Only GOAT bands
ITT Greatest bands of all time
Nathaniel Jenkins
Cooper Morgan
Matthew Rodriguez
meep meep that's incredible tbh no homo
Aiden Bell
Angel Carter
Smash mouth makes me hard in the paint
Joshua Hill
Jacob Lee
It's always funny to show this to metalfags and watch the look on their face when the voice starts
Oliver Bailey
Only faggy powermetal fags would like this repetitive generic shit anyway.
Nathaniel Hill
This is the canon answer.
Nathan Russell
Tyler Rivera
Rubber bands. Best bands ever.
Carter Bailey
Modest Mouse, Robert Alfons, Led Zeppelin, Motörhead and Black Sabbath. That's all you need.
Nolan Carter
shit taste
Wyatt Allen
this tbh
Josiah Flores
Suck a dick
James Richardson
Gavin Walker
Noah Foster
Lincoln Miller
Nathan Miller
Nathaniel Edwards
Ryder Roberts
Leo Clark
Jonathan Rodriguez
Go to bed, Fred. Your music sucks.
Juan Thompson
this tbh fam
Eli Reyes
Can't say if trolling or scatfag
Leo Cook
Grayson Reed
King Crimson?
John Roberts