Media Calls Hillary Green-Screen 'Crazy Conspiracy'

So the mainstream media is still running the "you must be nuts to believe this" line.

According to the mainstream media, it's entirely normal for someone giving a speech to entirely vanish live on camera.

Comments section on the story shows people overwhelmingly believe both Hillary and the media are lying to them.

Archived Story:
Original Link:

Other urls found in this thread: Hottel Part 1 of 1/view

hey next time space out the original link. just in case some faggot clicks it.

its great that the media is being btfo by everyone. no one trust the media. its blatant they are just feeding bullshit to even the average pozzed fag.

My bad, will do.

Comments section is absolute gold.

Did you not see the clear plastic thing also spazzing out on the very right hand edge of the screen? It's not green screen. They probably purposely fucked with the signal to try to trick conspiracy friends into running with something that could be discredited.

the fact there is an air of "doubt" and "lie" mixed in with shillary means good. everyone knows this bitch lies. their own excuse for not voting or picking clinton is because they are so pozzed they cannot be freed

even if it's true what they are saying, the video glitches don't work like that to make repeating patterns vertically and switching shown person on and off

i'm inclined to say they did it on purpose to make idiots out of the trump voters

I don't get where they are going to go.
First they insult Trump, didn't work.
Now they are insulting his supporters. Which is definitely not going to work.

If I ever see a news van around my neighborhood, I'm just going to start throwing eggs at them until they leave

Tru dat. It would've worked in the status quo of former current years, but in A.D.MMXVI it just adds fuel to the fire of the public's general suspicion and anger. If normies start talking about it seriously you can sublimate their discontent into researching the less theatrical ways she has swindled the public

now that i saw the video it really looks like glitches of movement compensation

my conclusion is their hardware is worse than my satellite tv decoder, to make her glitch out like that

And it is, because the screen glitch is the red herring that distracts from fake audiences

Wag the dog

i don't know where this meme kicked off but it's definitely not green screen. seen this shit all the time happen. it's kinda outputting how this artifact occurred. combined with that phone fiasco.
it is a green screen.


The original thread is still up >>>Holla Forumsres/7520167.html but has 750+ replies.

CTR shilled it HARD, saying it's nothing more than video compression errors, bringing up reptilians, etc. and to a very limited extent, that's accurate. We've all seen VLC or DVB-T broadcasts do it when an MPEG stream gets corrupted.

BUT… as this user points out:

And that's true. I don't doubt it was just an MPEG stream glitch, but it's pretty obvious that the video image was made of two layers, the foreground with Hillary and the podium laid over the top of a background layer.

The background layer didn't glitch, but Hillary's layer did, and that explains it.

CTR here again pushing the 'fake audience' thing trying to muddy the waters.

Audience is real, live DNC staffers, at a real, live venue. Hillary's not there.
Yes, there's a laugh track also overlaid on the audio, it's really not relevant to the order in which the video layers were composited.

i didn't say it's not green screen, i'm saying the glitches are more believable than i saw in the screencaps

More to the point, rather than rehashing the argument about whether or not it's green screen (it is), here are a few things to remember:

1. CTR shills from the first thread about this pushed muddying-the-water tactics the hardest I've ever seen.
They kept bringing up holograms, reptilians, even flat earth at one point. Don't fall for that.

2. The normalfags have been bombarded with enough proof of MSM and Hillary lying recently that they're basically operating on the assumption of "Whatever the MSM says, the opposite is true"

Alright, OK, guys this is bad. This is REALLY REALLY bad. Trump needs to get out ahead of this and condemn these actions and the supporters involved. This is the moment of truth for his campaign if he fails this test, it's over for him.
A major speech directed at his supporters, telling them this kind of behavior is inexcusable is the only way forward from this. I've been a Trump supporter since forever and I'm telling you. This NEEDS to happen!

Where do they find these "conspiracies"? Some Laotian image auctioning website?


Just to quickly close off with the green screen vs signal issues.

If it were solely a stream issue, hillary's jacket/cardigan/whatever that thing she is wearing is i'm not a fashion fag would have remained with the background. She was essentially static through the video and it would have been caught in the reference frames. You would expect to see some minor artifacts from the slight position changes but let me make this abundantly clear, it would not completely drop her out of the stream.

What we observe is a complete failure of one stream that is being layered over another.

You've got it spot-on, user.

Alright, OK, guys this is bad. This is REALLY REALLY bad. Trump needs to get out ahead of this and condemn these actions and the supporters involved. This is the moment of truth for his campaign if he fails this test, it's over for him.
A major speech directed at his supporters, telling them this kind of behavior is inexcusable is the only way forward from this. I've been a Trump supporter since forever and I'm telling you. This NEEDS to happen!>>7542831

it's a pasta

tbh people promoting this theory comes across as shills trying to make trump supporters look like retards.

every fucking time

fuck off with your derailing pasta you cancerous cunt

ABC logo foreground is completely fine, Hillary & podium middle layer disappears, background is fine.

I'd believe it was greenscreened.

It is a crazy conspiracy and you are becoming the joke they want

Thanks for correcting the record

Oh Ausfailia…

Even your journalists can't stop shitposting and living up to all the jokes.

I kek, therfore I am.

one Pepe, the rest are normies talking red pill. What have you done to America, Holla Forums? What have you done?



Desensitize normies to the word conspiracy you stupid kike fucks.
Overuse something that worked very good for you and destroy it's meaning in a span of one year. Oven yourself.
As a /gsg/ autist I get triggered by their stupidity.

Kikes are like women. If one thing works, they will push it for as long as they can. When they get found out they fucking double down and get destroyed.

That'd be a pretty stupid strategy. It plants doubt in people's minds. We have the image of Dyin' Hillary too weak to give a speech to her pathetic crowds in person less she pass out and pop her poop bag

Right. For her to entirely diseases like that to the very bottom of the screen would mean that at least some portion of the flag at the top would disappear too, right? I mean granted the camera might be recording a bigger fov than what's visible, but the problem is with the stream, not the camera.

I didn't buy it at first either, since it's a vertical error with verticals stripes, but this is what's fucking with me. I don't know enough about this sort of thing to say for certain.

