But I thought only fat white women went for black guys.
What the fuck is Bella Hadid doing with this dude?
LOL!!! Aryan race 'bout to go extinct!
Ima do my part but fading one of you basement dwellers.
Fight me, white boi!
But I thought only fat white women went for black guys
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to be fair japanese ppl arent really happy
Bless your heart, at least you try.
Just another arab trashbag
Mongrel sand woman likes niggers. News at 11.
That's actually fake quote.
arabs are master race tbh
3DPD are whores, and will go with whatever offers them the most.
Because whites, east Asians, and jews have genes that make them smart, they do well in life, and thus are able to offer more to a 3DPD.
a nigger sometimes gets lucky, and does well in life, making him able to get a 3DPD that has genes that are better then his, but it doesn't happen as much as you cucks would like.
Bella a cute shame she's a coal burning pig
What does Bella have to do with the Aryan race again?
try whit stupidest
Very "Aryan" sounding.
Lol, they actually wrote fatter in a scientific journal?
every fucking time
So this means that white women who marry blacks have more in common with blacks and black women who marry whites have more in common with whites?
Sounds pretty logical
I dont know if i had stick legs like that i wouldnt exactly pull up my pants like that.
It means that poor niggers have a bigger drive for fat (white) women since his brain equates that with a higher probability for improvement.
I personally would take all the jamals that were welcomed in germany to berlin, build a big wall around them (as a protection measure against bavarian superiority) and watch it unfold.
I also would take a liberal "i m so educated" dicksucker by his neck like a dog and after i put their noses through their own shit stuff him into berlin (that is after the jamals and the fat cunts went their aswell).
Sounds like homeless Kurd to me.
Is that a joke? I don't get it. A funny joke of mine is that the girl in that picture is a rothschild that was married to one of the big Jewish bankers in London when she was caught frolicking with that sub saharan tier chap. Pretty funny right?
kill yourself isis supporter
isis is controlled by jews, so no but i do support hamas and hezbollah and other islamic groups
the cucks posts are bumped at the same fucking time
Happyier than niggers tbh