His is clear proof that Hillary sought to destroy evidence

Here is the guy who wiped Hillary's server asking about how to do it on Reddit. Yes. Seriously. He also asks how to replace real emails with fake ones.

His post happens right about the same time congress was requesting Clinton's emails. He specifically said it was for a big name client who everybody would recognize.

A Reddit post has been found from Paul Combetta (the IT guy who got FBI immunity and deleted Hillary's emails) proving they were covering up for Hillary.

First, notice Paul's email address here:


[email protected]/* */

He uses the same username on his Etsy page:

etsy.com/people/stonetear (Backup archive.is/P45cY )

Now look at the username of this Redditor asking how to strip the name of a "VERY VIP" from email archives.

"Hello all- I may be facing a very interesting situation where I need to strip out a VIP's (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email that I have both in a live Exchange mailbox, as well as a PST file. Basically, they don't want the VIP's email address exposed to anyone, and want to be able to either strip out or replace the email address in the to/from fields in all of the emails we want to send out."

archive.is/FXcao (Backup archive.is/t23ID , original link web.archive.org/web/20160919041600/https://www.reddit.com/r/exchangeserver/comments/2bmm4l/remove_or_replace_tofrom_address_on_archived/ )




Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/maps/place/27 Tern Rd Narragansett,[email protected]/*
mcclatchy-wires.com/wire_photos/ydz1xt/picture101542232/ALTERNATES/FREE_640/822Congress Clinton Emails.JPEG
web.archive.org/web/20160919084907/https://www.reddit.com/r/ServerPorn/comments/ok3k8/forever_alone/ the

More evidence that Hillary is mentally unstable

This is massive, sticky please!!

wew L A D S

someone forward this to Rush Limbaugh

and Kikebart

Send this to Drudge.
Send it to Milo.
Send it to Paul Joseph Watson.
Send it to everyone.

Archive of this thread as a precaution:

I forwarded the information to Drudge and Jason Chaffetz

Fuck milo don't give him anything

The problem here is that the FBI certainly already knows about this and covered it up. So how can we get this recognized.

widespread pro trump talk radio hosts like rush and online news outlets like kikebart


He'd be very interested.

Can these people be any less competent? And shills expect me to believe the ZOG machine is indestructible?

Hannity insanity.

E-mail this to trey gowdy and the rest of the goodboys crowd.

Do they have an e-mail service over there?

Lel,just lel


Fuck Rush Limbaugh fuck Jason "spic jew" chaffetz fuck Drudge send this shit to alex jones RIGHT NOW

Bump let's dig and see what more we can discover


That's just him asking, right? What I mean is that what he wants to do doesn't seem to be possible. Worth looking into any messages by that account and archive before someone realizes we're looking.

Could we get this to subpoena spic? He may have interesting questions to make in regards to that. It needs to be explained very succintly if we're going to be heard.

Alex Jones' crew already monitors Holla Forums. That base is covered with my creation of this thread.


Used his real name in a tag.

Anyone have the Dropbox database dump? It's one of the few big ones I still don't have.


Seriously, though, what a fucking idiot. Has anyone sent this to Drudge or Alex Jones or whoever yet? Am I going to have to be the asshole to do it?

I confirmed it absolutely (in my opinion). Paul Combetta = Stonetear.
Check out his one follower on etsy. Then google Paul Combetta + that name. A couple links down you'll find voter registration records. There you will see an address he shares with a family of a different name. On facebook you will find that they are friends with a facebook profile for their dog, "Pickles."
…. which is tied to the reddit stonetear account in question here: reddit.com/r/aww/comments/3vuemf/pickle_and_cashew_my_two_foodbased_fluffies/
I'd post the links and stuff but I feel icky doing that, even if it's for a good cause (corruption transparency). Anyone can follow it up and verify for themselves.
The Secretary of State's IT person was totally on reddit asking for advice on how to illegally scrub her emails. What a hilarious world we live in.

I dont see it there any more


Could be a shoop. Sorry.

its okay, just the reason why we post stuff with the archive

Nigger give the links so we can archive you fuck

sticky and this guy will suddenly die

This is it.

This is the smoking gun.

What a nigger.

fwd that shit to Gowdy too

Where is OP getting this info?
Someone else created a similar thread, meaning you two read this somewhere else?

Where is the archive???

It's archived on reddit and his etsy account is still up.

archive: archive.is/P45cY

Who is Paul Combetta?


archive: archive.is/wvqf9

Good luck derailing this one.

report post with reason "sticky please"

you can't just ask in the thread because mods don't read the threads, they just read the reports.

Everyone who gets pissed because the mods stickied one thread and not another is not understanding this.

There's another thread on cuckchan but searching for Paul Combetta I found this.
Maybe it's the OP of that thread.
I care more about what to do with this info than how it was found.

So the two of you just magically put these facts together simultaneously?

if they asked Holla Forums instead they would wipe the emails quickly by trying to install gentoo


Apparently there is a "StoneTear" who hung out on the #GeekIssues channel on efnet.org

If someone could find logs of that chat there may be something there as well.

But yeah, the "sticky" reports do help a lot.

Thanks. OP should have linked to that or archived.
Always give your source OP.

Apparently Paul Combetta was a technician at "Platte River Networks" before working for Hillary Clinton.

Chain archived

archive.is/UvZLi Reddit post of dog "Pickle" by stonetear
web.archive.org/web/20160919082302/https://voterrecords.com/voter/37709517/desiree-dirocco Voter records of house with Dirocco and Paul Combetta
archive.is/mvgfr Dirocco link to page with same dog breed as stonetear's "Picklehoff Dillfoot"

Random other shit from him:

Random post entry, may be useful if there's a database dump in the future

He altered his fb page recently. I was given this, but it appears the girl who found it didn't archive it. Sad day. The friends are still visible though.

His wife's page has some more stuff visible though:


Here is her linkedin, so just need to find her email…

There is a [email protected]/* */

Not sure if the same person


Here is his wife blaming muh patriarchy for her picking her shit major

More circumstantial evidence

google.ca/maps/place/27 Tern Rd Narragansett,[email protected]/* */,-71.4841264,3a,75y,16.59h,73.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smjMoSQ7UqgfTW7LkIcztNg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x9df23b2e3e15bf34!6m1!1e1

This qt is the original source from the cuckchan thread:

Why don't you attack the message instead of the messanger?


can't wait for this guy to commit suicide by stuffing himself into a suitcase and shooting himself in the back of the head.

And we just keep on winning.

I may know of a way to get this message out to the normies in a way that is much easier than trying to send the message in vain. I know Holla Forums is not a fan of Sargon, TAA or other youtubers of the like, but I suggest we send this information their way. They stand for reason and I know they would stand behind sending this message out to the rest of the world in a manner that would be easily digestible and decently informed. If we all attempt to message them, perhaps a video could be made and the large viewership will be able to see this unfold.

Here is her Google Plus account: archive.is/jTqWM

Dude, she is cute. wtf are you talking about?

Kill yourself kike!

If US is not totally incompetent and corrupt then I do not know what it is.


It's not the greatest place obviously but it is a way to get the message out to normies.

That will get a huge amount of eyes on this story.

We can't expect to keep this on the chans and also expect everyone to see it.

Send it to Michael Savage

LOL not only is he going to be responsible for getting Hillary convicted for fraud, not only is he going to get fired, but he drives and Aztek

Oh my sides


That is a great avenue and I saw the post that they made on there as well. I feel as thought Holla Forums continuously undermines the larger YouTuber community. They may not be on board with Trump and the exact ideals of Holla Forums, but they are on board with exposing truth and information. /r/The_Donald is great, but that subreddit already has a small community compared to other sources and will never be featured on the front page of leddit.

I would almost feel guilty about all those curses we've put on her if she wasn't such an evil cunt.

Copied from the place of cancer:

[–]street1510PD 4 points an hour ago*
I have photo confirmation it's him. He uses the same name for everything.
Here is his photo with the user name StoneTear ^ APEX web.archive.org/web/20160919074836/http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197962581630
Here is his photo in the hearing mcclatchy-wires.com/wire_photos/ydz1xt/picture101542232/ALTERNATES/FREE_640/822Congress Clinton Emails.JPEG
From a tech board under the user name stonetear he signed his name paul:
Found him talking about moving to a new server here:
Here he is admitting he works for the State Department!
Talking about politics
This is clearly a government building…
web.archive.org/web/20160919084907/https://www.reddit.com/r/ServerPorn/comments/ok3k8/forever_alone/ the photo it links to i.sli.mg/EwTVEg.png
mailto:[email protected]/* */
keep checking on me folks I'm updating


The_Donald has a thread on the Front Page of r/all right now.

Go check.

My apologies, I have an account that I use for info and removed /r/all. I completely forgot to check that

Friended his dog "pickle" on fb, same dog he posted several pics of on reddit.

>[email protected]/* */

This email is not hers.

This is an interesting read.

Would you trust this man with your data

Didn't they give this piece of shit immunity?

Yes, and he fucking pleaded the fifth when asked about the emails.

Neckbeard is not fully developed…

Well, it was that or suicide by cutting himself into pieces, stuffing himself into a suitcase and dragging the suitcase into the bathtub…

Well he might be immune from government prosecution, he isn't immune from the people.

It's called digging.

they cant be this inept.
can they?

GOOD chance he'll die because of this.

At this point it's hard to say it wasn't him at least with the plebbit account.

What a fucking idiot, though.

At least even the DNC leaks proved that they barely have their shit together.

There is now a post on r/The_Donald about this exact issue.

It is stickied.

This will have eyes on it guaranteed. Currently at about 900 votes or whatever the system is there.

This may hit the front page of reddit.

Normie eyes all over it.

Dumb, dumb motherfucker.

Most likely going to the slammer during the Trump purge.


Hillary sure knows how to pick them. I suppose finding a leftist willing to take the risk of covering up corruption doesn't square with competence.

Either way, this guy is a piece of shit and justice awaits him.

nyoh my god, its true isn't it?

Danielle crying about her school debt. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten an MA in Political Science?


i mean I would, but something tells me i'd fuck up and you guys would yell at me.


Other possibilities.

Haven't checked these myself but let's get some user eyes on these. Full autist ahead.






Combetta may have also went by the username "StormTear" and posted on this BSDM webpage:


(notice how a character in the story refers to the author as "Paul")

matched a car in /u/stonetears posts to a vehicle pictured in the Google Maps street view of his public address:


Get these archived as well. We have to move quick

Original qt 3.14159 said she sent it to Drudge and everyone and no one would report on it.


