I am having a nigger moment

I am having a nigger moment.
I know this equals ten but I am trying to understand the logic.
var count = 0;for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {count = count + i;}alert("count is" + count);
The for part is what's troubling me. i equals 0 so while i is less than five add one (i++)?

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You have come to the right place.
Wanna be a vol?

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

is initializing i to 0, says to keep the loop running as long as i is less than 5, and to increment i (i.e. increase it by 1) at the end of each run through the loop.

but wouldn't that be
How does it come to ten?

im not good at math tbh

you cannot be serious? four iterations of triangle number

count = 0 + 0 (count is 0, i is 0)
count = 0 + 1 (count is 0, i is 1)
count = 1 + 2 (count is 1, i is 2)
count = 3 + 3 (count is 3, i is 3)
count = 6 + 4 (count is 6, i is 4)
i is incremented and is no longer less than 5
count is 10

That is definitely what I would expect to happen.

When $var is now 5, you should exit the for() loop. Is there more code you're working with? Does it run 6-10, or 1-5, or 1-10 …?

OS / compiler?


i++ uses the variable, then increments it. your code also adds one after that's done.
So it should say
Count is 2
Count is 4
Count is 6
Count is 8
Count is 10

because you're double incrementing it every iteration.

It's not my code, and it does no such thing. I is incremented by 1 once per loop in OP's code.

This one doesn't make sense either:
var tops = 5while (tops > 5) {for (var spins = 0; spins < 3; spins++) {alert("top is spinning!");}tops = tops - 1;}
I entered it into the console and it was 15 (that's the number of times I had to press ok).
This is the way I had worked it out:
tops=5 spins=0 +1
tops=4 spins=1 +1
tops=3 spins=2 +1
tops=2 spins=3 +1

or maybe this is the answer:
tops=5 spins=0 +1
tops=4 spins=1 +1
tops=3 spins=2 +1
tops=2 spins=3 +1
adding the tops up come to 15. I dunno if that is the answer. I mean in the code it says the while the spins are less than 3 so I can not go beyond the spins = 3.

Who's in the pic? Looks familiar?

Was that you pestering me on skype last night?

Loop body does not execute. Not even once.
(tops > 5) evaluates to false.

Psst: 8ch.net/bbbb/res/146.html#6329

[how does code work niggers]



[if niggers then
print tongue my anus
else print is coo fam
[ mabye if
i type like this?]
[ help

[one line last try sorry fagets]

Good catch.
Correct code:
var tops = 5;while (tops > 0) { for (var spins = 0; spins < 3; spins++) { alert("Top is spinning!"); } tops = tops - 1;}