Brexit as EU turning point

Is this the wakeup call needed to reform the EU as the democratic federal effort for legal harmonization and economic closeness among comparably healthy nations it always should've been? Or is it the death knell that dogmatic neoliberals inside the EU's autocratic bureaucracy will continue to ignore, hiding behind calls of "growth!", "protectionist!", "isolationist!", "racist!", "bigot!" in their unrelenting project to yoke the 3rd-world like oxen and drive the 1st-world into the abyss?

Can the EU be saved from the forces that corrupted it? Should it be demolished for its own good? Or is this all an overblown non-event that the status quo will wash over?

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Good one m8.


Ship's sinking. Get off and then build a whole new one, a socialist one.


Thread and board consensus alike seem to be "burn it down"

Speaking as an uncultured burger, and keeping in mind that atomic MAD should render such a thing implausible, I still can't help but ask: What are the chances of an EU-less Europe getting back into your old habit of murdering the shit out of each other and dragging the rest of the world into endless catastrophic war again?

They wouldn't get the chance. If Europe started infighting Russia would steamroll the lot of them.

Putin's a faggot and a meme tbh

Here is your reform.

European superstate. See the original document
European superstate instead of the European Union - such a proposal at a meeting in Prague is to present countries of the Visegrad Group head of the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The document, which reached portal and the program "It took twenty", has 9 pages and is signed by the foreign ministers of Germany and France. See the original document.
The main assumptions of the document:
• Member countries without the right to its own army and special services.
• The unification of criminal law and the tax system.
• Member without their own currency and central bank.
• Uniform visa system.
• A common foreign policy with other countries and international organizations.
• Limited role of NATO.

no infighting between the profiting EU leading nations that are germany, france, britain and some irrelevant closer periphery nations (austria, finland), but surely the southern ones from portugal to greece will become hot spots of conflict and with or without the EU, shit is going to go down eventually.

regarding the eastern front, currently there is a massive NATO maneuver going on and russia is testing its army readiness in response.
with or without the EU, shit is definetly going down eventually.

Pretty good.

I think the risk of intra-European war are low in Western Europe in particular because citizens literally would not allow it - liberals and conservatives alike, the whole of the mainstream would vocally object.

You sure, bro? All it takes is for this generation to die out and the next one getting perma brainwashed by nationalist memes, then an economic recession and people are already to kill again.

I know nationalism is growing, but the vast majority are more liberal minded. Even a normie right winger looks like a liberal next to Holla Forums types. I'm not saying there is nothing to fear at all, but I don't think a nationalist European war is on the cards for a fair few decades at least.

Hopefully we can do the whole international socialism thing before it kicks off, anyway.
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part 1/2


part 2/2

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Two possible outcomes:

1) literally nothing. Britain is ignored by Brussels amd stays in the EU like a little bitch.
2) Brexit actually goes through, the bourg punish Britain for dissenting from the neoliberal status-quo by moving capital abroad, the Pound goes to shit with the British economy, everyone in the EU learns another lesson about the nail that stands up getting hammered down, and literally nothing changes because Whitehall was never a friend of the proletariat in the first place so the British get all the punishment (plus extra austerity, this will be an excellent excuse to sell the NHS) but no benefits for their effort

Those are not the only two possible outcomes.

The 3rd-world trade/immigration apologism is predictably hollow and transparent, but this part about democracy seems particularly odd:

Isn't the European Parliament essentially a toothless rubber-stamp body like the British House of Lords or USSR's Supreme Soviet for the European Commission? 99% of the problems people have with the EU would probably be resolved or greatly softened IMHO if the EU's byzantine mechanism of insular Star Chambers was replaced with something like the structure of most national governments within it.


The concept has never been about a voluntary federation, so no it can not be reformed.

The EU must be destroyed.



I have to say, the best part of Brexit as a Holla Forumsack is watching leftists scramble to defend a ruthlessly exploitative international banking cabal.

Thanks for showing your true colors to the white proles you've been sneering at behind closed doors for the last century.

Way to not read the OP or the thread

Do you not lurk here at all? Did you not read the thread?
It was real in your mind.

Literally noone has done this.
It was real in your mind.


It was originally about stopping the first sparks of WWIII from igniting within Europe's borders, but with all this talk of an EU military and baiting Russia, I'm not too sure about that either.

WOW! PC immigration shilling aside, that man is based.

Decades pass
What have I done with my life

thats why when someone claims to be "leftist" but says immigration the way europe is getting it is good there is no trusting them