I have been a real jackass. I am now 221 pounds, I have gained 21 pounds after finally now longer being in the two hundreds. Now this is going to sound dangerous, but I am fuckin desperate, and I need to get over my food addiction. I am going to start eating 1200+ calories a day until I get to 170, then I will go to a sensible caloric deficit. I need to get the weight off, I can't stand this shit anymore, being fat is a horrible choice, and lifestyle.
So to cut to the chase, I want to do low carb on top. while getting a full spectrum of necessary vitamins and mineral, while trying to cut way down on the salt. Can somebody spoonfeed me everything I need to know to do this in such a way that I do not fuck myself up too much. I need to lighten up.
I have always wanted to be that healthy guy who is skinny, and does cardio all the time, and can put his legs behind his head. Please help me, I want to purify myself of this overindulgent atmosphere of shit I have built around myself. I don't even care about loose skin any more. I rather be a melted candle then what am, this…this unburnt candle on iniquity!
Are you me? Anyways: Myfitnesspal.com. Even a retard can count calories with that. Fast for a day or two to begin your diet. For me it's always been easier to fast at the start than to stay under 1200. And 1200 feels more satisfying to me after I've "starved" Don't worry about what you eat until you're down to a healthy weight. Trying to eat right will just give you more to track, and eating a bunch of food you don't like will make you more likely to cheat and eat more than if you let yourself have that cheeseburger from the beginning. Portion size is everything. Don't ever dish something out without measuring it. Read some pro-ana material. I'm not saying you should develop an eating disorder, but learning to think of my stomach growling as a good thing and a sign of progress helped me.
Gabriel James
Ask /fit/
Thomas Rivera
Why would you want to be a faggot? And why would you ask about being a faggot here? Like says, try another board…like /boipussi/ or something.
Jaxon Martin
Lincoln Morris
Seems like a lot of effort just to be able to suck your own dick.
Christopher Miller
That would nice, I am not sure that I could do it, but it would be nice. Or at least be more comfortable while cumming in my own mouth.
Lucas Campbell
you get what you deserve, op
eat your own shit digestion only takes so much nutrition out of your food before passing it along down the pipe get the rest of the nutrition out of it without intaking additional calories, carbs, or cholesterol, and reintroduce good gut bacteria to your system by eating your own shit
Asher Lewis
Just stop fucking eating all the time. Eat ONE meal a day and chew gum, drink water. Just have a sandwich in the afternoon. Don't drink soda, drink water. You'll shed pounds within days. Unless your job is manual labor or you exercise like a demon, there's no reason to be eating all the time. All i've eaten today is a turkey burger and some cheese its. I'm hungry right now, but i'm about to go to sleep. You know what that means? my body will be burning fat will i sleep to do whatever it does while i sleep. You don't need to eat super healthy to lose weight. JUST DON'T EAT GARBAGE. It's that fucking simple. It's so easy. Take supplements too. A 1aday mens should be sufficient, it's what i take with my sandwich.
Then once you get to a normal weight, simply DON'T EAT GARBAGE and exercise daily like any normal human should. Do a fucking push-up once in a while. I have a pull-up bar i use any time i walk into my garage, made it a routine to knock a couple out whenever i walk in there. Anime openings are long as fuck, work out while the credits play. Just make it a thing you do.
Carson James
hey OP, vegan copypasta poster here. I thought maybe you coulde use this.
keep in mind I am NOT a doctor. ask your doctor before doing anything. don't trust me. I'm not responsible for what happens. you are.
including all sorts of info that I made for anons on /d/ and for anons on /cuteboys/ just in case it's relevant, but it can be ignored. just slightly related in nature.
get ready for a HUGE info dump, only read if you have the patience. reading a little at a time is better than not reading it at all, so hit file-→save page as on your browser if you want to read it later
Nathaniel Carter
warning OP, shills will shit all over this advice because it "isn't cool to be a vegan faggot". these are estabilishement globalist cuck shills who want to keep you unhealthy forever so you make them more money.
How to uncuck your body by eating better, guaranteed to make big agro and big meat and dairy shills rage steaming furious
trigger warning for very manly smelly men who have biceps in their testicles and are scared of gay vegans and their dangerous attack celery: this is a whole plant based food thread and I don't give a FUCKING DAMN about your feelings. you take this advice and you fucking learn something from it and improve yourself you sorry sack of shit. "but but muh meat muh meat" MEAT IS FOR FAGGOTS if you know what I mean
hey I don't give a fucking shit if you're gay, as long as you don't chew and swallow your meat. traps are gonna fucking love this guide because it will help them get even skinnier without sacrificing that bouncy hot ass holy SHIT
Pic related is what your diet should look like. if it looks anything like the ((((standard american diet))) you have been cucked on such a level that you have no fucking idea. guess where most of our health problems come from? guess where the money goes when you need medication or hospital visits? or when you need to go to the dentist?
I'm going to post a few guides, and even an updated "cum guide" I made taking the best advice from all the other guides out there. I hope you enjoy and benefit greatly. an uncucked body for an uncucked mind
Update: I learned from the previous thread which had alot of derailment issues but even still there was very good debate and conversation even within the derailing portions of the thread. alot of people asked alot of good questions, and there were even a few shills. I made some changes to the material in the thread and added some more links, and even included a questions and answers section based on the previous thread. I also included some of the answers to those questions in the main portion of the thread so that those questions wouldn't even need be asked in the first place since they would be answered as you read along. still, people will carelessly skim the thread and learn nothing, and ask some really fucking stupid questions. that's okay, because they will be getting a whole lot of replies just saying "read the damn thread"
here is a hilarious previous thread getting shilled. hint: they don't do a very good job and loads of good anons step up to call them out and even share lots of great recipes. good on you, you good guys! archive.is/4SCYj
Jack Barnes
first things first, don't be a junkfood snackatarian
have you ever seen someone like this?:
This is a dangerously unhealthy assumption that many people make when they believe they are switching to being fully plant based. These people are what I like to call "junkfood-snackatarians" the diet of the junkfood-snackatarian rarely ever contains any actual fruits, herbs, or vegetables and is often severely lacking in any actual nutrients, vitamins, or minerals. Their diet's are often 100% highly refined, heavily processed junk-snack foods like chips and soda or white bread and zero calorie artificial sweetener saturated "flavor waters".
vegetarian since 2005 became a vegan in 2011 probably had to do some research and improve on vegan methods now he's kicking ass again kicks ass all the way to here and then starts kicking the worlds ass 4 more world records after going vegan
Set world records and broke PBs (personal bests) while being vegetarian and vegan.
Ethan Torres
here is a list of vitamins and minerals and other good things that the human body needs. take note that there are many other whole plant foods that may contain similar vitamin, mineral, and nutrient contents but I wanted to keep this list from becoming too overwhelming so I only listed some of the better sources per specific nutrient.
I decided to make this list because I noticed that some people would post links cherry picking news stories about some dumbass or their stupid kids getting some horrible nutrient deficiency or disease because they decided to go full plant based or "vegan" and how the article shames them and shits all over them for making poor choices and how they should learn from it and start eating alot of animal products because plant foods don't have vitamins! they are just fully devoid of all nutrients! so start giving big dairy and meat industry your money so that you can make your body sick as shit so that you have to give all your money to big pharma and pay those hosptial bills!