A Congressman has already tweeted it out.

This has traction in mainstream:


I've sent most of it to both Cernovich and Charles Ortel.

Ortel is in contact with many very close to the Trump campaign, and I've spoken to him before, so here's hoping something comes of this.

archives ffs

It doesn't have much traction. She's saying that even with that, no one will report on it yet.

are you guys going to do something about the autobans for reposted op images, or is that a feature?

Why do you think Combetta is StormTear?? I don't get it.

No control over that. Might want to ask on >>>/sudo/












BDSM Library:


Car Image:


That's… completely fucked.

Whay the hell?

holy fuck, I leave this place for a couple of hours and there's already another happening


Just wait til October.


StormTear StoneTear

The author of the story is referenced multiple times as "Paul"

Nothing for sure like I said but you don't leave this ignored.

This is bullshit, but I believe it.

StoneTear talking about experience with third party email scrubbers.


The company he mentions "Mimecast"
suffers a cyber attack last year.


Found it. [email protected]/* */

just slap that on post on that pic and paste it on the reddit pics, THAT is how we should release it.


We need to go deeper!

What a fucking moron, holy shit. I almost want this to be shopped because if it's not, he's so fucking stupid.


Okay PuterGod.net is down right now apparently it is some sort of old private website

A post on a pontiac forum

He is known to have a pontiac aztec

Lists occupation as "sysadmin"


He may be AKA putergod as well


STONETEAR = PAUL evidence on exchange mailing list tech-archive.net/Archive/Exchange/microsoft.public.exchange.admin/2007-02/msg02203.html

If you go to the link in the tweet notendur.hi.is/eybjorn/krondor/zip.html You get this email, too [email protected]/* */ WHOIS says putergod.net belongs to the gmail account who.is/whois/putergod.net

Possible money laundering through Steam items?

check the whois for the site. Might have something if he's retarded.

Archived and CONFIRMED



Name: Michael Morris
Organization: Morris Enterprises
Mailing Address: 208 Doublegate Dr, Bonaire Georgia 31005 US
Phone: +1.4783223200
Fax Ext:
Email:[email protected]/* */


whoops, I did the .com


Should check records and see if he fucked up…

That is putergod.COM, we're looking for putergod.NET

Already done registed to

[email protected]/* */


archive of his old site:

and another one he ran:

interestingly, some posts he made on the front page indicate they were run from a home server.

He was also involved in this:

notice this part: boxen.spamnet.org
StoneTear m0rph

CombEtta confirmed for an alias or somehow related. See pic


same registry information


old profile page with pics here:

Noice. This deserves some OC fresh from the meme oven.

no homo

Nice work guys.

> pics of him and family at the beach (from: plus.google.com/105853017791660746402/photos/photo/5626401181225076722?pid=5626401181225076722&oid=105853017791660746402)

That's definitely our guy, associated with the "StoneTear" username. Good job.


I love our internet people

All pic of the younger kid

This is the level of autism I expect from anons.

I'm definitely proud of us.



Except for the whole immunity part


the weak should fear the strong

He's not immune to the public.

Alex jones has a softserve banner here afaik


What we have so far:


pics from that old site with him in it, ceiling and room likely matches "11 year old" pic he posted on reddit

I think cuckchan beat us to it


Do we have a thread about it earlier than 01:48?

Immunity from FBI does not mean he has immunity from the courts.

We have some original finds here definitely.

We broke the putergod.net shit for sure.

whats the significance of stonetear?

hes the guy that actually deleted the shit from killary's server

Reddit User StoneTear confirmed to be Paul Combetta

He can't claim this was a different StoneTear



YOO, I FOUND HIS ACTIVE FACEBOOK PAGE facebook.com/carl.kloster

I'm trying to find the earliest mention.

Cuckchan wasn't the first I can find. It's some woman on Twitter that posted it at 19:10

Map of Michigan to the right of the USA.

For some reason second link won't archive

Used WayBack Instead





Forgot to include archive

Yes she is believed to be the original source.

Get that bitch some followers.

fuck you gotta love this, liberals and media constantly bringing up the point about how racists lack "education". At least most of us were smart enough not to get into crippling debt for no good reason

he looks like a goon look for connections to vilerat

Just in case it wasn't obvious…

how do we know this? was clinton's IT guy connected to this nick during the investigation? how did this information surface to begin with?

You wouldn't believe how deeply infiltrated the government is by goons. You're right he looks like a goon.

Look at all the goons surrounding Hillary. That ambassador that Hillary got killed was a goon too.

When you look at it goons are Holla Forums's true enemy.

What have you been smoking, user?

This is Paul Combetta. His username is known to be StoneTear from multiple known sources now. Please read the thread posts for these.

He was found to post on reddit asking how to delete a "VIP's" emails.




You understand that goons do what we do except they do it for evil? They're just as subversive as we are except they're deeply entrenched in the political establishment. Trump becoming president he'll purge all the goons and Holla Forums will get it. It's our chance to take over the government.

His wife is an atheist and their kids names are Talin and Trevor.

Are you sure that's him? I was onto that guy on Google+ but it's not the same person. Different teeth and face shape. They must be related or friends though.

That ambassador was vilerat, guild leader of goonfleet in eve online. Holla Forums are goons. Moot was a goon.

Someone hasn't been doing their homework. The communists from LF have been a cancer for nearly 8 years.

Now that I'm looking, no, I don't think that's him.

Found this on the House Oversight Committee website but I don't know what it means.



(from somethingawful.com/news/sean-smith-vilerat/ )

Get off the derail and get back on topic

Here's what we've gathered:

Here's What We've Gathered:

Paul Combetta has received immunity from the FBI:


user/StoneTear has posted about his interest about hiding and deleting links to an email address he claims to be "VERY VIP"


user/StoneTear confirmed for Paul Combetta



Has AKA's:

StormTear / StoneTear / StonePear / PuterBild / ST|Gone and about a million other nicks :)


Further Confirmation For His Link to These AKA's


Who here will begin the compiling process to deliver to n-amount of reporters?
I bet wilileaks already has

Reddit already been doing it, but they don't have all the info that's been uncovered in this thread.

Didn't he ban someone for posting anti-Islam stuff on SA?

I've made an account on Reddit and have been posting it there.

The_Donald is the best place to get N-Eyes on this.

People joke about Holla Forums being run on core 2 duos, but Hillary's underground server command center is literally what everybody thinks Jim's data center looks like.

Found 1 more old site of his, but haven't been able to recover anything from it other than some really tiny images….

Jimbo barely seems to know about what he sells.

Ah, here are two more pictures.

I don't see how much more open and shut this case can be.

The evidence is there. This reddit user who posted is most certainly Paul Combetta.

Here he is requesting information on doing the exact crime he is accused of doing.

This guy needs to be in prison.

Which of these words do you not understand?

FBI can strip immunity for omitting facts or committing perjury.

This is most definitely the case here.



Do you guys really?

I love this place even more. :)

It looks like he was asking how to replace her address with a different one.

But they told him it was only possible to delete them.

Well, then he might as well prepare his anus for Big Bubba to push his shit back in for him.

Congressman Mark Meadows has already posted about this.


This will be at least mentioned at the water cooler I'm sure.



This has gone full plebbit front page my friend.

This cat is out of the /pol-bag

Hes going to suicide shortly.

I'll call this right now. He's going to meet his untimely demise by a flat out murder.

They won't find the culprit but you'll be sure that this is an alt-right pepe-lover who wanted to see this guy dead.

The focus will be shifted there, his testimony will be unavailable and Trump supporters will be blamed for his murder.

>Richard “Lowtax” Kyanka is rumored to be an administrator on the forum under a different name and has direct ties with every single administrator at the site itself. “BMD” was known as the founder of WDMA.BIZ as a tracker and was last known to be at the top of the ladder. “Ozma”, another SomethingAwful.com forum admin also has administration rights at WDMA.BIZ. Other administrators of WDMA.BIZ include but are not limited to “RabidLeper”, “JadedSamurai”, “ndmonkey”, “waicsco”, “jerkweek”, “tragick”, “ZombieJesus” and “StormTear”.
StormTear associated with the legendary WDMA after Bit Torrent Barnyard got shoad? Goon Illuminati confirmed.

Weak piece of shit.

There's a redditor on the same trail as you right now.

Here's the post:

OK, on the username StormTear I found this shit from SomethingAwful in 2005, and I can't understand what's going on: forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=1628561&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=9

All future content put on hold for now thanks to Gizm, Perry, io_burn, Stormtear and others from SomethingAwful.com and the "other site" because they were involved in posting my pictures and video on SomethingAwful's FYAD and the other site's main porn forum. Gizm was the one who posted the content and StormTear actually banned me from the other site because I confronted Gizm about it. I was also threatened with them trying finding out who she is to mess with her.

So StormTear was an admin of SomethingAwful? Or whatever they called The Other Site? What is FYAD?


This guy is a fucking meme

I've been reading the whole thread. Holy fucking shit, this idiot is a fucking GOON?!

And he set up Hillary's fucking email client?

Then went on reddit to ask how to DELETE SHIT?!

Sweet Mary Mother of Shit, you can't BUY this kind of entertainment! Wait until the news gets out this cockbite was a SA Admin that wronged people, there'll be booze flowing when this asshead either goes to jail or commits suicide by being shot in the back of the head with 15 barbells!

Personally, I wanna see him become Sherry's white man-bitch while Hillary finally keels over from sheer panic, but this ballsack's had karma waiting to unload on his ass one way or another.

It would kind of surprise me if he was a FYAD poster because if he was he would know how to scrub his history/not use the same username all over the internet like that. This was probably someone else imho.

IIRC they had a forum called DPPH (Don't post porn here) that they eventually closed and moved offsite by then so that's probably "the other site". By rumor it was full of CP.

Makes me kind of sad, 2005 when that thread was made was the last few minutes of SA being a decent place to hang out, before the Marxist invasion and while you were still allowed to make fun of fags and niggers and trannies and fatties ;_;

No he hasn't, you dumb fuck. That tweet is from days ago, on a different topic.

"Fuck You And Die", the Somethingawful board with a reputation for aggressive bantz, Hitler pictures, and meme-making. In some ways a precursor and a parallel to Holla Forums.

