How can we best get rid of capitalism (patriarchy)?
How can we best get rid of capitalism (patriarchy)?
"Patriarchy"? What the fuck are you talking about. Get out of here with that bullshit.
How do we best get rid of capitalism (the jews)?
How do we best get rid of capitalism (the faith of the 7)
Back, to reddit or tumblr with you. You stupid shits need to get gulaged for your stupidity.
Back to Holla Forums with you. You need to be put before the firing squad.
Fuck off and resurrect Rosa Luxemburg. You need to at least be sent to the re-education program.
How do we best get rid of capitalism (the micks)?
How can we best get rid of OP (faggot)?
How do we best get rid of capitalism (Illuminati)?
literally, this is a shitpost thread, why are you trying to cause fights?
How can we best get rid of capitalism (communism)?
Nice spook.
What? Be clear. Patriarchy is nonsense. Women are just women; men are just men.
totes fam! there is no sexual division of labor! there is no subjection of women under capital due to their reproductive capabilities!
Women and men are L I T E R A L L Y treated the same under capitalism! ;-) when will the left wing cucks realize that left-mra and altleft is the way to go???
How can we best get rid of inequality (men)?
Your maleness allows you to ignore the power structures that are in place to position men above women. If it helps, you can draw a parallel to the power structures in place that keep the bourgeoisie above the proletariat.
That's a bit shallow.
How do we best get rid of capitalism (gynocentrism)?
How do we best get rid of dialectics (thesis+antithesis=synthesis)?
How can we best get rid of capitalism (anuddah shoah)?
How do we best get rid of Holla Forums (cucks)?
How do we best get rid of capitalism (memes)?
How can we best get rid of capitalism (my roommates always leaving dishes in the sink)?
The old exploitative relations that used to define bourgeois marriage are already on their way out.
And, what do you know, the new relations are perfectly compatible with capitalism
I'll bite.
What power structures, that exist in the current day, exist that position men above women?
Men are in far more positions of power than women.
ie: men are making decisions to their (mens) interests, and women get the scraps.
Give an example. Guys don't have it easy either. Everybody laments and talks about how women didn't have any self-determination or choice back when they couldn't work and had to stay home, but nobody talks about the fact that men had to slave off for most of the day in shitty, unfulfilling jobs being kept away from their children and wives, being deprived from enjoying them. It's shit for everyone.
More male CEOs, board members, politicians, etc.
If that's true, it's their own fault, since men have taken the power required to fix that.
Unless you think the bourgeoisie is comprised of MRAs I fail to see how that fact muh privileges lower class men over lower class women
Oh yes, men are always the culprits even when they're the victims. Go away.
This Comrade knows what's up
That's not a power structure specifically aimed at women.
That's normal capitalist class structure with some implications for women.
Literally fascist logic.
The bourgeoisie make decisions based on their need to reproduce and grow capital with little regard for identity groups.
Ingrained into our society is patriarchy.
Men don't have to be scared of being raped while walking outside at night.
Lower class women are more likely to be unemployed than lower class men, and the employed ones earn less on average.
Right - you acknowledge that there are cross-cutting concerns here, due to multi-purposed oppression frameworks. This rubs against a concept called intersectionality.
Precisely. The fascist capitalist patriarchs are in control, and we need to get rid of it so our female comrades can help us kill porkie.
you're human therefore everything is your own fault because you (humans) have the power to fix it. Now do you understand why that argument is retarded?
Men of a different class dumbass. This is your brain on idpol, every group is a monolith
How about you try changing your car tire without a tire iron and let me know how that works out for you?
And men of lower class are still on top. See:
That's not what I said at all. This is purely a class issue. It has some implications for women, but that in no way means its directed at women.
No, I'm saying that your logic is no different from that of the fascists.
Women control 51% of the votes in 1st world liberal democracies. We have exactly the society that women want.
"patriarchy" is absolete and does basically not exist anymore.
to understand this, you need to understand marxism and how a class society reflects the mode of production.
after the end of "primitive communism" through the beginning of ownership of means of production, the ownership of land, crops and livestock you begin to have patriarchy as a mean of inheritance and preserving of class status as women become possession within monogamous family relations to bear a successor. feudalism was the last inherently patriachic society, patriarchy substentially became a growing meaningless remnant as class division between worker and capitalist became more absolute and engraved in society through seperation of classes while growing in complexity within the capitalist class itself to the point that there isn't really a meaningful direct link of possession from one individual capitalist to one factory.
thus imperialism and the whole of modern capitalist economy nowadays became independent of this arrangement.
yet, of course the oppression of working women is still peculiar, but just as much as it is for any minority.
now that women can vote and work the kind of oppression they are under has shifted and needs to be addressed as such.
women do not earn less for the same work, they earn less doing jobs that are of lower income in general. the health and social security system is something that i have a better understanding, as i had the "pleasure" of attempting getting a job in.
they're in a system that is desperate to cut costs for keeping proles that were drawn unprofitable as being ill or of old age alive. paying nurses a sustainable income is not in this systems interest. therefore, the system as a whole is not in the interest of the workers, neither the nurse nor the patients.
therefore it's not "class reductionism", it's acceptance and deep understanding of the true nature of this system instead of ignorant infighting and identity politics pushing for reforms and emancipation that this system cannot give.
How can we get rid of capitalism (furries)?
And it made it worse in my opinion.
Now men and women have to work for lower wages while the kids stay at home all alone. Behind those feminists, there were capitalists looking out for their interests. Instead of men being emancipated from work, which should have happened, women were given access to the shackles of labor enslaving both men and women.
litteral retardation
How can we best get rid of capitalism (pegging)?
Look that's not quite true and I think it's time we come clean about male muh privilege. As males, we receive a male bonus income(mbi) every month, as well as get invitations to the sekrit male club where we purchase partial amounts of property so we can all exploit women. We then set up cameras and in our spare time masturbate to the exploitation of women in our male bunkers, after which we return to pretending that we're really exploited by the capitalist system to fool women. The idpol brigade has found us out, and we need to be honest with them if we want to continue breeding whites and non-whites so humanity is genetically compatible with our reptilian overlords.
Enjoy the ride.
Go on, explain why this is retarded. Women as a group have all of the voting power within western liberal democracies. As 51% of the population under a one biped == one vote system their will is law. If women are oppressed all they have to do is unite and vote through changes to end their oppression. It is that easy.
Note that I said women, not feminists.
How can we best get rid of capitalism (Metaphysical essentialism)?