I knew it… whenever something fails, its always dumb females. We at least had based cuntries like saudi arabia where woman are whacked down accordingly, but stinky SJW jews cucked saudi araba and allowed woman to drive.
Here a proper educational instruction how to treat woman right:
==RAPE THEM!== You see a woman walking outside? Catch her, fix her legs and arms with tape and rape her! (She actually will like it by a chance of 3/5, even if you are ugly. I'm not even joking). If you noticed a woman likes to be raped - stop raping her imminently and search for a new target. To prevent being caught, just use balaclava mask or similar
==BEAT THEM!== Whenever a woman disobeys you, slap or hit her! But don't hit her in the face unless she really deserves it. Slapping in the face is ok but not too hard, just hard enough so she doesn't fall unconscious.
==MOLEST THEM!== Woman are sex predators same as man. When I was a kid, many girls always harassed me because I looked good. When I grew older and started to lift it became much worse. Behind my back they were talking about "opposite rape" and I even was asked by stranger females to go out with. During school time at least 4 female teachers made sexual jokes about me. When I was once just hanging out with friends of which some where girls, two girls approached and started to chat with me, they lured me away from my friends and finally one of them grabbed my penis. IF YOU READ THIS AND YOU ARE A MALE - YOU ARE 100% ALLOWED TO HARASS AND MOLEST WOMAN ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME. (Don't molest the ugly, fat and older woman (anything above 25 years of age) because they actually like to be molested!)
==IGNORE THEM!== Woman are natural attention whores. One of the most worst damage you can do to a woman if you ignore her.
==FORCE THEM TO EQUALITY! == Woman are parasites by nature. Their whole concept of existence is based on sneaking themselves through the system. They hate work, especially physical work. Force them to do all of the dirty work and convince them it's a good thing because they are leading the role of an independent female.
==TREAT THEM LIKE TRASH!== Woman are traitors, they will throw you away by the next best opportunity. Use them like sex bitches and trow them away any time.
==JAIL THEM!== Restrict and limit them at anything. Limit their financial budget. Restrict them from driving cars. Discriminate them whenever you can. Forbid woman to vote. Kick them out from business. REMEMBER IF YOU DON'T JAIL YOUR WOMAN: THEY WILL JAIL YOU
He the proper hierarchic structure of a healthy family: 1.) MAN 2.) CHILDREN (male) 3.) MONEY 4.) PETS AND ANIMALS 5.) CHILDREN (female) 6.) WOMAN
Eli Johnson
learn how to format
Elijah Murphy
didn't read lol
Nathan Bell
Structure of your family: 1.yo mamma 2.(you)
Sebastian Hill
Camden Sanders
le sage squad has arrived
Christopher Gutierrez
Are you from /r/incel ? I hear a lot of refugees from that reddit board which got closed are now spreading out all over the internet and including to cuckchan and other imageboards.
Cameron Phillips
how many users did it have?
Chase Ramirez
Apparently around 40 K. Most of them went to the corresponding 'sub' on voat but a lot of them, especially the edgy are migrating to the imageboards
Connor Murphy
We need to learn from Muslims how to treat woman properly
Beat them with sticks if required
Wyatt Martin
Women need to be bearers of children, like the Muslims do it.
Brandon Bennett
Jonathan Butler
But what if woman refuse like they do in the west?
A woman has only two real friends in life: 1.) penis 2.) kitchen
Never talk to a woman as is she is equal to you. This will give her the felling of being worth something
Adrian Murphy
before you start attacking others you should at least learn to red text first
Jordan Fisher
This is what a real woman looks like deal with it
Brandon Gonzalez
how do we get rid of them?
Connor Fisher
Did you know why white woman hate white man and like niggers? Look at this video and see for yourself: White slut gets rekt and her instinct is telling her to fall in love with the nigger.
Don't take my words for it: see for yourself
Cooper Green
Real women are shooped?
Grayson Hughes
redtext only works on a full line of text
Brody Martin
Matthew Perez
Thanks mate. I'm new to 8/b/ and instantly figured this place is cucked by females.
Levi Perry
Jacob Wood
Christian Thompson
Here i a good example of a based old man knowing how to treat a woman in need
Brody King
Jace Price
Carson Kelly
very natural and organic tbh
Isaac Rivera
mep mep this user is redpilled tbh
Gabriel Perez
Jason Cox
Tyler Edwards
Always wash your hands after touching a woman
Evan Johnson
Henry Hall
Liam Cruz
I wonder if it hurts the same way for men and women? I guess we'll never know
Benjamin Parker
Aaron Williams
Camden Price
That's the ultimate proof men dressed up as woman look better than real woman
Cooper Russell
Ian Perez
Just wanted to say that I like the MEMEME!~ slut, best background ever. I guess I like sluts after-all, except as a wife.
Sebastian Scott
Source? Does anyone know? I've ben looking for the full vid quite a while now.
Julian Reyes
poor girl :(
Cameron Kelly
Gabriel Ross
No worry, she like it. It's because she is a woman.
Justin Sullivan
Ryan Hill
Lincoln James
ay nigga post more
Zachary Parker
This. I know OP, women have cooties
Cause I dunno how
looks like a straight fucking badass.
Luis Moore
Hey there, Kotaku, whatcha doin?
Camden King
At lest he tried. Why do you make fun of him. Stupid bitch
As always woman only think about themselves
Nathan Gonzalez
Somebody in Hollywood has a thing for women with huge jaw lines.
Lincoln Ross
You got anymore of this kind of stuff?
Brayden Bell
meep meep if you don't have sex then you can't redtext tbh no homo
Carter Turner
Yes but they new cuck mods like "Way" eventually ban me so i will not post anything at all
Caleb Richardson
Carter Wilson
Carson Carter
well women are mentally children so maybe it's freudian or something
Jaxon Morris
Thomas Collins
Jordan Brown
Just a legit question: If they grow up but they are mentally like child, doesn't it make them equally to a disabled?
Luke Sanchez
that was barely even a 10 foot drop there is no way that hurt unless she has literally no ankle support
Kevin White
Kayden Long
meep meep how embarrassing tbh no homo
Jonathan Bennett
She broke her spin and leg and had several fractures.
Dominic Diaz
Liam Bailey
if you can't take a fall from 10 feet and you're under 35/not overweight there is something seriously wrong with you
Jaxon Flores
We really need to get of the sluts and sell out woman. Selling traitor trash woman into slavery was not a bad thing. Also burning "witches" was not a bad idea at all. I now finally understand why they the cristcucks were burning that trash alive.
What are the best ways to physically and mentally control a woman?
Samuel Davis
I know a girls who stole the pants of a boy after PE to sniff them. She as then caught while she was licking his radio he brought to school.
James Bennett
Adam Perez
Samuel Lopez
Jason Carter
Where did I ever say or imply that in my post? Females should have guns to kill male mass shooters. Guess I shouldn't have expected much thought from a manchild anyway
Eli Myers
would never happen. 3DPD are always glued to their cell phone, they would be dead by the time they peeled their eyes away from it
Tyler King
Why do you ant to go on a killing spree young lady? Do I need to inform your local police department?
Leo Peterson
poor cat :(
Julian Long
Christian Russell
somebody is triggered~~~~~~~
James Moore
Leo Edwards
Thomas Diaz
ebin :DD
Jonathan Hall
u suck - u failed to understand the broader context of my statement. Kys
Joshua Gutierrez
i don't understand this thread
Hunter Scott
chikn nuggit xD
Lucas Rogers
Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen))) Mep mep women should die tbh (((#YesAllWomen)))