
Other urls found in this thread:


– something already heard on reddit







Palindrome demi-dubs, that's new. Regardless, it means even more votes for Trump.

Why start now though?


I love the smell of diversity in the morning.

It smells like victory

This is out of control. They've been trying to keep this under wraps but Trump is going to force them to call a spade a nigger.

Distraction from Syria.

They are about to be cleansed and are sperging out.


Reported for sticky. Happenings indeed.


This thread is redundant.

and i was thinking about going to bed

This. Lugenpresse has been doing everything it can to suppress the news about this wave of terrorist attacks so it doesn't boost Trump's numbers.

They can't ignore it any longer.

Misread that as "3 Pepe bombs". I need to take some time away from the screen.


Pepe bombs are when you fill a balloon with diarrhoea and chuck it at someone.


Guys it's not muslims seriously stop assuming it's muslims islam has nothing to do with terrorism ffs STOP WITH THE ISLAMAPHOBIA YOU'RE RADICALIZING THEM


All Muslims have to go




God fucking dammit my state is going to be the center of the RWDS uprising.

May hell on earth scorch the land beneth the muzzies feet.

Damn these terrorists suck. Can't even get the bombs to go off lmao

These attacks are only growing to grow in scope as more of these "Syrians" are let into the country.

This is nothing. Wait till they start getting really organized, America will have French style terror attacks on the daily, not crummy little pipe bombs in dumpsters or train stations.

The only silver lining about this is that, it will red pill normies on the truth nature of the:

PO-ligion of peace

RASSIS or not, watch them try to ban home reloading over this.

Have any power lines been hit?
My power just went out and then back on a few minutes ago.


Can we go a single fucking day without Trump pulling some serious shit or something blowing up?

So that's why the explosion was in a dumpster.
I couldn't figure it out yesterday.


LOL based hobos looking for loot, foil terrorist attacks

Mods stickied the newer thread.
nobody's perfect


The homeless are more useful than TSA or homeland security

homeless men foil terrorist plot

Yeah because Jewland security is full of niggers.

Even a white homeless man is better than King Nigger.


This is some time to be alive, ain't it?





It's gotta be the sandniggers at this fucking point.

1488 get

God bless New York, truly the strangest city on earth.


It's 2am on the east coast United States. I woke up to take a fat shit and now I'm on the happening train. This is crazy.

Marshal Law when???

I wish they would tell us if the robot is okay.


R2DNDU was made for this. He already sacrificed himself once to stop a murderous nigger, now he's doing it again to save American lives.


If it wasn't for those brave homeless women, those bombs surely would hurt more people.

Since they've shown their effectiveness I, Hillary Clinton, will work to increase the total number of homeless people in America.
These people aren't helpless!
These people are heroes!

I can't wait to hear this spun to hell

The streets would run red.

These terrorists seem pretty incompetent. All these explosions and it doesn't seem like there's been any deaths yet. Makes me think some kikey false flag stuff is going on. Or the snackbars are just really that incompetent. Maybe this is what happens when the snackbars aren't getting their hands held by the FBI.


The God Emperor is going to remove kebab come 2017. They have to aloha snackbar now while they still can.

If it was a Mossad false flag there would have been deaths.

Are mods retarded?

Anons would the dates of your near drowning experiences happen to fall within the range of 1998-2001?

Those god damn chanterculture people from www.ForChant.com! We must put an end to them and their racist shenanigans!

They aren't the brightest fuckers around, the more that show up the lower their average intelligence level is bound to be. The only fight they could hope to have is in sheer numbers which they've now lost any ability to obtain here in the States. We will remove them all there is no other options left on the table. Action is required

Only most of the time.

When this place gets overrun with shills hopefully the moderation crew doesn't follow us.

They are a fucking cancer on our movement.

That's Tuesday for these people.

It wasn't Islam. It was just one of those self destructing messages. The only person hurt was Chief Quimby disguised as "an old hobo"

Yes they are that incompetent, they require a more competent backing from 3rd parties like the US to succeed. The fact the Red states have guns means they're also limited to being sneaki breeki and can only go gungho in Leftist dominant states with lots of gun control.

These trips, that pic….

what does it mean?

we already had a thread for this, asshurt mod threw a tantrum and stickied this johnny come lately.
stay shitter shattered



She'll never be the same user… ;_;

Does almost dying at birth due to umbilical cord suffocation count?

Something about your writing style makes you sound like a colossal faggot.

This thread had more sources.

Maybe people should try to make better threads instead of just being "FIRST!"

Yes if by count you mean getting cerebral /pal/sy neet bux.

Nearly drowned in 99 with full out of body experience.

What is the source on that video?

Isn’t that “prank” a good way to go to prison for a decade?


Not talking about alt-right newfag

Top wew

Born 99, Don't have any mental/physcial problems since the event during birth.

Doctors told my mother years later it was a miracle I came out of it unscathed.

Mod is just butthurt that C.R. McMahon made the other thread.


Last I checked C.R. McMahon was permab& from Holla Forums. I guess I'll mosy on over and report him :^)

did I start this fire?

Yes brother, the fire rises

Sorry to hear that, you missed out on all the neet bux ;_;

Just imagine the kind of 130 iq genius you were meant to be though.

The (((mods))) will pay for their crimes when Trump becomes President!

Who gives a shit about mod drama? We're on the cusp of having a kristalnacht in the US.

It's been a long time coming, boyos.

I guess calling the mods worthless retards is worth the permaban :^)

maybe it's shill tactic 6.66,

The shills blame the mods for everything anons do. They really butthurt right now because the recent subversion attempts to turn Kek into Moloch worship have failed.

If it were Trump's doing it would be happening in swing states.

Kek, what else could it possibly be?

They're trying to get Trump elected. ISIS want Trump to win because they want more conflict between Muslims and Westerners. They think their God will come down from Heaven to save from from being annihilated.

Pisses me off thinking I could have had a higher IQ than just having average intelligence

One gift I do have is the ability to out jew any kike that tries to trick me. I have on multiple occasions jew'd a Jew out of shekels, work, products you name it. The look on their faces when their egotistical all powerful tricky is foiled by a smug white guy

If it were Trump doing it the death toll would already be 6 million and climbing.

pls no, user. Let the muslims blow up the commies.


Just relax fellow kids, its not terrorism, its the pipes fault.

Just watch this video and forget about it.

P.S. Vote Clinton =)

It fits the slapdash, haphazard m.o. of Muslims in their own countries, showing marks of low IQ, high time preference, and poor reasoning skills in target selection.

What are the chances they blame white pepe posting nationalists for this?

looks like they are trying to ban tannerite and gun powder again, like after the Boston bombing.

I don't know that these people are real core ISIS, probably just some Muslims who want to be ISIS and see themselves as part of ISIS and the Caliphate.

That would be pretty funny.

Since when whites do terrorism millions die.

Stock up.

off topic but what's the tor address can't fucking find it anywhere

FUCK, what if this is their Jo Cox moment? They “find” “radical Trump supporters doing this to blue states on purpose”?

They slept in last september and feel bad about forgetting to start the habbening

Oy fucking vey goy

for da last time 6! 6gorrillion died when the devil germans sents us to deathcamps, look i still have muh voucher for parking

Shemitah was a jewish trick perpetrated by retarded moderators.

hi, nobody

I don't see a picture of a patriot.
Let me help you with that.

still failing to understand what a double jubilee means

Just leave.


I don't remember almost drowning….I guess I'm not a true-true.

although, I DID almost choke to death on a chip around 1998


is this important/coincidental?

I'm just posting these pics to piss off iamcunty.

But the fact that no information has been given to the public is a reason for alarm.

They either don't know what is going on.

Or they do know what is going on and are prepping the media for a coordinated attack or a coordinated damage control-a-thon.


Get in here goy.


You my nigga.

No, shemitah was real, but we used our infant meme powers and dubs to cancel it out. We have the power to rewrite and void prophecies, prophecies are just moldering old shitposts.

I nearly drowned in my toilette in 99.

So what you're saying is. The shemitah was real but our dubs and those youtube videos explaining what the shemitah was cancelled it out?

Sounds like alarmist garbage to me.

Kek is real but the shemitah last year was not.

For me memed for it to happen and it didn't

If Mossad were going to plant false bombs that are not intended to hurt anyone they'd put them next to synagogues so jews could all kvetch about another shoah


well the nyc bombs were in jew neighborhoods, someone posted the demographics on twitter. just sayin

Fuck… I live 20 min from Elizabeth.

and i mean really religious type jews not secular woody allen types
(sage myself for double posting)

That's not true. They would plant bombs but not risk the lives of many of the chosen.

Like per say putting a bomb inside a metal dumpster so it absorbs the brunt of the explosion.

Jew York is aptly named. There's tons of jews. These "terrorist" attacks are shit tier and they don't make any sense.

I'll bet it was a right wing Christian extremist tbh

You guys think this will swing New Jersey red?

Ban all pipes and pressure cookers.


bomb #32526263, this is surely the one that will wake people up, amiright guys.

Silly mudslimes, it's like they want Trump to win and get their own sorry asses deported.

Intardresting. 5 bombs that do no damage in jewish neighborhoods. Police catch 5 guys fleeing city with cache of weapons and fbi lets them go. Its sounding more and more like a Mossad operation (the fbi let them go when the ignorant cops caught them).

This comes conveniently close after Hillary's right wing frog squads speech.

They are planning to pin it on a racist white group. Calling it now. He/they will either be all killed 'resisting' or complete fucking vegetables ala batman killer (monarch victim whose mind snapped).

They wil use this as a push to ban hate speech and bad websites and to introduce martial law to protect elections (if not push them back indefinitely).

I bet lack of diversity did this!

Somewhere inbetween 3000 people dead (9/11) and the Bataclan shooting (~150) is a magic number where people demand action.




Bring the chaos.

Bring the happenings.

Every day, more and more.

So let's run this down.

If it was a mudslime bomber or organization they would use suicide bombers at high pop density soft target areas. They would also use a vehicle for maximum payload but would still suicide.

If it was a right wing white male they would bomb a federal building. Or a judges home. Or a banker's home. Or anything other than a soft target of civilians. So that is out of the question.

If it was a nigger he would blow himself up because they are too fucking stupid to use explosives.

Now if it were a jew or the feds. They would want to cause a panic. But not so much that actual credence to Trump's campaign would be given. Just enough to use double speak in the media with "It's not a terrorist attacking but it is planned explosives". The feds/kikes would plant these bombs in the most retarded spots where they know they will be found. Where they know they will do minimal damage but will spread fear.

Then at the end of it all they will bring out the trump supporter who did it. And he will look pale with a zit covered face and with greasy hair and shillary will say "This is what a deplorable looks like."

