whatever, and no longer being majority white.

You simply don't have a leg to stand on.

Stating that you're blowing smoke up my ass is an insult now?
Pure conjecture. You have no idea how the USA structures itself. Hell, it's literally in the name "United" States. Everyone is under the same Federal Government. Some news articles about some states bureaucracies getting in the way is not a substitute for actually knowing how things operate

I love how asshurt you are for no reason though, keep up the conjecture. Maybe you'll win an argument on an anonymous website

It's worse because of democracy. Competing elite groups always signal an impending catastrophe. Back then, the elites would just fight it out among themselves while the plebs would suffer in hardship. Because of democracy, our elites are politicizing everything in order to influence and control their voter militias. That's why subjects of media controversy are reaching the heights of arbitrariness and absurdity.

Everything in your life will become politicized by both faction before 2025.

Era of Good Feelings III when?

Seriously? Have you looked at the news lately? Can you even be bothered to LOOK AT THIS VERY SITE?? If you ask Holla Forums they think that California should be nuked flat.

I don't care about winning an argument. I'm just pointing out how much of a retard you are to everyone else here, to prevent you from spreading false information to prop up your propaganda about "muh white race".

No need to wait. It's happened already if you make it "everything important". Wouldn't surprise me if even inane bullshit like whether you prefer Coke or Pepsi becomes politicized soon. Hey, they're even conveniently colored the same as our parties!

Take a look at black women's hips. Wide hips are a fairly new genetic development which they've missed. They don't need it because blacks have small brain sizes compared to others.

Do you actually live in America? Fringe groups always say extreme shit. The sad reality is that in America, the state governments have no power and they haven't had power since the turn of the 20th century
Your crusade is in vein because white nationalism is bigger than it has been in decades, does this bother you? ;^) We at Holla Forums are all very happy you exist to write the wrongs or whatever

The graph explains vaporwave tho right?

Depends if nukes. If they aren't used you'll probably see whites obtaining growth and good feelings from violent incursions and expansion into other lands (Mexico, MENA)


Heil Hitler tbh


All over, user. You'd be surprised how strong African nationalism is in Africa. Take Mozambique as an example, or Zimbabwe or Angola.

tbh most on Holla Forums are just LARPers

cleftypalate leftypol

For a nation to fight existential threats or even to intervene militarily it must have unity and a concentric metanarrative that controls the proles. America is balkanizing atm, the upcoming conflict depicted in this chart will be internal.

You literally just listed 3 countries that were established by European colonist and have all had civil wars within the past 40 years. Progress, but not quite.

And don't get me wrong, blacks deserve nationalism just like any other race, there's just little examples of that in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, you could've chosen Ethiopia as a solid example. There was also a great number of Arab Nationalists who were allied with Hitler who were black, the Free Arabian Legion

China and Russia also have desperate internal problems. Balkanization risks the American empire, inviting the use of nukes.

big if true tbh

im not saying they are trolls or anything, what im saying is that most arent real natsocs, prolly most never read mein kampf

I would strongly suggest that you stop reading Gibbons. This didn't happen other than, arguably, the british isles. Post-Rome, in many parts of Europe you saw the same people doing the same jobs and even officials having the same titles. They even paid salaries, a practice that stopped during parts of the middle-ages.

Rome did not collapse but slowly deflated due to a number of causes. Among these were fiscal mismanagement, instability of government during the third century until Diocletian and Constantine and even their policies only really borrowed some time as they moved the Empire east. In the west, it was new management by goths and franks, not collapse and "dark ages"

We call them "dark" because we have relatively fewer legal documents, ledgers, and other written works, not because they were technological black holes where society regressed.

A caveat here are the british isles where we find dwellings in Roman baths, for example. We also have, during the de-christianization, few written accounts of history so, here, you could talk about a collapse as the Romans retreated and the borders contracted. This was drastically helped by the re-christianization of England with Augustine of Canterburry and the re-introduction of literacy.

tl;dr - Stop reading Gibbons. There were no "Dark" ages. The Roman empire did not "fall"

is this bait?


It's not accurate. There is a baby photo of Hitler with a philtrum, and his mother had a distinct, gracile philtrum. More than likely seeing his would invoke a very different feeling, and you can even see the indentation on his upper lip in the moustache picture.

tfw when it really hits, no actually SETS in, that America used to be a white country…


Good post.

meep meep the world has always been shit tbh no homo

t. every generation ever.

Life is easy when you're a kid and hard when you're an adult. Don't confuse that with the world actually getting worse.

They think they could actually kill anyone when the tiniest things have them LITERALLY SHAKING in autistic fits of rage.

This has been discussed numerous times, even here. You see, the government did 9/11 to control the people.

Just look at all the drug propaganda they made in the 90s. They would get upset over anything that offended the goodbook. But nowadays its about "my 4th gender" and "why donald trump is a nazi for eating pizza with forks" i think its just gone up a few calibers after the years.

"Juvenoia" is a fucking myth and not a good theory at describing ACTUAL social decline that's actually happening

Ask fedoras.

Yes. And Muslims are the new barbarians. First Eurabia, then the Islamic Republic of Canada, then the United States of Allah (swt).

WTF why do i have a boner?

I get what you're saying, but then there's:

so idk mane.

What happened …………..pic related

Like, I love mandarin restaurant and stuff, but where's the asian rock and roll? Where's the respect for things not made out of money or iphones? Thats why I say they're goys; are chinese giving up their nations mentality?

God damn user, do some fucking reading. Nixon fucked the entire planet by screwing the world economy with the U.S. petro-dollar. What about the CIA killing JFK? Are you shitting me?
The entire 20th century was a shit show and we're just getting started.

For now. Buckle up, you ain't seen nothing yet user.

that has already happened, the communist revolution or some shit where they destroeyed their heritage

Haven't I? Any event you describe would be a direct result of 9/11.


That's why I can't take claims of asians not being goys seriously. Will asians get all up in arms when weird shit is pushed on them? Highly doubtful, tbh. They may be smart and industrious but I don't see any of them acting different than they're "expected" to.

From what I can tell, Gen Z is turning into some weird shapeless gray generation that has no motivation at all, but who can blame them really? They regularly spout memes and SocJus rhetoric without truly knowing what it means.

Middle-of-the-road Gen Y'er reporting in, that was an awesome read; and I think we're fucking up this whole "fix the world" thing.

Bullshit, shit give you an internet connection.

Burgers are germans.

That's what happens when you get rid of all the white people and let Jews run everything.

Lol cunt u old

Worse is coming user, if the demographic trends continue at least. I'm from South Africa and in the short time I've been alive I've seen it go from bad to worse - I never even saw its golden days but I know their history. It's going to repeat in America and then Europe, albiet with a slightly different justification.

Travel to Brazil or come here if you want to see it. Rhodesia was an extreme example and while not an exact future for most of the world, it serves as an example of what is possible.

Go innawoods like /k/ says. Buy a farm, detach yourself from the system, contribute to fighting back where you can. Leave your country if it's already like mine. There is nothing else you can do.

People only say this shit during times of actual social decline. Which many argue started in the 1960s, that's when people really started saying shit was better in the past. And it's only gotten worse since then

The internet isn't worth it tbh. If nobody had internet we would all probably be outside making something of ourselves, yeah you can argue people can still do this, but it's hard when everyone else is on the internet. It's a depressing feedback loop and there's no escape

jus turn off the internet, nigga

his point was that everyone else is on the internet, not outside. its pointless