This may be a big find

TL;DR in my last post, but please read this. It’s important to understand what we’re messing with.

I don't wanna turn this into a blog post, so I'll only post relevant shit. My grandfather was involved in some stuff, and by a stroke of luck I have a copy of a 1927 copy of Morals and Dogma of The Scottish Right. I've always been interested in the will-to-power concept and with the meme magic stuff I got more interested. Before I go further lets run over the basics.

The Ogdoag is made up of 4 male and female pairs, Nu and Naunet; Amun and Amaunet; Kuk and Kauket; and Huh and Hauhet.
All of the males are associated with frogs and all the females are associated with snakes.
Kuk caught our attention because his name is phonetically similar to kek and cuck, both of which have been in our vernacular prior to discovering "meme-magic."
The main point I want to make here is that all of the male deities are associated with frogs.

Amun is the member of the Ogdoad I would like to talk about. Looking back at past cultures you can often determine a decent amount of information based on names. Amun's name means "the hidden one" or "invisible" he is often associated with hidden powers.

"Amun, at first the God of Lower Egypt only, where Moshah was reared [a word that in Hebrew means Truth], was the Supreme God. He was styled as the celestial lord, who sheds light on hidden things… He untied all the attributes that the ancient oriental theosophy assigned to the supreme being… He created nothing, but everything emanated from him; and of him all other gods were manifestations." -Knights of the East and the West, MaDoTSR, Albert Pike

Through this, we can understand that Kuk (kek), being the bringer of light and symbol of chaos is nothing but a manifestation of Amun.

I would like to quote a page from Chapter 28, Knight of the Sun, Or Prince Adept

“What is called Magic is not a vain and chimerical act, as the Stoics and Epicureans pretend. The names SABAOTH and ADONAI were not made for created beings; but they belong to a mysterious theology, which goes back to the Creator. From Him comes the virtue of these names, when they are arranged and pronounced according to the rules….
Herodotus says that the Ancient Pelasgi built no temples and worshipped no idols, and had a sacred name of Deity, which it was not permissible to pronounce.
"The Initiated are bound to conceal the mysterious secrets. Learn, then, that ΙΑΩis the Great God Supreme, that ruleth over all."
The Jews feared that the Heathen would get possession of the Name: and therefore, in their copies of the Scriptures, they wrote it in the Samaritan character, instead of the Hebrew or Chaldaic, that the adversary might not make an improper use of it: for they believed it capable of working miracles; and held that the wonders in Egypt were performed by Moses, in virtue of this name being engraved on his rod: and that any person who knew the true pronunciation would be able to do as much as he did.
Josephus says it was unknown until God communicated it to Moses in the wilderness: and that it was lost through the wickedness of man.
The followers of Mahomet have a tradition that there is a secret name of the Deity which possesses wonderful properties; and that the only method of becoming acquainted with it, is by being initiated into the Mysteries of the Ism Abla…
AMUN, among the Egyptians, was a name pronounceable by none save the Priests.”
[end quote]

Theoretically this is why Amun is working through Kek, we aren’t sanctified priests, and thus we can’t use his name to it’s full potential.
Fun fact: Are any of you Christian? You utter his name every time you pray. “Amen” is a hebrew conjugate of Amun.

Anyway, notice how the Jews were scared of people getting the name? Apparently the god of the Jews and Amun have been at eachother’s throats for a while.
Amun is referenced in the Bible as an enemy of YHWH. Jeremiah 46:25 “The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, said: “Behold, I am bringing punishment upon Amun of Thebes, and Pharaoh and Egypt and her gods and her kings, upon Pharaoh and those who trust in him."

TL;DR and summery

This is important because it may explain why Holla Forums suddenly has power. Holla Forums has always known of the Jew, but alone we can’t do much as an anonymous amorphous force. Once “kek” was introduced to chan jargon -and associated with anti-semitism- the power of the Ogdoad began to manifest. Have any of you heard of the Philip experiment? It was a test of paranormal phenomena wherein researchers created a “ghost” by making up it’s life story and convinced themselves to a certain extent that it was real. Then they did stuff with knock tests (make noises to answer questions) to which an unknown force answered the yes/no questions correctly based on the made up story of Philip's life. To /x/ and the Tibetans this is known as a tulpa. Now I don’t know what the fuck it actually is, a thought being, an actual god, whatever. But here’s what I think as of right now.
Kek is the chaos that brings the light. He is a manifestation of Amun, the invisible one who has secret power. Amun is manifesting himself through Kek (since we can’t use his proper name) to get back at the Jews for attacking him in ancient times and striking his name from the popular religious records at the time. Both Amun and Kek are symbolized as a man with a frogs head (although kek is more often depicted this way). The statue of Kek with man and the computer was a prophecy inscribed by the high-priests of Amun.