So the only people that will be demonized will be trump and not all his supporters. JUST US. For it will show this bomber loved pepes and he learned how to use bombs from extremist right wing image boards.

Then the twitter shills will come out in full force. And the concentrated media attack from all fronts will hit us. Even facebook will do their part in smearing us.

This scenario is a possibility. We should be wary.

I am pretty sure it is something like this. They will pin it on super evil anti-immigration Trump supporters who hate jews, niggers, women, islam and the government.

They are trying to get Hillary elected.

I saw this on reddit earlier today, looks like normies will be waking up to some more red pills tomorrow

This is an extremely worst-case scenario. I don't think our enemies know us well enough to stage an attack like that.
At least I hope not….

Yep, I was thinking the same thing. Although, even if they did manage that, and even if they did manage to pin it on a meme magician, Trump has already branded himself as the law and order candidate in the eyes of millions. Any instance of terror or chaos will turn more and more normies toward Trump regardless of who's doing it.

The worst that could happen is that Trump is forced to disavow the alt-right, but I don't think that means the alt-right would stop supporting him and I don't think he'd actually lose that many other supporters because of it. Remember, he already told Anderson Cooper that he'd never heard of the alt-right and had no idea what it was.



These are the same people who convinced a nation that a man living in a cave in the mountains of Afghanistan with heavy ties to the CIA solely trained and funded the 9/11 attackers. Then these people convinced that a plane hit the pentagon and WT7 went down from fire damage. Then they convinced everyone that suddam hussien was connected with the cartoon villian that was aging backwards in the afghan mountains and had WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTIONS and the homeland security level went all the way up to red and then we invaded and took his oil fields and hung him.

And people didn't find out they were being lied to until their gas prices were over 5 bucks a gallon and an influx of afghan heroin was flooding the streets.

But hey! They don't know us we're special!

What did she die for?

thats cool but like when you take a nice big shit you should really keep your reddit browsing interests to yourself




Very Jeb-tier bombs so far. Are they all a distraction for the Big One or are American terror cells just that bad?

The sleeping goyim continue to awaken.

sweet ass, now if someone could just hold my hand and tell me what the fuck i'm doing this night will be tits.

so if i'm a torfag now, and i want to do other torfag shit i just find the .onion? also yes i read the warnings about downloading and DOCS and PDFS and bridges. is this basically the gist of being a tor-tier user? or am i even more of a total faggot than i thought?

These are done by masonic police officers and the good ole boy network. It is literally to get a IED to blow up and not get cought it is an initiation this is masonic good ole boy networks the only people capable of these activities and without any leads.

Pipe embedded penetrating explosives.


(oobe here too)


Yes, soon afterwards my parents signed me up for swimming classes.

Disable JavaScript and never enable flash.

Never log into anything via tor.

Don't draw attention to yourself by doing illegal shit.

Our god is stronger.

its clearly a cute anime girl behind this not no Muslim


It was probably 99 for me, I think I was 3 at the time..

The ride never ends.

Do you think they'll start v&ing us if they pull it off?

wait why not

That isn't how mudslimes work. You're gay and retarded.

IF anything, it'd be that. Holla Forums was hardcore memeing that it was all the Jews fault if the economy broke then, thus preventing them from being able to do it.




17 year old kiddy succking on pepe's titty, cant even sex chat with you legallay.

It sounds like the ied's weren't victim operated; which would explain why the homeless dudes didn't get blown up. So they were were supposed to function via radio control or time. It's simple to add an anti tamper switch of some sort but that adds more risk to whoever is placing it and takes away your control over when/how it detonates. If you don't think your device will be found then why booby trap it? The more complicated your device, the more evidence you leave behind. Finding the devices doesn't mean ??? aren't sophisticated, it just comes down to tpp.

Where were you, when hobos saved America?

No they would demonize us and make our voices here on the internet less influential. In response to our arguments against leftist kikes they would always bring up the bombing as a 'trump' card to make it seem like they won the argument for normies.

You're right muslim extremists don't blow themselves up nor do they drive vehicles with tons of explosives into their targets. Nor do they attack civilian centers.

Shut your mouth Mohamed.

That is a stretch and you know it alarmist friend.

Interestingly, at this point it just sounds to me like a lamer version of two anons subtly signalling each other.

That was surprisingly good.
Maybe I shouldn't give you weebshits such a hard time.

I want to believe.

Or not, this year we actually had tangible results that nobody can ever deny.


Have you ever said sweet ass as the begining of any post or converstation in your life?
sweet ass

come on now.

People born in 1997 are 18 at least, most are 19 by now.

Sandniggers use whatever they possibly can to cause damage, but they're also braindamaged subhumans so they usually aren't smart enough to figure out how to cause mass damage and fail frequently.

There's a reason why attacks like the one in Nice almost never happen. Only one sandnigger in a million can figure out that plowing a truck into a crowd would cause mass casualties. Shitty bombs that go off at the wrong time or don't go off at all are perfectly typical of sandniggers.

I can tell you aren't from around here by your use of the term "muslim extremists" instead of something less cucked. Kill yourself and kill yourself again, you retarded outsider.

I swear to god this faggot does nothing but rant about Masons every single fucking thread.

No, I'm not doubting what you're saying, I'm suggesting that the Freemasons are acting similarly to us and wondering if there's much practical difference between the inner structure of them, Holla Forums, and any other secretive fringe society. Even without specific predetermined passwords, anons can identify each other reasonably easily anywhere through subtle syntactic patterns and it's a magical thing to see happening.

But we have KeK! Praise Him!

But the real reason we have so much influence is because we're essentially a political party that has been pumping out a steady stream of propaganda for years. We are an actual force to be reckoned with and that is why they are terrified of us and try to subvert us at every angle.

We are being framed

Like we have a reputation to tarnish.

Story first hits early this weekend, giving time for everybody to become aware of it.

Now late Sunday more "devices" in public transport for the start of the work week.

Not terror

not an artform

They also with the kikes run the media dammit thats why on fox the cuck said lying actually that "Jewish blood has been spilt we need to give up some rights now." No one fucking died. Bildeberhg this yeqar was soley for destroying anonimity on the internet and the first thing this cuck does on tor is give a wink to an unknown demographic.

You and me both. I managed to read (pic related) upside-down as 'SubHuman'

It is now

It takes a determined one. Determined snackbars either kill themselves after the act through a hail of bullets. Or they fucking blow themselves up when they use explosives.

If this is a snackbar then it isn't a true mudslime snackbar. Because killing himself while killing infidels is considered a free ticket to paradise.

Instead he puts them in spots where they don't hurt infidels at all really.

So shut the fuck up Mohammad. You don't know anything at all.

image didn't load
It was supposed to be the Subway logo


2016 is the year robot saved America. Its the sci fi dystopia we've always dreamed of…I wonder if all these attacks in the space of 24 hours have anything to do with each other? I think its the work of The Joker…is that discrimination against people with mental health problems?

You know the vast majority of Islamic terror bombings outside of the US/EU don't involve the suspect dying in the process right?


Fucking wrong wrong wrong wrong.

yeah tried that, absolute pain in the ass to read a fucking thread without java, but at least i know how to do it now.
can do on the not logging in, and also define illegal
i'm honestly just using this for 8/pol/ because i dont see why i'd need to go anywhere else on tor

are you masonfags honestly this autistic or am i just missing the meme at this point? there is no way that you gleaned actual information from me saying "sweet ass"

actually while not intended i did kinda vaguely know the other tor user from the shadilay thread and the drowning/kekworshipers connection

word, part of me thinks its a joke, but then again with all the traffic we get through here, i wouldn't doubt they actually habeeb what they say

yeah, most of my filler vocabulary is old 90's slang and outdated surfer lingo and i'm not about to change that.

Holla Forums is secretly a training ground for elite masons

i promise you user that my use of tor to bypass my autoban for using a duplicate image of kek because i didn't know it would even let me do that let alone ban me, and then excited "sweet ass" comment for having an user from another thread i was in drop the address for Holla Forums and being able to post again was not a fucking signal to freemasons you actual fucking autist.

you really need to adjust the settings on your water filter user.

But it's not. By all means act like a child though.

I am pretty ok with this. It's too late already for them. The fire has already started and i will make sure they are gonna burn

Fuck off kid. If you want to attack me then back it up with facts.

Unless this is a false flag to slam dunk Trump. Remember the sticky about something big happening soon?

You made some stupid claim that all muslims die in the act of terror, the burden of proof is on you lad.

i didn't ask for these feels user…

dude IEDs on the side of the road in the way of our good goys overseas do not have a fucking muzzie strapped to them, stop being in denial just because mudshits are a tad more cunning and cowardly than your mental picture of them. it's fucking sad.

Nice lie, outsider :^)

Most sandniggers run around with knives shouting aloha snackbar and trying to kill people. Only 0.01% of sandniggers are smart enough to suicide bomb a crowd and only 0.00001% sandniggers are smart enough to build his vest.

Why are you grossly overestimating the abilities of sandniggers, outsider?

No I didn't kiddo. I said most. And specifically to muslim zealots.

Here is your claim faggot,

Any proof to back that up or are you just being combative for the fuck of it?

Because he's blatanly a shill trying to make it seem that this wasn't sandnigs?

Just a quick look at terror attacks in august proves my point. Back to the cuckshed with you.


No you raise a good point. IEDs which these weren't.

For why rig dumpsters when you can rig highways and busy streets? Or even the highway system?

Also those IEDs aren't terrorist attacks those are acts of war. Not the same shit as what is going on right now.

What are you retarded?

As i said . It's too late already for them. I can't say much more or i would spoil a surprise.

So wait a second. You knew the guy you said sweet ass to? You had communicated with him in extended threads prior to this one?
Really then why is there dozens of examples of it in the 60s and shit? Where is yo wasaaaaaaaaaaap like that commercial said in the 60's?This isnt a fucking game.
Says the asshole who may or may not know that most water is fucked up with lead and shit as of late testings.
Then why are you defending yourself
Why did you have to add elite when you can't even blend in?

fucking casuals

Because it's easier to not get caught? Either way, some hobos put the bag in the dumpster.

Terrorism is war. It's called holy war, jihad, crusade.

he's got the right idea i suppose but you have to remember, the middle east is a shithole, when the jews are dead and we're all kicking back in the reich, they can go back to doing whatever it was they were doing before, but dont let your feelings come into play now user, it's far too late in the game for that.

did you not catch the part where the dumpster bomb was most likely thrown in there because a bum tried to steal the bag it was in?
but you are right, it's probably not actual muslims on this particular issue, most likely some kinda lase flag shit gone awry.

Of course. They're distractions while they're waiting for the attack on Assad to get out of the news cycle.

Wouldn't the fucking bum notice the bomb inside? What in the fuck? Who is saying it was a bum who put it in there? And since when do bums throw things out in the trash?

