I figure this wouldn't be worth it's own thread if it was just the meme by itself, but the video is pretty good. Also, it's important everyone keeps up with all these lies so we can shoot them down for normal fags. Even if you don't like the guy he does a pretty good job chronicling media lies.
It happens around 52:30: youtu.be
Can't embed with time mark as far as I know sorry.
Just Noticed That Molyneux Use the Echoes in His Latest Video Detailing Liberal Lies About Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
Given enough time Molyneux will come to see the truth, if that is what he is after.
"Labyrinth mysteries travel in circles through time, carrying secrets of an age lost in centuries.
Leaching marble shimmers, blinding the plunders and then those one profane.
Immortality regained as the philosopher's creed echos through millenia."
Molyneux is likely full on 14/88, he's hiding his power level because it's illegal to question (((them))) in canada
Yeah, the echoes are a recognition of one of the biggest issues, and I think him using this is a pretty big sign. If he had joked that a black guy probably didn't do anything, then that would be funny. However, blacks are not our main enemy, and he has been pretty open to sharing information like IQ and crime statistics. This is him offhandedly acknowledging a problem that he has mostly shied away from until now. It's particularly encouraging when you think of the size of his audience. He has slowly been redpilling them, but I believe this is an indicator of how far exactly he is willing to take them.
Damn, I wished I caught that when I was listening to it yesterday
If I recall, some old guy got sentenced 2 years for exposing (((them))) on his website
Consider that the nationalist and the libertarian are natural allies against the communist, then it makes sense.
Not only that, but both are recognizing that keeping civilization is not something that just happens with no effort. You need to keep your smart people as a percentage of the population up. Hereditary IQ within your people is just as important as keeping the people in existence.
It's the latest out reach thing to do. A lot of "alt kike" channels have been adopting our language to mix in with us. If you haven't noticed.
This faggot is one of the funniest cases of redpill I've seen.
He's still a kike though. And you never trust a kike or an e-celeb.
He's fucking Irish
Hope he's doing well.
So a paddy paddlin' kike?
Seriously, video related. If a mother is jewish, he's a full blown jew as well.
Doesn't he fucking hate his mother?
Tip 1: If you change proxies, try to change your way of expressing your views.
Every jew hates his mother. PArt of the jewish upbringing where the child has to be as mentally damaged as he can be.
They don't care, they purity spiral to beyond the Nuremberg race laws.
Oh, you're one of those. You're going to tell me that Ivanka and her children are still jews even though that's not following that rule.
I'm looking forward to the day you post, "It's the latest outreach thing to do. A lot of jews have been throwing jews into the oven to mix in with us. If you haven't noticed."
Wasn't me faggot.
Converts get ovened too.
Guys, he is currently helping us. I think staying skeptical of jews is good. However, he is actively hurting the jewish agenda. I think this is a pretty different situation from different jews who hang around us (Milo is the best example I think) in that they seek to be gatekeepers of the ideology and hold potential allies at the level of "lol 3rd wave feminism is cancer." However, Molyneux has been moving his audience towards recognition of the JQ. Yeah, I think he is jewish. Yeah, we should be critical of him. No, we should not attack him if he is doing good for us. To me, attacking him now is the equivalent of stopping one jew from murdering another (probably for the life insurance) because you oppose anything they do.
I think this user is pretty much spot on.
I will probably become very hated for stating this.
I have never ever liked Peter Molyneux. Something about that guy just gets me repulsed. Ever since the beginning I have avoided his videos.
I also have the habit of being right about things, and Peter Molyneux, Mark Dice, Paul Joseph Waston all fall to a similiar spectrum of disdain.
Looking past my biological response when confronted with their faces and persona, I honestly dont believe, from an objective perspective, that they are true genuine individuals, they give the impression of being crypto-kikes, this false redpill type of people, secretly sowing some type of disinfo, or simply just want money, I can't put my thumb around it, I simply don't consider them legit or trustworthy, even if they harp right wing truths, I have zero faith in them. Simple know they are not someone we should give views or attention.
