has this board ever raided this loser's youtube videos?
Varg has been a massive saltmine over the past two days.
Has this board ever raided this loser's youtube videos?
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I fantasize about someone molesting his wife and children and making him watch. I fantasize about that particular person being me.
The Golden Angel has instructed me not to mess with Varg.
t. christians
atheist tbh
epic hat meme, I'll never recover
t. Soulless pleb
Ftfy fam
epic hat meme
don't want to get axed tbh
Varg is an OG hard ass mother fucker. He will kill you and then use bags of piss to workout while he is in prison.
Daily reminder that discordians (atheists, but gayer) are impersonating Holla Forums to troll fedoras because they hate themselves, also remember that hex is a discordian, do you remember some tards calling him a spammer and a lot of spam saying that hex is the best mod ever?
He is fat lol
varg is a flaming faggot. He most likely sucked tons of dick to survive in prison. No way they didn't rape someone who came in looking like this on day one of prison
It's why he constantly emphasizes how many kids he has
ITT : Angry Capitalists whose role model told his viewers leftism is not the enemy
Sore losers tbh.
Have you ever seen the inside of a prison in Norway, user? Varg was able to record music in a studio and produce like 4 albums while he was in prison because they are that accomodating
really makes you think, doesn't it?
rehabilitation doesn't work on niggers
America needs segregation
don't forget spics
americans were a misteak
I'm gonna brush that pretty hair of yours after I'm done with your ass, white boy
true tbh
Gods exist, and they are all cunts.
Multiple times gods have been abusive to mankind.
Show me one god that isn't evil to mankind
[citation needed]
What? A few nazis were pagans but most were not.
they didn't kill in the name of Paganism
get out, (((atheist)))
>>>Holla Forums
epic meme
How is the existence of a caste system bad?
The guy is legit retarded.
t. europoor or /leftycuck/
t. shitskin or ameriorc