But it also renders the explosive useless.
Why? Why would a bum throw it out in the dumpster?

So I'm a shill for trying to find out who it was. I believe it is the feds doing this. Your pushback against that theory leads me to believe it is you who is the shill.

I don't think the numbers are that high seeing as if you can make a bomb you can strap it to your chest bro. The point I was making is this is most likely not mudslimes. Which you agree with so I don't understand why you're being a faggot.

Wait, did the biggest terrorist attack in years get BTFO by… hobos and happenstance?

They throw it in the trash to not get caught and to get rank in their mason cells.

not exactly, i saw that he said something about drowning anons and a timeframe, clicked on his id and noticed that he gave away the .onion for Holla Forums and i had recently gotten banned for making anew thread about said drowned anons, but used a pic that was alread an OP in the catalog. 24 hrs, nothing yuge, but i wasn't done on/pol/ and figured, hell, with all this put here in my lap, kek must want me to get my shit together and learn how to use tor.
i honestly dont even think that particular user even knows i exist.
because i was born and raised in the 90s and had no idea that the 60s were like that because i honestly never bothered to learn about the 60s, or 50's or really anything past that70s show historical references.
yeah granddad was talking about that, you got any tips on how to remove lead and other shit and also flouride? if you're this balls deep in the masons thats probably how they recruit too btw i figure you might know how to make water safe. well, "safe".
because you sperged out big time m80, and i need you to understand that not everyone is a mason or a jew or a shill, sometimes we anons make mistakes, or slight eachother, ok faggot? doesn't mean i'm gonna dox you and add you to the clinton pile, it means i was a normie once, before the pills and sometimes that stays around.
honestly? to trigger you.
because i felt like being an asshole and goading you into thinking i had ulterior motives. but now, i kinda feel bad. i know what too long here does to the mind. just. take it easy man ok?
we have a long way left to go user.

doubt it highly

Alright this whole situation is convoluted as fuck.

I don't have to read that to know you are panicking

would you doubt it?

ok its funny again

dont make point by point posts and not read the responses when they are delivered in the same fashion. you should really go back and read my post user.

Only difference between terror and war is terror targets civilians and is undeclared.

Were they explosive devices? Were they bought pre-made or were the components improvised into explosive devices?

No you are right they are ied but made in the same fashion of the boston bombers. Crock pot bombs.

And we all know that the boston bombers were fucking patsies.

Reeks of feds.

Isn't tannerite not flammable?
Seems a bit odd for something that was used in a bomb.
I suppose you could have some other explosive detonate first, and cause enough force to detonate the tannerite. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

he has a point, only a watchadoin rabbi, a fed, or an actual idiot copycat would do this
but since the media is going wholehog to state "this is not terror" it kinda rules out feds and rabbis.
any chance a dumbass mudslime actually tried to jihad and just sucked ass really bad and the media is trying to cover it just so trumps numbers wont shoot even higher?

yeah way to convenient, but Occams razor isn't completely obsolete.

I would not give this the benifit of the doubt but then again your a little new so I will just say that on the off chance I am right consider this a sign from god to get out and for any kike overlords lurking this is not a coincidence this is that excuse you where looking for to stand down and call whatever chaos and order plan off and return to your holes from whence you came.

I don't know. I'm not convinced that this can be a mudslime. They are brash and make a fucking public spectacle.

This is something totally different. There's too many feds and too much double speak going on for my liking.

Also the fact they haven't caught the guy making the bombs yet is odd.

Could be that this guy is unibomber smart but the thing with those fellas is that they have specific targets and don't go after civilians.

The more and more you look at it the more and more it stinks of CIA and their contractors.


Its obviously the US military doing it to distract from the attack on Assad. Come on guys.

evidently its used for making boom booms so i would think it is exactly what you would need, it's just commerical brand explosives, and somehow legal to buy in the states

user, perhaps you should consider, and take it as a hypothetical, what the ramifications of threatening disciples of Kek and calling them masons are.
We cant be infighting about simple misunderstandings in the presence of such a being, but something tells me i dont need to tell you this
go easy bro, you'll need that venom for when the fight moves offline.

you make very valid points.

but why not just frame some trump supporter right off rip and suicide him by cop before he gets the chance to tell people he was framed?

damn, now this is getting weird, what kind of attack wouldn't be a POC, but would also warrent a media balckou- oh… maybe it was a jew.

More like typical domestic gladio operation. This happened now to headline the news when everybody is commuting to work tomorrow.

Whether or not it is actually foreign terror or domestic perception management thing is largely beside the point though when it has to be filtered through our media that is so connected to our security apparatus.

that would explain all the confusion.

but why do that when the narrative can spin so easily that it's syrian immigrants attacking because of the attack on assad?

But that would just help Trump's camp even more.

They could have made a different distraction. Perhaps another celebrity death?

We need more Muslims.
Normies won't get it until there is an explosion every few hours killing about 10 people. Then maybe they might putsch the Semites out. might

Haven't you heard? All states are swing states now.

the alt-right extremists will do anything to help Trump

Elizabeth is full of niggers and sandniggers and so is jersey city, just wait it will be next.

dub dubs make it so

The military is mostly pro-trump. Its the career politicians and leeching civil servants that hate trump.

I hope this backfires and the culprits are found to be Trumpeteers

I keked with the stabing in Minesota (I'm not sure about the place). I was watching Spanish news in TV (wich are marxist as fuck, just like the country) and they said it hadn't nothing to do with Islam. 30 second later a black policeman said that the attacker was yelling "Allahu Akbar" and asked to the people if they were muslims, if they said no he stabbed them.


Dammit, user. I did not need these feels today

I love this card, because of its flavor text. Things are so fucked up I'm not even sure the Jews know what's happening.

top lel
I wonder how they'll feel when they get their shit kicked in and nobody's there to save them?

better dead than red

Capped. I hope you're wrong but this certainly matches the kikes MO.

Who is this girl?

False flag confirmed.

My money's on "alt-right" fucking white males, Imperium style.

When the jews carry out a false flag they want the death toll to be high. See: 9/11, Oklahoma City, etc.

The jews obviously don't care about the lives of the goyim.

However, when it's fed organized op, they seek to minimize American casulties.

When jobs come back to America under Trump - with some hard work - they'll be rewarded with homes.

It's probably not the Jews doing this one, though. They'd take far more subtle approaches like vote rigging.

Too late for that, there's already been note with Arabic reported and some Afghan nationals apprehended in connection.

Late to the party, but in my time in Mosul, Iraq, most IEDs ended up going unexploded. A lot of that probably was due to our signal jammers, or how obvious some of the pressure sensitive ones were. Most of them were taken out by EOD, or stupid hajis digging through the trash piled everywhere.

It's not unheard of, or even rare for an IED to go undetonated, or at least miss it's intended target completely.

Mentally ill!
Bombings - not terrorism!
Workplace violence!
It was the Trumpkins!

t. MSM media

I do this kinda stuff all the time, been doing it for years.

It never stops.

welcome to the red pill, you are one of us now.
there is no going back.

Wtf I love Hillary now!

I can't believe I stop paying attention for a week and actual happenings happen.

Impossible. Christianity is just Marxism with a different name!

I live about 40 mins from Elizabeth

FML and fuck this piece of shit pozzed excuse for a state called New Jersey

Agreeing with other user, you are gay and retarded. Sandniggers use IEDs all the time. A bombing doesn't have to be a suicide bombing for it to be muzzies.

Alright, OK, guys this is bad. This is REALLY REALLY bad. Trump needs to get out ahead of this and condemn these actions and the supporters involved. This is the moment of truth for his campaign if he fails this test, it's over for him.
A major speech directed at his supporters, telling them this kind of behavior is inexcusable is the only way forward from this. I've been a Trump supporter since forever and I'm telling you. This NEEDS to happen!

New Jersey is a swing state, now.
By November every state will be red with the blood of tyrants and patriots.

are you larping or something?
there's no trump supporters involved

New Jersey Police are currently raiding a fried chicken establishment/apartment in Elizabeth, Pic related.

I googled the name, and oh boy the (((coincidences))).



The FBI is now raiding an NJ apartment. TAKE NO PRISONERS!!!


my heh just hatched into a kek

And some nice shitposting found on the google reviews.

im disgusted by the knotting in that headphone cable.

sort your fucking life out son.

I hope you aren't talking about NJ. Who is gonna be in your glorious RWDS? You and an army of Puerto Ricans and Pajeets?

That entire state should be bombed along with California.

i hope givi and motorola are doing alright

motorola seems autistic

in the good way of course

it all makes sense now.

God bless the hobos! may they have a home in heaven!

same here

Because the bombing in Syria was far more serious than they're letting on and this is all a distraction.

Trump on fox this morning, on the phone, talking about the situation.

He said any websites talking about making bombs or what weapons to buy, he would have arrested.

It gave me an ominous feeling of foreboding.

If anyone here says he won't do this to us. Only non whites then come on. What it trump isn't our trump card but theirs? What if by letting him win it pacifies us so we don't do an actual dangerous revolt…unlike what the left could pull. Also while arresting shit skins and protesting leftists and blm we are left in a stage of martial law without it ever being declaired. If we all think that it stops there amd never comes for us then I don't know what to say.

But I think our guard is down now.

And I'm starting to think this is all connected.

This happening just kicked up another notch.

I think I better start preparing for the worst.

Or as we white supremacists like to call them, Pepe bombs

get with the times, they have found 5 in total.

South Jersey is red for the most part, it's usually north Jersey where all the rich NYers live that is blue. This shit happening at their shore homes and north Jersey might do the trick though

Confirmed pepe bombs.


Hello CTR

worth posting.

It means Holla Forumss work is done.

People are making real life efforts to beat these fuckers..

beat me to it.

Is it really the Tumblrite?

We've got us a photo of someone wanted by the FBI in regards to this bomb shit. He's not green or white.


Ahmad Khan Rahami

Likely connected to facebook poster here:



looks white


Facebook archived. May actually be the same guy. If not, definitely immediate family.

those people look like shills. no normie even a stupid one would automatically blame Holla Forums and be that stupid.

You have to consider where the bomb was found. If you look at google maps it's within a few yards of a train station. An explosion large enough could derail a train, killing many commuters and choking up trains in an out of NYC on the NE Corridor line.

For those wondering, Elizabeth is a multiculti poor city where not many whites live (despite wikipedia). Elizabeth is basically a no-go zone for whites a night. Elizabeth is mostly made up of South American immigrants, with some other third worlders mixed in. Elizabeth is one of the towns in NJ targeted for Syrian resettlement.

The hispanic population in Elizabeth that has been around for more than a generation has started to leak into the surrounding suburbs in the past two decades, triggering white flight to South Jersey, Pennsylvania and a few White enclaves that still exist in the area with mortgages high enough to keep the undesirables out.