On that note, I will rant some nonsense regarding Peter Molyneux.
First off, I consider him a failure at life. He probably went to a good university with succesfull respectable people. I imagine him meeting old classmates from his former circles, distinguished men, asking him what he does these days, as he freaks out and tries to shy away. He cannot tell them he is a failed spazz, whos only prospects is desperatly making autistic political videos on youtube (in his moms basement/5 dollar rented storage i might add), mainly consumed by 16-19 year old edy selfproclaimed "Alt-righters". There is something extremely off with that man, does he have a wife and children? Wouldn't suprise me if he doesnt.
I also suspect that Peter Molyneux patheticly self-promotes himself on half-chan, he looks at memes, can't figure it out, yet tells one of his autistic fans "Uh hi, could you umm… try to photoshop my face into one of those spurdo bears? And make a couple of pepes but with my face on it? Any meme really" or even worse, make themselves.
I've seen some really pathetic cringey shitty memes, I know for a fact he has involvment in making them.
Another thing are these spammed threads
Followed by an unoriginal shittily made 3rd rate meme like Before Pol/After Pol
Just something is not properly alligned, I know that I am not wrong regarding this, though I can't give sufficient evidence, I wish he would just go away.
On that note, I have always hated those enormous faggots "Aristiocrat" who talked a bunch of shit, then got blowjobbed by some chink and then disappeared, Sargon The Arkad, The Black Pigeon Speaks, The Blue Reindeer, I have no idea who these faggots are, with the faggy avatar that is suppose to represent their "intellectual" persona, and why they get views but there is something dispicable about them as well, I wish they would be murdered to be honest.
I'd rather kiss the ground of Alex "Water filters" Jones or that crazy kike Brother Nathanel any day before being forced to watch 5 minutes these homosexual attentionseeking niggers.
Oh and here is another guy who illicits the same disgusting response as Paul watson, molyneux, his name is Steven Anderson. I watched his videos because he had some minor interesting stuff in them, despite watching several of them, my first minute impression was the same disgust. I wonder why, but somehow I dont think my reaction is wrong.
Yeah he lies and over hypes his games but what does that have to do with politics?
I also personally find Molyneux a repulsive personality. He acts like a street dog and attacks callers who may actually know more than him but have less status; then kisses ass to celebrity guests.
But he's far from a failure at life. He has a wife, kid, made his fuck-you money early in IT. He has more influence than any top paid nightly propaganda show host.
He's unlikeable, but he's on our side and making a difference. But the moment racism becomes mainstream and he repositions to be pro-Jew (which WILL happen, mark my words) we need to maul that street dog to death.
fug I just noticed lol
How can you write a whole book slamming the guy when you:
A) Don't know his name
B) Don't know that he's married
C) Don't know that he has a child
D) Don't watch any of his videos
Criticising someone's works are fine if you've actually digested what they're presenting. Not liking someone because 'something repulses you' is retarded.
I concur. Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake.
But you have to take his opinion with a grain of salt. Jews have it in their genetics to be deceitful. Even if he may not know it.
Or he's dropping them NOW and he would start changing when the elections swing the right way and the herd has to be whipped in another direction.
Either way he's wakign normies up.
Still sage for e-celeb.
I assume you get payed by word count, because the quality of your shilling is garbage.
The shills will call him a Jew if he acts pro-White, while the pro-Whites will call him a Jew if he acts to much like a Jew, so Molly will be called a Jew no matter.
He just have to learn to live with it.
Now if we can just get him to drop the whole "spanking is always bad, no exceptions" bullshit and become a Christian, he'll be completely non-kosher. The latter will trigger the fuck out of 80% of his followers, though.
My sides have just left Earth's orbit.
honestly believe… objective perspective… hasn't watched their material, doesn't like their faces. Hey maybe if you did, then you could write some type of PROOF for 'disinfo'. This kid is such a faggot he's even against making money.
