Say that this is the future you choose to my face

Say that this is the future you choose to my face.

Say it that you asked for this, and scream that this is "irrelevant", when they enslave you into forced breeding with arabs straight to your face.

Other urls found in this thread:, Race, and Genetics.pdf,8599,1993074,00.html

Rejoice then, Holla Forums, you will no longer die virgins.

I'm in the US so I don't give a fuck about what happens to you eurocucks. That's what nationalism is, right? Not caring about other people?

Seriously though, immigration doesn't solve the core inequality in the world and so Holla Forums doesn't support it, instead preferring global revolution. What's the good old term? Lurk moar, faggot?

how does your suffering of muslims having friends, and white boy friends, effect me in the slightest? About as much as it effects you, meaning not at all.

You Holla Forums shits are no more civilized than any nationalist group from Africa, why should we pretend you are any better? Because you want everything to do with race?

why does Holla Forums have to inject their fetishes into everything

being forced to blanda up day after day…no…the horror…….the depravity of it all…


hold me comrades ; _ ;



Go home, Billy-Joe, you're drunk.

Brown grills are best grills.

From the general consensus here, the lack of respect you hold for other peoples racial and national identities is beyond appalling. No wonder you people are starting a civil war that will destroy America (for the sake of compassion…). Y'all are actually a bunch of fucking psychopaths.

I'm buying gunSS.
And bullets.

No shit.

I chuckle at how offended you are that I won't bend a knee to your spooks

Let us sage and chuckle in union.


I'm gonna ram my white cock in a brown qt tonight and joyously think of how I'm disrespecting racial and national identities.

From rereading that, I can see how you might be "spooked" by my comment, but it wasn't meant as a threat, but rather as an exasperated reservation, a comment on what your (((revolution))) has brought us to.

Because of you, because of what you advocate and your influence in America, I'm having to prepare for a civil war. It's not that I want to, only that I'm forced to. Your (((revolution))) is pushing for a chimp-out unprecedented in the history of America, one that will probably destroy us.

And you're laughing about it. That's both psychotic and psychopathic. More than celebrating our destruction, your working to bring it about.

Our revolution? What on Earth are you fucking talking about? Do you really think you can stop other people from fucking?

Oh fuck off because of me. None of this matters. It's also more because of you.



You're so easy to villainize by all involved for being a cunt, that you destroy your ideology in public consensus. Nobody wants to deal with your shit anymore. You just have to get used to that fact.

We're laughing at you.

No it isn't.

You're celebrating your own destruction by being an autismal bitch in the public eye and reinforcing what they already think of your beliefs.

The word 'reservation' is used because I can't live my life freely, because of your influence, because of your destructive, racist intent.


I was actually like you once. Maybe that's why I bother even posting here: because you are still redeemable. Even after you paint me as a bigoted strawman and then proclaim how evil I am, I hold out my hand so that you might join me, not in the light side, nor in the dark, but in common sense, in natural common sense. Maybe you'll figure that out soon. I hope so, cause civil war is dead ahead.

Kek fuck off Nazi trash.
I was a fascist once. Now I'm like this. Kys, psychopathic murderer.


Are you real, because this sounds like a sound bite from a 1980s anime? Like, I swear this is from kingdom hearts or something.

What? How is anyone repressing you?

Ok. So you were an edgy leftist like the rest of us and then you became an even edgier Neo-Nat? So…what? You want us to be as edgy as you?

How is telling people not to fuck common sense? I don't understand, how will you even make that possible? By outlawing interracial sex? But how do you even enforce that?

Alright Charles Manson

Did you mistake your sexual fantasies for an actual political position, OP?


I'm not, nor have I ever been, as edgy as you. I'm a normie trying to get a handle on what's happening, on what you're doing and why. What I want is for you to tone it down a few notches, so that I can too. Let's de-escalate the clash of utopian ideals, you know?

Maybe you could see another side to this argument.

Pretty rad fam, stay butthurt Perma Salt Krauts.

No. Nothing about about leftism requires bringing in mass amounts of scary brown people. Why did people say it was necessary to bring in these refugees? Low birth rates, to have a strong dependency ratio…. all goes back to capitalism.

Kek and you misunderstand the whit egenocide conspiracy theory so much. Sure there are people who want "le white race" gone, but a lot people acknowledge that it's impossible to coexist in the same country with right wing extremeist such as yourself, who are always looking for a scapegoat and tend to pick the nearest brown person.

Regardless, I don't support mass migration but you're putting a bandaid on a cancer patient by closing the borders. Then you'll just run into issues with aforementioned dependency ratio.

Instead of giving into right wing fear mongering, why don't you work with the leftist to destroy capitalism and then the ROOT of all these issues( aka the incentive FOR MASS MIGRATION) will be stomped out.

I might as well ask a 12 year old for his opinion on the matter.





I'll bite:

No wonder this triggers you.

He himself doesn't think this is realist.

Oh yeah, he didn't mention niggers and jews so this specificallty aimed at white people right?

Kek, ok that one is retarded.

Well i must have missed the part where they say: stupid goys should only mate with arabs…

It's okay. I know you fill the void of loneliness with spooks of national identity and muh heritage. Just let go.

Capitalism works, just not very well when capital is withheld. Capital dispersements can be communally determined instead of (((insular coteries of banking families))), and then… would it be capitalism or communism, hmm?
No, this isn't about capitalism, though you may see it that way because you're so used to seeing EVERYTHING in capitalistic terms.

This is about coming to grips with ethno-nationalism vs. pan-internationalism. What you are doing is destroying our Nation from the inside. Do borders, races, cultures, nations deserve to exist when YOU don't care for them?
Of course they do.

Holla Forums has it's idiotic characters, just like Holla Forums, and it gets spammed more than any board on Holla Forums - it's a constant battle with intentional derailment there. But… Holla Forumslacks have a valid perspective, one worth listening to if you are trying to be objective.

I'm not a Nazi, though I can clearly how the holohoax is being used to serve Jews, like so many other Jewish lies and manipulations. But that doesn't make me a neo-Nazi. Whatever I am, it's something else.

A utopian world where everyone is of mixed culture and race is a pipedream. Smoke on it for awhile, but when you actually live in it, the opiate wears off pretty damn quickly and reality kicks in.

My void is filled with common-sense.


Everything about this board is about the problems within Capitalism.

Just like you're used to seeing everything in terms of conspiracy theory and unfalsifiable race speculation.

What nation? Wasn't there another time in history where people were saying that? I think there were numerous.

No that's the point.


No they don't.

No it isn't.

No it just makes you seem gullible that you instantly bite the nearest fish after seeing some charts on Holla Forums.

A utopian world where a state can prevent people from fucking each other or loving each other is much more of a pipe dream. Good luck trying that out, especially today.

The reality is what you're suggesting is horse shit and not only doesn't work in any conceivable way today, it's also not accurate in the slightest and built on emotionally confused conspiracy theory as ideology.

So edgy

You have a point.

But you're also a complete asshole.

Yeah sure buddy. When was capitalism working well? When Carnegie hired his private armies to break the labor unions, before gov intervention was really even a thing?

No, the banks are irrelevant(though they are a problem), the capital always goes to the capitalist in capitalism you dolt. If it wasn't the bank it'd be going to X executive.

The whole board is about the issues WITH capitalism and if you want to ignore that because believing in some grand jewish conspiracy is easier than trying to change the system( and in the process, purge those same "jews" or whatever you want to call them) then so be it.

I don't care about race or nationalism personally. This is because I'm mixed race( 1/4 dirty sandnigger and the rest is European), and I see no reason to have pride in something I was born into, and that I didn't put any effort into. It was a genetic accident I'm in America, I didn't work for it.

Again nothing about leftism involves bringing in lots of scary brown people.

Cool. These arguments don't work here buddy.

The typical Holla Forumslack everyone.

