Finally watched John Wick, holy Hell, do not fuck with a man's dog or his car

Finally watched John Wick, holy Hell, do not fuck with a man's dog or his car.

Hope number 2 is as good.

dogs don't have souls, only humans do, so it doesn't matter. anti-christian trash tbh.

Chapter 2 is even better m8

Fucking this. And the way they set it up, Chapter 3 is gonna be even better than that.

I know you're just being a silly-billy, but what you wrote just makes me love John Wick more.

The first Jack Reacher movie was better. And I say that as someone who loves Keanu and normally can't stand Cruise. Don't watch the second tho.

that's what your mom said last night

Jack Reacher fucking sucked. Especially the moment where he throws down his gun to have a fistfight with a bad guy.

Never heard of it, if it is not good I will hunt you down and kill you ;)


The books are better.

I watched both a few days ago myself, both are pretty good so you're set if you liked 1.

Too bad they spoiled the killer in the first scene. Half the book premise was to figure out who the shooter was (hence why Reacher was called in since Reacher had a history with the dude who took the fall but went into a coma.)

The second Reacher movie was better. Haven't seen the new John Wick, haven't seen any quality versions out on the net yet.

bluray rips dropped 9 hours ago.

Nice, thanks Hitler!

I haven't read the Jack Reacher books, but the 1st movie is insanely good. Now considering where we are, by this I mean it's completely clean of liberal pozz, but it goes further, it's like the best of 80s/90s thrillers. The story is very clever, very well told, the actors are on point, the fight scenes are top notch… They don't make movies like this anymore.

I mean, they literally don't, look what they did to Jack Reacher 2, stronk womyn cucking Reacher, a familiar drama noone gives a fuck about and a plot right out of Jason Statham's movies. But yeah, the first one is pure kino. So is John Wick, haven't watched his second movie tho.

Don't be a dingus, Jack Reacher is all about justice. He didn't do it to have a honorabru duel, he did it because his idea of justice was giving the bad guy a painful death rather than just shooting him. Jack Reacher is a real American.

that scene where he checks the chamber of his pistol with one hand got me really hard


Are we going to see Wick kill some kikes?

shit movie, literally white supremacy propaganda. also why no strong females in the entire thing, are powerful women too intimidating for the little boys that watch this ummm?

John Wick 1:
John Wick 2:

These movies are too triggering.

It's the first sign of change my friend. Their age is over.

Nah, director of first John Wick is making Atomic Blonde.


That looks fucking awful.

I still have to see the second one. I loved the first one. My dog died around the time I saw it so it's even more impactful.

Man, I miss my dog.

Is John Wick redpilled?

Sorry to hear about your doggo, user.

What did (((he))) mean by this?