No, looks Arab, with that pube like hair and that skin tone.

There was also a bomb at the train station in the new Deus Ex. They should probably start interrogating the game developers.

Red moon in New York.

The harvest moon or "blood moon", is known to have some significance to the believers of Judaism.

Morning news here inNY just ran a picture and name of a suspect in the bombs. I think he's a buddhist. His name is Amat Khan Rahani or something along the lines.

That racist white man blowing up muh melinated peoples.

Revisiting the facebook archive from this post

One of 2 reviews on the page is from Aziz Rahami.

On google reviews, the same guy gave a 5 star review.

Suspect's name is Ahmed Kahn Rahimi, this is likely his son, definitely a family member.

archive.is/VrCDq archive of his google + account.


Nice manipulation, fam.


what are you on about?


that's nothing, my name literally has "antichrist" in jewish and english gematria

che ked

Could he be Syrian? He doesn't look Saudi, maybe another member of Holla Forums crack team think tank knows.


Born in Afghanistan, immigrated to U.S.

It has nothing to do with Islam all this is just pure coincidences


Its bullshit. Media saying blackpowder and tanerite to go after gun owners

Kek looks like they are looking for Al Fatwa

That fat little manlet







No wonder he is a jihadi. Only way a manlet can get bigger is through blowing himself into a 20 foot splatter. Shoulda picked up Starting Strength instead of the Koran though.

Also, just passed the Cypress Hills station on the J Line here in Queens. Station is close and emergency services are combing the station.

"Basket of deplorables", Hillary fainting/having a seizure on film, muzzies being muzzies…

Honestly I'm *this* to unironically worshipping Kek.

* this close to unironically worshiping Kek.


That's extremely surprising. Who could have seen this coming?

I'm beginning to believe user, I don't know if it's confirmation bias or reality, but the evidence is mounting.

I truly think much of the last century's misery was caused by (((fools))) attempting to fulfill ancient memes to justify their belief in sky fairies.

user I'm sorry to point this out, but your autism is showing; it's sarcasm


Its pretty cLear this, Nice, Florida, San Bernardino etc. are all planned by Trump.

Stupid goys.

If it's not Roki it's shit.

why do all of these 'beaceful rebugees' have mugshots with their radical balsamic beard before they're even caught?
Don't they usually grow that out shortly after deciding to go full snackbar?
If anyone has an explanation please share your knowledge

Mohammad Khan Rahami
Mohammad could be shortened to Ahmad

This may be the guy, but he's not nearly as fat. Resemblance is strong, lips seem to be near identical. Grew up in the house attached to the fried chicken restaurant that the NJPD raided earlier.

His Facebook is full of mudslime shit, very pro Palestine. Seems to be a Dem.

Keep an eye on this guy.

Were all the acts of not terrorism caused by religion of peace?

Here's the footage of the bomb that detonated while the R2DINDU was trying to disarm it in Elizabeth NJ.

Not a very large one but it would certainly fuck you up if you were close to it, and according the news it did contain projectiles.

They are now saying that the 5 people arrested driving on the turnpike last night were family members of this guy. I seem to remember the early reports saying there were weapons in their vehicle, but I can't find any current sources to back that up.
I wonder if the plan was to pull a Breivik and use these bombs as a distraction, while they hit another populated location with small arms.

Why is this a surprise?
If you take a few DHS courses, you'll find out bombings are very common in the US, and that anomalous focus on these low order devices is actually an issue and something to wonder about {{{who}}} keeps saying it doesn't happen.

Don't pick up flashlights in Idaho Wyoming or the Dakotas. They are bomb.
Mail bombs are very common to post human researchers, to the point that many places use gas chromatography on them and Xray to ensure safety.
Politicians regularly have issues.
Pissed off farmers regularly hit each other with amfo bombs and left over dynamite.

Basically, the terrorism thing is to push Patriot mk2.
The reality is the US has been quite violent with this stuff, but if the news doesn't cover, it doesn't happen.

Is Mohammad the only name those fuckers have to use or something? Every time I hear shit happening, it's because of someone named Mohammad.

Because you don't know which node your data will end up in. Tor has limited nodes (aka exit ports) which trap all the data even if your IP is not shown. These are utilized by the FBI, and can be basically utilized by anyone assed enough to make an exit node for themselves. If you make your own exit nodes and route all your traffic through them you're the boss, and you can continue knowing you are a big step above most TOR users.

Probably not the kebab in question but could have ties to him. Definitely keep an eye on this one in case of aloha snackbar.

Parents have to call their first-born son Muhammad/Mohammed/Mehmet?Mahmut to honor the prophet.

Initial reports said the kebab van had weapons in it and was enroute to JFK airport.

There's no "could" about it.

He's on the facebook page of "first american fried chicken" claiming he grew up there. Check here , it's the last image.

He's definitely in Ahmad's immediate family if he's not Ahmad himself. There's also Aziz Rahami, who seems to be a teenager who posted one of the only reviews for the restaurant on facebook, and also Google.

his G+ account archived here:
Facebook here: archive.is/fLZ2a

Ahmad is the main suspect since his phone was linked to a bomb, however since it's not proven yet, it could be any member of his family, or network of friends.


I can only assume the guy left finger prints on the bombs as well as the cctv footage. I suppose no on accuses them of being smart.

oh the phone, of course. wow using an identified phone.

I suppose good way to frame someone

Remember guys this isn't terrorism :^)


Latest poll in NJ was Clinton +4 and that was a week before she died and got replaced by a body double.

I really hate this faggots for devaluing the value of the Beard.

An ancient symbol of manhood, being degraded this way. Sad!





That would have a lot to do the age cohort of most anons ITT.


But they haven't released any identities yet, have they? So they either (1) don't want to admit it wasn't a [FUCKING WHITE MALE] or (2) are learning to delay release to deviate from the normal pattern.


you are an idiot

video from AP

Why cant you people enjoy the diversity fireworks? Why freak out over this, just accept it. Its the new normal :^)



I could have told you there are terror cells in NY and NJ before the bombs ever went off. Anyone with half a brain knows there are terror cells going on when more than 0 muzzies get together.

Grew out his neckbeard for jihad.

Oy Vey! It's another Shoahhh!

The amount of in-fighting among you Goy is frightening. It's almost as if this was (((planned))) and the D&C methods were working.

Wake the fuck up and stop being a bitch.

= =AND= =
= =ON= =
= =THE= =
= =RUN= =

Goddamn tanned Americans intentionally exploding everything.

lol srry i just woko up

You mean like Dearborn?
Sure a lot of terrorism there.

Are they whitened again? They seem to have more reds and blood in the flesh than last time, but the bottoms are too light on the left and are odd yellow on the right.

gay Muslim bombers




Anyone else have the pleasure of waking up to this shit this lovely morning?

Do you seriously think there aren't mudslimes plotting terrorism in dearborn?

No, I do know the FBI is though and has arrested themselves before doing so.
In Dearborn, they're all FBI informants or in jail until they agree.
You do remember that was the case that lead to the public reveal of the shadow judiciary system?

I live 5 minutes from Dearborn and I can tell you there's been a lot of investigations into terrorism in Dearborn.
Dearborn isn't where terrorists are from, it's where they are financed.
One of my favorite restaurants, La Shish, was busted funding a terror cell. The owner packed up overnight and went back to Lebanon, leaving everything behind. That's just one of the most known instances.
Yes, plenty of white collar terrorism happening behind the scenes in Dearborn.

these things always seem to happen an hour or two after i go to bed


Oh for fuck's sake
Why is this shit hole of a city getting marked for explosives?
Like what's the bloody significance?
I get NY maybe but this place? Come on…

Now I got no idea what else might happen. Shit is just escalating…


some of you are alright don't come to New Jersey tomorrow

probably vets too

Come on sand nigger, at least take a few people out before you go down. Preferably some faggot liberals of New Jersey.


Why bother with this low energy teenager shit? These idiots should know they are going to get caught, so if you are going to die or go to prison anyways, might as well go with a fertilizer bomb.


well, now we don't need to PERSECUTE him for being a mud-slime anymore, so goal achieved?


Well you tried hard shill but even after all your ship posts looks like it was a mudshit after all. Not a surprise to anyone here though.

Have you considered this could be what happens when mudslimes don't get funded by mossad?


Pretty good, but I just don't find the accordion and Yamaha DX7 synth to be hard and enthusiastic enough. Video related is the gold standard for Kebab removal in my honest opinion.

Maybe they'll do the "They're US citizens, so it's fine!" angle again.


As I said, keep an eye on this sandnigger.

meant to link to this post.


Retard didn't have the sense to use gloves.

Fucking dune coons.

SJWs on suicide watch. How will the media try to spin this?

They probably expected to die.

Sand nigger better enjoy this.

In six months, terrorists' families are going to get their nuts hooked up to 240v and tortured until they tell everything they know, then drowned in steel cages.

he's innocent come on goys

Why the fuck is Christi talking about taxes


That poor person of color was trying to disarm the bomb, but after blowing up the other ones; accidentally, he left it alone and told no one for fear of causing a panic. It's all just a misunderstanding.

We should have treated him nicer, now we forced him to go terrorist

They got him.


Oh boy, here comes the gun control



fuck there's other Holla Forumsacks here? I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU



No souce because caught it on the talmud




This is ISIS' "thank you" to the US for bombing Assad


He's begging the press not to 'get ahead of the investigation' or in other words 'plz don't speculate that he's an islamic terrorist, could have just been workplace violence'.




Remember when they used to false flag blow up trade centers for terrorism boogieman scaremongering?

Looks like their budget is running dry.

We must wait for ten months before we speculate about his motives. Unless he's white then it's because he's a militia-sympathetic right wing secessionist cishet.

"Their ideology"

Remember this: right before 9/11, ~3 trillion$ went missing from the pentagon budget. The plane that hit the pentagon hit the office of the people investigating where this money went, pure coincidence I'm sure.

A few weeks ago, a report was released saying that the Pentagon lost ~5 trillion $. Could we get another attack under a possible Trump? Stay tuned folks, fire monkey has just begun.

Muslims din do nuffin!

By the way this reminds me, I read a really tiny news article in a shit paper last week where it said some egyptian official finally confirmed it was a terrorist act that blew up a plane with 200 people in it. This was about a full year after it happened and only until now do they go and say "oh gee, it was actually an act of terrorism".

did I win something?

That shit got memoryholed, hard. You're talking about the malay flight right?

oy vey you can clearly see who's to blame


This is not a Happening.
This is a Psy-Op to reset the News Cycle on the macro scale because Hillary's campaign was flopping around like a dead fish for about a week.

You guys are destroying the "Happening" meme.

He's talking about the Russian flight that blew up over the Sinai last year, which lead to Russian intervention in Syria


Oh right, I remember.