Just totally disregard all stories of people who ate the standard american diet and had some horrible life threatenting emergency!
basically they want you to pay subscription fees for your prescription fees just like bad video game companies want you to pay for dlc and subscription fees to keep playing their game or being able to access online multiplayer. Oh sorry you were brainwashed from an early age to not consider a meal a "meal" unless it has some animal product on it? you got sick? good citizen go get your prescription medication so that your heart doesn't stop, and by the way you're on this pill for life. just another fee, just another bill, just another tax on your life.
so I'm going to show you that a whole plant food diet is loaded with vitamins and minerals. you just have to be smart enough to eat them in the right combination so that you get all of your vitamins. after you see this, you will probably decided to stop spending money on stupid multivitamins and start eating your vitamins the right way.
as mentioned in other parts of this thread, everybody has problems getting enough vitamin B12 and vitamin D no matter what they eat. make sure to avoid shitty mass produced versions of B12 like cyanocobalamin and D like lanolin (chemically processed sheeps wool) another good reason to avoid cyanocobalamin is that your body has to work harder to throw away the cyanide and you lose methyl groups. try to find a good product from an officially tested and verified company that doesn't fill up their products with additives like titanium dioxide and magnesium stearate, and does a good job at staying natural and clean. best vitamin D I know is Cholecalciferol, while the best vitamin B12 I know is methylcobalamin. for the cleanest product, try to get a brand that is certified vegan and certified organic. don't think you're being smart by buying some fish based version, you're doing yourself no favors there.
Swiss Chard Green Beans Asparagus Collard Greens Mustard Greens Bell Peppers Bok Choy Turnip Greens Kale Spinach Beet Greens Broccoli
Bell Peppers Asparagus Green Peas Carrots Tomatoes Cantaloupe Collard Greens Brussels Sprouts Fennel Parsley Chili Peppers Swiss Chard Mustard Greens Eggplant Turnip Greens Cabbage Spinach Broccoli Green Beans Bok Choy Beet Greens Kale
just eat some natural salt (food grade obviously) (I very rarely add small amounts of natural salt to my food for the sodium chloride) I dont always use salt, but when I do I use a little.
Spinach Pumpkin Seeds Soy Beans Cashews Sesame Seeds Black Beans Kidney beans Almonds Dark Chocolate
amino acids (hemp protein powder is great for this since it contains ALL the essential and non essential amino acids!) eating both hemp protein powder and spirulina powder is an excellent way to stay on top of your essential and non essential amino acid needs.
I like to sprinkle spirulina and hemp protein powder on my cereal. turns it an alien blue green color, tastes the same. smells chalky though. hemp protein powder is great to add with some cacao powder and raisins in the blender with just water, you don't even need milk. makes the best the best the best chocolate protein smoothie I ever drank.
other good sources of plant protein include (they may or may not be as complete in the amino acids as hemp, but eating a variety of different plant foods is a cool way to overlap their nutritional content so you get a bit of everything from each) peas beans nuts seeds like chia and flax oats peanut butter (get the natural stuff. no ingredients other than peanuts) broccoli
best omega 3's walnuts chia seeds flax seeds pumpkin seeds remember to buy your chia seeds and flax seeds whole, store them in a dark cool place, and grind them at home right before use. you don't want fats that went bad. those are vulnerable to spoiling even if you don't notice.
best fats nuts seeds avocados
broccoli asparagus spinach peas nuts
citrus fruits nuts
another way of getting phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl inositol is to find a good source of non-gmo organic soy lecithin (if you don't mind soy)
Warning there is a connection between eating meat, choline, carnitine, getting cancer and cholesterol problems, and TMAO. this is a great video explaining this. what's the funny part? doesn't get digested the same way in people who eat a strictly plant based diet. youtube.com/watch?v=x3yp0oTd1YA
I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask a doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.
Jonathan Nelson
how to be healthy step one: be gay. sorry but the dumbass rulebook says that you have to be gay or you aren't allowed to be healthy. if you avoid unhealthy shit and eat plants to get all your vitamins and minerals with the exception of B12 and D3 supplementation then you are a faggot. you must be at least *this* gay to get on the health rolllercoaster. if you are a manly man you must rip at the flesh of dead animals with your teeth and make howling noises while growing out your armpit hair and lifting weights. also, never take a bath. hygene is for sissies. if anyone mentions veganism, simply allow the cognitive dissonance to kick in and feel free to have a knee jerk reaction. this is actually what shills want you to believe
so much effort just to maintain cast iron when you can just use something else. there are die hard cast iron people and I respect them alot, and the food comes out great but It's not for everyone unless you want to put in a whole nightmare of alot of work and stinking up your house with the smell of burnt oil for a pan that can rust so easily if you don't treat it like a princess, I wouldn't reccomend the cast iron cookware for people who rather not be doing that.
if you want an easier and more reliable set of cookware I would reccomend: 304 surgical stainless steel (at the very least triple layer) NO ALUMINUM FUCKING CORES, are where it's at. beware scammers, alot will rip you off really hard. beware that the aluminum core pots and pans will rust on the seam between the aluminum sandwhich and the stainless steel for no fucking reason at all.
best thing you can do to save money is spend a good amount on a single one size fits all 304 surgical stainless steel cooking pot that's BIG and has a wide opening or top, (don't forget your lid, and it's gotta be the same material as the pot and it better come with it or you're being scammed) but make sure this pot is not too big for your biggest burner.
what you do is keep using that one pot for everything, like as a pan or as a pot. don't need to make so much food? don't fill it up all the way. boiling food looks really strange when the it looks so shallow, but it still does the job just fine as long as you are insanely careful not to fuck up the food or hurt yourself, and as with all cooking you can still always get hurt.
that way you save yourself from spending a thousand dollars buying every little petty size big and small of a full set of stainless steel pots and pans. really, watch the fuck out for scammy companies, even the ones that have high quality pots and pans will overcharge the shit out of you for some good quality stainless steel. it must be excellent quality and an excellent price or you get out of there and find a different place. don't stick around and let them trick you into a "good deal".
NEVER buy a pan that cannot go in the oven. if the handle is plastic, it's a shit pan. the vast majority of stainless steel cookware is shit, and that's only one of the reasons to watch out for. some stainless steel cookware has aluminum hidden inside of it. NEVER COMPROMISE you have to get 100% true stainless steel. no aluminum or any other bullshit should be in the cookware or you are getting totally raped in the wallet. they make excuses and say that the aluminum helps it heat evenly but that's bullshit as a properly layered stainless steel pot does a fantastic job. aluminum is snuck in by assholes who want to make the product cheaper to produce, but still sell it at an insanely high price. don't EVER let them convince you this this is to your benefit. It's not, and they don't care about you or your cooking experience.
I personally never needed to put my stainless steel pot in the oven before. for things in the oven, you could get a stainless steel cookie sheet (might warp a little the first few uses), or simply just use pyrex cookware that's made for use in the oven. warning: don't put pyrex or glass-like cookware on the stove. it will heat unevenly and shatter or explode.