This isn't even a conspiracy theory in the true meaning of the word. 9/11 was a conspiracy; the government has its conspiracy theory and the public has its own conspiracy therory. Shit like OP stretches the meaning of the word so far that it loses all meaning

That's exactly what I meant.
Instead of conspiracy meme it will be exactly what it is. Investigation and if provided enough evidence, truth.

The thing is the conspiracy theories of yesteryear are now known to be facts. I have no strong opinion - was it a glitch, a hologram or some technical failure? I don't care, that's the bottom line. The old witch has so much blood on her hands and her heart is pumping nothing but bile and corruption. That is all that matters in the end, and if this does turn out to be an utterly fake rally with a fake Hillary it's just the cherry on top of a multilayered cake of lies.


yeah, I'm pretty sure that column of chatter down the middle of the frame is a recursion of something, looks like several iterations of hillary's scalp to me. It's too bad I missed the thread where all the shills were trying to explain that one.

Video game programmer here, a lot of video compression works by breaking an image down into reusable 2D blocks and then indexing them. One common implementation is a Quadtree:

The best compression is achieved when the table or quadtree doesn't change at all and only the indices do. If the indices are re-initialized, dirty, or just plain wrong, however, it could definitely cause a 2d block to repeat itself.

The flag background is trivially tileable even as a 1D shape, you can see a repeated copy is exactly what is happening when the stripes become perfectly vertical whereas before the image was slightly tilted.

If you want to try a crude version for yourself, open up a paint program, create a selection rectangle of the top few lines, imagine those are index 0, then copy and paste them vertically all the way down the image - they will make Hillcunt and the podium appear to "disappear" while the background looks roughly the same.

Now assuming that was index 0 and for some reason the frame was bad, it could be filled with zero-indices and cause the reproduction of that block. It could also be filled with other indices.

This isn't a two layer composite, it's a strip being repeated likely due to bad indices.

There are other ways this could happen. I'm not commenting on the other stuff, but I think there is some CTR disinfo and CTR false flagging (as in, let's make the "correct" explanation look like it's coming from CTR so that people will doubt the correct explanation) going on in this thread.

I told you this conspiritard shit is just gonna get used against us.

Anyone ITT who isn't a shill but seriously thinks this to be a good angle of attack needs to be gassed. Fucking morons.


I think this is what you're referring to:

No, Hillary was there. Hillary recorded the speech first before a green screen to make sure it went right. She went and actually gave the speech, what was broadcast live to news channels was the recorded Hillary imposed over the actual background at the speech. This was done so, if she had a hacking fit or other health episode it wouldn't go beyond that room of supporters and sympathetic press without looking like a ridiculous conspiracy theory. But the feed of pre-recorded Hillary glitched out during the broadcast exposing the trick and showing more evidence of deep collusion between the Clinton campaign and the press.

kill yourself you low-iq piece of human garbage

The term "conspiracy theory" has been used by mainstream media for a long time now to mean "something crazy people think" and "something you should laugh at and ridicule".

Yep. Conspiracies happen all the time. The government itself often accuses people of engaging in them… People are often charged with the crime of "Conspiracy to murder", for example.
But they keep pushing the idea that for anyone but them to suspect a conspiracy may have taken place is a sign of mental illness.

This is largely true. For example, the FBI have declassified a memo that specifically states an Air Force investigator advised them that three flying saucers with three bodies in each were recovered in New Mexico. But even if you provide the link Hottel Part 1 of 1/view
normalfags are so well-conditioned, they'll write off the memo itself as fake, despite it being hosted on the FBI's own website.
(And continue to insist that anyone who believes the memo is real is crazy)

So let them use it against us. They already did that, calling us "crazy conspiracy theorists" for questioning Hillary's health… Right before Hillary started coughing up green shit live on TV, tried to claim it was "just allergies", admitted to having pneumonia and then collapsed at the 9/11 memorial.

Let them call us crazy, and tell the entire world we're nutcases. They've already been caught out once before pushing that line, and then being proven liars afterwards. Let them walk into the same trap again.

I've seen the same effect happen with Trump streams but I've watched so many of them that I doubt I could find it again.

Wish I could though, it might shut some conspiratards up.

Even then it doesn't pass the smell test. It's already known that Hillary packs the audience with her own staffers, so why bother with trying to fool people on a real time feed with composite layers and all of that bullshit when they're already using the meatspace equivalent?

The audience is largely fake, we already know this per DNCLeaks. She doesn't need video trickery, she doesn't need media "help" or canned laugh tracks. Her fake audience can do all of that shit for her.

We're going to swim in the ocean of leftist tears come election day. Just thinking about how many leftists will commit suicide, leave the country, or get purged trying to start civil unrest is like my dream come true. My only hope is that we trigger even more irrational leftists to act on their emotions.

This is what actually discredits you.

The audience is absolutely not fake. They're real, live people and they're at the venue. They are not the general public, however, the audience is made up mostly of DNC staffers. The last time Hillary let the general public into one of her rallies, a Holla Forumsack went to it and yelled out "PEPE!".

We're not the ones ranting at nazi cartoon frog saying it's the biggest threat of society…


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

I'm not a PRfag, I don't care if they call us conspiracy theorists either. What I care about is that it's a waste of our fucking time. Every minute we waste arguing over this stupid shit is time not spent dropping bombs directly over the target.

As a game dev I'm sure it's a compression/encoding artifact, I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince anyone else because I'll be ignored anyway. If this nonsense is going to take flight, then let it. It's not worth arguing with idiots over.

Yes also known as a fake audience.

Fake: a thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham.

They're not genuinely there to watch her shitty speeches, they're there because they're paid to and ordered to be there. There's a word for people who are not genuine and that's "fake".

pretty sure i told you this before but the fact that this is what's being reported on is hugely beneficial, these stupid cunts think this is the most riveting conversation about the election they can muster it's a complete farce and even normies are starting to see

It's bitstream corruption on the MPEG stream. The majority of people looking at it are in agreement on that much.
Where the disagreement is, at the moment is whether or not the corruption affects the whole image, or if Hillary is on a layer of her own, and only Hillary's layer is affected by it. Some are saying that's not the case, but I think the evidence available (you can download the entire ABC15 stream off YouTube) proves it to be exactly that.

Ah, OK. I thought you were saying the audience was fake in the sense that they weren't even there, and were being added in by the green-screen process. Now you've clarified it a bit, I agree entirely with that.

