((( #YesAllWomen )))
((( #YesAllWomen )))
They're not even hiding it anymore.
mgtow degenerates out
Why even care about 3DPD anymore or what they want. They are going to be replaced int he next ten years anyways.
hurr durr womyn are ebil
hurr durr im a sissy asian faggot, why wont womyn like me?
You do know shaming dose not work anymore. They will always be "losers" to you no matter what they do. So why should they even care. Your the equivalent of someone going to a scifi convention and yelling nerd and geek into every ones face.
Why don't mgtow male feminists just become Mormons if the problem is that women are having sex with everyone but them? As a Mormon the girls do not have sex before marriage, so unless you are a completely unattractive slob you should be able to find a decent girl to marry assuming you can maintain temple worthiness by being a proper Mormon.
what if i am an atheist?
*tips fedora*
Have you ever even been with a Mormon girl?
Shit just go's waaay over your head don't it?
Of course. And I'm around them almost every day.
?, φεμαλεσ ψλεασε ρεμεμβερ , ωρινΧλεσ αρε το βε τουξινγ , σο βε σαφε ωηεν ψλαχινγ τεστιχλεσ ωιθιν θε φαγινα , ανΔ ενγου σεξυαλ ιντιμαχυ ρεσψονσιβλυ , εφεν αναλ σεξ χλεαν ωιθ τεστιχλεσ ιν φεμαλε ανυσ χαν βε α γρεατ εξψεριενχε γου , τρυστ θε Διφινε ινφινιτε υνιτυ , θε σηγεσυ , θε Διφινιτυ , Θε Δελτα-Διφινιτυ ,.
i know this will make me look stupid but….. I used to think mormons = amish
show me one then, because unless you timestamp it then your bullshitting. In fact i know your bullshitting because your average mormon has become like your catholic girls.
Amish don't get special bullet proof underwear tbh
So because you are too insecure and pathetic to do what I'm doing, you call me a liar. Then you pull shit out of your ass because what I say doesn't fit your pathetic narrative that you use to justify your own weakness so that you do not have to improve your life. What a sad reality you live in.
I'm waiting for that timestamp. Also i don't give a shit what you think of me or my life TBH.
If you don't want to believe me because you would rather continue wallowing in self pity and weakness, that's on you. Continue fapping to your anime girls, you genetic dead end. I hope you aren't white because if you are you are a disgrace to my race.
are there any mormon celebs?
I don't really know tbh. I don't keep up with celebrity bs because the majority of them are degenerate filth
got it ty. and farewell. see ya all tomorrow, if the Lod doesnt call me, in the mean time
I am, also I have kids through surrogacy because where i live is way to risky to have 3DPD. It's only about 194k and what costs the most is paying the women for 9 months "food and rent". But the kid is all mine and ill bring him up well with a fully funded education. I'm thinking about having another one.
I get you… This Aryan girl is the pride of the white race because she will have white babies.
Saint Elliot Rodger did nothing wrong, except not barge to the whorehouse using his guns.
White nationalism is the hammer, and all women are the nail.
We need to nail them, if you know what I mean :^)
ya, no thanks.
can you filter images?
>can you (((filter))) images?
I wish Jim could LINK SUMMON 8ch to twitter so we can use hashtags and enrich the 8ch experience :^)
you're awesome
fuck having a family
I don't mind marrying a whore as long as I lose my virginity
Forced mem is forced. Sodomites, not MGTOWs, are the flip side of the femshitism coin lad.
Godspeed user. Amazing.
true :(
This is the female equivalent of the nice guy who doesn't understand why women like "assholes." She's going to be in for an extremely rude awakening in five to ten years.
you don't know how pathetic and genocide-worth betacucks are…
based message. I'm now christian
But Holla Forums told me "women being whores" was a kike meme. Only aryans can meme.
I totally believe you fam, 100% no lies here this guy is troof
A betacuck with a million dollars is still a betacuck.
You can't give a nigger a million dollars and not expect him to blow it all on retarded frivolous shit, and you can't give a betacuck a million dollars and not expect him to white knight for and marry one of the biggest whores on the planet.