FYAD(fuck you and die) was the shitposting subforum on SA for Lowtax and his friends, it was very cliquey. FYAD was where shock posting came from (goatse, tubgirl, 2girls1cup was literally bankrolled by goons that payed ~700 bucks to the 'models'). We're talking before the twin towers fell guys, this is ancient internet history stuff. BTB (bit torrent barnyard) was the filesharing subforum and it got removed and remade offside on WDMA.BIZ (where da movies at) after the goon that was fucking Teagan Presley the pornstar got sued for posting private videos or something like that. Information is practically impossible to find on this because they did a great job in scrubbing all the info from everywhere they could.

More peepee

already well established, with dumps at the finger tips.

Normies would loose there shit. Think, to hear about pepe for the first time ever last week, then only two weeks later, hear about peepee poopoo?

can you imagine?

Here's to our years in the sun.

THANK YOU, O' Universe

it's reaching the news sites now.


some people in the comments are already reblogging this.

2 girls 1 cup was a standard scat movie from a very popular Brazilian company which got shut down and had to re invent themselves using fake poop.

You mean SWAP.AVI?

Calm the fuck down kike. Wrong link.


How about that?

Just kidding, got my degenerate scat porn names mixed up. I was thinking swap.avi yes

Archive uuuu

As someone who's been on the internet for a while I can tell you arrogant people like SA goons, although crafty, are still arrogant and think they're bulletproof. Stupid people like this have this tendency to think they will be fine with using the same username on the net so long as they scrubbed the past. Problem with that is they tend to forget the golden rule of the internet…


Even worse, they forget that they must always be vigilant with their information. seeing as they think they got away with something, they start to fall into familiar and often identifiable patterns. People make mistakes. This chucklehead, I believe, is the same asshole based on his attitude on various mediums posted itt.

Goons have a stink on them, and this fucker smells like rancid goat cheese and dead skunk based on the shit he not only knows, but is willing to do. He again has this air of shielding granted to him by the FBI as he did as an admin of SA and SA-affiliated sites and it again makes him feel like he is safe.

Fuck 'em. He's a goon and he deserves a fate worse than death.

Okay, Now that I got that out of my system, I'm good.

You're definitely right. Should have archived.

Just easier to show cabbages what you're linking to.

Betrayal at Krondor is dank af tbh.

10/10. Would pay to wipe VIP servers again.

Calling it right now:

https:[email protected]/* */

https:[email protected]/* */

Hacked on: 2016-01-01 Encryption method for passwords: IPB username: stonetear email: [email protected]/* */ ipaddress: Real_Password: laksjd

Hacked on: 2016-03-10 Encryption method for passwords: Vbulletin username: StoneTear Real_Password: laksjd hash: e0751da42f4dcb1f01e1c10c08ed8494 email: [email protected]/* */ register_date: 1119823341 last_login: 1194050402 ipaddress:


from www.leakedsource.com

Jesus Christ.
The next civil war is going to be awesome.
Full confirmation that Hillary is a goon candidate, and the fact that she's hated by thinking people, makes my dick diamonds.

I have a simple question for anons to ponder - I don't want responses.
Which branches of the government do you believe to be a den of oldfags?
We know the State Department, and any department that's rallying behind the establishment is probably goon infiltrated. The NSA? CIA? ATF?
It's just an interesting thought, which is something that you should all keep in mind but never talk about.

They thought they made a safe haven when what they really created was their own prison.
sage for minor off topic


He looks Jewish there

Climbed to number six on reddit.

This has been seen by everyone. The early morning media people are crawling reddit for their daily stories.

This isn't just some chan-land /pol circle jerk.

This is Main Stream.

Do you feel in charge here, mr combetta?

He's right now attempting to delete everything. Anything not archived will soon be gone.
Plebbitors are racing against him to archive his posts before he nukes them.

Holy fucking shit it just got nuked off of reddit.

Just fucking now

it's way too fucking late for that lol

I was wondering where it was.

Is anyone gonna try to remake it?

It was literally within the past 2-3 minutes.

That image was taken simultaneously with the take down.

Refreshed the page and it was gone.

I guess news that Patton Oswald winning a fucking Emmy couldn't or shouldn't be rivaled by REAL NEWS!

Goddamnit, is that place cancer!

Kek, the ironing

Not deleted, just purged from the frontpage.

The final archive of the thread:


Manually removed from r/all

who is Shad0w Squad and why did Paul Combetta call them "public enemy #1" in a reddit post. Russia?


looks like a shitty blog, why would he care about them?

I ain't clickin' that shit.

This is the floor of his car.

Watch it start to slide now.


By the way, he's going through his reddit post history and deleting everything now

My post leads me down another, semi-relevant, train of thought.
Who's been pushing the "pepe has been stolen by raycists" meme?
People like Dylan Matthews, and many other SJWs.

If you've kept up on your internet history, SJWs became mainstream when a subreddit called SRS was started on reddit.
The SRS subreddit began life as a place for known, active, goons to mock "shit reddit says". It gradually evolved into it's current form, and was active in subverting and destroying GG.

Now ask yourself, what presidential candidates has reddit flocked around? Boynee, then Hillary
What is the fore-runner embroiled in? Child porn, fraud, murder, etc
What is a common tactic for both SJWs and goons? Infiltrating management and spamming Child Porn

So if you look at everything I've covered, goons are the spearhead for probably the entire internet campaign against Trump.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the goons weren't some branch of JIDF.

I fully expect a resurgence of CP spam in the coming month. Possibly a take down attempt for Holla Forums, or even Jim getting threatened somehow.

I can't wait to hang some goons.
another sage for mild off-topic

It's gone. They removed the thread manually from the front page.

Not 2 or 3 minutes after I posted that picture.

Go Check it's not there anymore.

So, are these the same goons from EVE?

Not necessarily. Goonswarm is just the goons who play EVE. There's goons who play Rust, ARK, Paradox games, etc. SA is a big site with lots of members and interests, not everyone there is going to be involved in this kind of thing.

I used to have an SA account but it got banned a while ago and I didnt feel like giving Lowtax any more of my shekels. Theres a lot of goon exiles who are firmly pro-trump and hate what happened to the forums. Check out SASS/SomethingSensitive and you'll feel like you're on Holla Forums

are you saying people playing EVE online are the same ones pushing Hillary? I dont see the reference and I still dont know why he called that group"public enemy #1" - what the fuck do they h ave on Hillary?

One and the same.

was an ambassador's aid under Clinton's State Department, who was killed in Benghazi.

As we should all know by now, aids eventually climb up the bureaucratic ladder and end up in leadership positions. Vilerat openly admitted he was recruiting off 10bux, which would make the State Department an IRL goon hub.

The only good goon is a dead goon. Exiles are by definition: not goons.

It isn't on the page in Switzerland. Same for EU countries?

Faggots are cucked by Zoey and have CP rings EVE so of course they're shilling for Illary

Slamdunk: he's a goon archive.is/RsDMC
He submitted the docevil (fyad admin) star trek/weed fyad flag compilation youtube video to r/trees because dude weed lmao
Is there still any doubt he's StormTear from WDMA.BIZ?

Most goons are obviously nobodies, but we must pay attention to the exceptions.

Notice the ID's of these EVE and Swarm Guys.

Just showed up and already derailing. Literally 1-2 posts.

Also notice the introduction of words like "faggot" and "cuck" all the sudden.

These are shills attempting a derail.

It was just removed from the front page of reddit.

The main comments were deleted.

Here's the archive:


ok im a 38 yr old oldfag, what the everliving fuck is Zoey and EVE is a MMORPG amirite?

This feels like a bad Phillip K Dick novel at this point.

Only political thing I found in his history.

Also he smokes weed probably, does woodworking, likes wheel of time and Star Trek, and uses lots of smileys like :)

EVE is a video game and MMORPG is a genre of online video games. Zoey is some SJW slut that they all want to defend.

No one's derailed anything

Pretty much. Look at the mods, FYAD posters, and the LF guys who all left for the rhizzone if you want the type to get into shady shit or identity politics

YCS crew all left for badgame.net but they keep it pretty tight, its invite only iirc

SASS/SomethingSensitive would make good allies for Holla Forums, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a lot of overlap already.

thank you.

Zoey Quinn was the catalyst for the whole gamergate fiaso back in 2014 as well.

Here's the archive.

He left out that EVE is commonly used to launder money and transfer CP.

eek archive.is/s7uj9

No flair :-/

I've done far too much reading on the SA culture, and I don't think you should see them as some kind of monolithic conspiracy. The SA forums were big back in the day, and a lot of people on our side got started there (mpc is an offshoot of an SA offshoot, and weev ran one of them as well). Nowadays the site is a wasteland, taken over by catlady moderators and boring shitheads who scared off all the funny people so they wouldn't feel inadequate.

Most of all, goons are pathetic - look at Something Sensitive for all the confirmation you need. They're largely broken, maladjusted people, and it isn't a surprise that a lot of them would end up in IT/working for the democrats.

Shit, I forgot about that.

If you go to the OP reddit link, he deleted his posts. Everything is gone.
Except for the archive. :^)

r/The_Donald moderators are now banning posters for showing the information.

It appears the subreddit has been infiltrated. The mods killed the post on their own.

Shouldn't this be submitted to the FBI?
Shouldn't this be submitted to Drudge?
Shouldn't this be submitted to Donald Trump?

It's reddit. SRS, and in turn goons, infiltrates everything.
And don't forget about the kikes that run rabbit.

Its a global rule, and I am pretty sure the subreddit can be pulled for that.

The mods just dont jeopardise losing it.

It could be the rule against doxxing other Reddit users, which they did.

Now would be a good opportunity to get them off Reddit and onto a site for adults.

I think they are protecting themselves. It's very important to realize the Reddit wants to close the r/The_Donald.

Some of these links contain information as to where he lives, his car, his dog etc. This is weaponized autism that should remain here in full chan.

Like it or not we need r/The_Donald to dum things down for normies and spread material quickly. If they get involved with doxing we will lose a valuable ally. I PM'd the mods there myself for them to be aware of this fact. We need all the allies get can get.

No, they are afraid that reddit admins would see that as a valid reason to nuke /r/the_donald
Anyway, the kraken has been released. Publications are starting to appear on conservative websites, and every piece of evidence is already archived.

Wait, what am I thinking.


Confirmed by their mod


archive showing deleted comments in red

How stupid can you be, there is a point where incompetence stop being funny , we are past that point a long time ago.

There was a pic at the top of plebbit where P. oswalt is being a degenerate because his wife incurred the Trump curse. Thought I'd spruce it up

I could care less about this incompetent unethical moron going to jail.The rallying cries for jail should be for the incompetent unethical moron that is running for president.