Do we have any information on the "Fuck Hillary" protesters there, to see if they're real or crisis actors?

None that I'm aware of. I'm pretty sure that the protesters that did turn up were removed from the venue well before the speech got under way, though. That being the case, they may have even been genuine, but I have no idea.

Assumin you arent just a shill, then you apparantly haven't been paying attention. Its all about maintaining frame. You never apologise or show shame for anything. This is how Trump gets ahead. Wise up or kill yourself.

For reference, vid related.
The loudness seems to support the audience audio being amped.

It was during the speech.
If she wasn't there, it must have all been scripted and timed perfectly.
What kind of well-oiled machine are we up against here?!?

(polite sage)


the sheer number of (1) posts crying 'conspiritard' makes me think this could be more important than first thought.


I know, right? and now we have another element… the perfect timing of the "Fuck Hillary" protester with her reaction!
All too convenient, don't you think?

This is nothing, they're not even trying in this thread. You want to see some serious (1) "nothing to see here!" posting, take a look at the original thread before the MSM picked up on the story

Could be some anons went in with something to fuck with the signal.
Depending on how the camera is working, it could ignore changes between frames, like how you can edit things out in photoshop, to eliminate dust and bugs flyinf around.
Put in a RF generator, and you can make her ghost out, especially if the signal is analog and you can replay old footage.
Which is quite probable as video compression and alteration occurs downstream, near the kill signal button.


you are proving my point

But we've got them on the run, now.
The shills can't deny that the timing of the "protester" was too well choreographed.
If she was really there, she would have gotten confused, not responded right away!
They can't deny this, or try to bamboozle us with talk of 'progressive scanning' or 'RF symbols" or 'stream compression' or any other of that NERD stuff!

"Just as planned"


The DNC are beyond retarded.

By my reckoning, it's got to be 3 audio streams.
1. Hillary recorded in studio, has a point in the script where she 'reacts'.
2. Audience track, could be live from the location.
3. 'protester' track, keyed in right at the part of the script where she's supposed to react.

I don't think she knew what the protester was going to say, because she gives a generic line about 'waving their little signs'.

We need audiophile anons to analyze the sound on 2 or 3 of the streams so we can see if there are discrepancies between them.

This is huge. Bigger than anything else we've got on her, we need to concentrate on this soft target.

More green screen fakery from right after the "rally".

They just switched out the mic to make it look like a different podium!

Then she answers "questions" from "reporters"… like we're gonna fall for this crap!

I don't doubt that the audio has been manipulated. It's obvious to even the most casual observer that there is at the very least canned laughter added to the audio track.

But what has that got to do with the video track? I'm not interested in analyzing the audio, because it's inconsequential. No one is going to care at all about some extra laughs.

Hillary not actually being there matters a lot more than some canned laughter being thrown in.

But for real this. Everything that breaks the narrative is labeled a "conspiracy theory" not based on how likely it is to be true, but by how much it goes against the status quo. Back in the day the government mass spying on its citizens was a conspiracy theory, and then it was proven true. What happened? Did people go back, tell themselves, "I shouldn't call anything and everything a conspiracy theory, I should actually listen to arguments and decide based on evidence and likelihood.?" Of course not. They'll never apologize, change their ways, or learn their lesson. Anything they don't like is a conspiracy theory, and time and again the ct gets proven true. They refuse to apologize or admit they were wrong, and they repeat it again and again the next time around.

This sheep mentality is why the kikes have gotten so far. I'd want to cull the lemmings but they're like 90% of the population, not really feasible unfortunately. Anyway, historically, if anything calling something a ct lends it MORE credence if we're being factual.

"911 was an inside job is a ct"
"mass government spying is a ct"
"election fraud is a ct"
"widespread govt corruption and bribery is a ct"
"the pedo express plane is a ct"
"killary murdering dissidents is a ct"
"the cia being behind ISIS is a ct"
"the fbi being bought by shillary is a ct"
"hillary being sick is a ct, the emails are a ct, benghazi is a ct, the 28 mysterious suicides are a ct"

They use "conspiracy theory" just like they use "racist". Whether or not the meaning actually applies in the case, they just use it to silence opposition. Just more of the same old kike tactics.

While personally I do think it's possible that it's just a glitch in one stream that multiple sources were using (there seem to exist alternate angles of the speech where Hillary doesn't "glitch out"), this is fantastic news just because of the normalfag reaction to it.

Even if it were a non-story, by the lugenpresse telling people "look at this crazy conspiracy theory, ha ha, it's not true", everyone immediately starts wondering if it's true because they know how trustworthy the (((news))) is nowadays.

Now if only they'd report on that "crazy conspiracy theory" that she had 47 people assassinated…

No, I mean that the "FUCK HIILLARY" guy is EDITED in!!
Her reaction to him is just messed up, check it out:

I thought it was real, but it really just looks like compression.

This faggot is putting this copypasta in every thread, just filter him

But you're right, people do tend to be more 'visual'… we need to compare the video streams.
Here's one to dissect.

Daily reminder that 'conspiracy theory' is an alphabet soup term to discredit credible questioning

Don't space it, faggot. Just spoiler the http:// part so that people can copy it right away without removing the space.

Got another one, notice how unsteady the 'panning' is. probably jumpy from the compositing.

I work in film and have some experience with keying, even though I'm more of an editor. I'm not entirely convinced that this is fake.

The soft edge around her head is suspicious, but the fact that the sign casts a shadow over the American flag in the background makes me think it actually might be legit, because shadows like this are very hard to maintain once you key something in.

I'm not saying "Nothing to see here", but I don't think this is absolute proof.

As for the glitch, that's just the codec fucking up, I assume. If the key would glitch out, it wouldn't look like this, at least I've never seen it before.

Given that we have a dozen angles of video proving she was there, she was there. Sage the threads that CtR makes and learn how to spot them in the future.

But why would she do a real presser after faking the rally?
She wasn't there, as OP has clearly demonstrated, so the presser must be faked too.
There's no "shadow" of a doubt!

On one hand, I can't argue with those trips. On the other hand disagreeing with this OP can get you banned.
So I'll just continue to agree and amplify.

Here 5 weeks before election I don't see any upside to pursuing this. All it will illustrate is that Hillaries campaign is weak and ineffective, and she can't even convincingly do a fake campaign appearance any more. We already knew this.