Landon King
never cook with unless you want to eat small amounts of that shit and get alzheimers and other horrible diseases or health problems.
don't be a piece of shit and use induction cooktops or microwaves. cook your food in a normal oven or on a normal stove (doesn't have to be that metal coil shit) and you can get the kind that's glass on top but glows red, (make sure it's not induction, that's a flat microwave with no door).
take a paper towel and rub on your aluminum cookie sheet or pot or pan. rub it around dry, nice and good.
now look at your paper. is it all gray and silver like? see what you're eating?
cook your food inside an oven or on the stove, anything else I have ever seen is for cucks.
be careful and stay smart.
Cooper Smith
The thing about "a diet of meat, grains, veggies, fruit" etc is that the meat doesn't contribute to the healthfulness, it's the plant foods. "Health-conscious meat eaters" or "meat minimalists" are people who rarely eat meat, but on occasion do, and they still often struggle to keep up health-wise with people who cut the junk out entirely.
I genuinely hope that someone appreciates this and has a very happy and healthy life. peace.
I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.
Dominic Lopez
calories are fake I'm not saying that anyone should go and eat a bunch of butter or make irresponsible dietary choices but I don't believe in calories. these stupid little imaginary numbers floating around in food don't exist. they are an illogical, innacurate, and false representation of the whole idea of what food is. calories as a system don't account for every different individual and the way their body handles food, breaks it down, absorbs it, and disposes of it.
calories in my personal and unprofessional opinion are nothing but a consistent way for the government to get the same number out of the same foods over and and over, without any true intelligent regard for WHAT the food is, what its nutritional content is, or how the body handles it, as well as completely disregarding the fact that when you eat food, you eventually use the bathroom. Guess what happens to our food?-right into the toilet a huge percentage of the solid matter you previously consumed which depending on a few different things may count as a large portion of "calories" that were not absorbed by the body.
I heard that the way that calories are counted in foods is that they are brought into a lab by professionals and set on fire next to a test tube of water, let burn for a while, and then they measure the temperature change in the water, a few mathematical equations later and zim zam magicaloo we went to the electric boogaloo "CALORIES"
Human beings do not have fire inside of them burning food or burning calories, and these processes used to measure the caloric content of food do not take into account any biological processes at all, or even the differing biological processes that occur in the bodies of differing and unique living beings. people are not all the same and shouldn't be treated like their stomachs have a number inside them that perfectly describes the way they themselves or anything about them functions. notice how the school system is so corrupt right now because they think of every student as a number for example. these higher ups want to treat everything and everyone as a number and it isn't working for anyone.
Luke Evans
to make nutmilk
you could also dump a can of pumpkin in this! it's like pumpkin pie cereal!
Want to know the secret truth about protein bars? most protein bars are just as bad, if not worse than the junk food snack bars sold next to the lines at shopping stores. you can actually convert my home made cereal recipe into a cereal protein bar by the way. just add a little peanut butter (only peanuts and maybe a little sea salt. no other ingredients. read the jar before you buy it. you want the real peanut butter) until it sticks together and then and smash it together and press it into bar shapes. "walla."
First of all, all of those ingredients are just possiblities. You can choose to add or not add any combination of them and make your own custom cereal.
Secondly, you must probably not bring a calculator and a scale with you when you go shopping!
Do you even remember looking at cereal at any store and seeing how much it costs? I remember when the boxes of cereal were HUGE and only cost 2$ for a double pack. now cereal costs 7$ or more a box in most cases and the boxes are less than half the size they used to be. Not only that but cereal has become less dense. Cereal companies are literally selling you boxes full of air with "some cereal". Cereal has become the new potato chip bag and this is exactly why I want to stop supporting them, but I love cereal so much and I know other people do to, so I want to teach everyone how to be independent and self sufficient enough to make their own healthy and affordable cereal without any unhealthy additives. Screw the cereal companies. We freedom now.
I am not a doctor, a nutritionist, professional, or chef. ask your doctor before doing anything.
>others will tell you "just buy some cheap-ass carbon filter!" which doesn't even remove significant amounts of chlorine but rather the chlorine "flavor" and don't remove any fluoride at all
Daniel Johnson
another great trick or two for whitening your teeth is to brush your teeth with cinnamon, then put a small spoon of the yellow spice turmeric (related to ginger) in your mount and swishing it around until its a liquid (like mouthwash) for a few minutes. you can swallow the turmeric (but ask your doctor first) and then put a spoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it for another few minutes. spit the coconut oil out (in the trash, as it can freeze and harden in your pipes in cold weather, or may present other pipe clogging issues) and before you know it, a few days later you can notice a difference. (doing it every day of course, and changing your diet to a healthier one like this guide mentions)
Warning Don't swallow any kind of toothpaste, ever. For this type of toothpaste the reason you don't want to swallow is the coumarin content. If you brush your teeth often, and you decide to be a dangerous idiot (absolutely not recommended! do not try this at home) and swallow the cinnamon toothpaste, you will get large doses of coumarin and get very sick or die.
Colton Sullivan
I feel like my mouth is cleaner than ever, and again this is cheaper than any toothpaste you could ever buy in the store.
teflon and aluminum accumulates in your body and actually helps the fluoride hurt you more so avoid using kitchen wares made from those materials. also avoid copper. that shit can give you too much copper from what it releases into your food and cause you severe problems.
HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN DEODORANT deodorants often contain aluminum and other horrible toxic shit that gets absorbed by your skin. (It's now obvious to you why chemtrails are a mix of barium, strontium, and aluminum besides other things)
warning magnesium chloride deodorant when used by begginers can feel itchy, sting, burn, and tickle. this happened to me because I wasn't used to it, and I used way too much. when I used less and continued using it didn't happen to me anymore.
Method 2. (more difficult and more uncomfortable, but some people prefer it) and its done.
you can make very small amounts to practice until you get the right texture. its like a paste you put it on one finger and spread it onto your underarm.
always remember to read ingredient lists on everything.
Jayden Collins
Hey, you missed the most important box. Meat tastes good and I don't care about anything else.
Joseph Cooper
alot of these are from aluminum factory run off but the BIGGEST scam and the reason why dentists and the government pushes fluoride so hard is because it is a waste product of refining plutonium and uranium enrichment for weapons and nuclear powerplants. It's insanely expensive to dispose of it legally so they sell it to dentists and the states to add to water as a supplement, medication without consent. People ingest it and it ends up in graveyards or downstream in the ocean, basically highly indirect illegal dumping.
Body care if you can wash your hair with baking soda, and then vinegar, you avoid alot of crap from shampoo and conditioner (read those (((ingredients))) and shit your pants. it takes getting used to but you save loads of money from buying all that crap. I rub wet baking soda into my hair in the shower and rinse with water, then I add white distilled vinegar and rinse with water again, and then I let it dry and rub a small amount of coconut oil into my hair as my conditioner. If you can avoid the microwave too, and go organic or at least non-gmo and full plant based food, you avoid so much trash.
It takes some getting used to but never give up and you will succeed. remember to avoid things that seem expensive, while many companies and corporations that sell organic food exist, many are out to just get inexperienced shoppers money. usda organic oats and flax seeds and dry black beans from wholefoods (dispenser section where you fill your own bag) are usually a good price to compare other things from as "fair"
I am Not a doctor or a dentist. Ask your doctor and dentist before doing anything.
