Why are british actresses so magical and charming? They are like little elves running around

Why are british actresses so magical and charming? They are like little elves running around.

Tiny island, tiny gene pool.

As an American I only wish our women had this kind of class, elegance, and whimsy. Our women are just the most obnoxious and aggressive trash you've ever seen


Cmon. She isn't too bad. Everyone looks ugly at the wrong angle.

except she doesn't seem to have a right angle.


You're right OP, charming british actresses are just like elves. As in they don't exist



Do you really Fap to her or it is just an elaborate twisted act to make fun of disabled people?

I never fap to my waifu, user.

Did someone say charming British actress?

i wouldn't fap to that hobgoblin if you paid me

You never FAP to her because she is not attractive.
Thanks for proving my point.

I don't fap to her out of respect. And you are clearly a homosexual if you don't think she is attractive.

She is fucking deformed..

French women are better.

Mais oui!

Because they are very sweet, graceful, elegant, polite, intelligent


This is deformed.

All she needs to do is shave.
All Maisie needs to do is plastic surgery.

maisie needs to shave too tho, mostly her eyebrows.

Bad Maisie! You ought not to eat all that oil and salt, it will ruin your figure

because brits are americans as they were supposed to be



ebin oc fam

Nigga, those are her best features!

She doesn't even respect herself. Not fapping to your waifu only makes sense if she's pure.

I'd gladly fap to this pic, if someone would release the uncensored version

you been had, boy. there is no uncensored version. she actually looks like that when she's naked.

Don't say that! I want to see her nipples!


Only some are. The game of thrones actresses aren't. Emma is very charming tho. Its because Americans are fucking gay

Very cute description OP. Emma is adorable. It's because lots of english actors and actresses actually go to acting school at a young age and learn how to sing and dance and do theater. In the USA this doesn't happen, you get shitth high school plays.


That's a porn name tbh



t. Thinks shitty american actresses are charming and not annoying

They're super pretty and their accents drive me nuts ❤😍

u foken wot m8

Do you have the one where she starts peeing?

sauce? her face is so pretty, I love her smile and her eyebrows

but she is getting old. I hope some proper nudes leak somehow before it's too late

First webm is from ballet shoes a bbc film

Second webm is from her on a tv show that aired on christmas a while ago you can search it on youtube

She actually still looks very good imo her looks are always changing. But yes I love her face and smile

The what?

And OPs pic was taken on the set of ballet shoes

Emma was born and raised in Paris. Yes she's british but she's just as well french, pretty sure she speaks french fluently. That's not the point of my comment though, I want to say that she is actually 1/32 german




Holy shit, that should be spoilered, thanks a lot, i wan't planning on sleeping anyways…

Then the whole world must be at a wrong angle to her.

Fuck off britshit.

Except Maisie's Chosen

I knew it

You don't even get a You for that shitty meme of yours. Washed up? Literally one of the only relevant young actresses sonnyboy



Stop posting pictures of trannies.


fake. the eyebrows aren't right

Wow. Only the eye color changed and she looks completely different.

She lools better.brown eyed though. There's so high res photos and I never liked brown eyes or my gfs brown eyes but hers are gorgeous tbh. But of course there's a difference, I always had brown eyed dogs and got a husky german shepherd mix and she has blue eyes and it was something getting used to for a few months. The emotion in her eyes and everything and in the bright sunlight and or snow how they light up is so different looking but its cool. Emmas eyes are kind of caramel or light brown in certain light


Emma Watson is garbage


Every time

Gee, why couldn't I look like Emma? She's so manly after all

Emma Stone is garbage. Emma Watson is a goddess

Nice taste, cuck.

Oh wow, how will I ever recover

What do you expect from shit tasting faggots


You've clearly never been to England or anywhere in the UK if you think British women are anything like this. Most of them are chavs.


shut up burger scum

1st pic is ugly. 2nd is below average.


post your face

Uggos are the best qualified to determine other uggos. They see it every day in the mirror. They know what to look for.

Ya called, white boy?