Mewch is Dead Right Now

Learn to board pages and link in the board announcement faggot, you don't need this stickied when you could put it in a board page.

Alternatively put the whole content of that post into the board announcement and then use CSS to make it scroll like

Also hi faggots, all of Mewch except me is watching movies right now (well there's also furfags dumping their porn on their board but they don't talk ad I don't want to go to their board), and I ran out of posts to respond to (I post on every single board on Mewch and have literally read every post on the entire site there unless there's some hidden boards I've missed).

As such I'm here looking at Holla Forums because as much as I can tolerate slow boards they need to at least be fast enough that I can consistently find anons to talk to or shitpost at and right now I can't do that.

Also you guys obviously browse mewch and mewch /meta/ because everything I suggest and create on Mewch keeps getting implemented days afterwards on Holla Forums like you're trying to seduce me to come back to pigfarmer dataminer chan. I haven't posted here in like a month but in that time a lot has evidently changed here.

I don't know why this is though but typing into the input box on Holla Forums is very slow, very laggy. Why? This is not issue on any place on the internet including other imageboards and youtube. Just on Holla Forums the input lag is really bad, especially noticeable on android, but also can be noticed right now on linux computer I'm posting from. The fuck is vichan doing that causes lag when you're typing?

Also stop fixing things and making the site better fuck it's making it harder and harder to justify staying in exile on Mewch.

Other urls found in this thread:;

go back

Newfag spotted

Also stop trying to be a good mod it encourages people to remain on Holla Forums Holla Forums you should be unreasonable and ban everyone for long periods of time like Holla Forums mods do so people are forced to migrate from here wtf. Why is Holla Forums uncucking itself? What's going to happen next ImKampfy starts becoming a good board owner and letting more diversity of threads and stops banning everybody for insane lengths of time for ridiculous and undefined reasons?

I haven't even left I have Mewch open in other tabs and keep checking but I'm hanging out here at least temporarily.

Seeing as I have about 20 styles for Holla Forums up on, I am very fucking aware of what can and can't be done.

It's the CSS. Who would have guessed using "filter: invert(100%)" to reduce 230 lines of CSS to 30 would make the whole index lag. Maybe its just Firefucks.

Anyway, like everything on Holla Forums the CSS is cached and slow so it may take a while to actually update.

The invert filters ARE very slow and if you want I just so happen to have an inverted Yotsuba theme I made years ago that doesn't use the invert filters.

However the input lag is evident on Holla Forums and on boards with no special CSS.

hey dys enable embeds tbh

All my pastes.

This one made January 19th 2015 is what you want:

BTW jpg thumbnails DO not save memory. Many thumbnails are BIGGER as jpg. Globals on Holla Forums should allow PNG thumbnails, have thumbnails match the format of the image uploaded, and chances are they will be smaller than if you convert all thumbnails to jpg. Animated thumbnails are a different matter, they are nice, but certainly bigger filesize than non-animated.

Just tested my inverted theme btw there are round corners on the replies other than that it's the same as default but inverted (and without the lag caused by css filters, any filter such as blur filter or invert filter are slow). If you don't want the inverted filters then ctrl + f "" and set border-radius: 7px; to border-radius: 0px;

Btw, I would recommend trying this CSS on Holla Forums for a day, it's one of my other dank CSS and is currently not in use on any board, but would be cool to have featured on Holla Forums for a bit:

I mean the rounded corners not "inverted filters" as there are no filters used in my inverted theme, I simply calculated what the opposite hex value in my head for each colour for the default yotsuba theme is, and manually made the changes.

I already made one and enabled it.

Fuck off smiles. I'm still angery you spammed my board and exploited Holla Forums.

For a moment btw I just noticed that checkboxes are different from linux mint default but then I remembered you used filter. Normally you can't change the appearance of scrollbars and checkboxes via css but filter would be one way to at least invert or recolor it, albeit a slow way.

Also stop trying to be a good mod it encourages people to remain on Holla Forums Holla Forums you should be unreasonable and ban everyone for long periods of time like Holla Forums mods do so people are forced to migrate from here wtf. Why is Holla Forums uncucking itself? What's going to happen next ImKampfy starts becoming a good board owner and letting more diversity of threads and stops banning everybody for insane lengths of time for ridiculous and undefined reasons?

t. mgtow

I can't believe you fucktards take shit so serously.

Dude you have exactly 8 instances of filter in your CSS.

You only need ONE.

You could have just done this:

html { filter: invert(100%); } body { background: #110d00; }/*Banana Mascot*/body { background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: bottom right;}

Far less lines of code and way less laggy. I just tested it on /maka/.

Fuck me it can be even less lines.

html { filter: invert(100%); }body { background-color: #110d00; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: bottom right;}

Use this.

wew thanks. But how do I exclude images?
I literally can't code.



These handful of lines accomplish what you want to do, with only one instance of filter and thus much less, and basically no issues.

Alternatively just use:

Either works.

Also I can't believe you're actually butthurt about me spamming your board and taking down Holla Forums. It was absolutely necessary in order to make the admins get off their ass and start doing things to fix the site.


If you can't believe something you probably shouldn't.

Dude shit is lagging so bad quickly delete the CSS you've uploaded so far and put in what I wrote there so I can actually type to you right now on your board without terrible lag.

What do you want to do with images? I can do anything with images. Make them smaller, make them change size when you hover over, animate them in various ways, etc.