I won't read his retardation any further. He's already won my, retard of the morning awared.
Suck less dicks, faggot.
There is no doubt about it.
Which "e-celeb" isn't allowed to have threads stay up?
What the fuck? I don't see him using echoes anywhere. OP is a fucking cunt.
The echo meme didn't come from us; it came from the Daily Shoah. If you watched it you would know that Mike, Sven and Ghoul regularly say "us" when referring to the Alt-Right, and judging from their last episode with Dickie, I would think they firmly consider TRS to be part of it. I love Holla Forums, but I hate how some of the people here like to think they're the only ones fighting the good fight. If you don't wanna join the Alt-Right, that's whatever, but don't try to make the board take credit for their accomplishments.
My apologies if you actually mean people like Stef who are Alt-Lite, as Dickie says.
The Alt-Right, couldn't have risen without the tireless work of Holla Forums and the boards that have gone offline before it.
Yeah we can all just forget about this speech
Isn't that from an Arditi song ?
I'm 99% sure it is
That kike camwhore (((Veronica Rothman)))
It's right there at the linked time, but I don't know if spelling it out to even this extent will get through to you if you are this dense.
This is proof that not all jews are kikes
Some jews like moly are all right
You do realise that Hitler only consider full and 3/4 Jews as full Jews. He gave citizenship to non-practicing 1/2 mischlings and 1/4 mischlings. A 1/8 Jew was considered fully German
Get a clue.
He's jewish from his mothers side
But i don't know if he acts as one ignoring the d'nation part
He is a half-jew by blood alone, and identification of jews by themselves is done matrilineally.
Yeah, but you like Steve "Interracial Breeding Grounds" Anderson
I'm pretty sure he hates his mom
i'm talking genetics user not feels
Memes, not Genes
I agree i said in my previous posts that not all jews are kikes
My spider sense is tingling.
His mom wasn't even fully Jew I'm pretty sure, and even so - he wouldn't be considered ethnically Jewish by the German Reich.
pick one.
I'm stating the fact that Stefan Molyneux is a jew that's not a genetic fallacy also is not keeping him from helping our cause.
Yeah never been convinced by McMollyjew. There's also a few others I'm suspicious about.
Andrew Spencer
Jared Staker
Dave Enoch
Vox Ray
Millennial Moe
do you even know whether his mother was a full Jew? As far as Hitler's regime was concerned, Stefan would not be considered a full Jew.
I never fully trust any eCeleb.
With Stefan Molyneaux this is my theory.
He hasn't made a secret of this mother being a Jew, we didn't have to dumpster dive for that, he said it himself.
I think he came to his libertarian stance thought philosophical thought. Of course he used his ability to research to start a youtube channel, but unlike many other youtubers he didn't monetise on youtube he asked for donations to make himself a little more free of youtube censorship [demonetization for bad goys].
So he gained a following of libertarians and became somewhat of a libertarian icon.
Then he started to get a few uncomfortable red pills and then realized that libertarianism is a non viable political model. Open borders to untermenschen and salafists really fucking ruins the NAP.
so now what?
Option1) live the lie, pretend to be a libertarian and keep the donation stream running until he was overrun with rapefugees or his own conscience?
He is married to a greek woman and has young child for the record.
Option 2 ) slowly shift the Overton window by dropping redpills slowly to his fan/donation base and open up to nationalist leaning followers.
He chose Option 2.
I'm not sure when this process started but it became noticeable to me about September 2015, not long after the rapefugee crisis started.
So to me he is dropping a lot of redpills to people who see his as rational and reasonable, so whether his main motivation is the donation bucket or not, he is pushing a lot of the ideas/redpills that we are.
Eat as many Matzos as you like, its not Jewish heritage being the problem, is the Zionist parasitism, oppression and manipulation. That's what we are against, an ideology not a bunch of Khazar descendants who have no influence or malice.
Sadly even saying this won't stop normies going full race war once they wake up.
The malice is in the genes. Every jew must be killed.