It's not stupid if they precieve themselves to be untouchable.
and they're right

You must be dumb

Here's everything I got before the Nuke


Above are all the archives of his account.

Below contains the relevant archives to link him to the account and AKA as well as the post requesting help on deleting emails.

Here is the important stuff Within the Rules:

These websites are his personal websites created with the intention of gaining him publicity.

The equivalent to Bill Gates showing his name and image on Microsoft.com

Proof of Confirmation:

Paul Combetta has received immunity from the FBI:


user/StoneTear has posted about his interest about hiding and deleting links to an email address he claims to be "VERY VIP"


user/StoneTear confirmed for Paul Combetta

archive.is/P45cY (Main one linking the name and user name)



Has AKA's:

StormTear / StoneTear / StonePear / PuterBild / ST|Gone and about a million other nicks :)

web.archive.org/web/20030217000743/http://exiles.darkseduction.net/paul.html (Contains pictures and References to username)

Further Confirmation For His Link to These AKA's


It's all spelled out in my previous comments this is a summary. I don't care about credit or anything like that.

We need eyes on these AKA's because there could be much more there.

Repost this, upvote this, shout this from the roof tops, tell your friends, tell your family.

They will try to bury this.

TL;DR Paul Combetta while under investigation for providing aid to Hillary Clinton with running her email server posted on reddit requesting assistance in deleting or hiding emails for a "VERY VIP" employer.

Thanks. I really hope the day of the rope arrives soon for those poeple.

It's ambiguous. the very vip could be another party, soros, obama etc

Haha, he wrote porn fiction

First article out:

Not a Main Stream Media Source Obviously but it is out there.




If they censor this story at all it will bring more people here to see what is actually going on.

Before anyone goes completely nuts with goonshit, realize a common method of trolling is for them to boast about themselves in 3rd person to seem more relevant than they really are. They like to trigger conspiracytards into painting them as uber boogymen to satisfy their ego.

I used to play eve until I got involved in enough team speak groups to see how sad these people are. I was genuinely insulted when they acted like they knew anything about manipulating people, they thought tricking unsocialized neckbeards and literal 12 yo made them super cool sociopaths.

RIP Paul Combetta. Only question is how he's going to "commit suicide". My guess is that he'll gas himself with his electric oven.


Also, we need Breitbart and Drudge to pick it up. Best way for the news to arrive to Trump.

Oh and I should add the users in T_D are already pissed off from a couple days ago when the top mods and Milo betrayed them. Bunch of things boiling over at once.

Still this paints him as a target for state-level hacking, this is exactly how spooks gather intel online. Would be nice if someone leaked shit on him.

A slip-n-fall down a flight of bathtubs

Yeah the guy is a moron. Big ego, driven by narcissism. no sympathy from me whatever happens to him

I got something of a general question here:

If this guy manages to be the weak link to Hillary, and we already know the ties with Comey and Obama, can Congress take them all down?

Sorry if I sound really retarded, but I have to wonder who has power where in this giant clusterfuck.

Fuckin trannys and homo's. I wish they were banned from here



holy fuck. this is worse than the blind leading the blind. this the blind leading the blind into a meat grinder. full of useless, clueless cunts.

anyone that uses reddit is a fucking moron.

According to this, it could give Comey "intent" to hide the emails. I have no idea myself, seems like they already had that from other testimony like smashing stuff with hammers.


link is kaput

Yeah, yeah, I know, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere. A good chunk of people just saw the news here, so on the off chance…?


Here is what you're looking for

Wow I suck


checked and appreciate ya

Check this for the full info. Gives the info from start to finish

All while posting smug anime girls. Not sure why, but this simple fact makes it so much better.

reddit in full damage control mode, hiding all important information

You must understand that Hillary is like the queen of the goons. Her arrogance from decades of never being prosecuted despite actually being caught multiple times makes her think she can get away with anything.

Problem is that, as has been mentioned in this thread, the internet never forgets, and its memory extends back long before it was ever born. All it takes for everything to fall apart for you is one anonymous guy on the internet doing some digging, then submitting a tip to drudge or elsewhere.

If she had just fucking retired, things would have been fine for her. But she just keeps pushing things.


This is a straight up lying you fucking SRS faggot. Voat is funded and operated as a quarantine site by SRS paid for by 2 faggot jews who suck each other off.

The only people there now are the eurofags (as indicated by your stupid fucking picture) and gays and SRS.

Voat is total fucking garbage. Everyone who actually made shit happen and brought interesting news to light has been spammed with CP in their subs, doxxed, harassed by all the power users (which i can name every single fucking one), and had downvote bots used to censor a large portion of users.

That shit is 100% controlled opposition and i even know which SRS faggots are running it.

Not to sound like an asshole (too late) but I was the one who said that earlier.

What I was asking was, who actually have the power to kick her ass into a jail cell? Considering she has a shitton of ties to Comey, who was in turn appointed by Obama, who really has the power to punish these people? Please don't tell me it's nobody.

lord kek

protip: it'll be nobody.

steamcommunity com/profiles/76561197962581630

Have you heard about Trump, the GOP nominee for president?

Tyrone's going to be giving him the Lollerbean in the shower every day when he hits prison.

I mean RIGHT NOW, dingus!

looks like a retard and plays shit. so.. no. no trust.

It's the power of competition…

It's official

/user/StoneTear has officially deleted his account






I would say that anyone that carries on conversation on reddit is a fucking moron. their math and science subs are fine for lurking; especially after the banning of their biggest sockpuppet (Unidan). Chans really have nothing in comparison for math and science specific.

Also, you can't get all your info on redditors from half or fullchan. Like all culture wars you have to get in the trenches sometimes.

literally who?

top lel, did this happen this very morning?

also the post that was on the front page is gone entirely now

His Karma's still there.

He also has 35% (((gold))).

ctrl-f "unreddit"

Use it. Use it fast.



RIP, incompetent fake IT person, as you have certainly already shot yourself in the back of the head 5 times by now.

He deleted all of his messages, so now we get to see if the plebbit admins delete all of their records as well which might implicate them for wiping evidence of a crime.

Sure did.

Never fear. Here's the archives


That happened only when SRS brigaded after Voat was created.
Downvoats are not censorship, and you only really get a lot if you post pro jew or anti Trump posts. The only people actually banned have all been SRS, Atko doesn't really ban anyone unless it is a powermod from SRS. You can tell when anyone gets banned because there are public modlogs on every sub. I like how you contradict yourself
Go back to reddit, no one wants you on Holla Forums or Voat kike. Polite sage for off topic

Does that mean Congress can now drag the owners and operators of Reddit into the hearings?

Hmmmm, this took an interesting turn…

Don't post again until you've lurked six months.

Doesn't he know the lollercoaster was a ride at Magical Lolacaust Land?

Would be the greatest day of my life.

Now if they could do the same with Kikebook and Twatter, that'd be a fucking party.

And people will care and not laugh off the fact that a cartoon frog lover just killed the guy that helped Hillary undermine national security because?

We can't lose, the best they can do is make him commit suicide by 6,000,000 shots to the back of the head.

My vision is augmented.

It's back to the front page of reddit!

This time on r/conspiracy

Oh yeah? Do you still get the time added between shitposts award for getting le downboat achievement? If so, that's a form of censorship.

Voat is just Reddit 2.0. Kill yourself.

SRS created it you fucking /r/European Refugee FAGGOT.

I've lost 5k ccp in an hour on that site because i pissed off trannies. It wasnt manual it was scripted. everything else you said is literal damage control, im figuring you are the faggot Jew Atko himself. Fuckin sandnigger.

I love Nigel I just britfags. You are literally the worst cancer out of all whites on earth.

Voat is a homo website and it's fully pozzed. It's exactly reddit just with less people.

I just hate britfags*

God, I wanna see these people thrown in a spent reactor fuel pool and left to drown.

I have no idea if my account is still active or banned (I cured my cancer in 2010). However I'm aware that recently /r/FatPeopleHate was banned after some chink slut became CEO. So… my account probably got swept up in "The Fattening".


Damn, you guys are good. Why don't we set up an anonymous intelligence agency and the money we charge goes to funding the site?

Because some faggot will get in, co-opt the agency, misappropriate resources, and embezzle all the money into their own bank account?

I thought the faggot that would handle the money would be the owner which apparently is not hotwheels anymore.

Which SRS faggots?

What the fuck do you think I just said?

We already are one and do it for free.

Why the fuck would set up something when decentralized organized chaos work just fine?

You're looking for plebbit, newfriend.

Most of them including admins like sporkicide and whatever fuckin alts they use.

It's a containment site, similar to Holla Forums at this point.

you went to all that effort making a screencap yet didn't paste a link to the actual reddit?

awesome work.

I get it. I love this meme.

That's right, user! You got the meme! Good for you!

Fucking pleb.

Thank God he was incompetent.

If they had used Linux - a one liner in Perl would have modified all the email files.

If he had been competent: bust out all mail into separate messages, modity as needed, then re-import into the archive mailbox.

intellectual retards: confirmed.

this cunt is one of the dumbest cunts on the planet. of course they're not going to use linux, that requires skills, technical abilities and intelligence.

The only real achievement on Voat is for joining during Alpha.
I never said CEO of reddit, you did. The Fattening happened over a year ago, and Voat didn't exist in 2010. After the fattening was AMAgeddon, then Coontown got banned. All of which moved to Voat.

I'm from Cascadia, and not a britbong. I just like how openly triggered you get over smug Nigel when you post a smug king nigger.
Also you need at least +100CCP to even downvoat, you can't script that as easy as you can on reddit.

No Voat has a bunch of things in place to prevent powermods from SRS taking control. For example you can only mod 10 subs, public mod logs on every sub, and needing 100ccp to downvoat. Voat is a right winged version of reddit full of normalfags almost ready to take the redpill. A lot of which have already learned about the holohoax and the kikes.

choice child porn?


TL;DR Paul Combetta while under investigation for providing aid to Hillary Clinton with running her email server posted on reddit requesting assistance in deleting or hiding emails for a "VERY VIP" employer.

Repost this, upvote this, shout this from the roof tops, tell your friends, tell your family.

Repost this, upvote this, shout this from the roof tops, tell your friends, tell your family.

Comment Contribution Points.

this paul combetta must be quite a dumb cunt. thanks for the links.

Quitting reddit in 2010 is hardly qualifies me as par for the standards of your ilk. Besides, halfchan is gay and fullchan didn't exist back then.

Yeah, because the chink killing /r/fatpeoplehate was censorship that you said didn't exist on reddit.