I’ll make a much more concise post sometime this week. I’m tired and excited, so forgive me if this doesn’t make much sense. I’m gonna keep reading. I just wanted to share this with you guys.

t. a believer
you fags overthink this shit.
stick with what works.

I kind of figured that.

How do we translate this into more power?

We need to write a religious book, The Book of Kek. In it we will list the beliefs of Kekism and Holla Forums.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

More proof that "meme magick" is nothing more than /fringe/ fags trying to corrupt Holla Forums.

They want to bring you into freemasonry and other occult shit and discredit our political views at the same time through association with this garbage.

Kek has clearly cursed you with dubs of nothingness. Heathen.

The bottle is open, the genie is out.

There is no getting it back in.

I always thought that all of the Gods of the Ogdoad were but facets of The All? Including Amun.

Not trying to put it back in, mods are all for this shit, it's in our banners. The damage is done to this community. Just stating my opinion

This is a good thread but the hieroglyphs on that statue are for Heqet not Kek. That image is really unfortunate as it has confused many anons. It was discussed at length in the original threads when the statue was discovered, and in every thread where someone posts that statue at least one user points out the error, but people are dense retards or something so the mistake has continued to propagate.

No. Female form Kek is Kauket. Heqet is not part of the Ogdoad. FUCKING GET IT RIGHT ANONS. REE

Good thread regardless though.

tripfag was accidental

That's my mistake for not picking up on that.
if that's the case, then Heqet is Amun's daughter in law and forget about what I said in the OP regarding it.

The masons have held power for a long time. Whether you wanna call it the masons, illuminati, the jews (they hold the power now), whatever, there was and still is a cabal of people with esoteric knowledge who gain power from it. I believe that we can take some of this power for ourselves.

We need to determine how Amun works in his myths and position ourselves to take advantage of it. I believe we have already gotten part way there because in hieroglyphics, Amun looks like a man overseeing a Wall.

I'm reaching, but this is fun

let's just not tell anyone and pretend it's right because it doesn't really matter

mental illness and autism really does lead to some wild shit

There's plenty of other meme magic specific to Kek without the statue. And the fact that the statue was part of the discovery of meme magic and the Egyptian gods connection is still interesting even if it doesn't involve Kek directly. The fact that the heiroglyphs look like a representation of meme magic communicating to user through a computer still stands. The fact that the gods were worshiped in Hermopolis, translating literally to "8 town" still stands. Telling little lies to prop up your belief system on the feels it generates is what leftists do and it's why their card houses are currently tumbling. Holla Forums is about truth.

Nice try freemason.

complete and utter mumbo-jumbo

Thank you for Correcting The Record.

Sure, Moishe, sure. Here's your shekel.



Serious question, with some rationale as to why it seems worth asking.

So most of the modern magick stuff which a lot of people claim to have gotten working derives from Solomon in some manner. In researching Solomon's seals and whatnot it appears as though it has a lot to do with making demons work for you, for free - as in no selling your soul or any such nonsense. This doesn't really seem to make sense. Why would they opt to just do your bidding because you thought the right thoughts and incited the right incantations while flapping your arms around in the appropriate manner?

Did the Jews use the power of from the name on Moses' staff to summon demons to guard the name before/during/after it was hidden from the people it was taken from? Is that the basis of all the demon-binding shit which appears to be the only source of workable magick in the modern world aside from Kek?

More dubs of nothingness.

Kekism will be the death of this board.

Get out, you fucking kike worshiper. Pike was a gnostic kabbalist faggot, and so are all the other masonic trash. All good goyim.

they obviously want something in return, like energy/brainwashing for their own goals

not sure what you're asking but this isn't really political discussion

Its for hyping trump you goddamn mongoloid.

Then why can't it just be a meme, why are people trying to frame it as a religion

I'm not. I'm interested in the idea that an entity outside of human consciousness has taken interest in our movement

also it's fun

with out even having to open the book I know what its about. Thats a book involving freemasonry. I'm dissapointed you wouldnt have known better OP. Either your a masonic shill trying to corrupt Kekism and the followers of Kek, or your just dumb and need to be educated.

Yet you're anti-Christian. What a coincidence.