Evan Nelson
Obese people will make the most irrational decisions and will find any way to justify their unhealthy eating habits and lack of aerobic exercise. Attempting to brief obese individuals on why their obesity is negatively affecting them is considered going against political correctness and is considered discrimination. However, a quick look at the scientific articles that I have provided below will show that obesity is truly bad. Not only does it increase your chance of diseases such as heart disease, malnutrition, stupidity, hormone imbalances, and many other harmful effects, but it can permanently damage your brain and cognitive abilities and may leave you not as intelligent as you use to be, assuming you were intelligent in the first place.
Cognitive Effects:
archive.is/32k2U h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3951958/
archive.is/IzEGk h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3768113/
archive.is/5Fedr h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2748863/
archive.is/lLAeH h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3147174/
archive.is/ZgeRq h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3872007/
archive.is/pWeht h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4237034/
archive.is/s4djy h ttps://w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3321396/
archive.is/pRI5D h ttps://w ww.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/Pages/overweight-obesity-statistics.aspx
Ian Rogers
Hey meat defense force faggot. then just keep doing what you think is best, unless you tell your doctor about your eaitng habits and they tell you to change. you should have the conversation with your doctor before your heart packs it's bags and takes a vacation. don't be that person who's afraid to change just because "muh burgers"
Ayden Bailey
Questions and Answers
just so you know: without a doubt this thread will be swarmed by shills or people claiming that I'm gay just because I like plants. I'm gay for completely different reasons I swearjk or screaming "whear u git protons?" or "muh organ meats!" "eat animal brains!" just do your research. don't fall for the rigged studies and everyone who is trying so desperately to confuse you so that you are not the best you can be
make sure that you don't trust me! I'm just a plant faggot! do your own research!
pro tip: when you go full plant based, you get the BEST shits. even better after you learn how to toilet squat safely. (don't try this at home)
you can have your casual and relaxed "it's not a problem" and very non-serious view on the whole idea of eating healthy but I- The OP am presenting this thread so that people can do better than just fine.
I am presenting this information so that people can do FUCKING GREAT.
that's what I want people to realize. you can eat like a typical fuck or you can eat slightly better than think you're doing fine, or you can nut up and shut the fuck up and do really fucking GREAT.
I'm starting to believe that people who join these discussions to say "hey guys, it's cool don't listen to OP, just eat in moderation" are simply trying to find a very sneaky way to douse the fire and talk everyone down.
they are essentially saying "Nothing to see here! don't listen to OP! just quietly go about your business! go back to being stupid!" while they shout at each other on handheld radios "SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I wont accept that and I Damn fucking hope nobody else will either. I expect better from you all. you're here because you're smart. you're here not because you are a reject but because you reject everyone else
wake the fuck up DAMN IT!
Justin Gomez
Yea maybe more. I'm an involved OP and I don't just pump out a thread and dump it on you guys. I stick around and answer questions because I'm a good fucking person and a real human bean. alright bro?
you really need to sort out your own life out before you provide deconstructive criticism and point out problems in everyone else.
Oh boy OHHH boy user. go get yourself a calculator and start adding up the cost of all the coffee you get from coffee shops, the milk, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, and all the other shit you buy now. add in the chips, doughnuts, alcohol, beer, and all the other shit you have. whatever it is you buy, just save all your papers and add up the totals.
you WILL shit your fucking pants at how much money you spend on stupid shit. if you just try, it will probably be better than whatever you are doing now. ask your doctor! they will proabably be happy. just ask them first.
lel, /fit/ doesn't even like me. maybe your eyes need to present themselves better to the words user. have some patience and read a little bit every day. you can archive the webpage, or go to "file" "save" and save a snapshot of this page for later, or even copy and paste the text from the whole page by selecting all, and copy-pasting to a text file. read a little bit every day and eventually you will reach the end and know some good shit you didn't know before. good shit that will change your fucking life for the better. you can do it.
ask your doctor the difference between the health of people who are fully vegan (and doing it correctly with all vitamins and minerals and necessary nutrients and amino acids and omega 3 accounted for) vs vegetarians who still eat milk, cheese, eggs. you will be surprised.
>1 you could go iron will monk mode and politely turn away any and all food and just chill while other people eat very addictive smelling food right infront of your face and just go home and eat later, (people will not shut the fuck up. people will keep asking you over and over and over again like they want to FUCKING BREAK YOU if you would "just like to have a little bit of pie" until you are ready to scream at them, but just stay calm and keep being polite and rejecting them peacefully. this will piss off the fuckers who are trying to tempt you on purpose. you see, these shitty people are cucks who enjoy watching others fail. the other type of person who wants to tempt you is one who assumes they know what you are thinking and believes that YOU think you are better than them, and are so delusional that they believe they must prove you wrong and watch you fail because of the delusions they made themselves believe about what you were thinking, even though you weren't thinking this at all and just want to be healthy.)
>2 you could do the same as above but bring a premade snack from home like trailmix or granola trailmix balls stored in some kind of lunch container in a mini lunchbox in one of those sweet new one strap backpacks (not the shitty looking kind) from amazon.com and just eat that to hold you over until you get home, any restaurant asks you just explain you're accompanying your friends and family and can't eat anything because you're on a very strict diet and your doctor said etc. etc. usually they understand and leave you alone. never really been kicked out of a place for sitting with anyone while they eat.
>3 cave and eat horrible things "only just" when you are with other people, which is going to be a whole fucking lot more than you think. never be as healthy as you could be. health statistics never going above and beyond the typical standard american vegetarian threshold. all the effort at home is essentially for nothing. you basically cave and cave more often until you accidentally realize you gave up long ago. not recommended ever.
just follow the guide of all the OP posts. do your best. try to get all your vitamins and minerals.
ask your doctor before doing anything. I am Not a doctor.
Daniel Myers
Wow, triggered by seventeen words? I guess plants make you fragile.
Evan Price
eat em roasted occasionally or just soak raw nuts and seeds in water overnight and rinse them out to "activate them" (you can't really activate cooked or roasted nuts and seeds) soak overnight and drain, add new water, and cook really really well. cooking them usually works, toasted rolled oats tastes great as home made cereal.
also, it's important to eat lots of garlic and onions (avoid a few days before going out on a date or something) because they help with vitamin and mineral absorption, and they are great cancer fighters.
you have to help your body naturally get rid of the homocystine it produces by eating enough:
and finally, eat two tablespoons of ground flax seeds every day. (reduces prostate cancer risk) but women benefit too! remember women have the female prostate, but besides that they need the omega 3's too.