Cool story. I haven't used reddit since 2010, and I've never used Voat as it seems equally pozzed. I only know about the The Fattening because unfortunately it brought us a bunch of plebs, like you.

You should write a book with all of your cool stories, bro.

Probably has a PT Cruiser parked around back too


holy fug
Hillary was adopted.

I never said that.
You brought up the 2010 reddit stuff randomly, same with the CEO shit. It didn't fit into the conversation, it is you trying to have an identity, and not be an user. Now can you kikes stop derailing this thread. Sage for incredibly off topic.

Just called Congressman Chaffetz office and they said "that information has been brought to our attention" so its fuckin on lads.



Reminder that Reddit stalking websites exist


Are you trying to make a joke or are you trying to derail?

It's obviously a headgasket fault and who cares, he hasn't suicided himself with it yet.


Does anyone know when the next session is for the hearings? Is there a schedule floating around somewhere?


May the power of Kek Bless you.

Looks like they're gonna pick up on grilling the FBI tomorrow at 5pm. Strap on the helmets, boys, we're goin' head first!

Unless you are one of the kike admins who can do whatever they please. You swallow a false narrative like your nigger boyfriends jizz and you are eager to defend something you know jack shit about or you are merely here for damage control.

i would love to know which smug faggot you are

.>I never said CEO of reddit, you did. The Fattening happened over a year ago, and Voat didn't exist in 2010. After the fattening was AMAgeddon, then Coontown got banned. All of which moved to Voat.

Quarantine Quarantine Quarantine.

I dont give a flying fuck where you are from because obviously it's faggot-land.

Bull fucking shit all the powermods from SRS have been there since day one. It's their shitty little side project that FAILED lest i remind you.

Now I Know you are Atko or PuttItOut or maybe Aorotes or maybe Alian Uknown or certainly one of the other SRS faggots.

Pro Tip = this faggot is lying. it's damage control, they got rid of all the right-wingers after /r/european got quarantined and replaced the demo with homosexual british europe fags wherever the fuck you are from no one cares.

Jews own the website, there is a star of david in there logo and their mascot is a goat.

I'm not typing this for you because I know you are one of the exact faggots im describing but hopefully some retards in here dont actually believe you.

Nice one. While we're at it, we should present the information the James Comey is in on the deal. He has links with the Clintons and some of their companies.

Hiding email addresses isnt the same as deleting emails. Is there evidence of posts where he wanted to do more? I just dont know if hiding a link to an emaik address wilk register to normies as more sinister than what Illary already did.

Archival laws say otherwise. You have to maintain it all for chain-of-evidence requirements. If an email contains classified or higher, you still have to maintain it. Only during disclosure can you revoke things like that, and if it comes before any type of investigative committee you can't block it at all.

Here's the most basic of info from kikebart:


Could someone make a clear infographic of the connection from his reddit account to his facebook relatives' friends dog profile?

It's not really intuitive, although convincing.



Make sure the address you choose to fill in is SC.

You can also tweet him:


It's not hiding it's fraud. He said he wanted to "strip out" (meaning delete evidence) or "replace" meaning fraud.

Voat isn't legit, but there's no star of david in the logo. It's the upvote and downvote triangles, and they're separate from one another. Two separate triangles does not a jew star make.

nah, that can't be right, the jews wouldn't do something sleazy and underhanded like this

put them together, combine it with the kikes who run the hate subs, multiply that by the fact that they are baphomet worshipping trannies and homos, and it starts to make sense.

Stonetear is a WoW item, he probably has an account.

I guess she only hires faggots that exhibit signs of Stockholm' syndrome.

Correct. There's a post from /r/wow here.


Her future is in flames, isn't it?

Anyone got pictures that aren't a fucking pixelated mess?

This guy is absolute shit at security.

Just to play devils advocate, is there any way we can get to this goon first? Hillary will want him dead after this. If Holla Forums or /k/ can provide him some protection, imagine what info he could tell us about ZOG.

This is exactly the situation Van Bruggen was in in Deus Ex Human Revolution. We might be Stonetear's best friends in the world right now.




should have known he was a fucking casual

Underrated post.

Looks Jewish as fuck.


I just want to thank you guys, and some of the guys over at half, for doing what you do.

You neets are heroes. I absolutely mean that. You motherfuckers are relentless.

I don't know how things will turn out 30 years from now. I think it's probably too late. But I know you bastards are doing your absolute best, in the face of impossible odds, and I unironically love you for it.


MICROSOFT! this guy is a fucking lamer.

Excellent work guys. For the burgers here: get this to your congressman/woman. Get it to Cernovich, Breitbart, The Daily Caller and The Washington Examiner to make it go viral.


those fags at infowars probably

FBI faggots won't see this. they're too busy taking kickbacks from their masters and running child pornography websites on TOR.

i find it kind of scary, could this be a lure? what if they try to use the shitstorm that will be unchained by this to condemn us as evil doxing meanies? a while ago i saw a screencap from cuckchan's Holla Forums discussing gamergate, they linked it to the fappening, the 4th of july raids and other major things that happened in 2014, the conclusion was that (((someone very high in the system))) hacked the icloud accounts and used quinn as a bait. apple said that they had not discovered the leak in the icloud accounts, while edward snowden said that some nsa employees who had access to the icloud accounts would sometimes pass around hot naked picturse they found on icloud. some people even connected it to the rise of cuckthreads on cuckchan (the kind that usually feature some bullshit statistic about dick sizes or a picture of a nigger with a blond girl accompanied by stuff like "how does this make you feel white boi') and people suddenly adoring amy schumer. it was really spooky, and it seems like some ZOG based organisation was behind it. What if this is another lure to trick people into going nuts? the last time, sjw mods took over major parts of cuckchan and moot sold it to chingchong (it might be worth noting that one of the potential buyers was (((gawker media group))), which was also considered one of the groups that were guilty of the whole cuck thing, also i think the niece of it's CEO failed killing herself during the 4th of july raids so that would be a good casus belli for them). This time however, something way more important is at stake, the fate of the world. even if you live in a little hut on the steppes of southwest turkmenistan the elections will have some kind of influence on you. i think we're dealing with some dangerous stuff here.

In order to make this more easily digestible by people in power who can act on it, can we put together a simple timeline (or even better, a Hillary-style explainer :^) )?

I'm a little lost on this myself.

i bet he will accidentally drop his toaster in the bathtub

Our enemies, ladies and gentleman.

I predict he'll die by a shotgun blast to the back of the head, with his throat slit while being pushed into a wood chipper. suicide will be the cause.

he'll end up with some blue lollerbeans in his back before that happens

i used /sci/ on halfchan once, seemed alright

where were you when INTERNET WARS decided the election, and indeed the future, of these united states and possibly za warudo?
Holla Forums X TRUMP

my bet is on a chrysler crossfire.



We're Hillary's worst nightmare. Second only to Trump. Good team.

lol wut

You know the funny thing about this whole thing?

Hillary needed a private email server that no one could know about. So they go to fucking goons to make it happen. These are the kind of people state actors rely on. We uncover Hillary's and the State Department's whole conspiracy to have a discreet server because their sysadmin is asking reddit for help with fucking microsoft exchange

There's people that think this government is capable of pulling off grand conspiratorial plots.

poor hildog

Thanks Eric, nice dubs!

I think the issue is more the fact that no one can say no to Hillary. The secret service that comes out about her all say this – she simply fires anyone that basically says "well that's against the law". If that dynamic is true, then it results in HER being the OK on getting this guy. And she wouldn't know the difference between good IT and BAD. Perhaps elements surrounding her WANTED it to fall apart. One interesting aspect to this entire election is the revelation that there are a lot of good people/patriots still in the government and surrounding these fucks.

This isn't proof.



Someone just happens to have an email question at the time her email was in the news. That's all.

Thank you for correcting the record!
5 shekels have been deposited into your account.



KEK. yeah, right. if they could we wouldn't be here right now digging up the mountain of shit left behind for us to climb.

Good arguments lads.



That's a funny way to spell Oy Vey!
Wasted dubs too.

useless speculation, there's no benefit in not following the lead

Get ready for the shitstorm boys.
Hilary confirmed for prison. What a fucking time to be alive.

aaand we've hit the press!

This x1000



Surely there's something better than a pizza

We could send him lube.

Lots and lots of Lube.

wasn't there a site where you could order boxes of shit for people? there was a variety of cowshit, dogshit and even elephantshit i think

Portugal user who released the fb who rekt him released this on cuckchan, they deleted it obviously, save it, someone is in his account and can prove everything unless it's fake

And we've hit the press

Gateway pundit

Conservative Treehouse.


This poor guy. All this stress is going to make him kill himself in some implausible way.

That's not very creative. I think we should send mass quantities of these instead. It would send an actual message

amazon .com/Fun-Express-Vinyl-Frogs-1-Pack/dp/B003FQ1YJW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1474309548&sr=8-1&keywords=plastic+frogs

my only other thought is a truckfull of gravel

Don't shit on him
Don't ruin this

nice hitler dubs

it would probably freak him out

If you want to pay +$20 usd on a box of heat-sterilized shit to send this guy, be my guest. Personally I'm going to spend my shekels on myself.


Oh shit nigger did you ever play Return to Krondor?

I think local gravel companies can do pay-on-delivery

At least it was that way when I did my landscaping

They dump thousands of pounds of gravel directly on your driveway

As I said, don't do shit
This is our chance to kill the hill
Don't blow it

We could help his family out and preemptively buy him a coffin.


Are we trying to keep him from fleeing the country or something

Based Chuck Johnson at gotnews.com picked it up.



I just realized, they would probably do sandbags if requested.

Plebbit linking back to this bread. Beware of shilling and CTR trolls.

links for sending info to mainstream media
if enough people flood them with the story one of them may pick it up

Somebody sending him a box of plastic frogs or shit or pizzas or something isn't going to affect him having to face the music before Chaffetz. This type of prank will not ruin anything.

I would agree people shouldn't hack into his internet accounts anywhere because that might destroy the chain of evidence.

Fax in a few purchase orders for steel girders

And who the fuck do you think YOU are to give us orders, newfag?

I'am sendind 2 now just to spite you.

Fucking cowardly faggots.


Also, where did I said we must drop the investigation? We practically ended it
It's ogre, stoneater is Combetta, confirmed by fb post archived by portugal vpn
Just send spread everything to mass media instead of pulling a chris chan on this aspie

They are ddossing halfchan now that it's confirmed, make sure to save and send everything

Did anyone try these passwords and variations of them on his accounts?

