History of the Jews

In Europe, there were several reasons for the persecution of the Jews:
From the Middle Ages onward, there were many anti-Semitic rumors that spread, and many occasions to use the Jews as scapegoats. Animosity developed towards them for their success and their close (and sometimes secretive) community. All of these eventually came to a head in the 19th and 20th centuries, when the Protocols were published, and were widely distributed by influential individuals like Henry Ford; a lot of governmental persecution, such as the Dreyfus affair, happened; and finally, the Holocaust occurred.

What does Holla Forums think? It seems to me anti-semitism is a natural reaction to jewish subversion, and is based on well documented cases. I got this from a reddit thread on the history of 'antisemitism'.


I know, just wondering what Holla Forums thought. I don't normally go there.

Oh Jew.
of usury
whata surprise!
as Jews continue to engage in urusry
You mean the religious cult known as Judaism?
You mean the usurious ones who engaged in all manner of dreadful shit, up to and including blood sacrifice of non-Jewish children?
Oh Jew.
So, a Jew wrote this.


Lurk at least 1 year before posting, 2 years before making a thread. Read Kevin MacDonald's Separation and Its Discontents, Henry Ford's The International Jew, and Protocols of the Learned Elder of Zion for a basic introduction to the JQ. You can find them all on /pdfs/. The summary you posted is pozzed kike revisionism.

Your picture had a spelling error

The people who killed Jesus, and who to this day try to weasel into a claim on the first covenant, might be looked down upon by Christians?

They were a different ethnicity.
And they wée a different ethnicity.
Utter tripe.
Jews were well known, and they were an 'other', and they werent looked well upon because of that, and thats perfectly reasonable.
Or the actual actions of Jews led to those 'eumors'…
Full stop.
They DID kidnap and sacrifice non-Jewish children.
Its not a question, its a historical fact.
Could it because certain types of those 'bad things' gad a strange way of happening, or happening in much greater occurence, around Jews?
(((Pure coincidence goy!)))

While supporting other minority clades, breaking up homogenous environs, and attacking the native populace on every front.

So, you found a Jew defending Jews on reddit and felt like posting it here, eh?


Really made me reconsider my preconceived notions.

I've read the International Jew and PoEZ. I've been on 8/pol for a little more than a year I think. I think my question was worded poorly. How can we counter the narrative put forth here? Seems to me hatred of Jews is absolutely justified.

Tell people to look into history themselves, not trust some nobody on reddit.






They deep down, hates us. They see us a cattle, they think they are god's chosen children and since we proved ourself to be able to create societies and kingdoms far greater than theirs, they HATE us and want to ruin us in every way possible.

They always try and undermine every single society, every single country they move to. That's why they have been thrown out of most kingdoms and societies they ever were able to establish themselves in.

That's why they want to ruin us with immigration, marxism, cultural marxism, faggotry, feminism, perversion of sexuality, economicallly. It's the never ending battle between good and evil and the kikes are the evil.


The fear of middle age peasants of jewish success and fear of them as an other led to rumors of them sacrificing gentiles all the way back in the days of Rome. Yeah right Jews.

Isn't that his cucked book that compares National Socialism to judaism?

This. And what most people want to forget is that long before anybody figured it out, they projected their crimes onto the Christians and falsely accused them of ritual murder.

All history of the Jews is fabricated. They are schizophrenics who have written themselves, via shitty fanfic, into Christian history. Everything about them is a lie. They are maybe 1000 years old as a people, though the virus/parasite has existed much longer in probably a thousand different names. We just know them now as the Jews.

Any real study of them along side Christianity will reveal this. The New Testament was written long before the Old.

Which isn't an entirely asinine perspective to take seeing as National Socialism is seen as the solution to the JQ

All Ashkenazi jews are khazarian LARPers. So 95% of them.
They are in a sense born-agains. That's why they are so rabidly "jewish".

If they were so hated, why didn't they leave? They always pride themselves in being nomadic.

Jews always claim it was just jealousy of success, baseless fear of difference, and constant smears of jewish character leading to propaganda against them.

Yet, no one seems to ask or care what sort of circumstances leads to this hatred. They cite reasoning that isn't really based on a solid idea.


Everywhere they go they attempt to create a new generation of all the traits that were so hated by the gentiles.

Fortunately, parasites can only exist where hosts are plentiful. Fostering the same nihilistic hatred of decency creates more parasites and so hosts become fewer. Then they are purged.

Unfortunately, there are always evil men that are susceptible to their call and foster their motives within themselves. To make a society free of jewish destructive conniving, there must be a system to strengthen the people. They foster personal weakness for good reason, strong willed individuals who are connected to their people resist.

That's why they prefer to hit the top and leak their poison to the masses. Worst of all, unlike any other race they truly believe in their own infallibility, whereas intelligence dictates that mistakes will happen. Their vaunted intellect is hollow and has little to no factual basis. They steal credit and inventions whenever possible, Einstein is a good example of theft from Poincare and others, while most of their noble prizes come from a team with them taking the credit.

Do you really need to make a thread to see what we think?

Lurk more and you'll soon find your answer.