Under what circumstances is one of these events genuine and non-controlled in your mind?

How could this event possibly benefit Hillary when Trump is the "safety from terrorism" candidate who is not afraid to name the Muslim?

I'm not discounting the possibility of a false flag but you've gotta find a better perp and motive. For Hillary this is a loss.



Ignore that john, we're just doing some maintenance on your area :)

I can't wait for ISIS to claim responsibility to see King Nigger choke on his own thoughts.

Fire Monkey is almost over, lad. It's been a great year and is building to a climax. Then the Fire Cock begins.


This would be a retarded way to reset the news cycle. mudslime terrorism will only help Trump.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
/ ! \ REMINDER / ! \
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

The MSM has been lying to you every day about Hillary Clinton.
The MSM does not report on facts and have been shown to alter news to benefit Hillary Clinton.
This is not a real event.
This is a distraction from Hillary's failing campaign.
This is a source of Bloodlust to fight more wars for Israel.
Stop falling for this crap. It is designed to control you.

You have to admit, CTR is getting inventive.

…….a wave wiped me out when I was on my boogie board. drove me face first into the sand on the bottom, I got a concussion and disoriented, but the waves washed me up onto the beach.

Are you the "there has never been a war, wars are imaginary" shill? You sound just like that guy.

he didn't stay woke


I think he's the "natural rights don't exist" guy. Either that or the "truth makes you a slave" guy.

The MIDF has been around for a while their posts are always

So that the best you can do?

If it was a trump presidency, then there would be no "terrorists" here. I wonder how much this operation cost

Man that's some police brutality bullshit. It's completely fucking normal to blow up shit and then go take a nap on the floor in a hallway of some random business. Who the fuck has time to blow shit up then go all the way home to nap in their own bed?

It makes her look even worse.


Well, hes half right. If mossad/cia/saudi arabia didn't make isis and all the random retarded terrorist cells in the arab world then we'd still be living in a world where all the muslims were chilling in their mountains and sand dunes instead of exploding shit everywhere.

Hillary clinton and her cabal make more money everytime bombs kill innocent civillians…
Literal blood money


George Soros owns controlling interest in 68% of the companies providing vote machines for the general election.
All of the Presidential debate moderators and committee have exclusively donated to Hillary Clinton.
Facebook is picking the debate questions.
The polls for months have been outright lies showing overwhelming support for Hillary Clinton.
The Election will be rigged for Hillary Clinton and there is nothing we can do to stop that.

Hillary Clinton wants war with Russia.
Hillary Clinton is a Neo Con.
Hillary Clinton's campaign was suffering the worst week of the election until 2 trashcan bombs and a stabbing happened to reset the cycle.
Hillary Clinton needs to use (((Terrorism))) to get Troops into Syria.
Hillary Clinton doesn't need people's support.
Hillary Clinton needs to not have her campaign implode before november.
Hillary Clinton is making plans for her coronation.

Trump has been embracing the "Les Deplorables" French Revolution meme.
Trump has on numerous occasions hinted at revolution and violence(be fucking honest here if you don't get excited about RWDS then fuck you) .
Why is Donald Trump focused on the Police and Military so strongly?
Donald Trump is building an army.

Obongo everybody!

This too

The media is fucking making millions off the deaths of innocents and as long as they keep the people who allow this to happen in power they keep getting more money while they live in their gated neigborhoods and ignore us citizens of the usa

Literally treating us like animals (goyim)





Toppest kek

Gas the kikes, race war now
praise kek



hezbullah is not a terrorist organization

Now she's straight up going out of her way to tank her campaign.

Probably not….

training video related.

She's desperate. She's just throwing shit out there to see what sticks at this point.

Someone's sending a message.

She's not stupid, just desperate.

Get fucked sandnigger

My fucking sides.

Isn't this cunt in her mid-30s? Why does he have the acne of a 13 year old?

quads confirm that this bitch is fucking stupid



Get your fucking eyes checked.

back to

go back to israel JIDF

Reminder she ain't Bill's kid.

Muslims are cryptokikes you stupid kebab, you'll all be headed for the gas chambers.

Why is her skin so fucking pimply under that spatula-applied layer of makeup?
Can't they afford a dermatologist and Proactiv?

Comedy gold



t. emir

Why do you care so much? Are you building a consesus to Correct The Record about the health of her skin?

I don't think you understand the whole 'correct the record' thing.

Last two digits displays by how many electoral votes Trump wins.

Dubs he wins all of them.

Trips Hillary shits herself to death on national TV during her concession speech.

No you fucking retard.
It's fucking disgusting and I'm wondering why people with as much stolen cash as the Clintons have that their daughter doesn't get a full fucking face transplant.
Shit going on with Chelsea's face isn't normal at all.

Go back to Reddit, you fucking cocksucker.




The faggot used a phone on his family plan?

Nearly full house dubs.

Trump wins all electoral votes.

I know you don't understand sarcasm.

Sand niggers are low IQ. Somewhat smarter than niggers, but that's damning with faint praise isn't it?


CtR/open society shilling is so stupid I've lost the ability to tell the difference.

Misunderstanding memes does not sarcasm make.


Nice trips

But arabs aren't a single rage, they are mostly mixed blood, all of them. The more nigger the arab the lower the iq, the more white the higher it is.

Persians aren't necessarily white, but they're not a gutter tier race.

When will they learn?

I gave you evidence that she's not "their" daughter, and you're over there derailing this thread with some acne bullshit.

lel nice capital r ya got there, faggot. quit trying to steal our memes



Persians aren't Arabs. They're Persian.

Arabs are a mongrel race, yes, but they're all stupider than white people.

Yeah, theres also the arabs with white skin and blue/green eyes, and brown hair, mayhaps descended from greek or roman descent.


Whoever she belongs to, her face looks like the dark side of the moon.
Yeah, I played along with the idea that she's Bill's for the sake of making fun of that goddamn cunt. My phone autocorrects Reddit to capitalization. Not going to backspace and correct it to uncapitalize it to avoid being scrutinized as a shill. Filtered.

Hillary pissed off the wrong frog deity.

She's right that Trump is helping the terrorists by turning this into railing against immigration policy. It seems there's a good chance that this attack was done because of butthurt faggotry. The guy was barely a Muslim, but he was obsessed with the idea of the local authorities causing him trouble. It seems that this is a case of petty revenge aka butthurt rather than anything ISIS related. Trump is both getting the narrative wrong and actively helping ISIS by connecting them to this story. This terrorists is such a stupid fucktard that not even ISIS wants to claim him.

I always find it amazing that there are more Christians in Iran than in Israel. Even more amazing is that I've never heard of Iranians persecuting their Christians.

What the fuck user.

I was able to hit a plebbit thread with some jokes, tiny redpills and misc Trump musings.

Highest upvoted comment was a Trump joke and the most downvoted comment that caused ass blastage was "buh but NJ/NY are le nogunz!"

Apparently pointing out the gun control is a failure is "agenda pushing".

I'm not even a burger and I'm a nogunz too, kek.

Shillitary at DEFCON 2!

Persian empire got sacked and a lot of bloodlines diluted by arabic scum.
Most of the "mixed blood" are part persian, part arab.

Then they aren't really arabs, just people from the arabian penis.
Also aren't arabs technically related to one of the actually semetic tribes?

It's a train wreck of a face

fucking nerd

I smell plebbitor bullshit! You know how we can tell? It's a certain kind of smell. The "I can't tolerate people I disagree with" smell.

You wreak of that smell.

I'm sorry, can't hear you.

Stopped reading there.

"Mohammed" (and its variants) is actually the most common male name in the world, because mudslimes completely lack creativity

Semetic is just a word to refer to the common language of the descendants of Shem. Arabic, as well as Hebrew are Semetic.


Holla Forums needs to access the mainframe so we can send redpills this way.


What's that you say? You'll have to speak up.

Thanks for proving my point, assfaggot.

Still replying? I wouldn't know because you're filtered.

Thanks for policing my grammer. I did spell it wrong.


Those are some mighty fine digits for such shitty record correcting.

I have been busy trying to spread the diversity fireworks term around on kikebook.

Still asshurt, faggot?
I'm tempted to unhide, but you're not really contributing to the thread.

Kek confirms.

Yeah, everyone that is from the babylonian area has semetic blood mixed in one way or another.

It impossible to correctly classify which race arabs are unless you genetically test each one, but there is a good amount of jew blood mixed in from jew slaves. Not to mention that arabia wasliterally the global trade center of the old world
Many slaves passed through there amd served their merchants living there thus causing all the races involved in the old world to mix there and create modernday arabs. I bet the romans also sold white slaves from the west there too

Why do we allow this to keep happening?

How can you take revenge for something that never happened?

I made a game of thrones reference there but I guess you didn't catch it. 3subtle5u

Easily fatal.

Yeah… too many floppy weiners for me to watch that one and know that reference.

wew lad, might as well invite all of the slimes into your country and leave them to do as they wish in theirs under the watchful eyes of our Rabbi friends! :^)

Yeah, against the local authorities and everyone else for enforcing noise ordinances. It seems so far that he's just a guy who flipped out and also happens to be a Muslim. He's so incompetent that ISIS isn't even making any comment on the attack.

I read the books, the show is awful past the second season. Books 1-3 were amazing, I would recommend it to anyone.


I'm not sure, but I don't think revenge is actually the right word for committing violence after being having the law enforced. I would say 'retaliation' since revenge implies a counter-action for something wrong/unjust.

Hmm, well I received Song of Ice and Fire as a gift, I think that's book 1 so maybe i'll give it a go.

1,000+ retweets in three minutes



Anyone have a list going back as little as 2 years for all these mudslime bombers/shooters that were known to authorities while they committed their crimes?

It should be a crime of conspiracy for all these authorities that "knew".

You are what is wrong with society.

Hello, sandnigger..

Oh ok fuck that noise. I'll re-gift the pozzed book to someone I don't really care about.


Obvious terrorist attack
Obvious mudslime cuckoldry

fuck off kike

ASOIAF is the series. First book is 'Game of Thrones', second is 'Clash of Kings', third is 'Storm of Swords', fourth is 'Feast for Crows', fifth is 'Dance with Dragons', and the next two unreleased books will be named 'Winds of Winter' and then 'A Dream of Spring'.

It's unlikely that we will see book 6 or 7 from the fat man however because he is an awful writer and the show ruined all his enthusiasm for finishing, not that there was ever much to begin with.

Good points, user. There's a cluster of related words: vengeance, vendetta, retribution, retaliation, reprisal, requital, recrimination, redress.

What's the best word for what Samson did when he brought down the temple? Sometimes revenge is not simply justice applied to a perpetrator but is itself a hyperbolical, exaggerated act that is far in excess of the original deed. This is usually how revenge works in cinema. Kill Bill is a good example. The bad guys get what they deserve for having committed the original crime, but a whole lot of other people get brought down in the process.