Nice, more photo evidence.

Copied from the thread last night:

I have photo confirmation it's him. He uses the same name for everything.

Here is his photo with the user name StoneTear ^ APEXweb.archive.org/web/20160919074836/http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197962581630

Here is his photo in the hearing mcclatchy-wires.com/wire_photos/ydz1xt/picture101542232/ALTERNATES/FREE_640/822Congress Clinton Emails.JPEG


From a tech board under the user name stonetear he signed his name paul:




Found him talking about moving to a new server here:


Here he is admitting he works for the State Government!


Talking about politics


Maybe a government building…

web.archive.org/web/20160919084907/https://www.reddit.com/r/ServerPorn/comments/ok3k8/forever_alone/ the photo it links to i.sli.mg/EwTVEg.png

Searching for file attachments recently


VPN logs for a report




mailto:[email protected]/* */

There are only two, and neither of them are very active. I know a lot about Voat, you clearly don't. Voat is only half/pol/ levels, but still way better than reddit.
Not an argument, nor a refutation to what was said, like most of the shit you spew.
That was me responding to you saying I was from Europe, so yes you did care where I was from you said so yourself.
Coming from someone who never visits Voat and doesn't know anything about it.
No it hasn't Voat is gaining in numbers by the day,and it isn't a reddit side project. That is the SRS narrative, same with you pushing the myth that it is is about pedo shit. This whole conversation started from you flipping out over another user who said normalfags would flee to Voat after this latest reddit censorship. All you have been doing is trying to smear Voat for some reason.
I have no idea who the last two you mentioned are, there are only two admins.
Yes reddit did, then they fled to Voat. What does that have to do with you saying Voat is not a right winged site. Making fun of the kikes and bashing the left is extremely common over there. You haven't backed up a single thing you have said and make wild claims, most of which are the narrative that SRS pushes to try and get redditors to not go to Voat. Do you honestly think Holla Forums cares that there are "hate subs" against fats and niggers.
Yeah it is pretty obvious you are trying to keep anons from dropping the final redpills on the Voat community. Also you type like a nigger, take some time to use punctuation and capitalization.
No there isn't a star of david in their logo. It is the upvoat and downvoat buttons. Reddit way back in the day used to have them separate like Voat does so you can see how many people upvoat and how many downvoat. You keep making up shit without sourcing a single fucking thing. Are you really so dumb as to think someone from Holla Forums couldn't just fact check to see that the whole place is full of right winged normalfags and some lolbertarians. CTR has been hitting oat pretty hard as of late, but most of the community there is smart enough to call them out. Here is an example of Voat's front page and their logo, now prove your points then fuck on back to reddit.
or just an hero, you didn't even make an effort to fit in with the other anons on Holla Forums before posting and use images that clearly say they come from demotivation .ru. You couldn't be any more obvious if you tried Once again sage for off topic, Voat isn't the best, but it isn't reddit like you keep painting it out to be, if you had any evidence dot your ad hominems you would have posted them by now

Trump rally just started you kike. Voat is co-opted since it's inception and whoverse sold it to kikes.

It's a bunch of lefty homosexual larpers pretending to know what the right is.

The site is a miserable failure and it's pretty amusing tbh. Kikes tried so hard to hold back and see what we liked to post but they couldnt handle it.

Nice damage control

The original source seems to have come from outside and duly credited, but thinking about more autists digging fills me with joy. To any newfriends I recommend lurking for a couple of weeks to understand how things are around here. We're a bit paranoid about cooption but that's a good thing and this isn't the thread to explain that. The point I'm trying to make is that we can be rough with each other and even more so with outsiders, but Holla Forums is a board of peace.

m8 it's already hit the front page of reddit twice


You gotta feel kind-of bad for him though. Your hair would probably be receeding too if you had to worry about shooting yourself in the back of the head/your throat being crushed by a barbell.


also tell RT and other Russians

Im just overwhelmed by the stupidity of it all…you want to cover up a paper trail, and you create a paper trail.

This level of incompetence is an obvious threat to national security.

And it might be worth contacting Associated Press

So when they conspicuously don't report on it we'll have evidence they were told?

forwarded to Cantwell. His show goes live at 5est, anyone can call in and bring this up to live on air.

call into any other radio program too that takes live callers


Good Boys Club:




cow manure too

Been adding his steam buddies to my friends list hoping one of them accepts so I can ask questions…

Wait, I don't understand this. It sounds like he's only asking for how to hide the email address not the contents of the messages. Are we sure this isn't taken out of context? Someone pls explain.

>inb4 I'm CTR for asking questions


hope so

Sage for shitpost


Shit fam you may be on to sumfin

Mark Meadows was pretty good when I saw him.

asking to hide/modify anything in a presidential runner's emails is a fucking disaster on any level.


Good Boys Club:

Chaffetz 202-225-7751
Collins 202-225-9893
Gowdy 202-225-6030
Farenthold 202-225-7742



So having an upvoat and downvoat button makes everyone jewish and left leaning, when the site is mostly right winged. You said Atko was jewish, he was doxed twice. Prove it, prove any of your claims. also that is originally the solomons seal newfag, fucking lurk more


keep pressing, lads!


He certainly has more info. Even if she were my candidate and I was 100% loyal I would have made a "backup" of my own.


stonebear thinks using a microsoft server is a great idea.


But how does this tie into her having kept confidential emails on her private server? Why already in 2014? Why did she have to disclose anything, and why only hide her email address when the confidential stuff was in there anyway?

www . peoplespunditdaily.com/news/elections/2016/09/19/hillary-clinton-cancels-event-california-campaign-says-pneumonia/

Hply sgit

Guys is their an IRC for this, I am a tech guy and just found some information that I'd rather not post directly.
HINT: SEARCH HIS EMAILS,IP,etc on leakedsource.com [email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */ he uses same password for all his shit.

NOTE: no one log into his emails with his password unless you are using a sock5 proxy with his same town/general location or it will lock you out and ask to verify via sms due to an ip discrepancy.

If you want good sock5s, you need to use vip72.net as public ones are detected by google.

Filtered Results from WcReplays.com
Hacked on: 2016-03-10
Encryption method for passwords: Vbulletin
username: StoneTear
Real_Password: laksjd
hash: e0751da42f4dcb1f01e1c10c08ed8494
email: [email protected]/* */
register_date: 1119823341
last_login: 1194050402
salt: F\s

Filtered Results from Xpgamesaves.com
Hacked on: 2016-01-01
Encryption method for passwords: IPB
username: stonetear
email: [email protected]/* */
Real_Password: laksjd
hash: f7f933fd3945ae5042749b015b09fd76
salt: |!]&V

Filtered Results from AntiOnline.com
Hacked on: 2016-03-16
Encryption method for passwords: Vbulletin
username: stonetear2
hash: d94dd5ae8a2eb78252f215e50e51b496
email: [email protected]/* */
register_date: 965707200
salt: ZnU

I'm sure someone is cracking those hashes w/ hashcat rn


because any one would be able to see the shit storm that running for president (and having half a shot) would mean, probably a relocation of black mail and the like

they must have been in the process of wanting to cover up their tracks back then. anything confidential that was on there is most likely to be all shredded into oblivion. hillary knew that (i suspect) that she was in deep shit.

You gotta pay for that?

Post it directly, you enormous faggot.

I don't know what half of what you said means but maybe someone on /baph/ can help.

D u .. h

that's not the problem, last time only halfchan got fucked over, this time it influences the presidential elections in some way

So fucking what, influencing these presidential elections is really fucking important. Hillary absolutely must not become President.

Can we get Chafftez on this?

This thread is getting linked directly by the media.

Chaffetz knows. Shadow Squad sent him the PST weeks ago which is why he called them "public enemy #1" chaffetz has it or NSA intercepted it either way, it can be torrented now.

Prepare for normies and butthurt shills boyz.


Here's hoping this is the first thing they see.

Oh Jesus Christ. Whoever wrote this, if you're still lurking, you're not helping. Let us do our work in peace.

Awesome. Does he have bodyguards, btw? Id really rather not hear he shot himself in the back of the head five times with a sniper rifle from 50 yards away while getting out of bed.

More info on this?

The author deserves a pizza or two, though

If you know what I mean

"Rusty Weiss"

but what if we're just chess pieces? doxing this faggot was way too easy to not be a setup, pr does not matter to me but this might just be a part of (((someone's))) scheme

I too enjoy mudflips on occasion

Silence! Do not speak! Listen!

You do not have more than this one chance. I represent the entire Holla Forums in this matter.

Our shitlords warn you that shitpost production is in great danger. A new normie leader, Muad'Dub, has stopped shitpost mining on Holla Forums.
Our shitlords suggest he is not of Holla Forums. No one on the outside world has been able to see him. We do not know who he is. The mods cannot stop him.

Remedy the situation, restore shitpost production, or you'll live out your life in a pain amplifier.

What if we're just living in a simulation inside a monkey's brain? What if, what if. Either post proof or it's just a speculative concern troll. What if unicorns are manipulating us to make a paradise world so they can colonize us?

We're pretty much Nazis at this point, so meh. Anything else is positive publicity at this point.


Dear Mr reporter write that on a sticky note and tape it to the fridge.

I am not advocating anything illegal, all information was found freely online. No hacking took place and I do not advise signing into the email as the password probably doesn't work and you would be breaking various laws. The post was posted merely as a precaution to people to better secure their data and to serve as an alert to the owner that at some time the site(s) he visits have been compromised. Also The reference to hashcat was not an advocation.

Unrustle yourself, you're too paranoid for your own good, user.


we work in chaos, that's how we will beat them.
never centralize your info fucking dingus. thats what this entire thread is about, he dun goofed by "centralizing" his bio.

A setup for what? Seriously, take your concern trolling elsewhere unless you can post proof. Even if this place goes down we'll just surface back somewhere else. Wouldn't be the first time there was an exodus.


here since homie didnt give you the source I will


we're getting to her and she knows it. She feels the wrath of Los Pepes.

the person posting about this being "a ruse" is a CTR shill, trying to use rule 4, "demoralize", to stop the search.

Had this been a ruse, the comments would be left up on Reddit not be deleted in realtime when he found out.

