Egyptian President to meet with Trump

Is there anyway that we can squeeze some meme magic out of this?

We can hope Trump embarrasses him somehow
Sisi is a Saudi/Israeli puppet

This is just an extension of his black outreach program. Trump confirmed for Holla Forumslack

Once we secure western civilization we need to bring the Ogdoad back to Egypt.

I have mixed feels about this.

nice dubs btw


Turning the blacks on their jewish masters would be a deathblow.


Egyptians are just shitskin sand niggers.
Whites was clearly the real kangz.

On this topic, can somebody tell me wtf was that debacle with some Egyptian movie coming out and the actors?

There are a few surviving Egyptians of old stock.

Your shilling is so stupidly blatant. Derailing a shit thread with a shit question you already know the answer to and anyways is at your finger tips on google.

Get the fuck out.

Gee user, it was just one thing you could answer with one post, no need to get all rustled.

Was only good when it was Greek 2bh

Yeah. I remember seeing nofap videos made by some Egyptian muslim who had ginger hair and white skin.

It was a movie so shit that it was actually good. The acting was fucking terrible, the story was terrible, the visuals were fucking terrible, but costume designs were 10/10. Overall, I'd give it a 9.5/10.

Hey man Old Kingdom was bretty gud.

I mean they worshiped Kek and had Pharaohs that trolled peasants by playing loud music.

What does that make Morsi, the literal Goldman Sachs lackey?

Modern Egypt is a fucking joke.

Bring back the Ogdoad.


Actually I think one of the main guys was an actual /egy/ who happened to look like the whitest twink in the world

No, this is good. Trump meeting with world leaders drives home the point that Trump is presidential.

Don't fuck it up.

No he's right. Fuck off.

Why is Egypt so important? They are second to ISrael in gibmedats.
First mexico and second comes Egypt? Why?
Is it the masons?

This one was an intentional rouse. Egypt is an US dependency. Also, this is the level that Obama operates on.


That mass execution of muslim brotherhood members suggest otherwise.


confirmed for Mossad puppet

All I got from that is Egyptians cannot into brass instruments

Maybe to be blessed at the Temple of Kek?

Sure Morsi was shit, but that doesn't make Sisi based

I never said he was based. He's just a non-Salafi version of Morsi. He's a stopgap thing, if Morsi had remained in power he would have been replaced by someone who is actually anti-Saudi.