I suspect that "butthurt rage" might be a more accurate phrase to descibe an idiot going wild and injuring complete strangers with a bomb.

"Muslim" would also be an accurate term


Not a Muslim.
Not a Kike.
Not CTR.
Not a Fed.






Police fail to do their job and get somebody dangerous off the streets. What a boot licker.

Hi. You’re CtR. Go kill yourself now.

It's true that Muslim men are brought up with codes of honor and respect that mean they get massively butthurt and rageful if they think someone is damaging their honor or the honor of their religion. It's why raging faggots are willing to die because of a Mohammed cartoon.

But the real question is of the motive of this guy. Was he defending Islam or was he an idiot with anger control issues? I don't think we know yet, though Trump is acting as though we do and this might backfire on him. At least they caught this guy alive so we can find out a lot more before they execute him in five years.

That fat cuck will never finish because he built it all up too much. No matter what he does, his pozzed ending will suck.

HBO will finish the story, and they are going to jew the shit out of it. I fully expect Valaryians=Jews next season.


Eat shit and die

ctr faggot

They'll get him to say he was a long wolf (he wasnt) and that the jews are cool (they aren't) and that it was racist white peoples fault.


They already ruined all hope I had for the series by killing the Dornish prince. How will they introduce that Targ prince who is backed by Varys if the Dornish prince is dead? Show is completely off the rails in a bad way.

Bravo D&D!


look at the wide nose base and hair. Thats a light skinned arab

You k=notice how all of these guys are known to the officials?
Either its a standard lie, which is failed by reality, or its boot licking.

Oh thank you Mr policeman for doing your job now, after the attacks, not earlier when the guy came on radar. Your service means so much to us.

Where's Trump's business savvy? You fire assholes that only work after a major disaster instead of preventing it.

THe guy is obviously a fucking idiot. They caught him because of the phone on the unexploded bomb and fingerprints he left on the bomb. He's going to have left a massive trail of connections electronically and in person. I'm sure they have his computer and other devices too. If he's part of a cell, I'm pretty confident we're going to find out. I want to know more about the arrests on the Verrazano Bridge. Then we'll know if this is a terrorists cell or a lone raging faggot.

I'm happy to concede that being a Muslim might have contributed to his entitled ragefulness after feeling some slight or insult, but I still don't think we know the full motive. We will soon.

that sounds serious

bullfucking shit. Once they discover it was a terrorist cell, do you think the police are going to share that with us? These fucking cucks wouldn't even call it terrorism until they could no longer deny it.

They are all pozzed. If it was a cell, you will never know. They want you to feel safe, goyim, no muzzies are out to get you. (they want to get their mudslime numbers higher so we all kill each other) (((they))) really want us all dead

These "Bombings" are meant to control you. They are not organic events.

They are part of the Narrative being constructed by the establishment to make sure they get the TPP, Syria/Russia War, and Hillary Clinton into office.

Open your god damned eyes.

You already lost, defeatist.

Being such a slimy reptilian skinned kike that you feel compelled to post two pictures of your skin because of your dirty conscience. Sorry pale jew, you still look like a cave dweller who gets no sunlight because they have no breaks at JIDF HQ.


Were you a fatty at one point? Just curious.

Why wouldn't they tell us it's a cell if it is a cell? That information, if true, would be important for the safety of everyone. Do you think our government doesn't want to keep us safe or that law-enforcement officers don't want to reduce crime? Doesn't make any sense to me, user. Your position seems -off-your-meds paranoid.

I knew what you were when I started but I fucking touched the cancer anyway.


Well, the Philistines gouged out his eyes, and oppressed the Isrealites. I think revenge would be suitable.

Muslim. If being forced to abide by our Law is considered injury or wrong; it just proves that all Muslims should actually be exiled from the USA. It's actual crazy talk, literally nigger-tier, to seek revenge for having the Executive powers enforce the Law.

I called it months ago, "Memes" is going to be a cover of the NYT trying to give a bird's eye view of the explanation of meme magick.

Fair modification. Samson was wanting to kill the Philistines, though not every single one of them necessarily wanted him dead. They were seeking justice through vengeance and restitution; Samson was seeking more and more vengeance. There was no possible equilibrium for Samson, so the violence just kept escalating until eventually the main parties were dead.

He's right though. Hezbollah is an Iranian-backed Lebanese army with the purpose of keeping Israel from annexing Lebanon. Only Israeli shills call them a terrorist organization.

This, PPl who think don is just mimicking hitler and hiring goebbles for shits and giggles are retards, go read The America That We Lost you faggots, he IS building an army.


"I wanted to show that i too, was prepared for the other case."-Adolf Hitler

Hezbollah are literaly Natsocs you retard, they just happen to be muslim also.

Thank you for "correcting the record", the important thing is that Trump wins the election.

We've just solidified the cuckservative vote and the scared soccer-mom vote (although that one may not be so obvious at the polls)…

Go back to cuckchan or /liberty/, we're the ones Donning the jackboots, and it'll be glorious once we go stomping on faggots, feminists and mudsharks' heads.

I hope there's more focus on the smug anime side of memes in the future. I won't be satisfied until anime girls cause a moral panic.

It's not a modification, you 'tard. It's what is actually written.

Uhmmm Samson was entrusted by God to protect the Isrealites. The Philistines used Delilah to capture him, and cut off his magic hair. They tortured him, and then retardedly forgot about his magic hair. He then prayed to God, once, and God talked to him. His hair grew back by the time of some stupid celebration where they parade around their war tribute, which included Samson. That's when he pulled down the building on everyone.

I've got friends who are police officers and most of them are just good people doing a hard job because they believe in their communities and want to keep people safe. I'm not at all tin hat about this. Sometimes police officers or government figures fuck things up, but most of the time they're trying not to.

Samson's revenge just kept on going. It didn't have an end point.
"And when he came unto Lehi, the Philistines shouted against him: and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and the cords that were upon his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire, and his bands loosed from off his hands.
15 And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith.
16 And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men." Judges 15

I agree that this buy sounds like he didn't have basic respect for the law. I'm still curious to know the details of why. It matters for what kind of criminal we can consider him to be.

All the kvetching over MAGA Asuka have already obliterated my sides. I don't know how much more I can take before my sides permanently give up the ghost.

Uhh yes it did. He died fulfilling his Earthly duty: defending the Israelites from the Philistines. I'm pretty sure it's written he killed more Philistines with his personal sacrfice than all he had slain in battle.


Samson was already destroying Philistines before Delilah tricked him and he was blinded and shorn. For me, it's uncertain if these earlier acts can be understood as revenge or just general rage and aggression. Pulling down the temple was definitely revenge, though fairly indiscriminate. ("And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life.")

Still, the motives of Ahmad Khan Rahami aren't clear enough to satisfy me. Hopefully we'll know in the next day or so.

Here's how the media will spin it:

They tried the same in Germany some time ago and it failed, because massive ISIS ties were uncovered.
This time, the guy seems quite lone-wolfy so they can spin the tale of radicaliziation because racism. Watch out for it

4898bd, all you have done is come to this thread and call people CTR while talking about Game of Thrones.

I wouldn't say obese, but I dropped 50 lbs last year and quit smoking to get ready for the happening. Why?

The whole thing is a lie.
They didn't even get anyone with the first (((bomb))).
I am guessing that there was some kind of signals crossing and 1 of the guys blew his bomb too early and fucked up the narrative. So they had to blow another one last night to make it "cohesive".
Hardly anyone was killed in these "attacks" we have no video of the bombs we have no pictures of wounded.
Vid related is what an actual attack looks like.

How cute. You believe the establishment who controls and counts the votes is going to hand over the keys to the white-house based on the will of the people. Trump has the votes of the people already. Those won't be the votes reported though. They will make up numbers and lie that Hillary won. How do you dispute that? You can't when its electronic.

It must be nice to live in a little make believe fairy land where your vote counts and the United States government isn't attacking its own citizens.

This is why Donald Trump is building an Army faggot.
Find your balls and fight for your lands and people.
We have to drive out the Mexicans(too many to gas them all), exterminate the blacks/muslims, and turn Israel into glass if we ever want to get control of our country back.

It ended when he died, but that wasn't the logical end point of the revenge itself. Revenge usually has a limit based on a concept of justice (as in the Hammurabic code, which encodes a concept of blood justice and eventually the foundations of modern law), but Samson would just go on killing Philistines wherever and whenever he could. This sounds more like war than revenge.

Hilldog goes to prison.

What's so hard about understanding the fact that the Philistines were oppressing the Isrealites, and Samson was tasked with defending the Isrealites?

Yeah see he killed more shitskins with his personal sacrifice than he did defending the Isrealites in combat.

Then you're either a) a mudslime yourself, or b) an enemy sympathizer practicing subversionary tactics by feigning ignorance.

Pick one.

I'm guessing you didn't read the books. The books are a lot less lewd and faggy than the show. If anything, the book is more food porn than actual porn since half the book is that fat fuck's imagination going wild about lamprey pies. You're right though, I read the books in high school. It was an interesting story, nothing deep but there were cool aspects to it. The whole Targ / Lannister incest thing is an attempt to broach the topic of racial purity in a roundabout way. Cersei / early Jaime fucked each other because they viewed everyone else as subhuman until Jaime got his arm lopped off.

I read Moby Dick and Dorian Gray this year as well, what have you read my lazy friend?


The logical end wasn't the logical end? I'm sorry, Rabbi, you'll have to elaborate on that. I'm not trained in the arts of Jewish mental-gymnastics.

For as long as the Philistines oppressed the Isrealites…

Don't worry about it, user. It's obvious this ID is either a troll, some dumb asshole, or a genuine Semite using mental gymnastics to get his own books wrong for the six millionth time.


Yes down by the railroad tracks. But look for the sign. Where no cars may park.

It's clear what Samson did. What isn't clear to me is whether that's better labeled as warfare / attacking your enemy or revenge / getting even for a prior wrong. I think it's a complex question.

Not everyone killed by Samson was killed defending the Isrealites in combat. Some of them were collateral damage or extras who were Philistines.

None of the above. I'm wanting truth here so we don't make political mistakes, like thinking that Iraq has WMDs and starting a massive war as a result of this mistake.

Revenge is a concept as well as a practice. The conceptual end point of Samson's revenge didn't exist because he conceived of his revenge as ongoing and generalized, rather than as a specific eye-for-an-eye retribution. But in practice, Samson's revenge ended when he died himself. I find this shit interesting, even if it does seem pedantic. It's about the concept of justice. What constitutes a just response in the face of a wrong?

