This is a nice board(oh no you dont. not again)
This is a nice board
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I liked the other one better tbh
doesnt feel good at all tbh
this is what actual Ox must feel
t. tbh
hex could have stopped it, but no one listened tbh
obvious shoop tbh
how many times is that nigger going to come back? what does he hope to accomplish with it?
i didn't even see what his last post was before it got deleted
what else? more cp
he's still at it too
willing to bet this is the guy that's been doing this for months now, every once and a while
youve probably seen worse
hex = ox tbh
the last thing he posted wasn't actual cp, so it could have just been more shooped shit
probably. i wonder what his opsec is like.
i guarantee i've seen worse
well, he's still around so that must mean either he has good security or the sites onto which he uploads just don't take legal action
cp or gore?
hex loves his mormon boy hurt core
i've been on the internet for a long time, user
careful, I'm no rookie
This one time I saw a banana without the skin on.
kek, did you grow up ok?
I'm on Holla Forums what the fuck do you think?
Mods Mods mods Mods
You turned out okay?
join the club, user
Was a gif of guy Cumming on cunnie
was a mistake on my part
i global reported
was a mistake on my part
is that a toddler?
Damn right it was a mistake now you've given jim more fap material.
diaperfags should be gassed
toddlers are hawt tho
Don't test me nigger(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
STOP violating your parole!
tbh this looks legal
it is, but it still violates the site rules and doesn't belong
toddlers are beautiful tho
This doesn't violate the rules or DOST tbh
you must be a fag
Diaperfags OUT!
because I'd rather look at girls that have something to look at rather than what basically amounts to a boy with a vagina?
thats disgusting tbh
thats like your opinion tbh
I use to have the daisy videos sadly the website that has them is currently down
don't feed the trolls
im not trolling
Hey LH
that's hex ?
no i'm hex
well i'm tired. time for bed.
you better! you have school tomorrow
Good night gays die in hell
gn bb hex
god loves everyone tho
there is no school on saturday, mom
good night
Thanks for letting us know, I like to be sure of the status of all the attentionwhores that frequent this shithole and they're all too eager to oblige.
once you decide to be gay, you choose not to obey God's commandments and must repent
T. /lg/ poster
Fuck what did I miss now. Descriptions would be nice.
t. /bl/ poster
arent tey all
cute toddlers :3
God fucking dammit
T. Cat-Kun
get out
im hex
you are beyond fucked in the head pal
this. he should be gassed
Nigger that's not a cute toddler what the fuck
I like toddlers too but this is too far ;-;
meep meep red cave tbh no homo
Wtf is wrong with you Ox
Hey remedy, im waiting ;)
I know wish their was anyway to fix it besides blowing my brains out
Do you mind not pretending to be Ox because even I don't like toddler/ diaperfag shit. Lemme get an actual trip I made a few weeks ago because that's fucked buddy.
even a trip couldn't fix how fucked you are
Oh I know that already. I just don't want to be associated eith baby fiddlers and fiapefags. That's where I draw the line.
With baby fiddlers and diaperfags.
too late
One of my personalities is "real" or "kraut" Ox.
Sweet then its settled.
If you don't believe him or me I can confirm my /lg/ trip as well.
Also toddler cunnilingus isn't that bad but vaginal and sexual intercourse is fucked.
You're missing out daisy is hot as fuck
Trips are the same here and there the only difference is secure trips
Hurtcore makes my sick Dimonds what can I say?
Toddlers and babies are where I draw the line. I don't care about "reputation" I care for my life. I don't want to get v& after a couple years of degeneracy. I've already made my transition into "normalfag" territory and I would like to keep it that way.
God dammit
Leave then and never come back or make a new identity instead of the cp poster you've currently made yourself out to be
Why hasn't this thread just been deleted yet?
Data mining
People prefer files to be deleted but not posts.
bcz it doesnt break the rools
I could easily leave tbh but I choose not to. When CP gets posted the board gets active and when there was daily pedo shitstorms I was happy. I was happy to rp both a pedo and an anti because it was fun. But now everyone just has a childish demeanor when rping; there's no passion left. Nothing good everlasts and I miss those threads ;-;
Trips aren't the same here. Try it for yourself. Use the same pw here and use that same pw on /lg/ and compare the trips.
They'll be different
That's fine.
wat was it?
It will be different because its a secure trip but looking at the test thread you used two hashes instead of one
Close up shot of a baby (toddler?) getting anally penetrated.
That puffy vulva though.
Yeah I wasn't sure if I was going to go through with this personality because it could only work for so long. I had a part time job working late nights til the early morning. That's why I could create a EU personality but I'm starting a full time job very soon so no more Kraut Ox for a very long time or never at all.
Never been a tripfag til now. Honestly.
That was just me being lazy and ignorant tbh
TBH he's just tickling her with his tongue. And what kid doesn't love to be tickled?
Ok that's a toddler.
Let me reiterate what I was trying to say.
Vaginal and sexual intercourse is fucked but if you're going to post it and not associate yourself with "me" then that is fine. I can't stop you from posting it.
Basically: I don't want to go down the rabbit hole and you're not going to drag me down with you.
meep meep pedo go back to your meadow tbh no homo
I just want to say that 24 hour bans for actual CP is fucking hilarious. Not like the ban duration matters but it's still funny nevertheless.
fuck you meep meep
Forget about Ox and move on
i've had trip-codes and personalities that i've used to do exactly what you're doing do now
but one day i just woke up and said fuck it
Now every three moths i just make a new trip and design another identity
honestly the hardest part is not being able to white knight for your old trips
I wish i had one ;-;
Soon. I start a full time job next week and I won't be able to shitpost/samefag/troll as frequently.
I think my trip is an easy crack tbh
I get a "new" personality in arbitrary time periods to dissuade people from looking into trying to "join the dots" so to speak. I don't like pseudonyms at all and trust me when I created CPlay and MK accounts I was fucking shaking. But hey I'm not v& so wohoo I guess.
You probably won't believe me when I say this but this is my first actual trip ever. Before this I would exclusively stick to namefagging because like I said earlier I hate pseudonyms and when you namefag you have plausible deniability.
I know namefagging is associating yourself with a psuedonym but work with me here
See you dude.
some advice would be to dumb down the words you use and make mistakes when typing but other then that don't forget to change how you type
and if you ever want to talk im sure we'll cross paths
twas a bad idea coming to this thread
Yeah there's nothing worse than seeing a promising thread full of "deleted" pics.
i meant the cp….why cant pedos just keep it to themselves
If you check my Ox posts on /lg/ you'll see a lot of spelling mistakes and random double spaces where they shouldn't be. Also words that should be there but weren't are riddled all over my /lg/ posts. Remember I was rping a German Pedo.
Also just check some archives from the past few months and you'll see random anons in pedo threads randomly double spacing in the middle of the sentence. That was probably me tbh.
Its become second nature to me tbh
We'll definitely cross paths again. You probably won't answer me but are you a trip on /lg/? Probably maybe idk. Anyways, god speed brother.
Nothing but text posts. I'm not sure what you're seeing that I'm not seeing tbh.
god speed
now i have an insatiable hunger for cp
this is why pedos can't have free speech