Wyatt Reyes
you could do it for a combo of sad animal reasons and health reasons or you could say "fuck it, I'm only doing this for me" in that case, you still want to avoid meat, chicken, and fish and anything that comes from animals. even if it came from a clean place top KEK in 20XX when you cook animal products they become carcinogenic. the youtube channel nutrition facts mentions alot of this. I'll post my link list. ask for it if I forgot, and I will gladly post it for you.
don't burn your vegetables you stupid fuck
Don't underestimate the amino acid content of hemp protein powder and spirulina. I can also eat beans and nuts and cacao beans and I actually get too much protein. as for fish, I rather get my Omega3 fatty acids from walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and chia seeds. if you are only interested in the liver for vitamin A content, why aren't you eating spinach like our favorite sailor or carrots like our favorite rabbit? seriously, ask your doctor about this.
you what MVIII? hemp protien powder, spirulina, moringa powder, maca root, fruits and veg ARE my multivitamins. I only supplement D3 and B12.
because Holla Forums is important. many people want you to succeed. if you eat healthy you will live for longer. you will have influence on the world for longer, and be able to teach others for longer. what you say and do, does and will continue to have an effect upon the earth.
Michael Cruz
alot of those things are really fucking healthy. you don't have to eat tons of them, but ignoring them just because they contain some phytoestrogen is stupid. we are brought up to believe that men are testosterone only and women are estrogen only. this is retarded because while men to tend to have more testosterone, and women do tend to have more estrogen, males and females do have both. men do make some estrogen, and women do make some testosterone. not only that, but there are many different types of hormones. there isn't only one kind of estrogen, and there isn't only one type of testosterone. there are many, and even more of other hormones not commonly mentioned in normal conversation.
take a look at flax, and do the research on the studies behind it. why is it so great for prostate health? flax has phytoestrogens in it, but it helps men. meanwhile, eat too much soy and you get breasts, panic, cut back really fast and lose weight and feel relieved that they actually went away, fuck… scary shit right? but interesting anyway. don't try it because you might get stuck with them.
look up that study where women who ate miso paste (contains soy) reduced their risk for breast cancer. it's a bad idea to eat a ton of soy, but eating a little might be appreciated by your body. soda however? fuck that. never ever. not even a little. also if you ever gotta eat some soy, it better damn be organic or at least non-gmo, or that shit will fuck you up, allergic to soy or not. hope this helps.
do you really believe that phytoestrogens kill gains? how do you explain some of the female body builders then? the ones that don't use drugs
if you are worried about estrogen then m8 I have some bad news for you. look up how much hormones and antibiotics and estrogen and all that shit make it into your steak or your milk or fish. pro tip: it's a whole fucking lot more than what's in a handful of cashews that's for sure.
pro tip:(I would avoid hops and beer completely though if you want to make your girl friend happy to be fair and honest here) pro tip: PRO TIP: never ever EVER take a drug called finasteride. do your research. ask your doctor. talk to your dad, your uncle, your grandpa, and anyone else who might be taking it. AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE ask your doctor before doing anything. I'm Not a doctor.
Bentley Ortiz
I have seen a few guides out there that recommend bathing with warm water and vinegar, or using baking soda with water as a paste to wash hair when it's more in need of it, then rinsing after with warm water and then warm water with vinegar at the end so it doesn't react. the vinegar rinse keeps it from drying you out after, especially your hair. if you need something with suds you can get the castile soap from mountainroseherbs.com (price on the gallon size + shipping beats wholefoods castile soap price if I'm not mistaken).
if you want to be extremely lazy about it, alot of the shampoos and soaps in wholefoods are very expensive (and a huge ripoff) but have less bad shit in them compared to alot of the bath products in other stores. I wouldn't recommend it.
apple cider vinegar bath feels great though. take your skin sensitivity into account first though. you don't want to irritate yourself. beware of eye contact too.
you might also want to get some shea butter and other unrefined natural plant oils to moisturize your hair and skin instead of using conditioner. obviously using too much makes you a walking oil monster so use less than you think you need and work your way up. don't use the shea in the hair though.
go ahead and do some research on people who get deficiencies on b12 and D3 (even people who eat meat and eggs get this, but they don't want you to know that)
b12 supposedly shows up in dirt alot, because the bacteria there make it supposedly some people who study the past suggest people got more b12 because they didn't rinse off root vegetables or other plants very much before eating them because they didn't consider dirt as dangerous of a think as we do (or something along those lines) and ate more dirt accidentally. then again, great way to get parasites and other horrible diseases.
d3 is a controversial issue as well. alot of people just say "just go outside without a shirt on for a while every day" and their advice is good and bad. yes, you will get some vitamin d just from exposing your skin to the sun, depending on your race you might need more or less…. but we also have to take into consideration the fact that our atmosphere is all fucked up. weather or not you believe in global warming or climate change doesn't matter a shitting bit. the fact is that for some reason, known or unknown, agreed upon or not, our atmosphere has some fucked up shit going on. alot more UV is getting through than it used to. this means more skin cancer, more sunburn, and more eye cancers or eye health problems. so the b12 and d3 issue is a controversial one. you can: OR, you can do what I do: (and honestly I rather do it this way, plant based fegget lel or stronk manly meat man stereotype) and just get them from a brand I can trust. I think it's silly but very sad that meat eaters get the b12 only because the animal is also given the same thing as a supplement, and we then watch those same people still get b12 deficiency anyway because it absorbs so poorly into the animals who are given the supplement (injected or added to food) and we again absorb it poorly when we eat the animal products. I'm just saying.
Aiden Green
I will say this. have complete faith in the bible and you will falter. have complete faith in science and you will do the same.
the last thread got derailed fast. if you aren't shills, why do you argue about the most stupid shit? Muh technology, muh guns, muh petty random shit. all I'm saying is eat your fruits and veg, and avoid shit thats scientifically proven (yes I know some science is shit, see red shift) to be bad for you. we can all jerk around pretending to know everything about ourselves, and I'm slightly guilty of this by association of trying my best to understand and making what I only believe are fair logical guesses, but it all comes down to this:
we all know that even the mightiest predator in the wild is preyed upon by the smallest of parasites, like mites, worms, and mosquitos for example. there are rare, if any at all exceptions for this. nobody is really immune to everything. we are all technically each others prey. you see, perfection is a dead end in this reality. the reason we are all so simultaneously tough and weak is because everything on earth can in some way fuck the shit up of someone or something else, while also being vulnerable to getting it's own shit fucked up by just about anything, even by accident. since there is danger everywhere, we are all forced to constantly try our best, and that is what makes us weak, but also monsters. Yea. just take a look at the aboriginal peoples. they looked strong, but after the globalists reached them and gave them tshirts and alchohol, they look pathetic. they are a destroyed people. it's very sad. just because we are capable of doing many different things, like the aboriginals were capable of accepting the tshirts and alchohol and other globalist bullshit which ruined their lives, doesn't mean that we should. even if we are omnivores, and are capable of eating both plant based foods and animal based foods it doesn't mean that we should if we are capable of getting all of our nutritional needs in a way that poses the least risks to us, and benefits us the most, then that is logically the way that we should do it. which brings me to one of the most important points: AVOID EATING SHIT, EAT GOOD THINGS. go learn all about how the government subsidizes most of the worst and most unhealthy shit out there and ask yourself why they do that? ask yourselves why so many people that work in big pharma and other corporations work double jobs/double positions in the government. ask yourselves where the money goes when you buy food, and where your money goes when that very food makes you sick. who benefits from your ignorance and suffering? who throws millions and millions of dollars at the government crying and begging them to stop them from labeling GMO foods so that people are uninformed and unable to make a free choice in the store? who cries out in pain as they strike at the innocent?