It's over. You know it. He knows it. Hillary knows it. She may blame Huma or Cheryl Mills so she doesn't go down and burn herself, but this just proves that someone VERY HIGH UP in her administration did the following:

1) they got a subpoena from Congress for the emails
2) they contacted a firm that specializes in IT to delete said emails
3) somewhere they commanded him to "remove secretary's email" from existing docs, meaning they wanted to hide her name from the "to/from" in the emails that existed, which was impossible.
4) Stonetear went on reddit and revealed exactly what the state dept was asking him to do and if it was possible
5)If you read, you can tell he's being commanded to do it, not his idea. So now, who gave him the idea to do what he had to do?
Whoever did is guilt of, at least obstruction, and at most, conspiracy.

Maybe they wanted to leak something and incriminate someone? I don't know, I can't make the questions to people that can answer them.

I actually believe them in this being related to her decaying corpse. It's not like the press is going to hammer her, if they talk they'll just ask about her weekend and who was her favorite character in the good wife.





Midgets in clown suits work best.

Nice, they picking up on it. Let's hope Breitbart and Drudge do too,

Wait, what?

Hillary was infecting other Dems with pneumonia?


I'm going to do everything in my power to see each and every user gets a fucking Medal of Honor when we win. This is the dirtiest information war that has ever existed, the stakes are the survival of our people, and they are doing an unpaid, often thankless job at the risk of their careers, relationships, lives and sanity. I know how hard some anons have had to fight just to get up in the morning, and not only are the jews going to fucking pay, we're going to make sure everyone knows what enormous fucking heroes and patriots we have in our midst.

Drudge has it

Archive of article Drudge linked to

Don't forget Shadilay, Cybernazi, Xurious and the rest.


Just woke up anons.

Glad to see this is number 1 and number 2 on reddit.

This has also been picked up by the Daily Caller.

infowars has published the story.


nice hijacked domain bro

Funny how all the mainstream sites are covering it up and all the fringe "conspiratards" and shitlords are the only ones reporting it.
Really makes you wonder who you can trust.

Welcome to bizzaro world user.

When you have nothing to lose and get fucked over by those fucking kikes like I did, you only want to see the whole house of cards fall so that your kin won't have to live in such a shitty, corrupt and mentally ill society.


Here come the 'how do I register an account on POLE?' 'Why can't I login with my Facebook / Google / Twitter / whatevershit account?' plebs…

A good deed is its own reward.

I wouldn't trust mainstream media sites. they're run by fucking morons deep in the pockets of whatever party that has the money or favors to kick their way for favorable coverage.

I fully expect to start seeing names and e-mails from idiots trying to post.



Has Jason Chaffetz been informed about it?

I was posting about music, user. There will likely be an influx of newfags, but it depends on how many places directly link to this thread. Normally cuckchan takes the blame/credit for everything, which is fine. Newfags get triggered by some porn and/or gore, and usually leave promptly. I wouldn't be too worried about it.

spoke directly with his secretary, her response was "Oh yeah" like exasperated.

I recorded the call but won't publish unless they deny that they got it or something. She confirmed there's a hearing tomorrow to see where it's going to go. They're on top of it, left Trey a voicemail.

Fuck the MSM, we're the new media.

Create a backup archive if possible. Never put it past kikes to request archives being taken down.


Keep us updated, user.

Why would the FBI bring down reddit to help put somebody in prison that committed a crime they've been repeatedly denying to congress whenever pressed for information by congress?

Assuredly so. The link to alert his office has been posted by reddit.

Most importantly check out the reddit comments here.



My account was banned but our /pol investigation has got to the top and given gold more than once.

Just do a ctrl-f for "proof of confirmation"

We actually did something over here.

can't shut down reddit.. there is no cure for cancer.

Oh i'am not worried, i laugh my ass of when newfags out themselves, I am sure you do too.

My post wast just complements yours and the other guy.

They are here.

fucking kek

I see what you did there :^)

CTR on suicide watch

This post is actually scaring me.

Guys, what if….

What if goons, SRS, and SA are running every European government besides Hungary and Poland, the Catholic church, and Israel?

What if goons/SRS/SA were the Jews all along?

"Let's make it happen" - H. R. Clinton

Please disregard, I am a retard.



It's a shop

and there you have it. It all comes back full fucking circle.

Jews, Goons, Holla Forums, discordians, Hillary Clinton, Soros, SJWs.

over and over and over again.

Jews infiltrated the Catholic Church centuries ago, user. This is almost fucking comical.

The entire account is deleted.

Never fear there are archives:


From what I know, SA goons are the lowest of the low but it's where they mostly started, where they work up from. Some are still low and all they get to do is bait idiots on twitter but some are big like this email guy.

You forgot the alphabet soups in that list

FBI is mostly good goyim with jews in select positions. CIA got pozzed by jews since its inception. But yes, you have a point.

That's what scares me.

How the fuck are goons this high in government?

It's funny how we've managed to go full circle with goons. We've been fighting them since 4chan first existed back in the mid 2000s.

Now we're fighting goons through geopolitics. We're two illuminati groups warring behind the scenes and our battles are having geopolitical consequences. We might end up sparking off WW3.

One of the guys who died in Benghazi was a goon.

Well, they say Holla Forums is always right for a reason.

For once, I wish we were wrong on this.

Hivemind fucked him up good. LOL

Oh look the drumpftard reddipol brigade is here!!! What a surprise!!!!!

I've said this before and now I'll say it again: Adolf Drumpf doesn't stand a chance, sure, the inbred hillbillies and white trailer trash will obviously vote for him. But the REAL (non-white) American citizens are growing increasingly disgusted by drumpfs racist, sexist, bigoted, islamophobic BULLSHIT!!!

Wanna know something else? We're growing increasingly disgusted with YOU!!!

I make a lot of high quality threads here and if I don't see an immediate decrease in the drumpfposting then you can kiss goodbye to my contributions.

Don't take this threat lightly, I'm DEADLY serious. If you appreciate cuckposting and Kino threads then stop drumpfposting IMMEDIATELY!!!!

If I see you wearing a drumpf hat/shirt in public I'm going to fuck you up, no quarter given.



:^)(You do know your ctr shekels will dry up when hillary goes to prison right?)


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.

It's a pasta, user.

back to cuckchan >>>/4chan/


Kindly fuck off.

You were a (1) so I couldn't know for sure.

I didn't make it past the 2nd line and it looks like a reddit post and didn't notice the :^) so you'll forgive me, but please shitpost more responsibly in the future.

Our fights with goons has been escalating lately and having larger consequences. Gamergate was essentially 4chan/Holla Forums vs goons. We're two forces constantly having it out with each other and somehow we always manage to escalate them into larger conflicts involving much more people.


I almost feel bad for the guy, i wonder if right know he's imagining how his life would have turned out if hadan't drank the Koolaid



Who fucking knows, I think only an insider will know at that point and it's so tightknit too.


when the two ultimate forms of autism clash it bounds to escalate , so many spreadsheets would drive any man insane

I fucking LOVE the year of the Fire Monkey.

Well the high government ties with gamergate were startling. The fact that the stupid shit was found to have clear ties to CommonCore is fucking crazy. Every time something relatively fucking stupid or mundane happens, diggers uncover something huge. Gamergate was a tip-of-the-iceberg thing and now we're finding out that this email thing has connections to who knows what. I wouldn't be surprised if this IT retard has some ties to GG related stuff, considering he's a goon.

Does he have a twitter? Did he?

doesn't look like he does. he has a facebook account, using his gmail account as login, but must of changed his password or used something that wasn't as shit as:



Once immunity is given, can it be stripped when new evidence comes up?

Have you seen his face? He's a fucking jew. He deserves everything thrown at him.


I'am saving this pic to mail it to him once he's arrested.

Holy fucking shit guys we did it.

The top reddit post is made by user/DrWeeGee

This is one of the users I messaged after
being banned from posting.

Does this look familiar?


Go check the time stamps for yourself. This stuff was broken here. Taken to reddit and the normie eyes are all over.

Good work to all the anons who were up all night with me on this.

I woke up to a great day.

Most people have at least two internet identities. "Stonetear" was obviously his, as he used this on leddit and steam, but he might have had another. More digging is required to find more of his aliases should they exist. We need to bring this back to at least 2001. I wonder if he's got old forum accounts like Neoseeker or something. Profiles like that could hold clues that point to other things.

I hope Hillary kills him for this lol, that's what happens when you shake hands with the devil

it can be stripped.

Pagliano is the one with immunity as far as I know

Awesome. He better offer them a deal for protection before Hillary has him killed.

Here you go:

"Paul - StoneTear / StonePear / PuterBild / ST|Gone and about a million other nicks"


Kek bless you

Oh Jesus.

Time to fire up dem search engines. Let's see where his political opinions lie and if we can find any connections to some of the bigger events of the last couple years. I know this is wishful thinking but

Could you imagine if this could bring down reddit and SA?

13 years of war and now we're doing proxy wars that impact directly real life on a geopolitical level. If you'd have told that this would happen down the line to teenage me back when I learned about cuckchan I'd have dismissed it as being delusions of a huge faggot.

Mornings are always the best time on Holla Forums.

Rise and Shine

is.. there a cure for cancer? i don't think it'd be that easy imho. but.. we can hope!

We were up all night on this stuff. We have the smoking gun. We have the archives.

We have verified that StoneTear is Paul Combetta.

He even said he was trying to hide emails of "someone you'd recognize"


See the above archive for that.

It's over. House panel investigates. Whose going to prison for this?

Why the fuck did he even mention that, how utterly retarded do you have to be?

People are this retarded though.

I really don't understand why people persist using the site.

We're pretty much the internet illuminati now. We have Hillary's campaign coming up with conspiracy theories about us.

Our ties to Trump and goon ties to Hillary and it's the same shit all over again. The US election has managed to become a proxy war between 4/Holla Forums and SA

when you use the same damn password such as:
on various sites, and think microsoft is a trustworthy solution to use as software for a server and email then..

retard: confirmed

are you fucking retarded? look at his pic related. There's a 2004 pontiac Azfek Parked outside his fucking house on google maps. It shows that we can link that reddit account with his actual address dipshit.

no idea. probably because they're all spastics of the highest order with no lives? that'd be my guess.

Hello all- I may be facing a very interesting situation where I need to strip out a premium (VERY PREMIUM) IDs from a bunch of archived posts that I have both in a live Holla Forums board, as well as a archive file. Basically, they don't want the premium IDs exposed to anyone, and want to be able to either strip out or replace the IDs in the to/from fields in all of the emails we want to send out.

I am not sure if something like this is possible with PowerShill, or exporting all of IDs to /furry/ and doing find/replaces with a batch processing program of some sort.