I tend to see people who are so entitled that they give a shit about policy of their own race above all else as assholes. Because they are. And there's no reasonable way to fulfill their demands.



Reminder to sage comrades.

ok, ok…


My thoughts exactly!




Kek. I bet Holla Forums secretly love interracial on the down low - some sort of forbidden fruit.

DNA isn't a spook. Culture is a result of genetics. Arabs cannot be great engineers like Germans.

Have fun with your suicidal sub-human abomination. The children I will have with my white wife will be healthier and smarter than yours.



You may not understand this since you're a 13 year old pseudo-intellectual with an IQ of 90, but you don't always have to act on primal urges like an animal. I used to have feeling for a black girl, and she felt the same way, but I told her that it simply wouldn't work out. Even if I did love her it just wouldn't be right. Our children would hate themselves, and us. They would be riddled with both mental, and physical health problems and struggle in school. They would die earlier than most due to problems created by outbreeding depression.

But it is. Do you think anyone but the Chinese could have produced an individual like Sun Tzu, do you think anyone but the English produce a man like Henry VIII. Do you think anyone but a Sumerian could write something like Gilgamesh?

What are you talking about? You're the one for all sorts of violence via state or what have you to prevent the precious white race from being saved.

It's not realistic. You bitch about how the evil people I disagree with are a bunch of emotional reliant animals, but at the same time much of your motivation is either mtivated by fear, hysteria towards the unknown. So you need to figure out a way to say it's bad, without any evidence.

So you're also a douche bag.

God that's shuddersome. Not everything is about children. You're calling us psychopaths.

Hate to tell you this champ but that's actually if you have two offspring within your own race between someone on Holla Forums who is gullible to buy the bullshit quota needed to fill your throats. Just like you, they're not going to be the most healthy people.

This is a legitimate question, and I mean it without any kind of offense at all.

Do you have Asperger Syndrome?




How is beveling in outbreeding depression autistic? And if I was a douchbag I would have created rootless kids.


it's called probability

It's everything else you said that is. You shut down a girl who loved you because you thought she was an inferior person and the first thing that came to your mind in possibly dating her was having children. Not anything about hjow she felt. Lack of empathy, being this emotionally stunted.

It's all Aspergers.

Between outbreeding depression and heterosis, there should be no net gain or loss in biological ability. Mixed race people have different medical needs, not less or more. This is because medical predispositions can evolve in human beings in a relatively very brief time span.

Biracial children have two roots, not none. The filthy nigger junk DNA does not magically override the pure Aryan genes with magical magic.

I never said she was inferior. She was a good person in her own way, and I respect that, It's just that it wouldn't be right to be with her.

But you CAN'T create rootless kids you fucking retard, if you kept going with that girl, you would have had kids with black AND white roots. Congratulations, man you hurt yourself over a meaningless fixed idea. You're the embodiement of a spooked man.

Because the first thing on your mind was

Do you know how autistic that sounds dude. You don't date someone to finalize marriage plans before your first date

Finally, someones speaks the truth!

We've finally found the male equivalent of those crazy bitches that plan a family on the first date.


Yeah man! I laugh when i think of thoses stupid leftist who think geography and economics matters!

I should've been more clear. We were dating for a little while, and I knew she would probably want to to get in engaged in the near future. I just don't really like talking about it.

You know those anons could have been two totally different people. Also you haven't given much of a rebuttal besides "Riiiiight". Do you actually buy this much race baiting shit from Holla Forums as actual fact?

Holla Forums is more obstinately loony than I ever expected.

You're calling us loony when you came to us to tell us a story about how you fucked with a girl's feelings because the first thing about dating her was when we get married and have kids how will my inferior raced wife fuck up my children.

Like, you didn't have to tell that personal anecdote, but it's entirely loony. Why would you do that

You didn't reply to me.


Culture is a result of material conditions you tard.

Genetics is a material condition, dipshit.

A, you fucking cocksucker, not the.

I'm from Holla Forums, but I see it ending in jingoism if I continue that way.

here's a few conclusions I have basically come to:

Nationalist vs. Globalist

first being unrestful and non-integrative, yet preserves culture versus the other being internationalist propagated by the global elite. Both spread memes to further their sides but I am suspicious of multicultural harmony without the PanEuropean anuddah shoah and whatnot. I'm sure you all know.

What I need help wrapping my head around is whats dank meaningless meme's here and what is a good place to start from here.

You know, there's so many reasons that race matters, and by extension, ethnonationalism just makes sense. You wanna believe something else, fine. But why don't you go mutilate your foreskins somewhere else, not in America.

Go back your own homeland and leave us alone. Shooo!



nah man, help me.
I just wandered of the reservation.

Which is probably hate speech right? reservation? what do you all think of Holocausts and the like?

Yea, they do.

KEXIMUS maximus

Grandpa all they want you to do is cooperate with your bath, we can't have you in the assisted living resort if you keep acting like this and yelling about foreskins and ethnonationalism

Fail. Go back to your public school and try again.


Read more


We have different path among this board but the goal is more or less the same: workers owning the means of production.Lurk moar

Culture is an intersting part of life but making a specific culture the alpha and omega of political foundation is retarded. If we fix economics by abolishing capitalism, people will be free to pursue and develop every culture they wish.

Culture is the expression of a nation/civilization though, the belief systems help navigate challenges and give you an identity to fit within society.

Is that what you mean by political foundation? I see it more as societal glue, glue I'd like to keep around not for the sake of capitalism, but for the sake of smaller scale cohesion.

If the problem is capitalism then where does the middle east and its culture lie, its people in poorer non-developed areas that cause turmoil elsewhere yet still rooted in culture?

also, do you still have problems with "normies?"

I feel like I can't express nationalistic ideas and friends will jump onto the internationalist/democratic party mantras and trump bashing but I sense that its parroting and not as well developed a thought as even you all here.

Hopefully the meaning is still intact i see you guys have filters here.

Stirner was not a capitalist.

Self determination is a good idea.

Any socialist who isn't working towards some form of communism is likely a slightly less spooked liberal in disguise.

Culture is a byproduct of community. It will manifest itself in one form or another.

The profitable consequence of geopolitics left over from the Cold War. The market today relies on weapons development and defense in an extremely strong amount, stop war and they don't exist, the market takes a dive. They already funded the mujahadeen and nationalist groups throughout the Cold War, what's not reaping the benefits, be it oil, or buying of weapons from corporations like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop-Grumann.

It was once a somewhat secular place. It's a post-apocolyptic shell of its former self, not for their own fault, but from our continuous funding of radicals and the consequence that had.

America is a nation of opportunity, and left over blood, bleeding this region, is an opportunity nobody can afford to miss.

Yeah I'm not a fan of the geopolitical fallout from our constant raping of the area.

So stirner wants just private property, and owning production ties into this; which makes sense if I'm right.

Internationalism can still exist in this sphere or does it go back to isolationism? I can't see how it would; being able to maintain all your property. Until you start paying others and assessing things you have with monetary value… and then capitalism again..

No it's not. Culture is wider than that.

By political foundation, i mean how the "life of the city" is regulated. It make more sense to base it on material conditions and relations of production than over folklore, however rich is it.

Does it?

Which assuages the anxieties caused by the most basic needs of human nature first? How do you view human nature?

Also, did you guys start on Holla Forums and ended up here eventually? do you go to both?


I'm sorry, I don't believe in the patriarchy.

Ok, this is the fundamental divide between us.
We are animals with physiological needs. But we also are sentients beings, we are aware of our own existence, we can therefore reflect upon ourselves, and as you or some other pol user said, we can deny tour animal programming. Human nature as something unavoidable just doesn't make any sense from this perspective.

It also is hard to prove. Human nature can be applied to any long lasted consensus at any given time. But they always change. Human nature is more of an excuse than a fact, and that's not a way to explore what human nature actually is.

This pic is like something my grandmother would post on Facebook.


Dude What if human nature is denying human nature.