Lincoln Ward
Easton Perez
Way to just squat down and take a big fat shit of all the posts you've ever wasted time writing up in your life in this thread. Especially the parts about alternatives to toothpaste and deodorant I'm sure the OP really appreciates those.
Robert King
yes I like nut milk. bitchs love my cashew sauce
I'm going to eat what's healthy, not because it's called natural. I avoid synthetic multivitamin shit, but I eat plants like spinach for the vitamins. I could say that the spinach (if it's organic, or I grew it myself) is more "natural" than the synthetic multivitamin and be fairly "fair" by doing so, but you got to be careful. not everything that's natural is good. snakes. snakes are natural. watch this funny fucking video. guaranteed to make you laugh really hard, or you have a shitty sense of humor http s://www.y outube.com/watch?v=AftZshnP8fs
make your own juice at home at least. store bought juice is just mostly sugar water, even if it's organic. But even then! why drink juice when you can eat the fruit itself? I would rather eat an apple and an orange than drink apple juice or orange juice.
thyroid and endocrine system disruptor. makes you wonder why so many people get cancer? honestly there are alot of reasons and it's just one of them. lots of people also say it calcifies the pineal gland. people these days get loads of fluoride exposure. they drink it in their water, they brush their teeth with it, they rinse their mouthwash (some contain fluoride) then they go to the dentist and get a cleaning. guess what's in the stuff they use, and then the dentist gives you a fluoride rinse as well. it's way too damn much. alot of kids and people get "dental and skeletal fluorosis".
scroll to the the section where I mention foods for every vitamin and mineral. honestly lots like those. nuts, seeds, beans, greens, onions, garlic, fruit, veg, oats, favoring complex carbs, avoiding simple carbs and simple sugars and most if not all proccessed foods. whole food, plant based diet avoiding pesticides and gmo's. organic if possible, non-gmo at the very least. shop where you can afford it. don't get ripped off. (whole food, not the store wholepaycheck)
Jace Stewart
I don't think there are nearly enough of those in plant foods to hurt anyone. I have been eating plant based for quite a while and never had any problems.
which is why I mentioned a list of what foods correspond to each vitamin and mineral.
this is why you eat iodine rich foods like I mentioned in my thread (did you read or skim?) it's important to get a good amount, but not too much as it can also be harmful to have too much iodine.
Spirulina Kelp Strawberries Dried Seaweed
seems fishy
if you research the amount of protein that people actually need every day, and then research the amount of protein found in plant foods, you quickly realise that vegans are doing alright. even potatos have some. I wouldn't depend on them though. variety is very imporant
Okay, listen. go to a store. pick up a bottle of any popular name brand multivitamin. read all the different ingredient lists (usually more than one) and tell me you want to put that synthetic shit into your body. tell me that's healthy. protip: it's shit even the vitamins themselves in the multivitamins are shit quality, not even to mention the horrible additives. if I can eat spinach and nuts and herbs and other plants and get the same vitamins and minerals and nutrients, I'm definitely doing it that way.
that's a big assumption to make considering that rice and beans has been a staple food for certain cultures for very very long and rice and beans just happen to contain amino acids that the other is missing. (they both have amino acids that the other doesn't and make up for each other) and how do you explain ancient cultures eating hemp seeds? (contains all the essential amino acids) many ancient cultures also ate chia seeds.
they are different obviously. how? I don't know.
because the Eskimos eat the same meat that everyone in America does. right?
Thomas Gutierrez
do you want to live every year taking tons of prescription drugs for all the health problems you're likely to get on the standard american diet? do you want a higher risk for diabetes, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, prostate cancer, breast cancer (men have tissues there too), alzheimer's, dementia, and many other cancers and health issues?
or would you rather maybe live the same, or maybe even live a little longer but have a higher quality of life until your day (hopefully naturally) comes?
then you just proved yourself wrong buddy. if you eat shit you will live years in health problem hell before the natural end. alternatively, you can eat healthy and there's a higher possibility that you will live more years peacefully and in good health.
quality of life, over quantity of junk food experiences. you choose.
I'm Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.
Chase Russell
set aside some space for when you want to make it fresh. get your fresh ingredients somewhere that sells them at a fair price. make it fresh at home and then eat it right away.
fun salad recipe for beginners
here is a good one: or protip: you don't have to use oil, just cook on a lower temp for longer so you get some crisp anyone else got some good plant based recipes?
oh and I forgot, you can add some soy beans (out of the pod) (and remember always non-gmo at the very least or you are getting some horrible pesticide soy!). they blend in nicely along side the peas, but add alot of extra texture contrast and some nice after flavors.
I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.
Logan Russell
checkmate, I'm not wearing pants
Asher Martinez
Oh no, you've made me feel worthless, and suddenly all my posts have no meaning. you have truly convinced me and I'm going to go eat a bag of hot doges and drink gallons of used deep frying oil from a fast food restaurant, oh gosh, oh golly, oh gee. and because i feel bad becuase u made me feel bad, now OP wont read this automatically for some fake magical reason
Even when meat consumption is reduced to only fish and eggs, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) remained relatively the same. Notes: IGF-1 has been shown to promote cancer growth. cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/11/11/1441.full.pdf html
Methionine (an amino acid) is required for many cancers and tumors to stay alive and grow. Methionine is found virtually only in animal products (with eggs, fish, and chicken being the worst). ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4524624
Mercury in fish shown to outweigh benefits of omega-3s when it comes to brain development (specifically IQ). ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22079313
OP I hope this information changes your life. the shitters in this thread are proof that shills from the big globalist establishement are out to keep you misinformed.
The fact that thats the first conclusion you jump to is globalist shills really suggests a mental instability
Jace Torres
I'm going to tell you why this thread was made
I'm also going to tell you why the shills are here
ask yourself, why are threads of this theme suddenly flooded with people with strong opinions desperately aimed at aggressively convincing you "meat is actually okay, trust us! part of a hulthy brekfest™"
why are vegans constantly being demonized as some skinny weak faggots just because they eat plants and avoid things they know to be bad for them?
vegans who speak up just to be insulted and organized away as just another stereotypical vegan faggit for no conforming to the mindset that even if it's normal, it should just be accepted as healthy.
just do your own fucking research. do it for you.
Anthony Green
the fact that you use mental instability as an excuse to discredit the truth proves you are a globalist shill.
Funny how you're the one literally flooding this thread thats unrelated to veganism trying to aggressively convince the OP that vegan diets are actually the best thing in the world, its gotta be a globalist shill conspiracy by the jews to turn the average man into an insufferable vegan faggot.
I didnt say that tho. You specifically, I'd ve willing to bet
Liam Adams
it's funny how every time someone is looking for a way to be healthier and someone brings up a whole food plant based diet (not the wholefoods store), suddenly all kinds of people sprout up to demonize veganism and promote the unhealthy standard american diet.
when things don't make sense follow the money
Liam Stewart
I dont think anyone but you has done any demonizing. You are probably a greater threat to veganism than any randomly selected monsanto lawyer
Its funny how any time a vegan makes unrelated threads all about veganism by spamming the ever loving shit out of them its met with backlash by people who don't want to get preached at by vegans
when things don't make sense follow the dicksucker straight back to /cuteboys/
Ryder Mitchell
fucking backstabber and traitor to america.