Take it for what it is, a kind of funny anecdote for how weak and ineffective they are.

We should be working on memes to prime them to kill themselves when the cold reality hits next month. We are long past the time of proving that we can win…

Why are there still threads on this fucking stupid shit.

This shit happens all of the time on poor quality streams. If anything they are trying to cover up their gross negligence by having people make theories.

These threads smell of cointel and stupid. There are countless crimes committed by this psychopath bitch, and you want to focus on some streaming glitch.


Watch those videos very closely at the same parts of the speech that glitched Hillary entirely out of the video on the ABC15 feed, and what do you see?

On both of those other videos, the video degrades slightly at the exact same point in the speech as it does on the ABC15 feed (be careful when you look for this, the times don't match across all three videos, they're different total lengths).

Again, it's only Hillary that degrades, not the background at all. It's like when your bandwidth drops suddenly in the middle of a YouTube video and instead of 1080p you're getting 480p.

I think those other two feeds show that the ABC15 feed was the one worst affected by the glitch, and the other feeds didn't lose enough packets of the stream to glitch Hillary's layer badly enough to do anything worse than pixellate Hillary a little. It doesn't prove Hillary wasn't green-screened into it. (And I don't expect anyone to prove that either; you can't prove a negative.)

As far as I know, no one's been banned for disagreeing with me. Getting caught out shilling for CTR will probably get you banned, though. If the mods aren't asleep.

Nothing wrong with a bit of speculation fam.

You realize the only thing you have for those countless crimes is propoganda statements right?

While the small issues, civil issues, are rife with her?
Do you ever sit down and think, what better way to cover somebody, than to make everyone ignore what they are doing in favor of looking like a fool?

Did even listen to Connoley's statement where he laid out that if anyone had pursued this while she was in state, no crime happened still, but she would have lost clearance if it wasn't caught early?

You know maybe the answer is to stop being Ahab with a white wail, and start being Kenyan with a knife and cutting her hamstrings out as we march her to death.

Seriously, the issue is nobody goes after the guaranteed issues with Hillary and instead keep wanting these impossible no standings and evidence goals, then swear everyone is corrupt.

Get the small stuff, Capone was gotten on tax fraud, so too can Trump and Hillary be axed at the small parts, Trump already has it out there for CTR, and Hillary has civil violations that need to be dug up and posted, then hammered on Holla Forums.

And how many of them do we have the remotest chance at proving even occurred?

Oh yeah, that's right. None.

So you want us to focus on those ones we have no hope of obtaining the evidence of, and forget about investigating a possible deception that we might be able to prove with evidence already available to us?

Makes sense if you're With Her™ I guess.

Totally not suspicious.targa

Hi, CtR.

All of them.

Why even bother? It's too late anyway, mainstream media's already picked up on it.

Okay show me convictions then, versus the many, many stated civil violations that come up and are ignored, hell show me the 200 people who sent classified right now to Hillary being gone after with the same fervor, or fuck Powell for betraying the tribe and using gmail at the same time.

Go ahead, show me these actual charges and people in jail for doing what Hillary is charged with.

Oh no yeah it'stotally normal for someone to disappearfor seconds like that, nothing out of the normal there.
What are you some kind of sexist racist homophobic nazi?
I want November to be here already so they tart an heroing out of fear.


wew lad

I think the point there might have been that if:
"Remove the headers and send nonsecure" lead to: "No evidence of intent"
Then perhaps a bad video feed won't do any better. Her health fakery is in the normie's eye now, this smells of trying to derail that momentum with something easily dismissed.
The stuff that's hammered her the worst so far has been the "basket of deplorables" and the "nazi frog". Seeing someone flail with out-of-touch lunacy has a real impact on their minds.
I really don't want this to be our "nazi frog" moment. Do you?

Well that's a shame for you.
But I suggest doing so before going further in this board.

Wew lads.


Look in the mirror, shlomo.

Speculation is great. But the two retards betwixt you

are implying that there is no evidence for her other crimes, and only evidence for this. Claiming there is no evidence for her countless crimes, and the implications made on her actions through the leaks have no standing, is false.

Sure, pursue the possibility that she staged and fabricated a press conference. That should be much easier to prove than the things she has already been caught red handed doing. Her crimes are memory holing her other crimes at this point.

We have countless material to work with.

And we can get Hillary on tax fraud too. Have any of you actually looked into the consequences of fabricating a press conference? Slap on the wrist?

I can already imagine the liberal excuse

2/10 shill attempt. Go back to the drawing board.

I just started reading the thread mate. All I'm saying is that shills are out in full force. There might be something to this greenscreen idea.

The shills are the ones pushing it.

You do understand what evidence actually means in a judicial system and not in your common tongue use?

Hillary does not have evidence against her, this is entirely my point, she has paper trails, she has cutouts, and minions, everything to be criminally legal.
WHat she does not have is civil immunity, only the fact that nobody wants to hit here there, mostly because they too committed those civil crimes.

Hit her there, where she has no defense and is flagrantly able to be brought on charges.

Is it just me, or was everything she said completly independent of any particular date in time? She doesn't talk specifics, or specific events, or anything that we can date.

Almost like this video could have been created weeks in advance, to run at any point in the race when Hillary was too sick to campaign?

Damn right!
And she's probably been body-scanned, so they can put whatever outfit they need on her to make it mesh with the date in question. Hollywood can do Iron Man suits, so this is no problem.

At this point, why even film her on a green screen? She's probably completely Max Headroomed at this point.


It's not criminal to green-screen yourself into a video. It just further illustrates that Hillary is happy to deceive people.

Concern trolling, disregarded.

No, I'm implying that Holla Forums isn't going to dig up the evidence for her other crimes. Assange has that, and he'll post it on Wikileaks soon.

I don't expect there to be any legal consequences for it, and I frankly don't care about that. What I care about right now is getting more normalfags exposed to the idea that Hillary is lying to them. Even if there's absolutely nothing illegal about that, it hurts her support base, and that's a win in my book.

I agree. But liberals are a lost cause, Hillary could gun down an unarmed negroid child in front of them and they'd find an excuse for it. He deserved it for being sexist or something. Don't care, this isn't about liberals, it's about normalfags.

Classic strawman to muddy the water/poison the well. Disregarded.

