what happened to this board? catch me up, how r yall doing
What happened to this board? catch me up, how r yall doing
Other urls found in this thread:
fug off fug
every1 left
ron told dys to get vols to shillpost or else
dys got vols
shillposts happening
that is all
post this
This happened, then dysnomia got new vols. All you really need to know about the new vols is the vol named Way is a subhuman white knighting faggot that mods with his feelings
i love you hex please have my babies
oh and everyone is hiding all posts from sagefags now too
that was really a non-event tbh
jim fucked up and b& hex and said some shit that he shouldn't have because he didn't realize who hex was
then instead of manning up and apologizing he had another vol unban hex for him
pretty sleazy, but it is jim so what do you expect
interesting stuff
I dunno if it was a non-event, it seems like he was trying to make an example out of me.
Only if you are a qt Mormon grill
For you? I can be anything you want.
does dysnomia still have a twitter
Post tits.
The place only seems to get worse every time I check on it.
hex is a nobody. You think just because some faggot posts with a trip he is somebody important? This is why tripfags and their fanboys/samefagging are retarded. This post and hexnigger crying all over Holla Forums about his ban demonstrate why tripfags have historically been considered the cancer of imageboards. The only reason anyone even tolerates an insufferable preening tripfag like hexnigger is because Jim the pig farmer is a bigger cancer.
In any other context anons would have told hexnigger to go stick it where the sun don't shine.
amen. name/tripfagging should be disabled on Holla Forums, halfchan does it right.
you know what's even more pathetic than tripfags? those who feel the need to write out entire diatribes everytime they get jealous of a tripfag getting attention
bring back cirno
..you called?
didn't read lol
He's hiding over at /maka/
t. archive.is spammer
t. newfag
We found the third self-sustaining meme, and on youtube!
youtube embeds when dysnomia?
you dont have the album downloaded?
for you
I have the album, but I want the Cinderella Syndrome's lyrics.
Ty for your concern familiah.
We can't afford them.
tbh its because that one faggot will spam youtube embeds again
tbh, I was going to do that
implying we wont spam (((Jew)))tube anyways
for you sorry bout the wait
dafuq is this faggotry?
fuck it i'll join you guys too
yay, youtube.com
t. faggot
If you get cancer, you win!
hex! BO when?
When we have the lyrics
Who the fuck are you? And what do you decide?
During a sweetened time
There is nothing that is definite
I fear the bell that declares tomorrow
In the pile of ashes in my heart
I run down the middle of the staircase
My glass slippers don't give me any support
This piercing cold voice
Spins lies in a beautiful language
I was looking at the mirror
As I kept dancing in this fake dress
The clock that points at 12
Will unmask your magic for what it is- How that will hurt!
Everything once vibrant pales in color
It all starts to blur as its beauty is drained away
During a sweetened time
I cling to an uncertain voice
I'm afraid of what tomorrow will bring
In the pile of ashes in my heart
The excessively fragile glass slippers break
And the shattered remains pierce my skin
Like my slippers, my breaking heart
Is projected as it unravels and distorts
I was looking at the mirror
As I forgot the meaning of "Happiness"
The clock that points at 12
Will unmask your magic for what it- How that will hurt!
From the pale colors I can see
Is everything that sparkled going to disappear?
The clock that points at 12
Will unmask your magic for what it is- How that will hurt!
Goodbye what I was seeing all
Must have been a happy fantasy..
The clock that points at 12
Will unmask your magic for what it is- How that will hurt!
Everything once vibrant pales in color
It all starts to blur as its beauty is drained away..
I'm the Decider.
wrong Cinderella Syndrome… lurk the thread. We were talking about this one: youtube.com
cancer check em!!
what do you decide, exactly? Dysnomia, are you fucking with us now?
hex! will be BO by the end of this year