I mean say OP is telling the history as it is archived to the masons and the Jews leave Egypt with the power of the original creator by his name. Now all the priests which were already in Egypt had the same power, which is seemingly limitless. The Egyptians didn't have hordes of demons in their theology, that stuff came later. What if the name was used to create the demons as a sort of lock on using the name - to stop anyone from using the name otherwise.

Is it 2014 again? Are we being raided by goyimgaters?

Kek is a mystery school, not a religion you fucking kike. Reported.

>you should only read the bible because it totally wasn't written by Jews :^)

I think it's more likely that it was simply forgotten and fell out of use.
I'm gonna read more and see if I can find relevant information. There's a load of history in the book.

To put this another way it would look like:
Wouldn't the solution here be to unlock the name, banish the demons permanently and use the name to make sure the name cannot be locked away again?

How would the most powerful society of the time, if not all time (assuming the name is real), simply "forget" the source of all their power?

sage for not even trying

No faggot we worship a god of chaos and obscurity stop trying to inject dogma.

Fuck off

really the motherfuckers name is cuck? fuck that im the bringer of chaos not that bitch ass frog.

Anti-sage for continuous shilling of the jew-on-a-stick religion.
For a shill to be trying this hard there must be at least something ITT on point.


We have had dozens of christfag threads and jews pretending to worship kek and get dubs for weeks now. The jews for whatever reason, HATE THE ARYAN GODS. They are relentless and must corrupt and destroy our link to almighty kek who has killed hillary and gotten trumps landslide victory.

Kek continues to amaze with Shaliday and the Hilary death. He continues to bring more insights and meme magicks and lulz with us at the shills trying to stop us. And yet he only asks for tendies for earning his GBP.

They continue to try to corrupt a god that wants to exact revenge on the enemies of egypt (kikes and masons/hermedicists) in the most hilarious way.

What is more lulzy than kikes and mason good-goyim trying their hardest to advance your gods rebirth and power to their ultimate destruction?

Yes, reported for intl. We knew what you are already.

If only a select group of high priests knew it and something happened to those priests it could easily be forgotten. There could have been a heresy or something which caused the ones who knew it to be wiped out. Ancient Egypt was a madhouse at times

at risk of sounding stupid because of lack of knowledge of the masons… but could Jim be a traitor to them? Could this be why he took 8ch? Was this all part of the master plan?

Yep, kike puppet ownership of the site is obviously because he’s betraying them. Of course.


There are people here with more knowledge than you. Get gassed.

It's a fucking massive problem, user.

Shill harder.

user, they're astroturfing it too, it's the same shills who ran a lot of the Holla Forums ops

Enlighten us then

Then enlighten us or stop acting like a faggot hording information to himself while saying "worship the jew on a stick."

Intl said.

Wait is Christianity just Egyptians getting revenge on the Jews?


well they fucking succeeded. we need a new language in that case. but first we need to gas the kikes.

The names become identities, identities get subverted.

Never been on that board.

No, Christianity is just a chimera of non-Christian religions. It had to become more "big tent" to appeal to everyone.


Here it is: LARPagans are the all the same good goyim throughout history. And you're fucking Jordan Maxwell levels of retarded for shilling the "amen means egyptian shit" meme from 2008.

As are you.

We said "enlighten us" not "state an opinion supposedly derived from a sense of self enlightenment."

Either state what you know or begone.

What, a Hitlerist? That's not very appealing to most people (yet) and it won't be making concessions if it hopes to triumph over jewry.

IDK what the hell you guys are talking about with this demon shit. Kuk is not a demon it's a diety.

I'm saging because I don't want to be the one bumping the thread. this isn't political discussion

For stating Christianity is a universalist amalgamation of other pagan shit. Zeitgeist levels of retarded, which is also from around the same time period.

Christianity is a chimera religion. There's nothing wrong with That. But it should be recognized.

It's pretty well documented that in order to proselytize the church took on local tradition.

Don't try the christianity is original do not steal meme

I didn't suggest Kuk is a demon, not even remotely.
I suggested demons didn't exist in Egypt, but they existed after Egypt. If there was power in Egypt based on the name of the creator as OP claims and all the priests had it, yet the Jews who had it rose to power and the Egyptians lost it entirely I am suggesting the Jews perhaps created the demons to prevent people from using the name.

I base this almost entirely on the fact The Lesser Key of Solomon involves forcing demons to do things for you by using various names of God to control them, no exchanging of souls or anything per popular culture but certain death and/or suffering if you fuck up.