I'm correcting nothing just pointing a wakness and how you could lose normal people, sorry you can't deal with questioning

This is just sad, you are just in neurotic denial

Saving the webm for Trump's victory

No, it's to discredit any kind of questioning, including insane crap

You could say Hillary wasn't on live, it was a poorly edited video and she's fucked up. But no, you have to take something and make it so big it becomes a joke.

This conspiracy theory makes me think you are really praising the green frog. Holy fuck you could actually be just as damaged as Hillary is

yes, i barely know ingrish

Only the actual shills are trying to do that. Going way over the top with idiotic shit, attempting to create a false equivalence. See:

Same thing they tried in the original thread about this, a fuckload of (1) posters come out saging with "NOTHING TO SEE HERE, FOLKS!", and a few leave sage on and post a whole fuckload of times (there was one kike that was at (93) saged posts in the original thread) while the rest oscillate between concern-trolling and bringing up obviously batshit crazy stuff to draw a false equivalence between the plausible claims being made and the obviously retarded shit like "reptilians", "flat earth", "holograms", etc.

That message was received loud and clear when she fell into her own footprint at free fall acceleration. And when 13 Blackberries emerged. And when she claimed she thought (C) was sequential labelling. And now that she's been caught repeat-charging donors… et cetera.
If you're looking to get this to normies, this isn't the venue. I don't know why you'd think it was. Try normie spaces for that… If you think you can sell them on this as the final nail, go ahead. As long as you're not trying to paint Trump supporters as the ones pushing it you can't damage the campaign.

How exactly is this

Idiotic shit?
If she's too sick to stand up for 20 minutes on a stage, why would she be just fine to stand up for 20 minutes in a studio?

This mostly. Push this as a Stein follower and have fun. Her health stuff, the smashed phone stuff and so on are much better. Her health stuff is the best since it shows how much the media covers for her. This stuff seems to far-fetched for people and you better have technical explanations ready and be ready to spar with someone who has technical expertise on this subject or you will look stupid. The reason why the health shit has gained so much traction is that damn near everyone has had pneumonia, gotten over-heated, and so on and knows bullshit when they see it.

Now that would be golden. I wholeheartedly support this idea.

Sorry, CtR. You’ll have to do better.

Coincidentally, the media is claiming this is a Trump supporter theory.

Just spool up some youtube videos on this issue. They all look like CtR quality shoe lace propaganda trying to paint us as flat earth tier retards.

It's like the people claiming it's a greenscreen have no concept on how a greenscreen actually works.

Alright let's start brainstorming…

I've looked at the rally's videos because you faggots keep pushing this shit, so I might as well give it some attention.

What's the first thing I did? I look for shots not of the flag and supposed greenscreen, but the actual event. People coming in, the parking lot, the audience. That's where errors stick out easiest.

If she was on a green screen and then they superimposed her prerecording onto the flag, causing the graphical glitches… where is the fragmentation when she walks onto and off the stage? Did they replace her with a body double?

Is every person at the rally an actor? I guess the protestors are also actors. That would mean the entire rally was a movie set.

In order to explain all of this, you can't just assume it's just a greenscreen. You have to keep expanding the theory in order to corroborate the conditions for this event to have occurred in the way you surmise.

Did she have a body double for when she leaves the event? How are they paying off an entire crowd? Did they pre-film the entire event? Why the need for a greenscreen if everyone is an actor?

If the event took place at Greensboro Hurr greenscreen, did they cordon off the event to prevent people from revealing her greenscreen trickery?

I'll give this issue a little more of my time. At this point it stinks of shills trying to make us look stupid for the eleven hundredth iteration.

Fuck off CTR

because on camera they can do multiple takes and cut out her coughing fits and mucus drinks. Retard.


OP says this is to get more normies aware of Clinton's lying nature.
There are ~3000 active users on this board. Lets say triple that number of lurkers.
So ~12000 people, who all already hate Hillary with a vengeance and who have observed every single lie and scandal for years.
What's the point of posting (planting) it here? Does this achieve the stated goal?
Why is the OP not quality, going over all the pros and cons from the previous thread, instead of just repeating the premise over and over and calling anyone who doubts it CtR?
Now, there's links in this thread to both the main argument against from the previous thread and to other streams besides the ABC one. Where we see zoom in, out, pan from the stage to the hideous hag entering, following her to the stage and the shot settling in on the frame we see in all the video thumbnails.
There is also a link to the "FUCK HILLARY" protester video… that's right, it's the same rally.
Getting you to waste hours analyzing a couple seconds of video from one glitched stream is quite the misdirect, isn't it?

The background layer DID glitch.

If you're gonna push this as a real thing, be a man and do it under the flag of Ebaums, as god intended.

If Stein had any followers, that might work. But it does give me an idea on how to use it against liberals…
Push it as a Bern victim. Easily-led, unquestioning liberals using it to attack other easily-led, unquestioning liberals…

I've done plenty of chroma-key photography, I'm quite familiar with how it works.

Whoa, slow down there. For a start, the screen can be any color, not just green. You chroma-key to the desired color and the video masks it out with transparency.

Secondly, no one suggested Hillary was was pre-recorded. You can do chroma-keying on two live video sources and lay them one on top of the other. (I've done it before)

I suspect they're DNC and media staffers. Having a couple of false-flag "protesters" would add authenticity to it. The only visual I saw of any protesters were some stills of people getting kicked out of the venue before the event actually started.

I don't think so. I think she just wasn't there at all. But who actually saw her leave the event, apart from her own staff or the (((media)))?

The audio's indistinct on that. Tbh, it sounded more like the guy said "VOTE HILLARY" to me, but whatever.

checked & kek'd

Not on the one I posted. Loud and clear. Watch it.

just want to say that, the video you posted is really cool and that it's really amazing to me how much technology is advancing also

i don't think that's a crt shill i think you two are agreeing

like he's clrealy saying "yeah, Real time CG is a thing now apparently so it really could of been a hologram, and the crowd could just be Pre recorded

or the far more likely scenario, there was a glitch in the Digital encoder/transmission of the camera and what we see is the result of a Software glitch, try not and fall into the trap of "overthinking it" the right solution is almost always the easiest one

The thing is with production level guys is you rarely work in the field, you rarely end up sending data over four LTE connections that are load balanced together to make one big remote pipe, and you rarely end up seeing codec / transmission artifacts.

