I dont understand these bitches. Whats her problem?
Have rape fetish
Other urls found in this thread:
Test tbh
Because she grew up and understood how society views those relationships. She will now have legit problems, it doesn't matter if she thought she wanted it at the time. This is why the age of consent is a thing.
Is there more to this story that OP didn't let on or are you just talking out of your ass?
theirs a lot more to this story if the judge knew the whole story her parents would be questioned
This tbh
I dont really buy her crying shit
Im also surprised she wasnt charged distributing actual chilled prawns (no, not the pics of herself she sent, but fucking shee pees)
Are underaged girl "victims" immune to that?
i saw her stuff from last year and i didn't even believe she was actually a child until i was the news article awhile ago
shits fucked
Her parents let her neckbeard adult boyfriend over at their house house.. for months. He was only caught because someone reported her facebook.
Adult or child, stay away from chan attention whores. They are not well.
Judging by the things adult women are immune to like going to prison for statutory rape you'd think underage girls could literally get away with murder.
Yeah shes really underaged, but i wont categorize her as a child.
Shes quite intelligent and mature for her age.
She knows what shes getting into.
I feel sorry for her but since I know what she did before the bf arrest and shit happened, it just the crying vid rubs me wrong.
I dont buy her shit.
Hmm, i didnt know that bit.
Sauce fam?
Thought they just secretely meet
U wouldnt see her as a victim if u know the backstory.
If you knew the whole story he'd be the victim tbqh
lol no, she's the victim. that guy was a grown ass man
Did he know she was only 14? Yes. End of fucking story. Unless she put a gun to his head, she's the victim. The adult should have fucking known better.
forgive me for not thinking a relationship which when on for several months was actually him abusing her
Ofcoursed he ought to be "punished" by the kaw and im not saying the Big Guy's a victim of all this.
I mean, i understand that to the law pursuing a (sexual) relationship with a girl that is not of age is illegal, and he took vids /picsof them fugging. Thats illegal of course.
But like i said it just rubs me wrong how she present herself as a le innocent victim on that vid, and she now blames the Big Guy, when on the start she defends him, and saying shes partly to blame too cause she actively seeks him and said she really love him.
Shes a traitor. And a huge whore.
She cute tho ofc :D
Excuse my typos and spellings. Im on phone tbqhwy now fams
yes she was underage but did he actually abuse her
This is why pedos are fucking retarded. Teen girls are psychos. Their emotions are all over the place and if you're an adult fucking one, you deserve to get fucked for your own stupidity of walking into that emotional minefield.
Yes, as she's not old enough to give consent then that makes her the victim.
she literally defended him.
this guy was sentenced falsely. its 100% her fault.
its not even rape if she went out with him.
then lets sentence her parents also for hosting him while he railed there daughter in the next room over
This is why moralfags are fucking retarded, pedos don't even go after teen girls you dumb shit thats what normal men do. And yes I mean normal men not american men who have been cucked by feminism into thinking women aren't attractive until the day they turn 18.
Cant blame the big guy. Shes beautiful.
The only problem is he got caught and bragged about having a relationship with her. Fucking faggot.
They should be held accountable as well.
Meant to quote u
To yhe law yeah, shes a "victim", but in reality shes not as innocent as she presents herself to be.
And she should to for letting him fuck her
She's not able to give consent. The law protects her there.
she can still be charged for producing cp but thats not happen
Tfw cyber cops have all of her nude vids and pics from her and bf's phones.
They wil keep it 4ever as evidence
In the US she would only be charged if she was sending it to other minors. To other adults and it's the adults fault for not reporting her.
Once more, the law allows for kids to make some mistakes, and expects adults to be the ones to act like adults
Don't worry they'll eventually run another pedo site on tor for a year again and post it all for millions of pedos to get off to so they can catch half a dozen people if they're lucky.
Thats the australian cyber cops tho :(
no they won't this is america not australia
They only ran the site for 3 weeks and only caught the people dumb enough to have not disabled Java Script,
Yeah she actually pursued other pedos online b4 this thing with her bf happened.
She sent nudes and lewd vids from what i understand. But she wasnt charged. The cops would know all her past activities if they really dug enough.
They've both hosted pedo sites and provided porn to way more pedos than they've caught.
wrong site where talking about crazymonk
Wel, lets hope theyll use those stuff as bait in the future, kek
I was talking about the US take down of Playhouse or whatrever forgot the name of the site.
2 weeks not 3
holy fuck lads i dodge a bullet with this turkish bitch.
