hex just posted in the sticky. he's here somewhere
wich one. I see 3. One of them is gay as fuck
the non gay one
ffs, forgot my tripcode
i lost my hex memes some1 please dump
moar x2
moar x3
moar x4
that's all the ones i've bothered to save
hex folder status: filled
don't forget about your yogapig bans though
(divine trips checked)
nice to see Hex saved my OC. "Hex approves" nd And 2nd pic as well
big твн
well done user. Pretty good OC tbh
The hero Holla Forums needs, but not the hero Holla Forums deserves
Fake news
it's true though
fake news tbh
jew tbh
late response. you're slipping
jew tbh
I was only trying to bump the thread, I didn't really care that much about your post
t. scholmo
i'm hurt
Sorry, user