They only last for moments anyway so no one really cares, but we've all seen them a thousand times in our live feeds, our skype calls, our torrented porn, our streaming porn..

It's clearly a glitch. The ==SHE VANISHED BUT THE BACKGROUND STAYED OMG XD BENIS== shit is a red herring, because the background actually tiles out as part of the glitch. If it were anything other than vertical stripes, we'd see it clearly.

But we can still see it.

We can identify what is going on with the frames with the slice of her hair- we can see that the whole frame is being filled with a slice taken from the top part of the screen.

In the frame where she and the podium and the teleprompter are vanished
at the bottom, the stripe is off-kilter compared to the frames. Because it's a frame from the very top, without hitting her hair.

Anons are just trying to explain how it might have occurred.

MPEG-4 compression can break the video up into images and layers and place them at offsets. It is also capable of doing transformations on those layers. For streaming servers it is common to have MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and h264 as options for streaming.

You are going to be hard-pressed to find an user who is familiar with video compression algorithms. I have only delved into Theora, which only has a subset of MPEG-4 features.

Reported for not even making an attempt.

That's not what I was saying at all.
He was saying my speculation about "Max Headrooming" a celebrity was "idiotic shit".
I was saying that if you have a moribund hag that you need to fake, and she could go even further downhill, you might as well do a mapping replaced version. No hologram required, but instead of a studio with greenscreen you only need a computer and a body/expression actor.
I still don't think any of that or greenscreen happened here, just spitballing how one would go about it.

oh, ok sorry for the mis interpretation but my bad, still though, could video

fuck phone sorry sonny meant to say

Bud(not but) and cool(not could

I fucking HATE normies. We are going to save them and they wont even know it, let alone thank us.


That's the one I watched, it's indistinct. There's 60hz power supply hum in the background and I can't tell if he actually said "Fuck Hillary" or "Vote Hillary".
This one, right?

And didn't you also claim that he was edited in?

The problem with that theory, (and it's the same one that this user's GIF is promoting here ) is that it doesn't quite hold true… Pic related.

You can see what I'm getting at, right? If it's just that top bit repeating, including the background, how is the hair repeated without wiping out the podium quite properly in this frame? The hair is repeated down the middle of it, but not the background, because that'd wipe out the podium too.

Maybe because it's just obvious MPEG glitches showing? Clearly, the effect it produces with vertical lines is crazy, but on any other background, the fact it's glitches would have been way more obvious.

But then ask yourself: if the background is so fucking basic, why would they even bother with a green screen when they could have had a white and red striped screen?

Yes, that's exactly what it is. But they're only happening on one layer of an image that has more than one layer.

Because you can only chroma-key one color at a time, not two.

someone should make a video showing them saying health concerns were just a conspiracy theory, then showing her coughing, fainting, and being dragged into the limo, then end it with them saying you have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe the green screen.

MPEG compression can't do this, unless one of the key frames was just the background.

and obviously, that would only happen if hillary weren't super-imposed on top of the background for a short while

Well, it sure isn't "VOTE HILLARY" like you said, you don't get physically removed for saying that at her rally. You also wouldn't be "waving signs".
It's called funposting, son. I was reminding everyone that it's the same rally.

That's a seperate type of codec glitch. You know when you're buffering things in an online video and sometimes you get a ghost image or swirl of stuff?

I've explained how the main glitch, tiling down vertically, happened.

Now we're talking about the one where she looked like a semi-transparent ghost. Fine. No problem. But they're two different things, happening at the same time.


That is literally a video of a TV screen broadcasting the speech. You can see the refresh rate bar slowly moving up the screen. That's also why you hear the loud humming because the volume is so loud on the TV.

Yeah, it's not quality.
Unfortunately the search is swamped, absolutely taken over, by the green screen theory videos. Finding other versions has become difficult.
Which makes me wonder again about the stated goal of this thread… "getting it out to the normalfags"… it's already out there.

You are just as retarded as the whole "lizard hologram TV" community on YouTube. Please fuck off from Holla Forums you damn info-wars faggot


Two mutually-exclusive things, to be more specific. Either the background is repeated too, which wipes out the podium and the transparent ghost-like Hillary, or not.
The frame I posted clearly shows us that didn't happen.

You idiots didn't manage to derail the original thread and you're not going to derail this one. Go find somewhere else to earn your shill pay.

Just like the body double bullshit. I'm sure she has one or more, but it's pretty irrelevant unless we have proof of her using one at an opportune moment.


But it isn't mutually exclusive.

The 'everything vanishes but the background' is the slice + tiling.

The ghostly glitch is the same sort of thing as people see in the 'reptlian vril droning' captures.

The thing is that glitches generally only pop up during a stream's display. You can't rewind back in order to record them if the stream can be rewound, it'll be corrected. That's why people generally don't manage to video them.

Here's an example.


There can be multiple reference frames and they can be taken from any point in the stream if we are talking MPEG-4 version 10 or later. Your assumption is that this stream didn't start until it was broadcast.

As I understand it, the video could be segmented into macroblocks or slices, so the area around Clinton would be the only parts which data was being received for. It is possible we are seeing a vertical repeat only in the area that Clinton and the podium is standing for this reason.

The vertical repeat sliced and tiled all the way down on the whole screen. Use your eyes.

Hillary clinton is to become a ghost soon
it has been proclaimed and memed

Her vagina is definitely haunted. Babies have died there.

kys shill

(Quints checked)
Good example of a ghosting glitch, but where's the simultaneous vertical repeat that includes the background, but leaves the ghosting either side intact?

Dubs everywhere.

I don't believe that accounts for it. The podium is static the entire time too, just like the flag background. So why is the podium ghosted out like a motion delta instead of being treated like a static reference the way the background is?

So your response is to ignore very simple attacks that she can not duck or counter, in favor of more white wailing and whining about corruption everywhere when the evidence and claims fail to meet legal requirements?


You keep demanding that these things are all one glitch, when it's two glitches happening. You can tell because the slice and tile happens for a bit without any ghosting.

The slice and tile is probably a seperate issue than the ghosting. It could have happened at a different part in the routing of the stream, etc.


