Crying & Abused Thread

Someone please post the pic of pic related at this event where she just got abused, and is crying, and her pants are barely on. It happened in Seattle.
Also, general Crying & Abused Thread. Post pics of our favorite stars in bad shape, crying and abused.





when the noose was just a rope

Great work, user.




A distressing scene from Disney kino.



I have many questions - none of them good.

Millie thread


I'd spin her fidget, if you know what I mean.

What I would give to have her make a video of just her spinning fidget spinners on her toes.

daily reminder foot fetishists are the bottom of the fetish pile, even below monsterfags/furfags and they're basically the same thing.

lol, don't care. Could be worse. Could be a nigger.

Found the closet foot-fag.

Personally, I only enjoy young girls' feet. Older woman have ugly feet to me. Too many sharp angles, veiny, skin is coarse. Not for me.

She really looks like a young Lena Dunham.

How cum she has a boy's middle name?

She technically has a black man middle and last name, pic related both to her and this thread in general

this would be the first question i'd ask her: "do you know you're named after a drugged out black male entertainer?"
the second question would be: "how does being named after a drugged out black male entertainer make you feel?"
the third question would be: "how did it feel to take the stage crying & abused in seattle?"

But most nigger family names were given to them by slave owners so it is actually a white name.


I can see where you could get gold from the washed out black, but where is white?

White/gold are cucks


Is it gay to want to deposit my semen in this boy's anus?

Was she named after him on purpose????

No. She was named after Bobby Fischer. Infamous anti-semite.

autism spinners claim another victim.

who, ironically, was himself a jew

This was like the whole plot to The Believer. Who's more keen to kikery than a Jew himself?


What happened to her? Did she get BLACKED?

Holy shit.

smh tbh fam…


You misognyist shitlords really are triggered by women aren't you. Do you realize the irony or are you all actually autistic? Complaining about women 24/7 you are liberally triggered out your arseholes


back to Holla Forums

what are you even talking about