Do you just want to make thumbnails in threads disappear as if this was a text board?

In that case you do this:

.post-image { display:none; }

Woah maximum Chaotee pill there tbh.

html { filter: invert(100%); }body { background-color: #110d00; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: bottom right;}.post-image { display:none; }

Use this. I don't know if you want to hide banners too or not. This just hides all images in all threads.

I am a CSS god, I can do all kinds of CSS wizardry for a big guy like you.

Oh for efficiency's sake you should usually hide stuff first at the top of the CSS (second after imports that is but we aren't importing any fonts or anything here). The way the code prevents the unnecessary loading of elements first before it does the other instructions.

.post-image { display:none; }html { filter: invert(100%); }body { background-color: #110d00; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: bottom right;}

Change it in the options for now. I changed it hours ago. This site is slow.

That removes images. I just need to exclude them from the inversion. Something about :not but I literally can't code.

Oh you want them not inverted.

That is impossible because of the way filters work in CSS.

This is a problem I ran into long ago when I wanted to apply a filter to a background but not anything else.

Like, I wanted to blur a background image, but it blurred not only the background but everything else because CSS filters are incapable of applying to only one element but apply to all the childs of that element.

There are two ways we can counter this. One is to apply a second filter. Since filters are slow as shit we want to use filters as sparingly as possible, the more we use it, the worse.

So… the following code will work:

html { filter: invert(100%); }.post-image { invert(100%); }body { background-color: #110d00; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: bottom right;}

Note I switched the ordering of html but that is not necessary, in this case it works either way, I just prefer to apply the filter to html first because it's the root basically whereas post image is a child and comes logically after it.

Testing this it's not laggy as it's only two instances of filter. I would still recommend however to do this other way by using my inverted CSS that doesn't use filter at all:

One the one hand the code I just made for you is short and elegant. It efficiently achieves the objective without using up too much resources. On the other my rather longer and older code skips filters and therefore will be even faster, even on slower machines than the already 10 years old computer I'm currently posting on.

Megamilk is a bigger faggot than Dysomnia.

Looking at my old code there is some redundancies in the hr codeblock that I can get rid of that aren't necessary anymore that used to be necessary back in the day. I probably should update it. It's not a big deal but

hr { border-right: medium none; border-width: 1px medium medium; border-style: solid none none; border-color: #483A27 -moz-use-text-color -moz-use-text-color; -moz-border-top-colors: none; -moz-border-right-colors: none; -moz-border-bottom-colors: none; -moz-border-left-colors: none; border-image: none; height: 0px; clear: left;}

could just be changed to

hr { border-color: #483A27 } and literally all the rest of that code block can be deleted.

Do you mean in how he persecutes loli-pilled anons? If so then yeah he does tend to gas the little girls. le gay agenda keeping the white aryan loli down


I have now redone the entire thing:

It is much shorter now, I fixed the error with hr, and I removed absolutely all the unnecessary lines of code, as well as updated it to reflect various changes that happened to the default CSS of Holla Forums since 2015.

So your options BO are either use: which would be the absolute fastest to invert the theme with the least lag for users of Holla Forums, or use THIS WHICH I HAVE ALSO UPDATED TO BE SLIGHTLY FASTER

.post-image { filter: none; }html { filter: invert(100%); }body { background-color: #110d00; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: bottom right;}

which is faster than the previous piece of code I wrote because it simply instructs it to not use a filter on .post-image whereas the previous one I wrote for you filters images twice (inverts them twice) which is stupid and inefficient.

So there you go two very elegant and fast ways to have inverted theme.

If you want me to add the banana mascot into the second one it's simply a matter of copying the lines of code for the banana mascot from the first one and adding it to the "body" part in the second one.

I notice BO btw that you accidentally wiped the little gradient bar from the default Yotsuba in your CSS. If you want I can add that in back for you?

Oh fuck, I added the fade-blue back in, but filter doesn't apply to it, which means fuck that shit it's not something anyone notices anyways. (proper solution here would be to copy the fade blue into Gimp and invert the colours and save it and export to imgur)

you know what fuck it I'm not going to be lazy I'm going to finish what I started.

*fires up gimp*


html { filter: invert(100%); }.post-image { filter: none; }body { background-color: #110d00; background-image: url(""), url(; background-repeat: repeat-x, no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll, fixed; background-position: 50% 0%, bottom right;}

oh fuck

ok here is fixed:

html { filter: invert(100%); }.post-image { filter: none; }body { background-color: #110d00; background-image: url(""), url(; background-repeat: repeat-x, no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll, fixed; background-position: 50% 0%, bottom right;}

there now *DONE* (???)

Both version updated:

…and as far as I'm concerned finished now unless you want to do some autism like inverting the mouse cursor which I can also do.

Wait I fucked up hold on.

I just noticed expanded images are getting inverted. I have to fix that.

html { filter: invert(100%); }.post-image, .full-image { filter: invert(100%); }body { background-color: #110d00; background-image: url(""), url(; background-repeat: repeat-x, no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll, fixed; background-position: 50% 0%, bottom right;}

Use this. This is… done. (Unless I start saying it's not within the next 15 minutes)

Yep both themes now work… just use the ones in the pastebin they are working.

Update about the CSS: I just started playing a webm (pumped up kicks) and it's inverted. If you want me to make it so it doesn't invert videos I can do that but I'm going to leave it alone otherwise.

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