It's slicing and tiling from the very top. If the podium were only hanging down into the top five inches of the frame, you would have had a bizarre frame-height podium sliced and pasted all the way down. You're overthinking this and trying to imagine some sort of background-seeking algorithm that caused this. And that type of thing can exist- in GHOSTING, where the person on stage goes all Darth Vader Ghost and the background (non-moving area) stays the same.

That is clearly NOT what was responsible for the fucking vertical tile slice.

Now as to why the podium and Hildebeast ghosted during that part of the glitch, and not the whole frame? Sometimes the whole frame does do that in a ghost glitch (see the simpsons gif, which is actually a vlc codec issues but still illustrates the point, and everything you see in video these days is some codec or another) and sometimes, only the person does it, sometimes the person and their podium does it.

It could have to do with the gamma balance on the podium, or the camera focus, or just starting the feed before the podium is set up.

But the most likely answer is that the background had large simple blocks of color and the podium was a complex shape.

The more I argued with them the more I learned their dialectic. At first they calculated on the stupidity of their adversary. Then, when they could find no other way out, they played stupid themselves. …Whenever you attacked one of the apostles, your hand closed around slimy matter which immediately separated and slipped through the fingers and the next moment reconstituted itself.
If you struck such an annihilating blow that, observed by the audience, he had no choice but to agree with you, and thus you thought you had taken one step forward, the next day your amazement would be great.

OP knew nothing at all about yesterday and repeated his same old twaddle as though nothing had happened; if you angrily challenged him on this, he could not remember a thing other than he had demonstrated the correctness of his assertions on the previous day.

Many times I stood there astonished.
I didn't know what to be more amazed at: their verbal agility or their art in lying.
Gradually, I began to hate them.

Yes, clearly I am a Jew CTR shill, and clearly you totally haven't been desperately arguing in circles because you can't admit when you're wrong.


I think you misunderstood my post. Read the second block again.

It also helps if you color IDs, for quicker recognition.

Perhaps the podium was moved at some point during the stream. The stream could have started well before it was broadcast.

Perhaps we should find cell phone footage of the event. People tend to record such events and put it on youtube.

selecting a reference frame that far back is something used for high yield compression. it's not possible (with current hardware) to be done on the fly.

your links aren't relevant

Hahahahaahahhaahahahhaa. What the fuck has this board become. You know even 4chan got over this shit a few days ago? The fact that she's a fucking hologram has been debunked countless times already. There's other video streams were it doesn't glitch out. The phones not showing her? Google fucking depth distortion you absolute fucking retarded roleplayers. I fucking hate all of you kill yourselves.

Fuck off shill


And I fucking knew as soon as I saw this shit being pushed the media were going to make a fool of you cunts. You're being fucking played you spastic fucks.

Nigger I'm rusing you. Read my posts. I've been trying to debunk this shit for these people who apparently forgot every time they saw glitches in their streaming porn / downloaded shitty torrents.


No one said anything about a hologram. The debate is whether or not it's green-screen.

Then find other footage, like from a cell phone, and see if it matches the broadcast. Why debate something that could easily be verified?

you realize "concern troll" isn't some magic word, right?
it falls squarely in the "not an argument" category.

Ok CTR, you win. Holla Forums is yours, do whatever the fuck you want with it.

Again with the fucking CtR accusations.

You fail completely at upholding your theory, ignore all evidence to the contrary and call everyone a shill.

You're either here to fuck with us are have some fucking problem.
I've been on Holla Forums since Jaffa Calling (newfag lol I know) but seeing you call everybody the latest boogeyman buzzword when they don't fall in line with your bullshit is infuriating.

You argue like a jew and your shit's all retarded.

I'm pretty sure this is just a shitty meme now.

This is what SRS and INTL do, they come to Holla Forums and they pretend to be the worst shills of all time, so terrible that no one would ever pay them, in order to keep people thinking we're shilled by paid shills.

Then they turn around and accuse people who make good insightful posts of being shills. Anyone who could potentially debunk a badly sourced conspiracy theory gets called a shill.

INTL and SRS want to see Holla Forums become a shitty version of /x/, this is their goal, they live to ruin boards

what a sad fucking existence.

So what proof would it take for them to show you they aren't that?

what proof can you offer on an anonymizing Laotian screen printing board?
Maybe by not being massive pieces of shit whose every post seems tailored to fuck with people, ignore what they've been presented with and D&C?
That would be a nice start, at least.

Instead they act like what's described here:

What fucking conclusion am I to reach?

I find using the filter method if they are just being contrarian without intrigue works, otherwise debate and see just at which point the fact pile shifts to your side or not.

Much more, actually pointing out where you find them to be CTR is more useful than shouting like the troll of 3 months ago.

So much concern trolling ITT

Why the fuck would they even be reporting on it? AFAIK the conspiracy has been limited to Holla Forums.
They're afraid.

we've done that. two fucking threads. you want to see what's going on? scroll the fuck up, bitch.

Two. Threads. Of. This. Shit. and this nigger calls everyone else CTR. If you just parachuted into this thread to pretend to be "reasonable" go suck another nigger dick.

We've run out of debate here, OP argues like a jew and pretends that nothing's touched him. That's all the proof you need. Scroll the fuck up and see.

They're sending them here to report on what deranged lunatics we are, after planting this bullshit.
It wouldn't be the first time.
As for traction, this shit is all over tinfoil youtube. They're just trying to pin it on us.

Hey user! We all know that it's all conspiracy theory bunk! It's totally impossible for people greenscreen in video, so we should dismiss that possibility entirely!

Let it go, they realized there's only a couple hundred active posters on Holla Forums at any given time, and we're now outnumbered by the CTR kikes. (Notice they keep using 'CtR' instead of 'ctr' or 'CTR')

8/pol/ is lost to the enemy now. They have superior numbers and they're going to shit up every thread that's onto anything and terminate every discussion on the CTR verboten list.

It's time to let 8/pol/ go. It was good while it lasted, now it's just jews jewing jews jewing jews.

If you've finished everything, leave the thread.
Seriously, at this point I would say you have the issue if you keep going when you don't want to.

And I was in here earlier on my point of analog video.

The thing to consider though is, they have a 30 second plus rolling buffer for when things go wrong, why not fix it?
If its from a prerecorded thing, why not fix it?
Where are the other supporting videos and all? (don't answer me on this, I have mostly been in other threads laughing about Cruz not being a threat, yet desperately needto cuck to Trump and bend the knee. because he isn't a threat.)