Only proves that TOR is actually pretty safe (if you're not an idiot).
I don't think law enforcement has ever managed to get through TOR security except though user error (giving out too much personal info, linking traceable bank accounts, not turning off Java, etc).
Stories fag? Or rare pics
well i met her on facebook. I was her first orbiter in a sense but she was actually very nice, She lives in seattle, a red flag for crazy bitches and has a house from her father in florida.
crazy to think this is the girl i talked to
stay away from all 3dpd
they are a curse upon the earth tbh
U that fag from quad b?
You know they'd actually have public records of the number of arrests too if it wasn't so fucking embarrassing. Out of the over a million profiles we're only sure they arrested the 2 owners for making stupid slipups.
From the looks of things hosting the site for 11 months lead to nothing concrete which is why they desperately kept it up for so long just hoping people would be dumb enough to slip up.
yeah maybe
you know what fuck this bitch she fucking teased me and this was 12 fuckin year old
Stories fam tbh
Has she always been a slut based on your interactions with her b4 she became known as Ann F?
Also, i thought ur her no1 orbiter/stalker and have thousands of her pics, then u havent seen this Mahoney thing coming?
She's unstable. She got caught and get in trouble with her mom and so she's flipped from satisfying us for attention to satisfying her mom for attention. There are lots of girls like this. Don't stick your dick in crazy.
just don't stick your dick in a child, period
Nah, they're usually more stable than adult women.
i dont know. I know a girl who has rape fetish and w talked and she said "if u wanted to rape me, id just laet u" - kinda not rape, is it? And she wants some1 in a mask to do it, so its more rape-like, but imagine if u r with her and want to do a fake kidnapping and she gets traumatized?
Is it a problem with humans not being able to abstract waht u want froma situation? Like "i like going to school". Why? 'cuz my friends r there". So u like your friends, not the school. What u might like in rape is being overpowered 0 why not do tht, instead of letting some1 violate u and commit actual crime?
wheres the vid, where r the nudes?
idk she seems normal and we always joke around. She shows me vids about her on a free pitbullshow in florida some where in late 2014.
She seems a very normal girl but i think the attention beta cucks gave her, it made her crazy. When i ghosted her she even tried to contact me al though there is some irony in it.
i deleted it tho at 12 she watches porn and we talked about porn. This was a fucking 12 year old girl so i take back what i said of her being totally innocent.
FUCK she didnt even know what is a 4chan back then i kinda fueled the fire
Tell me about the porn bit fam. Im interested :DD
what kind of prons she watches?
This is all your fault. Lel
Also, why haven't you tried to form a relationship with her? Like an online BF. I know shes quite into that. She likes talking to older people online
You could've been the Mahoney guy , u fag. U could've made love to her.
i don't think she was really into it. Being the 14 retard that i am i brag about how cool and edgy incest was( the jews didnt propagate it that much at that time, now its everywhere).
Im too scared. I felt my first rejection at that time and i thought kate was too good for me.
and i was an emotional depressed faggot back then to the point that i look gaunty. Who knows maybe we could have grown together
Are you "Ben" fam?
So u've known her b4 she became the Ann Frank maymay rite?
Btw, u must be aware/know a fag called poki on mestercucks…
Mahoney is not Poki tho, right?
I thought it was him at first when i became aware of the news.
She's a bitch tbh.
Fuck all y'all white knights. She is a whore a she deserved what she got
fuck you Elliot
she got raped irl, that technically makes her an acyual victim
big if true
The sex was consensual faggot. Unless she beat her up and forced his fat body on her, but thats not the case here.
Remember, she defendednhim at first, then she change her story later on.
*unless he beat her up…
Massive if real
Imense if veridic
Huge if legit
she wants raped for real
Why is it deleted family?
Rule 2
Fuck you
But wha is tho exactly
What is it*
read the rules page
God damn this bitch is fake. Pursues sex with some fat greasy neckbeard, then tries to play victim when the shit goes public. Her Mom even knew & allowed the relationship. She's acting in this video.
Wonder if this Mahoney dude thinks it's worth sticking it in some psycho underage bitch now. All guys need to avoid Katherine / Ann Frank like the fucking plague for the rest of this lunatic's life. She's a walking false rape accusation waiting to happen for any retard stupid enough to hook up with her.
And reading the screen caps saying she loves him & wanted to marry him - then released this video 1 week later…yeah, fucking psycho cunt.
Her closing her eyes really hard to try and force out those crocodile tears is too obvious tbh
It also doesnt help that in this very vid, she says shes into acting and crating personas.
