Hoe do I join an antifa?
Hoe do I join an antifa?
Find a nazi and punch him in the face. Congratulations, you're Anti-Fa
Antifafags are completly autonomous, there is no directive, everything is just barely organised. You just need to do these steps:
Dont be afraid to act retardet or to use lots of idpol!
Most chapters have a facebook page, look up [your town name here] anti fa or something.
smoke weed
instant antifa
That's about it
Just show at protests and help them clean up the streets.
Begin by turning off your computer and getting out of your house.
Become jewish
how about look up local leftist groups via google, community centers, contact a party or whatever else you might come up with
it really isn't that hard, unless you're living in the countryside.
you lick negro's toilet brush and
you get paid by government agencies to riot as anarchist
but you can't attack the real problem
You guys clearly havent been in a situation where Fascists were a serious threat, and therefore your Antifa locsl group is purposeless, thats why they are shit.
I live in Galiza, a stateless natipn in northwestern Spain, and we have the luck to be almost free of fascists in the streets, there is no organized group of Nazis or vient rigjt-wingers in no city. There was an attempt a few years ago, but they were dealt with, because we have a very organized (but very disunited, too much organiations) class concious youth. You dont need an Antifa local grouo if you dont have fascists.
But for example, in Madrid the situation is very different. Spain never dealt with its fascist ad dictatorial past, thats why our government party was founded by memebers of the Francoist Regime. In Madrid Fascists in the street are a real threat, they are organized and they are dangerous, and thats why Antifa works well in there.
If you dont have a problem with Nazis in the streets militant groups of skinheads who threat your community and its people, then you dont need to create nor join a local antifa group, and most likely it will be LARPing.
what if the militant anarchists that threaten my community also happen to be members of antifa groups
like maybe antifa are just violent retards looking for a moral excuse for themselves (anyone who is publicly called a fascist, its not like these people are big on fact checking)
It's just Holla Forums and a few retarded Americans.
What are they gonna do, impose anarchism on you? The horror. If they loot you or something they weren't anarchists, just thugs.
Galicia is stateless?
when's the next burger part rally?
you're going to hold another one, right?
Well, we arent an independent nation, so yeah.
Beat up people who look like they might be fascists. It happens.
go to Holla Forums
No thanks
Step 1. Be unskilled, middle-class sexually confused perpetual college student or rotund 80 IQ Toltec.
Step 2. Go protest tiny rally by marginal nationalist group with hundreds of your sweaty jobless friends.
Step 3. Attack nationalists unprovoked, also beat up journalists for good measure and break a few random windows.
Step 4. Lose the street fight anyway because you're all a bunch of flailing low-test aspies.
Step 5. Whine about it on /r/socialism.
Congratulations. You're antifa.
go back to Holla Forums
fuq of
sincerly: a german Antifa
(honestly why does this board hate antifa so much?)
Because most of the guys here are americans and americans are fucking stupid.
It's nice to finally meet one of you guys. I'm an Afghan refugee living in Frankfurt and I have to say, we really appreciate you brave bastards.
Would you want to meet up irl? I've been looking for a white guy to be my alley lookout while I violently sodomize native German children.
Go after the Jews who are the most racist people on the planet, rule the world and own most everything.
Or you could be racist and attack a poor unemployed White person.
If this were true, why would they need to carry out a conspiracy to destroy the white power race? I mean they already control everything, right?
There's no conspiracy with them. It's all public record. And add the millions butchered for all their wars.
I'm sure antifa is okay with that as well. Killing millions of browns for Jews who yell "Niggers out of Israel" on the streets of Tel Aviv.
Antifa is just a Jew tool to be racist against Whites.
Jews are PEEEOHHHCEEE goy, we can't be racist. Now hurry up and die under a tide of dysfunctional brown socialists while we enjoy our prosperous ethnostate.
Germanon hurry up and respond man, I can feel a "sexual emergency" coming on. I just need you to hold the parents down while I have some fun with the kids.
Don't abandon me here bro. I'd hate to have to tell mama Merkel you aren't down with the black and brown.
Ok sometimes you Holla Forumsacks are actually funny
[citation needed]
This is what rightist Holla Forums actually believes.
I'm pretty sure leftists aren't happy with racism among Israelis. I know I'm not.
Socialism, capitalism, w/e mang. I came for the gibs, but I'll stay for the ficki ficki.
Welcome to AntiFa
This. Americans cant understand whst the Antifascist Action is for and fuck it up, line everything they touch related to politics…
Hoe dont do it
Exactly. Antifascist action is about helping fine brown gentlemen like myself obtain sexual release from the consensually challenged.
Age is just a number goy.
never change Holla Forums
Congratulations, you're antifa
Holla Forums pls go
Okay this was better than mine. Honestly I wonder what the AIDS/HIV rate is for antifafags? The heroic legion of migrant buttboys probably gives Liberia a run for its money.
148.8% I suppose.
You're on Holla Forums, buddy. Holla Forums is Holla Forums, Holla Forums is Holla Forums.
Where are you krautbro? Your younglings need to taste my Shwarma.
And then there was leftypol.
Bump again.
Come on krautbro, if you don't have kids I'll let you drain my balls yourself. It's Thursday and I'm Arab AF. You know what that means.
pls no bully
Kebab all tastes the same to unwilling preteens.
pls stop your rustling my ethnology jimmies
Really? There's literally a place advertising itself as "Afghan-style kebab" ten minutes from my house.
Maybe they have another name for it.
well probably isnt something traditional then…
It's all wog chow to me m8