Being ignorant is just as bad. Anons should be trying to disprove their own shit, not spreading it around so they look like fools when it is easily disproved.

You're the ctr kike, aren't you?

So this is your next step? Defeatism trolling? Let's all move to ?

You're being sarcastic, right?

We could always move over to my server. You're welcome to join me in over in the Eurosphere.

And I've been here giving this faggot enough rope to hang him from the Burj Khalifa. You have your fun, I'll have mine.

Then I shall shake your hand and let you have it, though I have one last question.
What do you use to find the shills from the people who just don't read?

Don't post it here unless you want it filled with CTR. Unless that's the idea, and you're running a honeypot to ID their IP ranges

There's no functional difference between them.
One thing I noticed apart from all the other stuff that has been discussed: watch the segment 0:50 - 1:40 closely. There are many odd pauses during this part. Especially when it's about names and personal information. I'm convinced that she's wearing an earpiece again and someone feeds her information. You can see it in her face, how she's listening.

Now I don't really know, how these things work exactly but wouldn't it be entertaining if at the next rally a well prepared user "interferes" with her earpiece?

Although, jew like dissembling and insistence once called and referred to what they should have read sort of marks them out.

To me, one is in need of more teaching or has a view that can be understood and explained, the other gets a paycheck.

Oh maybe, or maybe I just want to see what happens.
What image board should I load up to it?
I have a basic forum right now.

Perhaps I'm wondering why would you give a hag a teleprompter and then spoonfeed them through an earpiece.

You can refer them to shit, but you're not physically there to hold them in a headlock and make them look.
After a couple times that they pretend to be retarded, they're either retarded or a shill.
There is no deep philosophical aspect to look at here. Just scroll the fuck up, follow a few comment chains and see how he acts.

Because she has Parkinsons and needs her handler to tell her what to do?

If you're serious? Don't run an imageboard. Run a gopher server, the CTR kikes won't be able to figure out how to get into it.

Got a link for setup?

Some trolls do it because it's the only power they'll ever feel in their lives. They don't even care about results, just anonymous e-peen.

Like "read the fucking teleprompter, bitch?"
Actually, I could buy that theory. She's pretty far gone.

check your distro's repos for pygopherd or compile it from source

I think about the rally some weeks ago when someone in the crowd shouted something at her and she became visibly confused. Then her handler came up to her and said "it's ok, it's ok" and she eased and continued. I guess she can't have the handler come running on the stage during her speeches all the time.

You may have seen posts that link to repositories of articles and books that explain all of this. It contains plenty of information.

If you want to identify actual shills, then read The Gentleman's Guide to Forum Spies. It will give you a start.

That guy is here to spread disinformation and make us waste our time on things that don't matter.

Here is another alternate angle of the rally taken by another news organization.

Now, how are the holo-hillary shills/retards gonna explain the multiple angles? Or are they just going to ignore it like they did your post or name call?

Who's really behind all this shilling? CTR? Trolls from another site?

This does feed back into the MSM so that they can label Trump supporters as crazies:

If you do not see that we are being played then you are a fool.

Depending on how it operates, you could theoretically flood the signal and (with a decent voice impersonator) get her to say all kinds of interesting things.

I remember a thread about an user at Greensboro state who was going to the clinton thing. Granted I didnt bother reading much of it but it was over the weekend iirc.

Any info from him since? If he was there he could confirm or deny.


I wonder if this is possible. I could imagine that those things have some kind of encryption. It's probably not necessary to really talk to her. I think it's enough if we would induce max level noise so she's forced to rip that thing out on live TV.

The (((media))) is going to label Trump supporters as crazies regardless. They've already done it. But if you're worried about it, just don't claim to be a Trump supporter, claim to be a Bern victim or Jill Stein supporter instead.

top kek. ba779c (40) has done almost every single thing in the playbook in this thread alone. Not to mention having (40) fucking posts in the thread. I'm the fucking OP and this is only (28) for me now. Anyway, ba779c seems to have left after successfully derailing the thread. I bet you he'd start posting again if we resume discussing the original topic, though.

I doubt it. It's probably just an FM radio receiver. The tricky part would be figuring out what frequency it's on, but you could do it with a laptop and a DVB-T dongle. I'd start at around 120 MHz, like a regular radio mic.

OI vey twitter this to Trump so we can accuse him of tin foil thinking!

I don't know. She has access to the best available technology. I'd expect something like this:
But bluetooth devices like headsets and microphones can be hacked. It'd be good if someone attending her rally could make a scan of all devices and see if there is something like such a device.

You're the shill here faggot. Kill yourself.

nice butthurt, m80

Real footage or it's fake.
Real footage or it's fake.
Real footage or it's fake.

Thank you for the graphic, it is very obvious and yet some idiots don't get it. Shows just how unequal people are.

We have now reached peak orwellian inversion where
'Crazy Conspiracy' is the phrase used to describe

Am I the only one who noticed her voice change during the glitching?

kinda sounds like a man.

Most of the time, yes.

This specific issue is full of delicious irony though. I don't know shit about digital encoding or broadcasting, but I sat through all the previous thread and much of this one, scanning for information. After looking at all the info, I've come to the conclusion that it really, actually is simply and honest to goodness glitch or three.


the greatest fucking part is that Shillary is so fucking unpopular and it's so widely known that she's a fucking liar than even when something goes wrong in a benign and innocent fashion, nobody fucking believes it. She has destroyed any semblance of trust or good faith anyone could possibly have for her, so even though this is just digital video fucking up on a broadcast, nobody fucking believes it. Even if they take the time to figure out exactly what happened, the instant and immediate assumption is that something shady is going on. It's fucking great. Hillary can't so much as sneeze without everyone thinking that she's doing it to distract from embezzlement of funds or something.

This bitch is going down in flames and it's glorious. She could be completely honest and altruistic for the rest of her campaign and it wouldn't fucking matter. I hope death comes for her, slowly and painfully, laughing all the way, while she weeps about being unable to grasp the only thing she cares about getting.

Well she can't sneeze indeed. Her health issues will come up. Or cough.

looks real enough to me, seems like something concocted to make normie trump supporters who are so sick of this bitch lying about everything seem crazy by buying into something stupid. There's certainly more damning and solid evidence out there than a weird flicker.

I'm with you bud, seems like a forced meme