Yea, that's the problem with Lefties: they are the product of inferior R-selected breeding.

so explain why germans were a bunch of tribals and barbarians during the days of the roman empire ?

If you were good at getting laid and were strategic geniuses of infallible logic, you wouldn't have to be bitching about girls not wanting to procreate with you. Fix your personality because nobody has time to wait on you for your own unreasonable demands.

I too think we can deny our programming and act loving and civilized, but when we're not aware or cognizant of that is when we slip up. Those that aren't acting against their baser desires therefore act in lowest common denominator and fit better into a capitalistic society?

I'll have to think as to what kind of person is better suited for which place. Obviously an adept business mogul is acting in some regards animalistically but is civilized in other respects.

Definitely nebulous though.

enjoying being alone forever and blaming the black guy for it you retarded cuck

Why does Holla Forums have such bad taste in everything?

Are you asking them to explain? They don't know explanation, they only know excuse.

They were filthy fucking savages until they hopped over the border and raped superior Latin women and raised their worthless gene pool to something resembling human.

We've found later that logic and reason and emotion are mostly intertwined, when we've always thought it was two separate parts of cognition. Our cognition heavily relies on our emotions, be them, empathy, anger, sympathy, lust, desire, pleasure, happiness, sadness, viciousness, loving, hatred, kindness, all of it. We now known it's the backbone of the mind and our thought process, and more emotional depth, more cognizant someone is.

So I think the closest we could say human nature is, is our emotions. Which are in turn, also what keep us together, and keep us logical. One does not fully work without emotional comprehension.

Bravo. Another intelligent person from Holla Forums, you keep proving us wrong.

Not too nebulous. Animal species belong in their appropriate environments, where they can be comfortable. Ethnonationalism just makes sense. It's putting anyone down to segregate, but these lefties are soooo attuned to who's 'better' than they are, that everyone has gotta be the SAME.

Musta hit a sore spot. Here, let me assuage that with another picture of another lovely lady… who's white, of course.

Those would be more sentiments than emotions.
Less cognants animals have emotions too.

I'm pretty sure it was sarcasm.

How many books have you read on the subject

Not any, but it's become consensus in neurology earlier in the decade, that emotions are tied with cognition more than cognition exists alone with emotions as distraction, here's an essay with more or less the findings in summary

What her armpits smell like?

What does this even mean lol

probably means he read (well let's be real, watched) harrison bergeron and didn't get that it was a satire of right wingers

All humans are K selected.

is the low birthrate in japan a conspiracy to destroy japanese people?
also: irrelevant shiting has been happening constantly since the beginning of human civilization and race isnt even a thing. its totally baseless, humans just create loose models of things based on stereotypes to easily understand the world




Your image is titled irrelevant shiter. What does this mean, and in relation to the image? That irrelevant shiting is bestiality? What? Like, is this bait? You seem stupid and can't properly lay bait.


And yet the entire basis of ethnic nationalism is that all people of the same race are generally the same, which is retarded.

You're personally obsessed with identity and thus think everyone else is, too. Simple as that.

On a macro level the biological differences between or among “races” (and even less for “ethnicities”) are moot. To the extent that your ethnonationalist political project will be remembered by history, it will be as silly as some group of cro magnon trying desperately to preserve the particular shape of their stone spears and the shades of their melanin, and obsessing over the boundaries of their territorial pissings.

Your paranoia about not getting laid, I mean people colored differently from you procreating with your women has skewed your ability to prioritize. While others in the world are debating how best to progress as a society, you’re here crying about phenotype.

And if you knew anything about evolution or anthropology, you’d realize that they have literally nothing to do with protecting “species” or phenotypical categories for their own sake. I’m sure we all agree that the emergence of homo sapiens sapiens was a good thing, and it required the direct annihilation of our ancestors and their ways of life.

In any case, no one here cares about forcing people to “be the SAME.” Rightwing paranoia at its dullest.

I’m a dirty oriental/hispanic mut breeding with your huh-wite females. How triggered r u that


Say hi to Al-Jazari


Your gandma sounds like a smart woman.




why did you link that?

Just trying to be helpful. If you like 'x', you might like 'y'.

If you like people who are skinny let me link you up to a board about feed shit because I can't argue about my beliefs about race

In other words.

Just spell it out, user.

Right. You wanna dehumanize me and tell me I can't live with my friends, and other people who care about me because my grandma fucked a Persian guy?

It's nonsensical and I will fight you tooth and nail to crush your ideology.

And that is making my original argument, Holla Forums. There it is, right there. Strip the niceties down to the metal, and what you have left is Nazi masturbation fantasy. This is what you're encouraging by your open-border, irrelevant shiting policies, regardless of your denial and deflection into "Evil capitalism, blah, blah, blah…"

Civil war is in our immediate future, you are causing it, and mixed race people, such as this poor, confused faggot, are getting left in the lurch, not knowing which side to fight for. Expect our country to undeniably breaking apart in about four years, when you take over the federal government in an exposed corruption scandal which leads to a leftist coup. This is the future you bring to us, Holla Forums. There it is.

Are you retarded? I know what side to fight for. I'm fighting for this side? The side that wants economic reform so the many are benefited instead of the few, and a system where people can fuck and love whoever they want.

You're ideas are literally Nazi masturbation fantasy backed by "muh feelings", identifying with the accomplishments of someone your vaguely genetically similar to cause you lack your own.

How about this: when the time comes in this grand civil war, I'll stick a gun in your mouth, and stick my other gun in your girlfriends mouth(which she will do willingly, seeing how I overcame her cuck "white" gf), so she can feel the fury of my mixed race cock ;).

Btw the other 3/4 are European jew

Kys, Nazi trash :D


PS. The world is not 'Murica.

Yay! You posted it again!

Do you ever wonder why people keep coming onto Holla Forums and accusing you of inciting a Nazi masturbation fantasy? In fact, so much so that it's become standard operating procedure for you to automatically cover it up with cutsy replacement terms. Maybe the problem isn't with all of those other people who keep accusing you of instigating a Nazi masturbation fantasy. Maybe, just maybe, there is something to what all those 'stupid, moronic, teenage, immature, infantile, etc' people are telling you. Maybe you oughta listen, find a way to avert this coming Nazi masturbation fantasy.


No it isn't.

Civil war isn'[t happening because it would be stopped almost immediately on all sides by all people. The only way you could possibly have that in today's climate is via a state, and because of nuclear weapons, market collaboration, and deiplomatic ties, nobody is going to go to war with one another. I doubt even North Korea can.

It's almost always radical groups of nationalists, and it's always in third world countries. You aren't a revolutionary, your precious white suburbia isn't going to collapse. You can relax.


This is the most unlikely fucking thing I've heard a Holla Forumslack say, congratulations. I remember when you folks were saying similar shit a few years ago. You don't realize how gradual political difference is, nothing hapes this rapidly. I doubt it's even going to happen in any violent way.

What the fuck.

This is nuts, thanks for the laugh.


no chin/10

scathing criticism

I'd like to irrelevant shit with these qts. Anyone who prefers pasty pussy should kill themselves for having bad taste.

I see literally nothing wrong with that. Let's make it fucking happen.
First step, of course, will be killing all the Holla Forumsacks who get offended.

Holy fuck, are you a 75 IQ point History channel watcher. The Germans had some of the best metallurgy in the world.

delicious brown is unstoppable

During the Greeks to the early Romans? No, they were not.

Yeah you can, fucknugget. If you breed a bloodhound and a German Shepard you won't get a fighting dog with an amazing nose. You get a mutt with no special traits. If you have kids with a black woman the kid won;t have the unique recessive genes from either parent. He won;t have the amazing craftsmanship skills of his European ancestors, or the running capability of his African ancestors. Not to mention if he ever needs an organ transplant he's fucked.

Yeah they did, They made amazing works of metal that the Romans, or Chinese would have a hard time replicating.