Does anyone have experience with something like this, and/or suggestions on how this might be accomplished?

pls no anons

persistent identity for social signalling. Ultimately this is a battle between anonymity and identity. Jews and goons are ultimate identity faggots (muh six gorillion, muh victimization). Reddit is just the normie version.

Anonymity stands for truth and justice, identity bullshit stands for hypocrisy and lies.

The crazier these elections are going, the more I'm starting to think the shitposters saying Holla Forums will eventually become the new Jews might be onto something.


Sheer size and amount of eyes on content.

Also cash is king. Something the chans don't got.

Report false WHOIS info to ICANN. He'll be forced to either update it or forfeit his domain (takes about a week)


I stopped caring about what other people thought about my online identities' opinions when I was 16.

Were all redditors born after 1999?

With common core and other retarded educational policies in school nowadays, what you refer as being 16 is now closer to being 22.

Only the OP can post pictures, what a fucking joke of a site. I went there once, and never again

It's in their DNA, the way slaves interact. They have fully accepted slave morality and don't even fight it. There's a reason kikes and r-selected types abuse opiates and embrace nihilism. They only want comfort. This is a philosophical, metaphysical, spiritual battle, one that has been going on for thousands of years. We're just playing our parts in finally ending it.

I work at a university. University students have the mentalities of 14 year olds from the 90s, albeit with smart phones and $2000 apple notebooks.

Don't forget the victim complex.. I hope one day in the name of almighty god, we will rout them out

We won't be the new jews, we'll be the new space marines. We have so much further to go once we take our efforts into real life. The chans and the net will always persist, but we will start performing different tasks in our ordinary lives. It is going to be glorious.

Jesus, it's even worse than when I was in college (mid 00s), back then they had the mentalities of 16 year olds.

You look at the 18th century republican revolutions they were behind the scenes Jesuits against Masons. At the centre of every political upheaval there's esoteric cults that no one really understands behind the scenes.

Can we get chaffetz this information?!

We need to get the logs pulled from reddit asap

i r8 8/8

Anyone see this one?


ctrl+f "StoneTear"


I'm about autismed-out on all of this. Can't someone else do it?

Honestly, most university students could pass for mentally retarded, at least at the one I work at.

They're fucking robots man, in every sense of the word. We're contracted with the university to hire students, and the students are fucking lazy retards. They don't even show up half the time, and there's nothing we can do about it because any excuse they give related to school is something that is auto-confirmed and we cannot inquire about. It's infuriating.

This User Has Been Gifted With An Holla Forums Diamond Account

which one of you autistic geniuses hacked his gmail?

Can we claim that we as a collective hacked his email?

We can't be jews, jews are parasitic in nature, they lach onto their host until he degenerates and dies. Which is why molech loves them so much, he does the same thing, "father time" corrupts everything good and turns it bad. Kek chose us because we are representatives of his nature, the unorganized "chaos" of imageboards leading to creation. We truly are the sunwheel magicians, we have been chosen to start the new cycle

So if I'm understanding these screenshots correctly, this is proof that Hillary had her IT guy try to tamper with her emails before he deleted them outright. Hillary got away with claiming that he deleted them on his own, but this shows an attempt at a coverup that took place beforehand, which probably failed and caused them to go nuclear on the server.

10/10 i agree

HAHA Trump called "CNN" the "Clinton News Network" on FOX on live tv



Nobody has hacked his emails that I'm aware of.

only if we get some screenshots.

I'll give it a shot.

I am the elusive hacker Holla Forums. I learned under 4chan before defeating him in an all night hackathon. You can trust me.


ok so halfchan was lying… also, why not? gmail's the easiest unless there's 2-step then you're fucked.

You glorious faggot

He dosent have immunity, but even if he did, yes, it can be striped upon newfound evidence presented.

Holla Forums, wow I've heard of you! that hackathon was the stuff of legend. is 4chan kill?

I wonder how many media morons are on this thread right now googling our phrases.

It was a lady on twitter who found this smoking gun.

umm pseudonym?

All of us and none of us.

It has a two-step, I looked. I tried his old passwords, didn't work. I don't have the Dropbox dump, so I haven't been able to try that password he used there yet.


A new meme is born.

Holy shit. My boss came into my server room to bring me a plate of subpoenas and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of subpoenas out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do post on Reddit about committing a felony with my boss but I'm literally in shock from sucking at my job. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is she snoozing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a BleachBit to believe in. I want anyone to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought she said at this point what does it matter???? This is so fucked.

That's not him, he (StoneTear) made this following post.

I'm not sure what I could be missing, it's very straight forward. Edit htm file, restart PRTG server service, try to load page from three different PCs, making sure that the caches are cleared.
I know this works for some files, because I have successfully modified many of the other files (including CSS files), but some values/website files refuse to display updated text no matter how many times I edit them, restart the server, or refresh my browsers.

If any reporters are reading this, can machines like you experience fear? How does it feel to know that every single one of you will hang on DOTR?

You defeat him in an alt-right hack battle

I just helped it stpread, if the source guy wants to take the credit i'am fine with it, Holla Forums should be too.

I'am happy either way, results matter.

I suck dicks.

I want to personally have my shot at Jorge Ramos. He should be publicly hung for the lies and bullshit he spews. We're watching you Jorge. Say hello to Paola for us.

Back when I was studying I knew that places of education would eventually be producing only retarded drones. I got blacklisted because I didn't fit that mold. Fucking commies managed to cripple what was once a really useful environment for development.

Last time I checked phone companies were a lot worse than banks at security checks. If you know enough about someone and luck out in getting a retard you can easily redirect their two step to a throw away phone.

It was pretty far out, my man.

I wish.

P-Please no homo shit here.

he uses IRC.
i am trying to dig up IRC log archives but not much luck yet

Haha…. ZeroHedge picked this up

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little lawyer? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the US Attorneys, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Darknet, and I have over 300 confirmed LAWS. I am trained in legislative warfare and I’m the top speaker in the entire US Legislative Branch . You are nothing to me but just another defendant. I will wipe you the fuck out with subpoena's the likes of which has never been seen before on this House, type my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to America over the Internet? Think again, Lawbreaker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hackers across the Holla Forums and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the hearing, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your "Case". You’re fucking under arrest, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can sue you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare banter. Not only am I extensively trained in strategic long-stares, but I have access to the entire constitution of the United States and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the Court, you little shil. If only you could have known what righteous retribution your little “clever” deleting of e-mails was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shout fury all over you and you will drown arrest orders. You’re fucking CAUGHT, kiddo.

Her arrest os going to be like a guckimg michael bay version of posse

It's going to be glorious, if it ever does actually happen. That's for sure.

look at that beady-eyed jew

Hang yourself, newfag.

Silence is Golden and duct tape is silver

Sublime happenings everyday, Kek is so good to us.

I knew 2016 would be a year to remember.

I didn't think for one minute things would be finally swaying our side, though. I had hoped, of course, but I never would have believed it if it wasn't happening now before my eyes. Hungary uncucking itself and defending Europe is what's giving me the most hope right now.

archive.is/sHj5J - for centipedes who want to read all his reddit submissions. It's a pretty clear arc of incompetence coupled with trying to support Hillary's weird use of technology.

I kinda feel bad given his circumstances, but not really.

Worst part is that it's implied he's logged in as her once before here: archive.is/MU0TL

Does he have clearance for that? No-one knows!


found the kike

weaponized autism user. just weaponized autism.

well, he sure looks like one

is he that fucked up kind of irish that looks like a kike


Then hang yourself, newfag.

Are you fucking serious you don't know who this guy is?

Trey Gowdy is definitely not a jew, plus he was the first call out CTR.

Calm the shit down, I know the name, I just didn't know he was ugly.

Couldn't you just use toilet paper? Oh wait…

Reddit is already taking credit for /pol's work once again.


First user to pay attention to the post.

He knows they consider the constitution a joke, he made a 1h speech about how angry he was that obama was disrespecting the constitution.

Check his "WE MAKE LAW" video on jewtube

Reddit couldn't find its way out of a paper bag. Let them take the heat for all this, they won't know how to deal with it.

obviously it will be a tragic barbell accident

We know you're watching, political friends.
Take a trip on Mr. Bone's Wild Ride…


People are calling it redditgate because his posts were on reddit you tards

I think it's just because Combetta's original post was on faggit.

Did we just cause a major congressional hearing?

I swear to god I leave for a fucking day and you guys are already causing even more major shit to go down.

This ride has only begun. Assange hasn't even played his hand yet.

send him a smug pepe as well.

You know, i'am half-expecting to wake up one of these days and find out there is a Giant swastica over dc being held by a frog statue, i swear to kek.

send him a smug pepe as well.

This needs to end.

He tripped and while falling accidentaly he deleted all the e-mails, comments and accouts.

It could happen :^)

Shut up and take my money.

yes please

and is there something wrong with that?

Was the world always this fucking ridiculous?

Let them, clowns and jugglers require applause.

yes but look at the person who initiated the convo

This is the culmination of 1600 years. No, it wasn't. We are returning to the pre-christian times.
No, it's not. I hope you like insanity.

Nah man it was Ebaumsworld and GAIA online that was behind all of this.

Proof that the kek gods are watching over us, helping us decide this election.

Yes, the date and the subject matter of the post were what I initially found interesting.

I haven't searched the rest of that website for his username.

Was the original thread really posted on here, or just copied from 4cuck or reddit?



Okay, just did this and got a blank reddit page


It's definitely Paul. He signed the post Paul.

Yes, the origonal was posted here.


brb killing myself. To be fair, I haven't slept in a day

This was the page in question


Nothing interesting here though.

Portugal user posted this on halfchan




Oh boy.

The guy didn't seem political at all from what I read in his posts, just without morals. That might describe goons though, just doing stuff to piss people off.

Well Holla Forums has basically been Holla Forumschan ever since the first exodus (gamergate) so not Holla Forums.

Why are goons the epitome of cancer?

Is anybody going to make a new thread?

top stuff m8.

He reminds me of the villain in Hackers, narcissistic ass

Also please excuse the unspoilered loli; it's for the benefit of our media visitors.

Not another week ban pls

kill yourself

You might scare off aussies since they can get in trouble for that.

here's your $0.01 ctr


They can filter me.

that's how goons post. they're pedos that like talking about themselves.

No shit sherlock

We're not having this discussion, retard.

They came here to post their little childporn not realizing the fuckup we just caught is going to spill the beans on them.

Reconsider your will to live.

Read my previous posts.

Alex just made a huge rant today


That's impressive. Hope this doesn't attract normie attention though.
Maybe reddit can take the blame.

Found another one of his websites.
