what happened to this board? catch me up, how r yall doing
What happened to this board? catch me up, how r yall doing
Other urls found in this thread:
fug off fug
every1 left
ron told dys to get vols to shillpost or else
dys got vols
shillposts happening
that is all
post this
This happened, then dysnomia got new vols. All you really need to know about the new vols is the vol named Way is a subhuman white knighting faggot that mods with his feelings
i love you hex please have my babies
oh and everyone is hiding all posts from sagefags now too
that was really a non-event tbh
jim fucked up and b& hex and said some shit that he shouldn't have because he didn't realize who hex was
then instead of manning up and apologizing he had another vol unban hex for him
pretty sleazy, but it is jim so what do you expect
interesting stuff