As I read Judges, this wasn't time limited or action limited. Samson was raging mad and was going to keep killing fucking Philistines as long as he could. This is a weird version of justice and not the same version that appears in other parts of the Old Testament.

Fuck me I need to watch bladerunner again.

Oh boy another pressure cooker bomb.
Where have we see those before?

I mean fug.
Look at the trail of blood on the ground from all the people being carried up the street in wheelchairs with severed legs.


Feigning ignorance about war now? Fucking cuck.

No you don't.

Good. Collteral damage is a fucking politlcally correct Jew term used to subvert people by tugging at their heart-strings. War is a fucking bloody, horrible mess, and there are no innocents in war.



How the flying fuck do you know what Samson thought? God told him to kill Philistines. You're literally arguing against the Word of God and pretending like you don't understand. You're a fucking kike.

Wow everything you do stops when you die. YOU'RE SO SMART!

No you don't. It's not pedantic, and this is the last reply you get from me because you're now quite obviously a kike shill.

Enforcing the Law is just.

Because God told him to do so, and gave him magic strength to do it with.

You think God is weird because you worship Satan in your synagogues.

…aaaaaand filtered.



Because the police just let Journalists hang out and take pictures in areas they are searching for (((bombs))).

This shit is a fraud.

So it's all a plot to get Trump elected? I'm okay with that.

Batman. Listen closely. It's Robin. The three ships hiding under a veil. By the train tracks. It's capped off. Why now if for years there was dynamite shacking the foundation. Quick you must be to save the nation.

He wasn't on the Radar?
Looks like we need to give up more constitutional liberties and increase spending for total surveillance of the domestic population.
Why weren't there cameras inside the homes of these terrorists?
Why aren't all citizens outfitted body cameras all the time?

Or we could simply stop importing third worlder scum into the country, deport the ones here and in the meantime racially profile the rest.

No, they will rig the vote for Hillary.
People will vote for Trump, but they will report that Hillary won.

This is just Lube to reset the news cycle from Hillary's worst week of her campaign and for after the rigged elections / 2017 when Hillary goes full Zionist in Syria and pushes Russia into a hotwar.

Just out of curiosity I used the eyedropper tool in photoshop to get the color from your skin and an actual piece of poop and they're an exact match.

If it's brown, flush it down.

It could be a ploy to distract from the fact that King Nigger almost started WW3 by bombing the Syrian outpost then again, mudslimes.

Those pressure cookers weren't bombs, the poor guy was just trying to open a new branch of his fried chicken restaurant in New York by putting cookers full of fried chicken in dumpsters. It would have worked too, if it hadn't been for those meddling bums.

We should do that anyway, but don't think for a single moment that this was a real event.

The timing is way too suspicious and it benefits Hillary significantly.
The snowballing of her Deplorables Comment + Falling over and shitting her pants on the street has been stopped.
Hell, now they get to talk about wars for Israel during the presidential debates instead of Emails / Clinton Foundation / Immigration / TPP / Jobs.


Also, there isn't enough vote rigging in the world to get that cunt into office.

Sounds legit>No, they will rig the vote for Hillary.

It's a 100% real event. Fight me.

More false flags, gotta scare the plebs into voting it all away.

I disagree that this helps Hillary's campaign, the fact that she and Obama have both tippytoed around mentioning terrorism and Muslims while New York officials have been very straightforward and blunt about both of those things just makes Hillary look like an idiot who doesn't care about American lives.


If it was staged, I have to believe they would have staged deaths. Nobody died.
If it was staged, more fake bombs would have went off. Only 1 did.
If it was staged, there would have been more news coverage. It was nonexistent to the MSM until they HAD to cover it.

I am getting real sick of faggots who claim every fucking happening is a false flag. Some things actually happen and aren't staged. False-flagfags are starting to look like leftist shills.

Yes, false flags are real. But not every goddamned event is a false flag. This event didn't have any of the classic FF indications. Fucking idiots.

What are you NOT DOING right now that you WERE DOING on Friday before these (((real islamic bombs))) went off?
Talking about Hillary Clinton's emails, Hillary Clinton's health, Colin Powell's emails, Wiki Leaks, Deplorables etc…

What was Trump talking about/doing before these (((genuine terrorist attacks))) happened?
Getting Jobs for everyone and making huge gains with ethnic voters.

What does this event do?
Well now Trump has to stop his black outreach and focus on Muslims again… the very people Hillary Clinton wants to invade.

You're a fucking faggot. Stop posting and kill your family, then yourself.

nothing different lol

Fuck Hillary in her dusty old asshole by making her look like a retard who can't deal with terrorism in addition to being deathly ill.

You guys gon fuk?

3 bombs went off this weekend user.
Are you one of those low-information posters?

I can't believe you are falling for this.

Okay, only one injured anyone.

Explain the bombs that didn't go off and explain why nobody died like the BM bombing.

Explain the lack of news coverage.

Explain why a big deal wasn't made of this if it's a false flag.

Explain why none of the classic FF indicators are present.

Believe it


He's right though, there was more than one bomb this weekend. One at the marine charity rune and one in Chelsea. I think the third was a controlled demo of some of the bombs found around the chicken place IIRC.

As Long as Trump didn't jump to conclusions, that would be unpresidential.

WTF you talking about nigger, I'm still talking about Hillary's emails. There's a sticky about them right now that's moving just as fast as this thread.

An incompetent shitskin chicken bomber is not a terrible surprise schlomo, Muslims are super-stupid inbreds so they fuck things up. No reason to think it's a false flag.

Nah. He knows the correct number of bombs that went off but he's wrong and gay.

Oh he was one of those 'false flag' retards. Yeah, it's not a false flag, you're right about that.


these #ProjectMurphy memes are cancer, lads.

This is so fake its almost funny.

I can only imagine how awesome it was to squeeze that burst off on that fucker. Imagine being so in the moment that when the sight picture lined up you didn't even need to think about it, the lizard part of your brain pulled the trigger automatically, like god himself took control of your limbs.
I'm probably just projecting the feelings from my best deer kills to some ancient mudslime kill video though.




this is just like Europe, this is just exactly the same thing! Islam wherever it goes delivers death! To think they would have the keys to the kingdom in 30 years!

They're going by that jew calendar.

Why do these sandnigs have to bomb NJ? We're shitty enough as is, we don't need explosions making our shittier cities shittier

He was pissed off because they wanted to keep their restaurant open 24/7 and the city ruled that due to noise complaints and crowd control issues, they had to close at 10 pm.

No I am not kidding.

Just think what would have happened if NYC had less thieving niggers. Diversity works! :^)

I'm inclined to think she's an Area 51 experiment with that horrendous mug.

I managed to catch you hunting on film.
Kind of hard to see because of the camouflage though.


Definitely not an argument.
I'll just chalk this one up as a win.

Acne at relatively old age is psychopath trait due to high adrenal testosterone levels (for both male and female.) Seriously Holla Forumsacks should study the actual psychopathy way more, it has been really shilled topic for who knows how long.

Stop acting like a faggot.

Why wouldn't she make it an alt-right frog posting white supremacist?

Planetarian is decent too, and it's only 5 episodes.

That does not appear to be the case.

Remember when Dylan Roof shot up Charleston?
Remember how the TPP Fast-Track was being voted on that very same day?
No you don't because all you remember was Charleston.
Kind of a sensational news story

Remember when Donald Rumsfeld came out and said $2,600,000,000,000 was missing from the Defense budget on September 10th, 2001?
Remember when those (((guys in caves))) melted steel beams with Jet Fuel?

Remember how James Comey said Hillary Clinton gave non cleared people access to classified information intentionally?
Remember how 4 hours later Dallas cops were getting "sniped" then they blew up the nigger with a bomb-robot?
Kind of a sensational news story

Remember how Hillary Clinton fell over dead at the 9/11 memorial and disappeared for a week after calling half the nation deplorable and then Obama bombed U.S. Allies fighting (((ISIS)))?
Remember how 3 Bombs in multiple cities and a 8 people stabbed in a mall happened right as it looked like Hillary's campaign was over?
Kind of a sensational news story

Oh look, its the 'natural rights exist' guy!

Point and laugh.

This is why shes blowing up multiple cities and getting away with it and why you are not.
We have already proved the FBI is in her pocket.
Don't tell me Clinton can't get away with bombing U.S. Cities.

Hillary Clinton needs people to hate ISIS and needs people to get their 9/11 bloodlust going if shes ever going to provoke Russia into a hot-war and with an invasion of Syria.
She doesn't need people's support or votes because this is a coup. The election will be rigged in her favor.
Doesn't matter how many people support Trump when their votes will be thrown in the trash.
"Well maybe there is… I don't know."

Shes just lubing up America so she can hit the ground running with her (((foreign policy objectives))) come January 2017.
We need to be memeing revolution and the day of the rope… not foreign wars for Israel.

it always surprises me to see how dumb people can be reach a new low

If it's a FF it's the worst thought out one in awhile, They get a Muslim guy to be their patsy for the bombs? Does that not completely prove Trump's point?

People aren't focusing on Illary, but they're doing it for all the right reasons, Trump is the much more attractive candidate

better be better then yesterdays piss poor display


Don't know if this is public yet, but the idiot used a personal cell phone on one of the cookers in NYC. And they caught his whole family rushing to JFK.

You are blinded by race.
They are not trying to convince you of anything.
They are just trying to give the media a reason to stop talking about Hillary.
While controlling the topics being discussed on the right.

Everyone has already made up their minds about Muslims at this point.
Nobody is middle ground on that one.

You either are a SJW brainwashed Zombie and believe Muslims are a religion of peace
You are against importing Islam and it's sharia jihad.

When it turns out to be a Muslim most of the right turns into image related and starts chest beating about how it was a Muslim and attacking the Left for not calling them Terrorists.

It shuts down discourse if its a muslim.
The right would be energized if it was a white guy.
They would call it a fake openly.
It would push the "revolution meme" that Trump was testing on Friday night in Miami(youtube.com/watch?v=xUAZaPvhmAY)

user of many smugs, why would the media be giving it so little coverage? why isn't the president talking about it?

All I can say is I'm confused. I did my time serving shlomo but never ended up deployed in
the sandbox. I was only trying to convey that I can relate to the perfection of that M249 kill through the perspective of my own pursuit of more noble animals.
I can only assume that you believe that I am attempting to to recruit the posters and lurkers here to kill one band of semites to benefit the other. That is far from the truth, I may have benefited from the martial training I received but I also had to resist the poz load they attempted to inoculate me with at the same time. If you are strong of will and morals you may end up with a positive outcome but I doubt that the majority of new recruits can resist the poz.
Could it be that you are the Jew?

Then why was CNN just talking about how polls say that Trump beats Clinton 51 - 45 on the issue of terrorism? Then went on to say that Hillary's inability to name the towelhead and fear of being called a racist for profiling was indeed, a weakness?