Can you suck your own dick OP?

The race thing you can find in the paste bin link above, and here's some ancient Germanic gold.

What the FUCK is this thread?

I've seen all that. Debunked pseudo science. Don't care for it.


Persians are based, my man. They're not Arabs, and neither are Indians. Stop stawmanning, retard. And you never debunked decades of human biology,

Sorry, I assume you were a normal Holla Forumstard who says everyone with brown skin

If I find a peer reviewed academic journal entry, debunking what you say about race, will that change your mind?

Oh, don't forget Persians are White

You can't find one. Lynn wasn't the only one who discovered IQ differences between different races.

A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.

Are cells racist?
A match between two people who share more genetically in common significantly reduces the risk of the donor and recipient cells attacking each other. (READ: cells from people of two different races will attack and fight each other as though they are a virus)

The more people of different backgrounds who produce offspring = the more types that are harder to match.
Multiracial patients have uncommon profiles and since there can be many possible racial and ethnic combinations in multiracial societies, finding a match can still be extremely difficult.

As an example, a White mother of mixed-race child would have more genetically in common with a random White person on the street than with her own child.
If such a dramatic and fundamental alienation from your own parents if not horrific enough, With a mixed-race child diagnosed with leukaemia, every member of the child's own family becomes an incompatible donor for a bone-marrow transplant, and finding a compatible donor is unlikely:

Race is not a spook, my man. Stirner was a retard with a deformed skull, and no education when it came to Biology.





racism is an Ideology

There's a difference between hating people, and recognizing that there are biological differences between them.


Tell HDV, and that faggot Milo i said hi.


Nobody is forcing you to breed with mudskins.

White people will exist as long as white people like to breed with white people.


but both are components of racist Ideology

Who the fuck do you think created the foundation for mathematics? You fucking wankstain.

Good luck trying to get funding for racial studies anywhere else. There are plenty of professors who would do the studies, if their liberal arts colleagues wouldn't get them fired. I once wrote a paper about bone marrow donation and my professor had a private talk with me. He told me to be quiet about those sort of things. He agreed with the paper and gave me an A. He told me that if any left leaning student, or professors saw it I could be in serious shit.

Are you fucking stupid? The Arabs copied off of ancient Greek and Roman mathematicians.

Not seeing German there.

Must be cause Germans are barbarians.

Barbarians with amazing metal working, and who later develop areo-space technology that the soviets used in their space programs, because they couldn't do it themselves.

Mhm. And who did they copy? Hm?

Oh, right… You are pure and we modern Greeks are mixed and impure.. RIIIIIIIIIGHT!


When the fuck did I say that, and when the fuck did I say I'm German? Why do you blatantly make shit up?

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise the only valid form of scientific innovation has to occur in isolation.

Oh, I see now. Regardless of isolation the only valid form of scientific innovation is when you can justify to yourself that it is somehow an inherent trait of "germanic DNA".

AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I never cease to be amused by the mental gymnastics of spooked """""genetics"""""., Race, and Genetics.pdf

Article from Yale saying Race is not a valid biological division

Article supporting the socioeconomic factor being a strong determinant in IQ

More supporting socioeconomic factor - average black/white IQ disparity decreased by 5 -6 points when education quality went up, though many still live in poverty.

I'm looking for more hold on

the romans should have wiped the early germanic tribes off the face of the earth when they had the chance

No, you retard. You claimed Arabs invented the foundation for modern Mathematics. The Greeks did.

Nice wikipedia article m8. You realize, there are a LOT of factors you need to control for when you apply a statistic average to a group of millions of people?

You can find the studies at the bottom of the article, m8. Also one of your articles references the "out of Africa theory. Which is outdated. Plus that paper doesn't use any studies or tests to de-bunk the race and IQ theories. It's just bitter criticism. The authors didn't run any tests.

This can't be real.

Thats a lot of results

And before abyone says IQ isn;t a valid measure of intelligence


According to whom? What organizations have denounced it? Also, the article talks a lot about Rushton and Lynns methods of gathering information, and issues with it.

There is no coming race war, you're a delusional cunt. If any kind of racial conflict is being invited, it's by far-right idiots like you.

Get a load of this classcuck


So you admit that I'm right. That IQ is real since cognitively demanding jobs are occupied exclusively by people high IQs. Find me a licensed doctor that has an IQ of 80.


Damn, does this place have a wordfilter for everything that makes you guys ass flabbergasted?

>some guy thinks race mixing is good
>it's totally a race war guys!
Fuck off. Only you idiots think it's a big deal. People fuck who they want to. That's all the guy was advocating.

And we wordfilter Holla Forums memes specifically because you get so butt blasted about it and because you can't have a political discussion without meme spouting.

But do you admit race and IQ is genetically based?



They're referencing Stirner.

Why not? Even after all the evidence is provided?

Who said that race is a social construct. Spook is basically a meme. Stirner had a lower understanding of biology than a modern middle school student. Why the fuck would anyone care about his opinion on the subject? Might as well ask a chemist for his opinion on economics.

Ok then… What kind of barbarian are you?


No that would be indians who had made wootz steel for a several decades at that point. but maybe it was just the white gene for culture of getting fat sitting on your ass that stopped the germans from devoloping it.

As for the rest of this thread.

Wootz steel was inferior to Toledo steel used in Europe, also Nordic people had swords made from hypoeutectoid steel

I didn't look at whatever the evidence was supposed to be. I don't have the time to sift through cherrypicked propaganda right now.

Tell me what you think a spook is.

It's not a spook if it's biologically determined.

It's generally conisdered that the nordics traded for their steel and toledo steel doesn't really support your point unless you wish to claim that celts have magical genes for engineering because the irish are well known for being sober and analytical. Maybe i'm getting ahead of myself the irish might be too far away to get that gene it's just the spanish and their ancestors who are hard-working industrialists, funnily enough this does explain the vast and powerful peruvian empire that resulted from the mix of spanish genes with the incan genes of order and discipline.

this is so fucking dumb


Before the Spanish Conquest.

Does science hurt? I bet If I whip out an economics textbook you'll have an aneurysm.

keep eating that trash


More like the economic school that doesn't fall on it's face every time is relevant.

Right. Or maybe the economics school that rewards the few is relevant because the few want to keep it that way.

I'm guessing you've never read any leftist literature.

How come the magic toledo steel genes and whiteness genes didn't make the incans much more powerful? Also what happened to the japanese gene of breeding like rabbits? It's almost like you're generalizing material conditions and attributing them to some mystical force that works in arbitrary ways only when you want them to.

Why would I read something written by pseudo-intellectuals with no understanding of how the world works?
Yet the average worker in America, or Denmark are better off than countries with socialist economies.

Holy shit, did you not read anything I said. Read this post
Literally the answer to what you're asking.

Your primitive ideology is not science and neither is the propaganda you cling to.

All I'm getting from this, is you're dismissing the concept of it and you're not interested in learning how it works. I've read some fascit literature and came up with the idea it's garbage.

And that's hardly true those countries like the United States and Denmark etc, get a lot of their labor done cheaply and efficiently by using third world countries as a source of slave labor. When capitalism was "unregulated", living standards in the U.S. were worse than the Soviet union, especially pre Stalinism.

So I mean if you are fine with knowing that your system only works because you exploit people, not only in this country but in other parts of the world more heavily then that's all good. But don't act like "muh superior system, I won't ever read ur books" is an argument when a lot of internal contradictions of capitalism are addressed in those books thoroughly.


There wasn't any mass starvation in the US. Hell Tsarist Russia had lower hunger rates than the Soviet Union did at any point of it;s short lifespan.

What countries have implemented workplace democracy? the average worker in the US or Denmark are much better of because they fought and died against the few that hold power, in the US there was a literal war between workers and owners to give the workers better living conditions. All of these conflicts for better
conditions stem from the socialist ideas of worker autonomy. The capitalists didn't give anyone anything on their own volition, the golden age during the 50's would never have happened if there wasn't daily socialists protest all over the country durrinf the great depression.