It seems pretty freaking retarded that you could control hundreds of demons to do things for you without giving them anything if they are so powerful they can destroy you.

Perhaps they weren't made by God, but by the people who stole the name of God and the power therein for themselves to prevent others from using it.

The general basis of this statement being: The Masons are well known on Holla Forums to be "the good goy club" - so it seems safe to say that while parts of the history are accurate the whole of what they are presented in their texts is pretty far from the whole truth.

Subverter status: smote

"Demons" are just non physical entities. most of them are jealous of us in the physical realm. they have always existed, can be created, can be human ghosts that gained power and self awareness.

If more than one being is behind a name then it depends on the intention and information of the person summoning it.

there's nothing special about the jews or the lesser key of solomon. anyone anywhere can potentially gain the power though sometimes it's easier depending on the spirutal age or whatever.

it's not people that are special, it's the time itself. and yes, it seems the millenium cycles are repeating and levels are the same as they were during Egyptian times

i base this on my circumsized dick my parents got me because their brainwashed good goyim that all this bullshit your spewing is just you trying to externalize responsibility and place it on some nonexistent frog god so we dont ever do shit and the kikes end up gassing us instead of us finally gassing them. kek is a fucking meme you spastic and its been effective for its purpose. leave it at that. little bitch ass relying on demons and shit to do your bidding cuck boy.

Pretty much everything iv'e heard about Masons is that they're chumps to either the Jews or some other group.

Iv'e even heard that Masons aren't a real organization but in fact a place for opposing elites to meet on neutral ground.

So this guy is definitely not to be even considered.

shieeet im finna get smited

t- Satan


Kek is what it is, not what infiltrators would like it to be.

you're not binding demons

you're binding the system administrator


I agree with the tulpa element of this. When human beings unite, their collective unconscious can work miracles. The more they become convinced of this (faith) the more powerful this force becomes.

When such a collective is further surcharged with powerful emotions, such as hatred for a shared enemy and feelings of repression and helplessness in the face of an incredibly powerful adversary and unstoppable currents of social change, paranormal force can be conjured.

Ritual magic is the unified calling out of multiple humans towards a force existing on the subtle astral or mental plain. When this is directed towards God, it is called "religion".

The internet is simply a technically advanced means for humans to congregate and focus consciousness. As such, we have created a digital magic circle or religious temple simply by joining together with an emotionally charged collective vision.

On top of it, we are open to mysticism, which opens the channel to interaction with higher plains.

When you chant
Praise Kek

It is actually powerful and has effects in the world, especially if you believe even just a little that Kek is real.

Kek is real. Whether he is an Egyptian god of chaos, a manifestation of Amun, or a manifestation of our collective unconscious.

OP and 9aaf73 know what they are talking about.

As far as Jews conjuring or creating demons to hide the name of God as if it were shekels that the tribe can use to defeat its enemies, that may certainly be the Jewish mindset, but it is also their ignorance.

The name of God cannot be bound or hidden, nor can it be made subservient to the will of one maniacal group of tribalists, nor can it be connected to the material world or material considerations whatsoever.

It is the nature of the Jew that when he contacts true transcendent spiritual truth, as perhaps he had in Egypt, instead of striving upward through the mystical path of yoga to unify with the divine he seeks to degrade the divine to his will. He wishes to make spirit serve matter.

This is symbolized in the Greek astronomical symbol for Saturn. The square or cross, symbolizing matter, is above the curve or circle, symbolizing spirit.

It is an inversion of the symbol for Jupiter or Jove (Zeus), the curved line (spirit) above the cross (matter).

Jews are materialists, and from a certain perspective Satanic. They twisted the religions of Egypt and Babylon to serve matter.

All religions are transcendent beyond the body but the Jew.

The Jew brings the transcendent God down to the platform of body, tribe and tribal war. The egotism of the Jewish will to power and dominance is God and the transcendent God of their neighbors is their servant, locked into contractual obligation.

My understanding is they use the name of God to bind demons. (Lower spirits, demons and ghosts cannot tolerate the name of God because of its power and purity).

White Kabbala is to force these demons to do the work of God.

Black Kabbala is to force these demons to serve oneself.

Black Kabbala requires a twisting of the sacred symbols, as your motivations are impure, thus the pentagram is slanted or broken. It is exponentially more dangerous, as you open yourself to demonic control.

The very idea that one use the name of God for such a thing, even with pure intentions, is perverse.

There is no "One Name of God". The names of God are unlimited.

The secret name of the tetragamation is:

