I knew, i fucking knew she was black haha

I knew, i fucking knew she was black haha

Okay, so i went to see this movie with my family, and i didn't even see the prequel. It was the main characters bothering this ant-race mixing golden alien race which was a shameless jab at any one who takes race seriously. Then it was blatant luciferianism with super natural imagination, "find the light".

My only problem with the movie (besides the obvious agenda) was this green woman, I haven't seen the first one, but was she always a cliche distant tough girl cunt?

Their whole relationship with the protagonist was so unbelievable, what white guy/or even non-white guy would deal with such a cold woman who offered nothing to the relationship?

The women in the audience were eating up that stupid tree faggot, you still wonder why there are 3+ chipmunk movies and smurfs? it's because of that audience of women who go to see anything if there is something cute in it.

When i read this i felt like when i saw Michel bay's name in the opening sequence of the purge.

Other urls found in this thread:


Tsunderefags who claim that they want to put bitchy women in their place but never actually do it.

It's like poetry.

The protagonist is a womanizer, so it makes sense he wanting to fuck her.

Tsuderes a are suppose to be balanced for cute though, i don't know, I'm getting into preferences now.

I guess that makes sense.

Except there's this:

A Tsundere may come across as a bitch at times, but the whole point of it is that she eventually falls for the protagonist. There's also the fact that generally, Tsundere brings with it a bit of a "fire" - some degree of anger, passion, etc.

Now, for straight up cool, the Kuudere may get brought into play. But there, you have a girl who's just cool. She's not ice cold, or unnecessarily violent; she's not, dare I say, the "strong independent womyn" type.

The "cold" woman used in western shit is just the worst imaginable type of female to be with.

The kuuderes are my personal favorite.

its better to fuck an alien than a colored tbqh

…depends on the alien.

This was known by everyone


Congratulations. Watch out, everybody. Detective Dumbass is on the job!

What did they mean by this?



I'm going to piss people off but the skeletons of some wealthy African Roman citizens have been found adorned with appropriate jewelry etc. Hilariously they're widely believed to have been slave owners if not traders of native Britons. The Brits should ask for reparations.

Which were not niggers. People that populated Africa back then were not niggers, but Roman colonists and former subjects of Carthage.

It's the same shit as with WE WUZ PHARAOHS only for it to turn out the pharaohs were actually white (being related to the people of the Balkans and Greece) or when they shill the Out of Africa theory (only for it to turn out the region around the Caspian and Black sea, as well as the Balkans, former Persia and Greece is where the oldest remains of humans were found).

Basically, academia belongs in the ovens.

You do know that the Roman Empire was owning the coast-land of Africa aswell??

Heck, they were the reason that for several centuries, it wasn't a desert because they fucking knew how to take care of the land, unlike the sand and real niggers today.

Shes pretty hot tbh

What they teach you in schools these days?

Tsundere is shit when westerners get their hands on it.

Pic related. The absolute worst and most horrible 'love' interest in any film, and becoming more common.

That's because the girl is not a tsundere at all, she's just an opinionated cunt.

The whole point of a tsundere is that she is tsun and dere (for the old archetype) or initially tsun and then fully dere (for the modern interpretation).

Western content creators are too fucking stupid to grasp what the moe gap is. Also, they think me want "real" women in their fiction, because suffering the feminist bitches IRL isn't enough apparently, they have to follow us into our escapism as well with their smelly, used vagina, shitty attitudes and toxic personalities.

Just look at any Western made VN to see how much a group of humans can actually fuck up.

I agree with you on everything but anytime some uses the word "toxic" to refer to people it always reminds me of the LoL community.


this nose is semitism incarnate

Yeah they're supposed to have a dere side but it's often a tiny amount.



Choke on it Holla Forums.

>The discovery of the creature, named Graecopithecus freybergi, and nicknameded ‘El Graeco' by scientists, proves our ancestors were already starting to evolve in Europe 200,000 years before the earliest African hominid.

White devil tricks of tongue, y'all were created by Yakub.

What did the kangz mean by this?

That's a hominin but not a human you idiot. The final speciation of Homo sapiens still occurred in Africa where they then migrated out of.

This title goes to Flash Negress half-sister

This is the big dawg's yard now beeledat ah yessir


what's next for her career?


She was such a pleasant and feminine Asian insect. I bet she pissed off so many sjw faggots.

You've got it backwards, classic tsundere is the starts as tsun, ends up dere archetype. The flip-flopping Rie Kugimiya archetype is the modern variant.

Pic related, a rare example of a non-shit Western of a classic tsundere. In spite of being a stronk, muh shieldmaiden type. At least insofar as the first two movies, I haven't read the books or seen the series.