I don't see any facts around here.

Reminder that the Soviets were immediately put on trade embargo's following WW2 and Western Europe was pummelled with gibesmedat's and the Soviets still got to space before the United States.
despite having some of the worst damage done to them out of the allies through WW1 and WW2.

Also you didn't acknowledge that the U.S. is only sustainable cause we put other people in slavery. That's not something I'm okay with.

I can also give you examples of successful socialist countries if you like. Cuba, with all it's problems has the best living standards in all of Latin America as of today.

They didn't seize the means of production, it wasn't socialist. Just because the workers got more rights doesn't mean that capitalism vanished.

IQ is genetic, mixed people can;t get organ transplants, get over it. I wish it wasn't true. I wish I could have had healthy children with that wonderful, beautiful black girl, I truly do, but facts outweigh feelings.

The soviets had a shitload of fertile land and enough mineral resources and fossil fuels to achieve complete and total economic autonomy, yet they still fucked up. And Cuba. Cuba's economy is literally Cigars. Everything else they export can bought from elsewhere for much cheaper. With less and less people smoking as the years pass on their trade deficit will only get worse.

There is literally no empirical evidence for this aside from single-gene disorders. Statistical heritability is essentially meaningless.
Googled this to see what you are talking about, got a DailyStormtard link. Unsurprising. Medical predisposition is more complex than "niggers will kill your future kids".

Forgot to mention that the Soviet space program relied on imprisoned German scientists and it slowed down dramatically when they all got old and died.

Again you fail to acknowledge we rely on slavery to sustain ourselves once again. Anyway, I doubt that the other parts of the west would've ever gotten anywhere near the soviets if left on their own accord but Im not a tankie and can admit the soviet union was mostly shit.

Anyway some other examples: The Free Territory,Catalonia and currently Rojava. Leftist communes that survived perfectly fine and Rojava is going strong in the midst of a civil war.

Again, you'd be surprised how many people would starve if the U.S. started producing stuff here and the capitalist still kept their high salaries. As I pointed out, this would fail even in social democrat countries.

You can keep ignoring all these facts about capitalism or you can try to educate yourself about what you're uneducated in.

The Germans also persecuted many of their own scientists just for supporting Einstein's model of physics.

To expand even more, you have socialists to thank for not having to work for 14 hours a day in sweatshop conditions, the only true western ideals and culture left today are socialist ones of workplace democracy and opposition to the profit motive everything else that is left in western culture is comersialized consumer culture driven by the capitalists sytem. The profit motive on particular is a special kind of shit, it's very much a cancer that puts growth for the sake of growth above all included your precious race and culture and if it cannot grow it will destroy too create value instead. So the next time you think that socialists are destroying the west, think again.

Just like the american one. However i'm not going to defend the ussr, it might be better than what your average normie thinks but it was still shit.,8599,1993074,00.html

You must have skimmed over the various studies where they found that separated twins had the Same IQ.

The US did fine when they implemented protectionism, and that was decades after the civil war. Plus you admitted that leftism only works in small communities.
the networth of the top 1% in the US adds up to around a trillion USD. The networth of the Entire US is 1.4 quadrillion USD.

So, I never said that they were perfect. They did give the soviets a massive jumpstart in rocketry.

Henry Ford gave his workers great working conditions while Union thugs were busy getting shot by pinkertons. A lot of workplace improvement was done willingly by companies due to advancements in technology (Safer machines, ect..) and because studies shown that happy workers work better. Basically lefties got shot for nothing and factories got safer because of better machines and companies learned from previous mistakes.

You must be historically illiterate if you think this, companies went through hoops to not give into union demands. You have no idea about how the weekend got formed, the work week etc, do you?

No, I mean that all our current goods are manufactured in other countries(most of them anyway). You'd be surprised how many people would loose their jobs and go hungry if you were to eliminate the exploitation of third world countries. You have done nothing to refute that. Instead, choosing to ignore it.

You don't even seem to understand the results of the studies you yourself are citing. And I'm starting to think you actually have no idea what a fact is.

I litterally thought this was Holla Forums shitposting as an SJW until I read further.

I did refute it. The US was fine when we implemented protectionism. And workplaces got safer due to better technology. New machines are less likely to eat your limbs. New air filtration systems prevent lung problems. Technology has done more for the worker than Unions ever have.

I'm starting to think that you didn't read shit. Mixed race people are more likely to die when they suffer organ failure, or leukemia because they can't even use blood relatives as donors.

Like seriously, who the fuck told you that Unions created the weekend, or raised wages? Your schizo uncle?

The U.S. doing that then was then, and this is now. The system works a lot differently now, and the supply of goods we require is much larger. Civil war era and the 19th century are largely irrelevant.

Also yes, Ford implemented a version of it. After thousands of protest in favour of it, had already occurred and workers striked all over the country in favour of it. Maybe, those thousands of "union" thugs may of had an influence on someone like ford? Again, historically illiterate.

had a grammatical redundancy in there*

IQ is so extremely polygenic that twins should still have difference because of epigenetic changes throughout childhood. Twin studies on IQ have never been as cut and dry as is assumed, same with racial adoption; this is because cognitive ability is one of the most sensitive of human abilities, despite genetic predisposition.

Ford did it to make more money. He didn't care about unions. Also the US is the largest producer of food on the planet, we also have a shit ton of fossil fuels, and mineral resources. We could be autonomous if we want.

You basically linked me to a slightly better version of Yahoo answers, not a researcher paper. I could bust a fat nut over this.

Yeah man, the union thugs who fought to help end child labor

Employee health coverage

No, that's why as union membership decreased income inequality went up. But it was at it's lowest when union membership was at it's all time high in the 50's.

And I understand he did it to help make money. He doesn't care about unions, but I can't take you seriously if you really think all the strikes had absolutely no influence on his decision to have a weekend, or FDR's decision to enact it federally.


Yes, you're absolutely right if the workers owned the means of production and wasn't driven by a profit motive the us could be autonomous but in the current system the moment the ccapitalists class see profit in fucccking you over for china or someplace else they will do it.

Humans aren't a hive mind, their needs to be a central authority. If only we had a strong leader with a solid pedigree.

Hmm, seems like strikes might encourage people to hire children.

you can't destroy what doesn't exist


Speak for yourself dude. I'm not a cuck who feels the need to have a father figure standing over me. Again, this goes back to you not understanding leftism.

In a leftist society it's all based around participatory democracy.

So if something needs to get decided, people will organize a vote to decide the particular matter. If you want to show up and vote on how it get's done, cool, then do that. If you don't you don't have to and the people who do decide to show will be in charge of that specific matter and it will go on as normal. People recognize what needs to be done.

I'm sure a lot of people will show up for votes on important things such as infrastructure, but mundane ones might not have a lot of participation. Regardless, the particular thing will get done, and this system lets the individual exert more power over his life than any statist society you can conjure up.

Yeah, you can fuck off.

says who? Your need to be ruled by someone else? Mangement will still exists in a socialist economy only they won't be able to swindle the rest of workers for all of their surplus value.

I genuinely can't tell if you're joking or a retarded Holla Forumsfag

The Germans were by Holla Forums standards degenerates that did nothing but drink and party all the time until their overbreeding caused them to glorious uprising and invade their neighbors to try and kill them and take their land.

Oh but it's different when Germans do it.

tip harder

the only retard here is you

Because direct Democracy works so well. A nation with a leader like Henry VIII and modern technology would be a paradise, maybe even better than Rhodesia.

Congrats, you get people put in positions based on popularity, rather than merit.

Subscribing to the philosophy of a borderline retarded contrarian.

Not an argument.

Not a good philosopher.

still not an argument

Not a good post.

Still better than your argument.

What you just said isn't an argument.
Again, I would prefer to not have a central authority figure over me. All you did was type a sarcastic comment and then talked about how your a cuck who wants a divine kinds dick in your mouth.

Also nice strawmannig the other guy. People will still be put in positions based on merit.

For example, when a matter of promotion would need to be decided you could put the two in some sort of test to determine their skill at the particular thing they would deb promoted to. The workers who choose to, can watch and then decide who they want to promote.

That's about as good as argument as me saying that doesn't work in capitalism because there might be nepotism between the exec and a worker(which, I'm sure you know happens all the time). Just like in a capitalist society, if the workers see X doing a bad job and their loosing productivity cause of it, they will recognize this and vote him out.

There's not reason for you to want an aristocracy other than you having a wet dream of one day being one, or being a literal cuck.

*no reason

In a socialist economy people with actual talents other than kissing ass would actually be able to earn more and get into management positions and even if you elect someone who's retarded you actually have the ability to get rid of him.

Nations objectively aren't real and are made up entirely of arbitrary definitions of who is and isn't a "national."

You're a massive racecuck because the modern idea of a nation was invented by the bourgeoisie in order to get idiots like you to die for their business interests in some foreign shithole because you're part of the same "nation" team.

He's beyond helping. He called the labor movement "union thugs" and when I showed how they, on the contrary DO bring wages up and did accomplish major reforms he talked about how it was the workers fault children were getting hired because they were striking to not work in filthy conditions.

He's either bougeois, or falls into the "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" class.

The people make the place.

Shit got better with new technology, that's all there is too it. You seem bright enough to form a basic understanding of things, but enough to fully understand them.

Those competent people who rise up would eventually form a new owner class.

How would they get ownership ower means of produtions that is democratically owned by everyone? With private property abolished how would they get their name on a plot of land secured by divine right? Why would the workers start giving their surplus value to this one person? Even if this were to happen it would still be preferable than the system of today.

Nice arbitrary definition faggot

Shit got worse with technology you fucking cumstain. The better technology became the worse things got because they weren't made to be safe, just to do whatever they were doing faster. You had double-looms that would literally dismember children that got caught in them. The Ohio River caught on fire because it was so toxic from all the industrial waste just dumped into it.

You should seriously kill yourself.

Again, you show how you don't understand leftism. How are these confident people rising up to form a new owner class exactly, if they can't accumulate extra capital, beyond what is owed to them? They can't calculate profit, as workers aren't getting wages and if they seem to be taking too much(to the point great amounts of workers putting in full effort are becoming poor) they will just be voted out. If they new owner class was seen as a detriment, they'd be voted out. They don't own stock dumbo.

Yes, there will be people who are "richer" than another in this society, were not trying to get rid of anyone having more than anyone else. But no, you would never have the disparity we see today under socialism.


No I understand that. I also understand that if that capitalist class were eliminated, the workers would've never had to strike as they would have full control over their working conditions and could put in the extra measuresa(that might've cut into the shareholders profits otherwise) to ensure everyone was generally happy and the minimum of people were getting hurt.

Again, no reason to want an aristocracy unless you want to be an aristocrat, are are a LITERAL cuck. You keep making all these false assumptions about leftist, without fully grasping the concepts we propose.

Pure ideology, comrades.

It doesn't seem like he understands much of anything

Sweet post you meme loving fuck



Hopefully it has been enlightening, now it's time for the dialectics to work it's magic. I'm truly euphoric right now.

What corner, you stupid fucking retard? Nations aren't real. Technology didn't magically make things better. You're a meme-spouting cocksucker that should kill yourself.

I don't know, maybe all the times you said something fucking retarded like

and then we explained why that's fucking moronic and then you responded by calling me a meme lover?

Or how about when the guy explained how what you were using to justify a nation being real had no objective basis at all and you responded with a meaningless platitude?

Or when he pointed out actual historical examples of where technology improving didn't actually give incentive to the capitalist to improve working conditions before the labor movement and you literally couldn't think of anything to say other than call him retarded?

Hmmm, what corner….

blue on blue, my bad

I don't understand how it's possible for someone to be so wrong about everything, and then not kill themselves immediately upon this realization

Rightist are the true subhumans.

You win an award for that? Germans were still living in yurtas and fighting tribe vs tribe while greeks and romans held empires that included half of the fucking known world. But yeah, you knew how to make pointy thinghy to slay each other so for sure you're master race.

you nazis are hilarious

It's vice versa actually. The Greeks borrowed heavily from the Egyptians and the Near East.




Are you retarded, fam? Are you seriously saying that it got worse with technology? Is a 21st century factory worse than a 19th century factory.

I do grasp these concepts, a classless society could not work on a large scale. It never has.

With the complexity of the market today, there is no reason why a society could not generate a society less complex. This argument that "it'll never work!" relies on the assumption that the alternative being classless is too complex or too simple, where we've been at both.

No society lasts forever, arguing they do is pointless and moot.

Nice meme spouting, bro. The people in those lines have been adapted for that particular climate. Their culture is a result of their genetics which was influenced by unique natural selection in that environment.


How is that any better?

You can't make these accusations without significant evidence to back them up, that everyone except Europeans are easily manipulable and easy to violence. We know by history this is simply not true. Europeans are easily manipulated and just as easy to violence.


Culture is influenced by biology. Do you think Africans could have done anything to rival the Romans, or ancient Chinese? No, of course not. It's biology.

Egypt lasted longer than Rome.

I said Africans, not Semites and Mediterraneans who moved in during the stone age.


every time lol


Who would have thought.

Not white, but not sub-Saharan You wuz not kangs and shiiet.

You would be mocking them as subhuman today anyways lmao

No, they actually achieved things.

IQ is a shitty meme that we really need to get rid of, the sooner the better.

But I thought it was genetic and they were semetic middle eastern? Do genes really change? You seem to think so.

There is nothing African about Egypt because if it were that would make me look stupid. Please forget the Old Kingdom.


White people have some seriously excellent tendencies that need to be eliminated. Something to do with a calcified pebble in their brain that prevents any amount of self awareness…


IQ does have a lot effect on logical thinking and is coincidentally also closely linked with education seeing as the value of IQ has increased in the west since education increased. It does not however explain your absolutely retarded idea that culture is somehow linked to genetics as it's obvious too anyone who have thought about for more than a second that culture has changed a fuckton all over the world over the course of history.

My multiculturalist socialist fantasies

for some reason pruhbuhmatic corrected to excellent

fuck you faggot board owners

A gift 4u

These people were part of the white master race, please don't forget that.

They had no African in them, please do not be fooled by their appearance. They were similar in appearance to the Near East and Mediteranean, do not mistake the fact they were in Africa and looked African. Please don't, that proves my argument wrong.

A relic from when reddit used to come over here and tell us how class reductionist we were, haven't seem them in a long while.

Prove it isn't.

IQ is literally a measure of problem solving and reasoning. IQ never changes more than 5 points throughout a person;s lifetime unless they suffer a traumatic brain injury. IQ has been increasing because in today's society a high IQ is required for success, so higher IQ individual are more successful and reproduce. Low IQ people end up either in jail, or ODing.


Is that Bourdain?

Yes that is the general consensus on Holla Forums i'd imagine. just like that movie smartocracy where everyone was super smart in the future.

By saying We, I prove that if ancient Egyptians existed as a demographic today, I would call them inferior, even though no European culture has lasted as long, and that Egypt existed longer than we've had AD/CE.

The Old Kingdom and Archaic period didn't exist. The Middle Kingdom's accumulation of Saharan natives never existed. Please don't notice the change in anatomical realism in New Kingdom hieroglyphics and artistry.

Let me say WE one more time, people on Holla Forums like that. It's really funny, I really like it. I think it's funny, it's an argument.

We really don't owe our entire culture as we understand it from Greece heavily borrowing from the Near East and Egypt, also.


Wouldn't call them inferior, I should say. I would welcome Egyptians with open arms because they are white and are definitely not non-white.

Low IQ people are more likely to have abortions, or end up in prison.

Nutrition has changed much since the early 20th century. People in the ghettos are not starving. If they had a nutrition problem you wouldn't see so many athletes coming from low income families.

But abortions are good.

For that reason, yes.

No but high IQ abortions are good too

Abort high IQ babies

Yeah, who needs doctors and engineers.

I'd ask you to prove it is, since you made the claim, but it's actually really easy so I may as well.

IQ tests specifically function to call on the "cognitive abilities" of people in a set of very particular contexts, contexts which are primarily derivative of the western world. As we are the creators of said tests, we prioritize the things which we find important and most relevant to our environment. In other words, we see the brain working in particular ways to be the best. However, the ability of those tests to be accurate is therefore muddied by the participants' exposure to those conditions.

For example, there is the oft repeated case of tribesmen that spend their entire lives in thick forest not having the necessary life experience to understand how proper depth perception works when taken from their natural environment and placed in an open plain.

But even simpler than that, the claim that "IQ doesn't change much" is bogus and completely falsifiable. If I take such a test 1,000 times, will or will not my score from the first test differ from my score on the last? By doing so 1,000 times, I have been more heavily exposed to the environment in which those skills are relevant, and will use my experiences to my advantage. It certainly isn't my "cognitive ability" that has improved.

Maybe in the last 20 year, less than a fucking generation.


Then why are all these great athletes from the ghetto? If you're poor and have kids you're guaranteed to get food stamps.

this is a level of stupid I was not anticipating

Engineering is fucking flooded with psueds who just want to hope for a larger paycheck who in turn destroy the credibility of the field, so of course you'd mention an engineering degree

lmao you're so basic

He's from Holla Forums

They get enough food. If they didn't then they wouldn't they wouldn't be so over-represented in sports, you dumbshit.

And those people usually fail the class and drop out.

Basic and naive, what a surprise

Quantity isn't quality you fucking retard. Poor people people prioritarize cheap food.
Or do you think pic related is good for you brain?


Ohh, yeah man. Did you hear about the time that 14000 people in Compton starved to death.

The fats and proteins in the burger are. Animal fat is great for the brain.

You are so stupid omg

You're a fucktard with no biochemistry knowledge. Fats and proteins are good for the brain.

life is suffering.

Yes there are so many vitamins, fatty acids, minerals and anti oxidants in fries.


I said the burger.

Quit being assmad about being wrong.

Oh yeah, I'm totally a girl too!

top kek

Ah yes the industrial burger known for it's vast storage of omega-3 and Vitamin B

How can you be so fucking stupid lol

You don't understand

The Burger is the foundation of America! The fats, and carcinogens, made them what they are. We must protect our burgers and guarantee a future for our patties.

Yes of course! This nation was built on burgers! it's richness of selenium and potassium strengthens the american working class and togheter when their noble born but benovlent masters they will lead the world to a brighter future!

This is… wow.

Do you not interact with people at all in real life? Because I can't imagine how you go about your day without you opening your mouth and being promptly corrected on what a retard you are. Not even grade school children are this dumb.

I am a girl and trust me none of us are willing to suck your dick, all of us hate fucking nationalists and everyone like you, and I bet you can't figure out why. Don't get too into the idea of a girl (who isn't white trash), actually bothering with you.

First off, your fetishes are disgusting. Also, nice job completely ignoring my explanation of why your precious "IQ points" are a joke. Don't want to challenge your worldview or anything.

Holy shit! You're the embodiement of burgerclap!
Seriously if this is trolling, well played, my man, well played!

And why is that? I'm curious


Come friend maybe you don't want to discuss the dietary contents and burgers and instead focus on more important thing such as how the neanderthals interbred with humanity and created the white mutts who can't achieve anything. Perhaps you want to discuss the culture of ancient civilizations and how the empires of south east asia had it programmed into their genes to one day succumb to colonization and gain autonomy with an africa level of hdi.

Because most of them have emotional problems or are abusive as fuck. Who wants to date a fucking white nationalist, closeted or otherwise.

I'm not totally interested in men anyways, but I'm saying that as reprehensible as their political beliefs are, it usually gets worse.

There you have it stormcucks, no woman is ever gonna "save the white race" with you. You might as well give up and kill yourselves.

Or just accept their homosexual tendencies.

Please someone archive or cap this thread! I need thoses laughs for my old days!

Traps aren't girls, fam.

That ain't a fast food burger, my man. At least post Mc Donalds is you want an example of shitty food.

I'm not a trap, but traps are the only kind of girl you might fucking get lmfao

Jesus christ man have mercy

I can smell the piss bottles from here

I've been in this thread the whole fucking time you nit, I've been posting the brown girls, I was the one who brought up Egypt, and I'm the one who's been on your ass the most.

I just wanted to say none of us are going to suck your dick.

Let's say, I'm a dude pretending to be a girl. I'd still be right. I don't matter in this, only the facts do. Your average het chick ain't looking for a white fucking nationalist. You know this.

What argument anyways…? McDonalds is good for you?

What I've learned:

Egypt isn't in Africa.

IQ is super important - that's why the German tribes were so developed and the Jews rule the world.

But, most important of all, is that the secret to everything is in the Burgers.

I don't want one. I had a black gf, and I broke up with her because I knew what I was doing wasn't right. Yeah, I felt bad because of it, and had some regret lurking in the back of my mind, but it was the right thing to do.

Yes you deluded fuckstick. The immediate result of industrialization for the bulk of individuals was tremendously awful. There were no environmental regulations, so all types of industrial wastes were just dumped wherever. Mechanization of industry led immediately to mass unemployment because suddenly instead of needing hundreds of serfs to perform labor-intensive farming activities you had machines which would do it in a fraction of the time at none of the cost. Subsequently landlords evicted families which had lived on the same plot of land for centuries, which dumped them all into the dirty, crowded cities. Technology enabled the construction of larger buildings to cram the lucky ones into while the rest took what solace they could on the street. There were no safety regulations though, so anytime these buildings caught fire or simply fell down people would burn alive because the landlords couldn't be fucked to install fire escapes.

Technological advances in food preservation also lead to mechanization in the food industry. Rats, feces, and sometimes even people would get into the meat grinders of equipment which was never cleaned. Work in other factories was insanely dangerous by modern standards.

That isn't even to bring up the mechanization of warfare and the apocalyptic levels of devastation it wrought. Machine guns, poison gas, and other forms of mechanized warfare are all the legacy of the industrial revolution and directly scarred an entire generation of people in a conflict so horrific that they thought it would be the final war ever on earth. It isn't hard to look to the early 20th century and find writers with direct experience both in the industrialization of the economy and industrialized warfare that were ready to just bin the whole idea of "civilized society."

So no, you incomprehensibly stupid shitbin, "technology" didn't make things better, but the movements in response to it, namely the Labor and Environmentalist movements, did.


good luck with life

Quick google search, my bad.

Better remove some ribs from that fat chest and do it yourself, fam.

lol at tony trying to keep a straight face




You're a fucking retard. Of course it was bad in the early days. But it got much better as time went on.If you were right it our food and air quality would be much worse now, than it was then, but that's wrong. Our food, air, and water quality has been going up since that late 20th century. Why do you have to be such a suborn retard?

Not if you're responsible.


Wait, from the beginning of the thread we're arguing with the SAME GUY?

You're an impenetrable stupid wall of dicks and should kill yourself.

Yeah, he's really committed to being a stupid asshole.

Fuck, man, look at the medical industry. Shit was abysmal before the industrial revolution. A couple people died when they experimented with blood transfusions, but they didn't stop, they kept going and, look where we are today.

that's degenerate fam


Wow, fam. I guess you guys really are retarded.