Josiah Walker
Chase Nguyen
Joshua Ross
Jayden Taylor
Anthony Smith
Adrian Flores
John Young
Josiah Gray
all presidents are like this, Bush ran as anti interventionist
Golden Rice, vitamin A enriched rice, ist the poster child of GMO. Many people argue that there should be no regulations on GMO, because Golden Rice could be a remedy to vitamin A deficiency among mothers and children in third world countries.
But it's not even on the market (pic related).
So while >80% of all GMOs are for toxin-resistance, like Roundup ready, we should have no regulations, because there might be a product in the future that might be good? Golden Rice is in development since the 1990s and the release was pushed back for 15 years.
Also there is a safety concern with “Golden Rice”. That is the presence of retinoic acid, which is a metabolite of vitamin A and linked to causing defects of fetus. Earlier strains required people to eat 1.5kg rice daily to meet the vitamin A requirement. Newer strains have higher risks related to retinoic acid.
Glyphosate isn't the only herbicide that is used on GM crop. Another one, made by Bayer, is Glufosinate. Glufosinate inhibits the important plant enzyme glutamine synthetase, which is also found in fungi, bacteria and animals, making Glofosinate toxic to most organisms. But because the transgene used in the Glofisinate-resistant GMOs, the degradation of Glofosinate is blocked. It is merely modified. This slightly modified toxin is preserved on maize or canola for weeks or even months.
The risk assessment studies consisted solely of toxicologic studies commissioned by the herbicide manufacturers in the 1980s and 1990s and were never published, thus couldn't be reproduced or validated by other institutions.
pesticides poison the soil, kill other unrelated bugs/worms, seeps into groundwater and so on and so forth. Pesticide was always a badly implemented idea. Making petrochemical pesticides has only compounded the soil and water pollution associated with its use. All the spokespeople and propagandists promoting gmo's regurgitate the same lines, same arguments about how Monsanto was saving the world.
If you actually follow the money and names, you quickly discover big companies like DuPont and Monsanto are revolving doors for major officials. Do I oppose genetic engineering? no, but the way it is right now is disgusting and unacceptable. Currently it is not regulated, not by any scientific standard, in fact, the FDA is so corrupt it can barely be called an institution. The companies are testing their own products, and the FDA stamps approval, no oversight.
Part of the TPP's purpose was to maintain this house of cards before it collapses under its own weight. Partly by attempting to alleviate any means to sue large biotech corporations or like bodies. Engineering food is incredibly complex, its not like mechanical engineering, or computer engineering, even software engineering doesn't cut it close. The amount of data in the genome is enormous, even if you map it, its full of bugs. If your method of genetic engineering isn't flawless, then bugs will occur, and they may multiply. This has been found to occur when testing genetically engineered products in independent laboratories not bought and paid, or silenced by the PTB.
If anyone is going to create genetically engineered organisms, I want it to be genetically engineered for a really important reason like genetically engineering a plant that is high in nutrition and can grow in an environment plants from Earth cannot normally grow. Genetic engineering is essential for terraforming, living in space, or underwater, or improving the human race. probably in the future people will be able to customize themselves and be any way they want to be. In that, I have no arguments against its implementation so long as it has been thoroughly tested and proven by multiple different completely unbiased and completely seperate (without any connections to each other) proffesionals and scientists and authorities to be perfectly understood.
Luke Clark
Humanities level of knowledge of genetic modification technology is at a pathetic baby-like level. we are babies that can't even speak our first words when it comes to this technology, we are playing with fire and are hundreds of years away from having nearly enough knowledge to use genetic modification technology safely and responsibly. However if you are going to incorporate your poisonous and dangerous crops into a massive biosphere that will in no way guarantee what you see in an enclosed lab will occur out in nature, then you can go throw your gmo's in the trash.
We haven't reached the level of CLEAN and PRECISE genetic engineering yet. Nor a complex understanding of what we currently think to be clean and precise form of gene manipulation, and all of its unforeseen consequences. ALL engineering has a concept of unforeseen consequences. Engineers are taught that they cannot possibly know all scenarios that will play out, or have all of the contingencies.
Yet when it comes to Monsanto and DuPont they expect everyone to lay down at their feet, and praise their work as immaculate and without risk.
Most of all, I would reject and oppose perfect genetically engineered crops if they are being delivered to me by my enemies, those who want to wipe out my race and my culture and my way of life because of corporate profit and shareholder demand (same reason EA is so bad)
scientists famous lasts words "without effecting the environment"
"OOPS we affected everything and everyone, resident evil apocalypse now"
No, I'm not against genetic engineering, but people are fucking stupid and we have no clue or idea how to use these emerging technologies responsibly. This is why I hate monsanto. they don't give a shit about experience or safety. They care about profit and convincing everyone to trust them.
Eli Flores
wow this comment changes everything. thanks!
Luis Stewart
here u go
Dylan Bailey
Caleb Powell
Asher Turner
Jacob Fisher
of course you have that picture saved, but vegans being faggots is just a myth right?
Juan Morgan
I was just helping some gays/traps because I could. I personally like women, but they are all shit, so I accidentally MGTOW possibly forever.
save the link for later so you can eventually read the whole thing. share the link with friends and family too.
Leo Cruz
The thread is fine, its you spamming the everloving fuck out of it unwarranted thats the problem. Plus you can't seem to grasp why people are talking shit to you beyond thinking its some globalist conspiracy to make people fat like the lunatic you are.
Daniel Gutierrez
>you're not posting a very good informational guide that uncucks people, you're spamming
>there totally isn't an agenda to brainwash people in america and other countries to eat fucking garbage their entire lives, it's just a conspiracy
nice globalist word tricks m8.
Wyatt Brooks
Unironic question Is. This. Bait?
Logan Hall
Yeah having to preface everything you say with "IM NOT A DOCTOR DON'T TRUST ME I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT" is real informational. To us normal people you're just spamming your loony bullshit not unlike a schizophrenic with endless infographs on cia niggers.
Kayden Price
Matthew Jones
you can do it OP. YOU CAN DO IT!
Anthony Murphy
Owen Foster
so lets all give up and eat mcdonalds for the rest of our lives, that's a great attitude!
or we can support local farms and grow our own food, but that would make the globalists upset
Jose Garcia
Colton Ortiz
so what do you suggest the best action be? please use exact specifics to describe what you think the best diet should be.
I'm putting you right on the spot m9.
Dominic Jackson
they wont ever reply
Hunter Parker
calming the fuck down
Noah Jones
but if he calmed down then the globalist cia nigger jews will win.
Robert Sullivan
yes yes, calm down and evade my question.
Logan Garcia
calming down would actually extend your lifespan drastically. your circulatory system isnt meant to run full throttle 24/7 like you do
Jack Lewis
Actually thats a globalist conspiracy to make you die young if you live your life like the crank movies you'll live forever trust me I'm thousands of years old.
Dylan Russell
wait wait, I thought I was a weak vegan faggot? if so, how do I live full throttle 24/7 according to you?