Who in their right mind/who is not a whiteknight cuck would take her crying seriously?
I love this story. This was you stupid pedo fucks fantasy. In one fell swoop this stupid little whore has shattered every retarded belief you had. You thought because she was underage, a virgin and flat chested that she would be loyal? That she would be dumber and easier to control and manipulate? That she'd settle for a lesser man like yourself because she wasn't what any functional man would find attractive?
That fat neckbeard fuck is getting his anus widened in prison, and you know damn well the same shit would happen to you. Where's her loyalty? This is a clearly spoiled little cunt who actively sought it out, and because normal functioning men would have nothing to do with this plain little twat, her only option was a morbidly obese greaseball. If you found this girl attractive, or the idea of her attractive, you're no better than that rotund fuck getting prison meals of semen and tossed salads every night right now because any girl who would be seeking this kind of thing out at her age has severe mental and emotional problems, and is only out for herself.
I hope the fat fuck kills himself in prison.
Rude tbh
you're mom
Im not ben and idk those people.
Damn i mean fuck. I think i should have really pursued her. She will of course break up with me and i will surely be devastated by it but she will at least her dumb decisions would be directed to scum like me
SHES ALSO A GYMNAST, heh missed chances
Yee, she's flexible
Btw, i thought ur ben cause ben fucks with her during the drama (when she activated her fb on and off again)
He antagonizes him and shiet, and he calls her katie, and it seem like they have previous connection. He is butthurt.
He does sound like u tho kek
*he antagonizes her and shiet
Is ben a cool guy? Why do i sound like him?
I really think if i did tap this pussy she wouldnt be in a mess she is right now
Connecting people was a mistake
Dunno really, but he's an ok fag i guess.
His kind of a typical chan fag and his fb is full of memes.
He is butthurt about the Mahoney thing, and said Katie deserve of of that shit cause she is a fake girl and manipulator. Thats all i remember. And i havent taken screenshots of his comments. I bookmarked his fb, but its gone now.
*he said Katie deserved all the shit that happened to her cuz she is a fake and manipulating bitch
She kinda is but do you guys now her last name? It would shock me if you still call her anne frank tbh
Are you an obese neckbeard like mahoney tho? Lel
Cuz if ur not, u dont have a chane anyway
Didnt really expect shes actually into " daddy" type fags, thought she was just memeing.
she never posted on Holla Forums. just masterchan and 4chan
Oh well im skinny as a twig
t. fatass
I know her last name ya. Im obsessed with this girl and orbit her heavily last year.
I dropped her now though cuz of the mahoney shite. Fuck her. But im still interested in habbening about her. ayy
Yeah shes a roach
Im a skinny fag too tbh
Tfw katie would never shag us
Also, with concentrated autism, i found her moms name and know what she do for work.
She seems like a career woman tho. I thinkshe wasnt always around her kids, so katie grew up with memes and turned iut like that. Sad.
Ayylmao thats from mastercucks ya
Kate was close with her teacher. Maybe.
She said that her teacher made that famous meme i forgot whats its name lol
top kek
Ya that keyboard cat meme i think.
I dunno what its officially called
She really did grew up with memes, and got exposed to lot of edgy shit online early, cause her mom probably isnt there.
She called my autism "wild" in one of her youtube videos.
She knew about this site tho.
She posted on 4chan too? When? Archives?
Are a fat neckbeard, if not, ull never gonna fug her fam
It broke my heart that shes into them. Lucky fatties
I'm pretty fat and I have a neckbeard. Bet her pussy smells so fresh. Damn!
Fuck you bitch
I wish I had something to post here. I wish I could still give enough of a fuck to go off on some retarded flight of fancy and write some bullshit that sounds good but means nothing. But I am dead inside. There is nothing more I can scrape together to describe the sky queen. Even when I was arguing with myself I could come up with some pithy phrase to keep things going for years. For years and years and years I talked about her. There is nothing left in me. I talked with her friends. I talked with her family. I even once called Blockbuster Video CRAAAAWLEEEEEEEEEEEE ROAD and hung up. I can't even remember the names of most of the players. I can't remember which of the ones I remember were my sockpuppets. All I remember is that for a good part of ten years I loved you Olivia. Not the you you, but my image of you. You were alway 15 and perfect forever. Now you are old, broken, bitter, and very likely not attractive. It's funny you know. Even now as I profess to not care a still have a little day dream where I shave you from yourself and all your bad decisions. I know that would never happen. You are too jewy and will always fuck your own shit up and blame the men around you. Still I can have that day dream. After all there is no cracky, only the collective dream we have all been blessed enough to share. Well this was fun. This is the first time I have thought about you in two years.
