This is your average american white woman in 2016. What the fuck happened?
This is your average american white woman in 2016. What the fuck happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sexual liberation
Women are shit. We get it. Go back and make this thread at /r9k/. We've been down this road six million times.
western women in general are like this, don't act as if women from bongistan or germoney are any different
The germans lost the war
Go die in an oven.
This thread has absolutely no value.
Also that is shopped, pixels in my time etc.
German and french women are way better then american english and scandinavian women and eastern euro women are the best.
Kill yourself
Russian women are worthless whores, take this from a croat
No one cares
then why did you reply to me you fucking retard?
Save this mirror before it gets taken down
The jews happened, leading to women's sufferage, sexual liberation and feminism. Your great grandfather, your grandfather and your father are responsible and it's up to you to fix the mess.
If you intend to shrug the weight off your shoulders and place the blame on your women, fuck off back to reddit.
To let you know no one cares
The jews added an extra dimension to females: 3 layers of Degeneracy.
Muh sage
Ok whatever shekelstein
Where did op go?
Oh, he left because this is a slide thread and enough of you are lossless virgins to take the bait.
Trash is as trash does tbh
Kiss less*
im right here you paranoid psychitzophrenic
And east Asians are god tier
CF open Holla Forums and start shilling , both this thread and this one in less than 5 min
Jews, jews happened
no if you knew anything about asian culture outside of manga you would know that its is oppressive as fuck thats why so many of them kill themselves and they have a decaying social setting where almost everyone is becoming neets and dying alone
Underrated post
Where have i seen this number before?
Sounds better then western society at the moment
“In whatever city then the women are not under good regulations, we must look upon one half of it as not under the restraint of law, as it there happened; for the legislator, desiring to make his whole city a collection of warriors with respect to the men, he most evidently accomplished his design; but in the meantime the women were quite neglected, for they live without restraint in every improper indulgence and luxury. So that in such a state riches will necessarily be in general esteem, particularly if the men are governed by their wives”
Excerpt From: Aristotle. “Politics: A Treatise on Government.”
Kill yourself
Stop bumping this slide thread
sounds the same
Stop blaming others you fucking faggots.
"Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says." First letter to the Corinthians
"I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet." First letter to Timothy .
Its your fault for being a bunch of beta loosers, beat whores, take them and put them back in the kitchen.
No yew stupid cunt
At least there aren't very many Abrahamists and the girls are all qts.
Didn't you know, every thread not about Trump is a slide thread.
“The origin of this indulgence which the Lacedaemonian women enjoy is easily accounted for, from the long time the men were absent from home upon foreign expeditions against the Argives, and afterwards the Arcadians and Messenians, so that, when these wars were at an end, their military life, in which there is no little virtue, prepared them to obey the precepts of their law-giver; but we are told, that when Lycurgus endeavoured also to reduce the women to an obedience to his laws, upon their refusal he declined it. It may indeed be said that the women were the causes of these things, and of course all the fault was theirs. But we are not now considering where the fault lies, or where it does not lie, but what is right and what is wrong; and when the manners of the women are not well regulated, as I have already said, it must not only occasion faults which are disgraceful to the state, but also increase the love of money.”
Excerpt From: Aristotle. “Politics: A Treatise on Government.”
Do any of these circumstances sound familiar? When the men go to war the women get haughty. This leads to a descent into vanity and love of shekels. Our manliest men are constantly diverted into outward concerns of foreign warfare while the enemy wreaks havoc within.
there are plenty of place for that kind of threads
Forgot your sage tbh.
Hey commoncuck. You gunna post your gayporn too?
This is your average thread after the summer of 2016. What the fuck happened?
trump memes
r/the Donald
this is a common d&c tactic. there are plenty of good christian girls in the west. call it a logical fallacy but it's simply true. you see whoredom in the media, social networks, etc. but this is a small piece of the pie.
you either don't want a religious girl (how do you think traditional girls come about?), sit inside and don't meet any girls (besides looking online to try and fulfill your confirmation bias), or are a d&c shill.
you have to understand that most men and women these days are not like us. a lot of people are simple minded and follow the narrative blindly (loose sexual morals, "liberal" mindset, etc.) and just don't fit our model of an ideal society. yes, most people whether male or female lean to the left. they've been raised this way by the state and boomers and shit. this should be no surprise to you.
finding a good girl takes patience. it also takes being a better man yourself. this entitlement generation is really frustrating to deal with; you want a good girl, but who are you exactly? if a man has traditional sisters or daughters, what makes you entitled to their hand in marriage? if you're a typical degenerate, or even some autist, go be with the other degenerates and autists.
there are countless good men and good women in this country. your fixation on "quantity" (average? says who, you?) of women is evident of your small world view and your own poor quality in the marketplace. good men want the best women. every man here should be working on himself without rest to become a better man. that's one of the main reasons people are here, really. it should be obvious to you by now that traditional men aren't common these days. the same goes for traditional women. don't concern yourself with this arbitrary "average" girl. put yourself into situations where you will find the type of girl you want.
go outside. better yourself. join a church. you don't want to do that shit? then you don't deserve a decent traditional girl. there are plenty of tramps out there for people who don't want to work on themselves. really, what do you do? how much do you earn? why should a good girl commit her life to you if you cannot support her and your eventual family? do you expect to send your woman out to work?
ffs the church I go to has at least a dozen beautiful young girls just dying to find a decent husband.
sage for d&c.
Good posts. Propaganda form to stop this MGTOW shit dead in the tracks in the future.
fag shit
What happened is that you stop hanging out with liberals and enter a conservative circle.
It's full of great traditional women there.
But you TRP types keep dating liberals then you make WAAAAA THEY ARE ALL THE SAME threads trying to "game" more liberals into scamming you.
Citation needed, also how does this average white women compare to average women of other races?
Get your head examined
This is your average Holla Forums slide thread in 2016. What the fuck happened?
Typical autistic weaboo. Hint: when you have to make ends meet on your own, Asian women ain't that good unless you're a cuck.
How does that change anything?
Not all white women are bad
I thought the trump threads were slide threads
It doesn't change anything that it's obvious kike propaganda to shift the blame off themselves?
Are you an idiot?
Well I already know you're just shitposting, but I still have to point out that you failed to understand that poster's implication. He clearly states that our forebears are to blame for allowing subversion and degeneration to occur. We're to blame if we do nothing about it. The Jews were just acting according to their disgusting nature. That's why it is natural that we must eradicate them.
Those are nice tits though.
Don't make me post normal German women being complete freaks in public.
Don't make me post thousands of videos of thousands of German women doing amateur porn because they think it's fun.
Normal western women are shit.
If you want a good woman, you must look for an uncommon woman.
Hitler's ghost has rose from the grave and I let him know that he was right.
I wish the Asian women are superior meme would stop. They are hyper materialist and more passive aggressive than any white woman in existence. They'll fuck once for kids then drop you like a bad habit.
Kill yourself
I don't really see how pointing out women as inferior is a "progressive" value
Cute girl (boy)!
MGTOW pls go.
You don't even try to find the good ones.
Christ that girl is great.
Nothing informative or interesting to add to the conversation. That's it.