Braindead Bimbon Gabby Giffords Cured by Clinton laying on hands!

Check it:

All-better video in late July 2016:

Still retarded video in Late July 2016:

(Seriously they do this cute little "yoga" and "yogurt" skit every time they do an interview

Other urls found in this thread:

so where's the child target?

August 2016 Here she is back to her idiotic diatribe she has been saying for the better if 5 years. It is a scripted speech with scripted stutters. This is after her near perfect speech at the DNC in July.

This shooting was one of the earlier hoaxes from the same crowd doing them on a regular basis since 2012. Giffords is a fraud, and interestingly enough her husband is an astronaut, although that's another topic altogether.

Do some research into Gabby and her fraudulent condition

You’re not even trying.

Oh I know but the Amy Holla Forumsers of the world want to talk about Hillarstein versus Trumpstein.

Yes her husband probably has space anthrax running through his bloodstream and he doesn't like to talk about it or swear on religious texts because it is slowly killing him.


Amy Holla Forumsers: the HIVe-minded faggots that are giving into a Comedy Centralesque controlled dialectic Trumpberg Vs Clintberg instead of talking about everything (including the election and the meme magick therein) being a "hoax" in Truther parlance.

Daily reminder that the kikess was subscribed to Loughner's jewtube channel for reasons that we never clarified thanks in art to DallasGoldberg's conspiracy disinfo about the whole thing being faked with crisis actors.

Remember how Goldberg spammed (with 100% efficiency) every political Yahoo news comments section for a year or so BEFORE Sandy Hook brought attention to news media fakery? I'm convinced that his purpose was to discredit such theories in advance of a major false domestic terror campaign that started in 2012.

He was so effective at shilling, covering 100% of highly trafficked news comment sections, it reminds me a lot of the effect that other Joshua Goldberg had on Holla Forums. Too persistent even for a turboautist.

The Goldbuggery was designed to discredit "hoaxers," I think as we exit the "analouge" age and continue into the "ditigal" age (information economy) there is not reason that it would not be easier to perpetuate a hoax.

I also think that as a means of throwing off the truth movement, (((TPTB))) would first discredit "hoaxery" and then actually do hoaxes so that everyone automatically dismisses the possibility.

But yeah I trolled Goldberg and he thought I was Gov Jerry Brown but because I had Noam Chomsky as my profile picture he made the genius declaration that I, Gov Jerry Brown and Chomsky were the same individual.

And more proof of Hoaxery in the 21st century "digital" era. On 9/11 many of the victims, not all, were completely fabricated as these ridiculous images from the VicSim report prove.

I think this is one of those 2Spooky things they do with (((events))) though. Its like the devil in the smoke of the twin towers or "nuns in a purple van" story at Sandy Hook.

Social media accounts point more towards the theory that Loughner although a real person, was also a digitally created persona whose real background is completely unknown to the public.

The alternative is that Gabby Gifford's PR people were following Jared Lougner's youtube to find out what he had for breakfast and which kike bucket challenge he was going to do.


the fuck is space anthrax?

For that matter, what is an "Amy Holla Forumser"?

He's a nutjob. Mods need to get better at banning this word salad shit.

Sorry I will use the designated vocab:
all done.

Sounds like a newspeak dictionary written by it's own victims…

I'm kidding that everything is a hoax but this election is clearly a FUCKING SHAM. It is rediculous that people think he's "our guy," where are the monarchists who realize how much of a dumbshit someone has to be to believe in Democracy?

some bitch who got shot in the head and became retarded votes democrat. am I understanding this correctly?


An Amy Holla Forumser is like that cunt Amy Pohler who thinks she makes a difference politically but she is really a dumb fat cow who made a show that wrote in a successful boyfriend so she could feel wanted. It's like that, but with Holla Forums