Reminder to meme responsibly.
Btw, u said uve talked to her back when she was 12, and u talked about pron etc.
So do you know how she developed her raoe fetish/fantasies?
Was she didled by dad or maybe an uncle?
youre mom
Dont be mean to my mom
*rape fetish/fantasies
youre mom poop smell bad
No mate. Shes just a kid then shes still a kid now. I think you guys corrupted her
so this is the whole "shes into rape and was raped and now complains"?
i have never seen proof fetish u r mahoney internet defense force
Fuck u, according to you, ure the one who led her to 4chan
All of the shit that happened to her are half ur fault
I can confirm she have that fetish. Dont ask why.
I mean dont ask how i know, not why
Dunno how she developed it tho.
Nah pretty sure she whored herself on fb then betas started calling her anne frank but i called her a jew once not anne frank. Shes responsible for her decisions
Im kinda glad tbh
Ur bad
If you've not fapped to that new A&E Elizabeth Smart documentary yet, it's pretty gud.
Natascha Kampusch's story was better
I agree with this user. Girls that come here for attention have to be either super retarded or ultra ugly. Just like us but worse tbh
top cuck
I feel sorry for any future men who fall in love with this psychotic bitch
Bless this post.
She's just slightly imperfect fams
Imblying you're not a pedo neckbeard yourself
She's still whoring herself online? She looks almost of age here in some states.
Thats an old pic tbqh. And her fb is kill (again) since after she posted that crying vid.
What the fuck is wrong with dumbasses who flamboyantly post on the internet that get this ass blasted over a bunch of fucking trolls?
Let alone, what is a 13-15year old girl doing by herself with no adult supervision in her videos wearing sometimes lewd clothing trying to make her appearance to be desirable or attractive – let alone with a bunch of fucking Mac Books
Bitch had money quite obviously, fuck she needs to be crying for? Oh wait, AttentionWhoring.
I love how this bitch just reminded me of Dax Flame, that nigga was a good actor until people found out he just acted for Jewtube views and fame (in which he actually fucking played a part in one of those 21 Jumpt Street movies - look it up yourselves faggots)
But yeah
This bitch is just another Dax Flame, only shes straight up Jewish cosplaying as fucking Ann Franklin exerting sexual poses in videos revolving around her fantasy world.
abusive fag detected. nice is act but it never lasts
I abuse youre mom
Why there's so many Ann Frank look alike chan girls?
This girl
& Agatha asmr
goddamn why are pedo's so fucking ugly all the time
that's not true and your gay
that has to be fake, he's a rapist
he did nothing wrong tbh
train yourself to become gay and you will never have to worry about bitches again
What's wrong with you
Someone put the audio of this
Into this
sbe's live in fugbook rn tbh fams
tfw cant view cause i dont have the app
someone link this thread there fir the lols
Can somebody dump her pics/vids famalamadingdong?
(Not asking for lewds. I just think she looks cute. I wanna see the pics of her in the white skirt, etc.)
It would be a shame if someone with too much time on their hands forwarded damning information to the authorities and this poor young grills life was ruined.
Could be you dun goofed 2.0 tbqh.
Just bang her.
Fucc her rite in her 15 yo turkish mawth n pussi
fuck off child rapist
she's had lewds since 2015 and a large fb following someone has most likely already informed the police
why so many normies in this tread tbh
Like you?
Shes too young to actually be in a relationship, especially with a man who only truly wanted sex and something to dominate
Take it to /cow/ or kiwifarts
Will people get ban if they posted her noodles?
Can someone give me the full story?
I remember this girl from somewhere but kinda forget wtf she did.
Ann frank
I don't know why, but I wanna turn this girls pussy into a gusher
t. pedo
Would have been legal in France.
She said it herself.
She is just jumping on the 14 bandwagon going around right now.
pick one faggot
someone give up some googlin keywords
macbook ann
Ann Frank
Macbook girl
If youre hunting for her pics just go to quad bee
Shes got a thread there with a bunch of photos
What is this "quad bee" you speak of user ?
Good lookin out
Like all of these whores she did it for attention. And she whines when caught so she cries rape, She got what she asked the dude for, and I have no sympathy whatsoever. Fucking women, THIS FUCKERY is why I swore off of women.
Tfw its kill
She have mole on her ahole
Post it xD
Kill the heretic burn the witch
Can someone please explain the background and whatnot?
Wow, just go and fuck a dude already, you clearly like men.