Never voiced any opposition to regulations. What do you think I am, ancap? Also fuel efficient cars were developed in response to the fuel crisis. And the environmentalist movement has done stupid shit like opposing nuclear power.


are you legitimately retarded?

There weren't any rat feces, or human flesh in my steak last light.

I heard Flint got some good water, and the air in china is fresh and clean and of course the burgers. they got everything.

How could we forget the burgers

Don't try and change the subject you anal vapor. You want to try and pin our standard of living on "technology" but "technology" isn't what we have to thank, but the concerted efforts of the working class to keep our planet from being absolutely ruined by technology in the form of welfare programs, work safety programs, food regulations, etc, etc, etc.

Fucking kill yourself.

Flint's water is better than most of Africa's. One specific event doesn't mean shit.

The faggot born in a modern hospital powered by modern technology is saying that technology didn't improve our lives, but instead a bunch of uppity peasants saved us all from technology. You spit in the face of every great mind who has devoted their life to making your better when hey could have used it to destroy your ungrateful ass. Next time you get sick don't take any medicine. Crying peasants didn't do what scientists and engineers did, get over it.

To be fair, technology isn't bad or good in itself. It only allow new possibilities. Take the example of the hammer: you can hit some nails or hit some skulls.
The problem is we're under a system where technology is funded in the sole purpose of increasing capital. And more often than not this goes against anything else.

And having your workers getting killed on the job isn't good for capital. Neither is feeding your consumers rat feces.

You don't even need to read someone like Marx to see how wrong you are.

Even Heidegger would've disagreed with you.

Again, I don;t care what scientifically illiterate philosophers think. My left nut has more scientific knowledge then them. Heidegger an Marx aren't qualified to talk about such things. Why do you retards care so much about the opinions of dead idiots?

Depend the price of the worker.

It's only a problem if theycutomers know it :^)

fucking wut ?


was meant for

I do concede that i'd rather drink the heavy metal infused water that most poor in urbanized areas get to drink instead of parasite infested and heavy metal infused water of some african countries but the water quality have only declinced with heavy industry there is no way around it even most water sources in europe are still clean and will remain clean mostly due to companys moving to asia because of enviormental restrictions.

As for engineering and scientist they aren't part of some ruling class and haven't been since the fucking 17th centurty. most scientist and engineering are working class people are working for a wage while doing what they can to get by. I'm not one of those cunts denying that technology has improved living coditions it certainly have but it's both attributed to the actual scientist and engineers who came up with it and the people realsing that they don't care if some tycoon makes less money, they don't want their children to breathe in leaded vehicle exhausts.

Losing good workers is never cheap, not to mention you'll have a tough time hiring if your workplace is famous for getting people killed.

Stay mad faggot. Marx and all of your beloved philosophers were scientifically illiterate. Get over it. Finding a Marxist perspective on human biology is like finding a meteorologists perspective on quantum physics.

You can hide behind your supposed STEM master race superiority, but the matter is that society doesn't function based on some Engineer' or Scientist prescription.

Enjoy eating from the trashcan, pollyp.

As opposed to the right wing perpective which more of a theologians prespective on quantum physics.

Oh, and for someone claiming that SCIENCE can show the TRUTH behind human biology, and many other other things…



IQ IS REAL - but not for JEWS, they are only LYING

This is one of the reason we outsource jobs to overseas silly prole! Authorities in 3rd world countries as not as annoying when a few blue collars die in a factory. For the missing workers themselves, a lot of starving ruined peasants are ready to take the job anyway

Our infrastructure does. Marx's words carry no weight in this subject.

Trying to find a right wing, or left wind perspective in the natural sciences is a sign of mental retardation.

They may not be part of the ruling class, but they have their ear. Who do you think they seek council from when making decisions? Me, My professor and some of my peers were called upon to study the effects of antler restrictions on the deer population.

Kek. I never mentioned the jews, keep straw manning, fucknuts.

Great, we're in agreement then because the shit that has been said about biology in this thread by the rightfags have absolutely no basis in any scientic research.

I guess the Scientists built them, aswell. Is there anything they can't do!?

You did not refute the part about burgers… interesting.

I never said that, which post are you reading? And the shit about race and IQ has basis in scientific research. You can also look at SAT scores.


I guess Coffee makes you smoke and having fast cars make you rich. There is no scientific absolute you can abstract from any of those stats other that doesn't tie in with material conditions. How could you who thinks that culture is rooted in biology possibly explain the culture exchanges that happend all over the world without any interbreeding going on? What genetic mutation happened in the 60's and 70's that made europeans adopt american culture?

So black children adopted by wealthy white families are outperformed by their white peers because of material conditions?


Yes possibly so, we have no information about their upbrining. How they were treated at home or at school for being different might have a huge effect on their development. We simply don't know at can't possibly tell at this point.

Identical twins having the similar IQ must also be material conditions. I'm sorry, but this retarded material conditions theory gets smashed when confronted with scientific research. Sub-Sahara Africa had some of the best material conditions in the world, tons of gems and precious metals. Anything they didn't have they could have traded for with Egypt, and look they accomplished, jackshit.

prenatal environnment and Epigenetics are a thing you know, and when thoses kid have been adopted? The first month of life are the most critic for brain development.

The kids were adopted before they were a month old.

Identical twins do have strong statistical correlation that is very significant so we can assume that the indivual is born with some tendency towards their IQ but on the other hand IQ correlation between fraternal children and to a lesser degree siblings have an extremely weak statistical correlation wich allows us to assume that inheritance has much of an importance.

But in the end this is all completely pointless because the IQ values of a few individuals won't make that much of a diffrence in the grand scheme as there will always be those who are smarter than others to carry on whatever magical torch you worship.

As for africa
You must know the memes.

What did they disclose about the first two?

Many people adapt right out of the womb. They usually have the baby handed over to them as soon as it's born. These were the kind of children used in the studies since they had little environmental influence from their biological mothers.

Of course siblings aren't similar, Crossing over during meiosis ensures that, and environment has negligible effect on IQ. As for the second part of your post Trading across the Sahara would be no big deal. The Egyptians had plenty of contact with sub-saharans, and gems and precious metal were worth a lot even back then, they could have easily traded for farm animals.

If they're so different from their siblings and parents then what makes them so different from people born of a different race?

Even if the african didn't have their livestock and crops die due to pests there would be really no reason for them to advance they had no outside force making them adapt to the situation to from more centralized groups. you can very much liken the african situation to that of other equatorial populations. in south east asia people build empires to defend against outside threats but today they had hdi lower than most african countries. In south america seemingly similar people had disiplined armies on one side and on the other they were tribals only seperated by impasable jungle and mountains.




Nice ad hominem

Says the faggots with an iq of 75 who feel for the "all cheap food is bad " meme. The canned salmon you can get a Walmart if almost the same as the kind you can get a higher end store like whole foods. Instead of spamming memes listen when someone with an IQ above 140 speaks, you may learn something

Ok fam, keep on believing that the online IQ test you took on facebook was legit. I hope you get clogged arteries.

If by online test you mean 3 separately formatted tests given by a psychologist then yeah, you're right. And according to my physical my arteries are just fine.


Feign superiority all you want, but your ideology has been completely destroyed.


That's good advice, maybe you should follow it.



I don't need baseless hypotheses from a dumb cunt. I need extensive research from psychologists and neurologists in order to debunk something that's widely excepted by academics.

When you have a low IQ

You do realize that it doesn't make a difference whether something is a "spook" or not?

It would be fine in a vacuum, but not in the real world, because other people believing in spooks forces you to act in accordance with that ideological structure.

Even if race doesn't exist, people thinking it does has real effects.

If some people identify as being a different race, and they look at you, and they see an enemy, you have no choice but to retaliate.

If a group is hated for what it looks like, then the only chance that group has is to stick together, therefore making the initial grouping true by default. Trying to escape from the cycle is a risky high stakes move that few people are willing to play.

If nationalism is a spook, then it's the spook that is haunting Europe.