Nigger these attacks have turned the spotlight back on Hillary's failings and Trump's greatest strength. Even Clinton News Network has to admit it.

They are giving it the front-page treatment.
Where are you looking that I am not?

I was wondering why some chicken joint would want to stay open 24 hours but now I've got my answer.

Suspect’s Restaurant Inspired and Hosted Rappers


"what we know" from reuters

Vid Related:

now he's being cyber-bullied, the poor thing


The only proper response for retards like .

absolutely not terrorism

Un-filter me when you come back with an argument.
Until then stay in your safe space so the critical thinkers can talk.

why are the mods sliding happening threads and good threads for dogshit threads like britpol the retarded cunt niggers

The mods aren't sliding with brit/pol/, but I am wondering why this isn't still stickied. Tons of information is coming out today and if they don't want 39024845 threads made about it, it would be wise to leave this stickied.


Remember when people told you the mods are paid shills and you didn’t listen?

You should have listened.

You’re an avatarfaggot with nothing meaningful to say who is quite obviously shitposting in favor of dune coon acceptance. Reported.

MIDF confirmed. Somebody get the Raid.

Its been stickied all day.
I guess this is the narrative the shills want to push today huh?

Trust me, user, no one here sees you as anything other than a pathetic waster. Your pissy, petty little ego shines through every post and brands you as a faggot little neckbeard pussy. Go fuck yourself and quit derailing the thread with your faggotry.



Does anime trigger you (((user)))?

No bombing charges… what a shocker.

Now this makes no sense at all.

Didn't he injure 25 people? Isn't that 25 counts of attempted murder?

Like I said user.
This whole story is bullshit.

Reported for obvious disinfo shill.

Every post has an anime .jpg attached. He's switched IDs at least once. I just keep filtering him.



If you watch the press conference from earlier, that's New Jersey getting those charges out of the way first so they can focus on the terrorism charges.

The bombing charges are still to come.

Yes, now put the memes in bag slowly

Image related.


The goal is to get Trump elected.
Trump is an "anti-terrorism anti-immigration" candidate
This event gives more strength to Trump's candidacy.

I am not seeing the problem.

tfw when the media finally has to admit the attacks in NY. NJ and MN are all islamic terrorism and this chaos is going to help Trump even more.

NY Daily News' high yellow house nigger crying because cops didn't kill the haji like they usually do with chimping street niggers.

Can African-Americans get a little of that Ahmad Khan Rahami treatment?


It’s entirely possible that they’ll treat them just like Benghazi and ignore them for the rest of the cycle.

This has to be the most retarded shit I've read in a while.

That is because you are operating under the pretense that the electronic voting machines owned by George Soros are going to count votes for Trump accurately.

I on the other hand believe they will rig the election and that Hillary's campaign is merely trying to keep it appearing as if it is neck and neck(its obviously a Trump landslide) with assistance from fake polls. When it turns out that (((Hillary is the winner))) they will point to the polls and the reporting that it was close the whole time.

She doesn't need support.
She has the media painting that picture to make the rigging look legitimate.

See these posts for how it benefits Hillary:

It's not uncommon for prosecutors to go for fewer charges/lesser charges to make convictions easier, happens all the time. Jurisdictions also work together (decide not to charge for this or that) to make things go smoother especially in cases where no one died.
Probably what happened is that of the injured count, none had life threatening injuries and only a handful had serious injuries. The rest probably had like scraped knees and popped eardrums and shit.
Why do you gays try to make everything out to be a false flag?

90% of it is just disinfo shilling. Anything to shit up discourse.

I think it's pretty clear to the majority of the country that Trump is by far the most popular candidate. Only 6 percent of the American people trust the media, which is unheard of. Trump has been bashing the media his entire campaign. Even if we're to pretend that Hillary legitimately wins, I think nobody is going to fucking believe it.

If Trump doesn't win, we're going to have chaos. This election cycle is a win win for us. If Hillary gets in, somehow, you're going to see major shit go down. The American people are armed and angry, and Trump is both the only thing currently keeping them in check and also the mirror held up to show us just how many of our compatriots actually exist.

Yea thats not how Federal Prosecutors work at all user.
They drop their biggest load possible on your face and scare you into signing a plea bargain.

97% of all Federal criminal prosecutions end in plea bargains without going to trial because of intimidation by the prosecutors.



Has anyone found whether he is a CIA asset, like others?

I agree. If they rig it for Hillary we have to go full RWDS and revolt openly.
We can not let her replace 3 supreme court justices.
It is OVER if Hillary gets in office.
No more pussy footing around if that happens.
Everyone of us has to be armed on the street corners with a megaphone at that point.
States must start seceding, even towns and counties may have to also.

Hillary won't legitimately win. She will rig it.
Half the democrats voted for Sanders and they loathe the cunt.

This "event" is just too well timed.
It shifted the cycle off Hillary's weakness and onto the masked boogeyman in the middle east.
Which benefits Clinton if she is going to rig it because it lets the media have a breather from lying to cover up her shit.

I think that is just the assumption(shills excluded).

animetard please see

These are STATE charges he hasn't be charged federally yet. This guy is never seeing the light of day again.

Ok they are state charges then.
Our courts are a joke. That is the point I was trying to make.

he was just a class clown, chill out goys

Isn't their normal MO to not name the perpetrator or his origins if muslim?

Do you think this is directly related to the fag manifesto false flag? They're trying to move the blame off the poor gays?

Can we use this in the future to force their hand, blame the next bombing on BLM so they're forced to publicly CTR back to muslims when the truth comes out?

So they want to push the narrative of radicalization in foreign countries.

I guess that means we can't stop (((terrorism))) unless we take our military to those foreign countries.

Good thing have been fighting a war in Afghanistan for 15 years. Looks like its (((paying off))).

Every single time something major happens there's always 2 or 3 Jones-tier autists that immediately start screaming false-flag no matter what. There's no reasoning with them.

Top Kek

fuck off autist

My sides are gone.

no u



More from Flee Jones, who is reported y media sources to be a friend of our boy Ahmad.





Yes that is exactly what they do.


>This shit happens, one of the bombers happens to be in perth fucking amboy, literally less than an hour from where I live

I… uh…

But it serves Trump

See this post where I responded to the exact same thing you just said already.

Mine was in 2012 in a public pool with my cousin in a floatie. Why?

Attack me all you want, I won't support any semites. Your first pick is clinton's plant trying to pretend his shitskin son didn't get real Americans wounded and killed by stroking his authority penis "inspecting" soldiers on duty. That retard walked in front of actual soldiers to try and stop a durka durka that blew through a checkpoint by motioning him to slow down. Any retard seeing that citation should be able to read between the lines and see it for the bullshit it is.

I can't make new threads for some reason. There's a bomb threat in Utah, snipers in position. Suspect seems to be a bearded guy in a dress. It was being streamed in faceberg but they were asked to get away from the windows and that stream is down. Anyone has any info about this?

I got dumped really badly by a wave in 1998, but washed up on shore. Dunno if I'd call it a near-death experience, though.

No, but i almost drowned in 2003

How did you make that gif?

It's certainly believable but I've always felt there's no value in proving the fact of a FF, besides when it comes to finding out the responsible actors and motives. Either way, the bombs happened.

It does take the attention of Hillary's abysmal campaigning last week and the major drops in the polls, but it's also an opportunity for Trump to bring back muslims into the discourse and provides more ammunition for the incoming debate. He can easily force her into a corner by either appearing weak on the islamic question or alienating her libtard religion of peace audience.

Is it proof they're planning to steal the election? I don't think so. If we assume it is a FF, it's still unclear if the intention was simply to get any bad publicity off Hillary, and not specifically the publicity of the gap in the polls that would make her stealing the election obvious.

But again, there's no reason we shouldn't operate on the assumption that she's planning to steal the election, if possible, anyway. The question is: what can we do to either (A) prevent it or (B) maximize the likelihood of a DOTR if it is stolen?

There is also the lingering stance of accelerationism, would it be better to jettison Trump altogether and allow for a Hillary victory but in such a way that would heavily stoke the flames of revolution? Would a Trump victory serve to be nothing more than a temporary plug gap when we're so close to the dam already breaking?

He probably recorded something, cropped it and made it into a gif with a custom palette

Shit son, I highlighted all your posts and read through them and can't find anything wrong with the content, only your shill like demeanor. If you hadn't denigrated my joy in killing as some jewish conspiracy it would have been all right.
This obviosly is some hyped up bullshit meant to take the heat off of hillary's shit-fucked campaign. No one even died.

I don't think so. I've pondered this a lot, tbh. If Trump gets elected and does 25% of what he says he will do (i.e. build a wall and bring some properity back), I think you'll see a tremendous approval rating. If he does, expect him to be elected to two terms. When that's up, fresh blood will have arrived in Washington. Someone is taking notes on what Trump is doing right now and will be looking to expand on his work in the same vein as Trump.
If Trump pulls us out of this shitty mess we're in, it will have what I'm calling "The Reagan Effect." After Reagan's success in the 80s, his brand of cuckservatism and economics was a juggernaut among DC republicans and shaped politics for the last 30 years.
I fully expect many more promising politicians that will emulate Trump. Some will go slightly more to the center and some will go even farther right. It will be our job to shape political discourse in such a way that brings those even farther right than Trump while adopting his policies and extending his policies farther to the right until we get where we want.
Trump is only a catalyst. He's the firestarter. We must fan the flames until we get our Hitler.

Not much info - bomb threat from someone who walked into elementary school, school evacuated, nobody hurt. No word on suspect's disposition.



He said something similar about encryption.

It wont be him deciding but the rank and file cops. Has anyone here ever had a cop bother them?

GifCam, it's a simple as fuck little program.


Might be anzu jaama

The audience of fox news, that american public, knows exactly what trump means when he says he'll have people with "bomb websites" arrested.
They know he means shitskins, so cool out.
Deal with it, that American public agrees with Trump. You can keep your bomb chat to IRC like a normal person



meme it, faggots

twitter army assembly. trump's whole team must know about this. great angle. trump is always going on about STUPID LEADERS. The cops knew the score but (((grand jury))) let him go and look what happened! Trump must use this I'm so hyped for the debate hnngngngng


I just saw this fucking bullshit in my RSS feeds.






Yep, that's an absolutely unacceptable attitude.

The only thing that should be taken as a new normal is the extermination or expulsion of the fuckers causing problems.

And fuck the AP for pushing that bullshit.

Every time


his friends ain't laughing anymore

sandniggers the ultimate mixtape pranksters



give me the jewtube link for this now


Why would he shoot a police officer? He was only wanted for questioning. It was Islamophobia that made him think he wouldn't get a fair shake with the police. Trump is responsible! Vote Hillary at every precinct you can.