Jayden Walker
Congrats you have successfully cornered me I admit defeat. Okok everyone in this thread I have been paid by George Soros on behalf of the meat companies but I am coming clean now eat dirt only dirt it is good for the environment
Evan Torres
Man you got paid by george soros I wish I was that high class of a shill I just get pennies from ronald mcdonald whenever I make fun of a vegan.
Eli Phillips
Maybe I can hook you up. Send me a sample of your work and I might be able to hook you up with a junior thread flooder/meme analyst position
Cooper Rogers
I didn't know shills could have a sense of humor. something deep down inside tells me you shills are all eating fully vegan organic diets at home while you say the things you are paid to say. makes me think maybe you're not all bad, like you know the truth but can't say so or you might get fired. I feel bad about it.
Kayden Perry
I thought something deep down inside was trying to tell me something once but then I realized it was just gas from a delicious juicy Big Mac™ from McDonalds.
Jackson Gutierrez
yea it was saying "enjoy your incomming cancer, atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol…"
Chase Price
Bacon™ is the new Salad™. Try Arby's new Bacon Salad™ today
Blake Martin
If you get a lot of fiber you'll feel fuller with fewer calories. You don't have to eat food you dislike for this, you can take a supplement. Most people don't get enough fiber anyway.
Gabriel Perez
i'm not gonna bother reading all the tin-foil hat stupidity in this thread, so apologies if I'm repeating stuff that's already been said.
this isn't really an in-depth nutritional advice but it's worked for me
caffeine, fats, fiber and protein can help reduce hunger a lot more than most food. fats are quite high in calories so you need to be careful. caffeine can be zero-calorie if you're drinking black coffee or sugar-free energy drinks, although sweeteners in sugar free stuff gives some people acid reflux. Low carb and low fat proteins, such as lean meat and fish can help a lot.
brown rice, brown pasta and brown rice are better at satiating hunger than white rice, white pasta and white bread. ideally, you should cut bread, rice and pasta out but if you can't, switch to brown.
Some foods are advertised as being healthy but really don't help you lose weight. Don't eat dried fruit, or protein shake/weight loss foods that have sugar in them. avoid yoghurts and dairy, unless they have no sugar (lactose is a sugar so high-sugar dairy is pretty common). you can replace milk for stuff like unsweetened almond milk or hazelnut milk. Don't eat muesli. if you need to eat cereal, eat bran flakes with non-dairy milk. Fruit can be quite sugary, so you should get your 5 a day from mostly vegetables.
apparently soup is good for controlling hunger, although i'm not 100% sure why. just blend a load of vegetables and drink it.
Jack Barnes
if you want to lose weight you shouldn't be eating any simple carbs like bread, pasta, rice, corn, potatoes, or white colored beans.
and don't eat rice, mushrooms, chicken unless you want arsenic poisoning. really bad shit. look it up.
oats are good, black beans and dark colored beans are good.
Christopher Hughes
Grayson Young
He's right, you know
Nolan Turner
Op here, just started my day with tbsp of coconut oil, and coffee. I am going to wait until I get really hungry then I am going to take vitamin pill with some chicken. Is when I cut too many carbs I get consipated, not painfull, but nothing comes out for too long, and it messes with reading a scale. Is there a fix that will allow me to do low carb without stopping up my tubes.
Carson Stewart
Yes. It's called fiber. Vegetables have it. Enjoy some kale or collard greens. Try Intermittent Fasting and High Intensity Interval Training. Look it up, faggot. I only eat during a 4 hour window every day in the late afternoon and do HIIT 3 times a week. I have never felt or looked better. I also do many of these things that the OCD sperg has recommended, including making my own toothpaste, deoderant, soap, shampoo, etc. I also eat healthy, but am not such a flaming faggot. It feels good to be able to fuck a woman for 12 hours straight without even getting sore or tired.
Nicholas Carter
Asher Ramirez
wow OP. instead of chicken, you can get your protein from nuts and beans. couple handfuls of raw mixed nuts and a can or two of dark red kidney beans and black beans (one black one red) is a nice dose of protein and you don't miss out on the fiber, but instead of getting some bad simple carbs, all you got was some really good complex carbs (don't really make you fat)
if you really want to get all your amino acids, you eat hemp protein powder too.
No. harmful crap that just hurts you. eat fruits and vegetables OP. herbs and spices. bright deep colors. spinach like popeye.
I'm not a doctor. ask your doctor before doing or stopping anything.
Isaiah Torres
vegan info poster user here. please teach me what you know. I must learn. I must be better.
Colton Perry
I can't do alot, I have hypertension, after I run my heart doesn't stop. I have pills for it, but I do not have money to explore my heart more so. So I just want to stick with simple jogging, even walk up a flight of stairs has my heart jumping. I used to >300 pounds, and lost too quick, ate too much salt, and took laxatives, it really hurt me. I have a lot of work to do. It seems some days cardio works out fine, and others it doesn't. What is the best way to prime my body for cardio. Op btw
Levi White
Parker Gray
Eat One Meal A Day or give yourself a 4 hour window to eat. Calculate your macros, really just your protein needs, and formulate your foods to eat from that. You don't need as much protein as you may think, your body will break down useless protein in your body and reuse it elsewhere, a process called autophagy. Good to see you going low carb. Starting may be a hassle but it's very easy to stick to.
As for what to eat, any high quality meat or pasture raised eggs would be ideal. The sodium scare is overblown. Salt your food until it tastes good to you. Cook with a lot of spices, learn what you like. Drink lemonade spiked with raw apple cider vinegar and sweetened with stevia or erythritol if you don't like the taste of stevia. Put Pink Sea Salt if your drinks. Even though there's nothing wrong with consuming fats, if the goal is to lose fat, it's better to keep dietary fat low. Your body will prioritize burning the dietary fat before your own fat stores. You can live on under 500cal a day for a long time like this.
Veggies? Eat them if you want. Go for leafy greens. Some veggies are more sugar laden then you may think, so look up carb contents of things you're considering eating. I don't think it's necessary. Fiber is good for some people, not so good for others. Fat is better for bowel motility anyway.
On that note, I think people want to poop too much. As long as you're not impacted, not pooping is not a big deal. Around 100g of protein is what you should be aiming for, probably even less, and that's simply not going to have much of a presence in your bowels. People feel like they should be pooping a lot probably because they're so used to eating more than they need to. Look into extended fasting. It's a great mental experience as well as a way to reset your hunger hormone, grelin.
So basically -Highest quality protein you can get -No/Low carb and lower fat to maximize burning your own body fat -Salt your food as much as you'd like, spice liberally -Apple cider vinegar and Sea Salt in whatever you drink -Veggies if you want, deep green leaves -Eat once a day, or in a space of a few hours -Consider a complete water fast for a day or two every so often
Take whatever supplements you want. Fish oil is pretty good. Really good for dreaming.
Caleb Ward
Sounds like a great way to fuck your thyroid and blood pressure, trading one problem for another
Connor Torres
the regret
Noah Lopez
just Holla Forums yourself
Aaron Miller
Don't steal my dubs again faggot
Lincoln Lopez
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 thank you for observing my multiple repeating digits of like. 😘😘😘😘😘