When was the first time you drank beer?
And i don't mean like a couple of sips to know what it tastes like, but the first time time you drank your can of beer
When was the first time you drank beer?
idk like 9
idk like 13
idk but my first bottle of liquor was at 13
No user, you're supposed to say it like:
idk i like you
When I was 13 , 23 years ago 22oz's
dumb fucks, i had my first beer when i was 17.
Only a borderline austistic retard would drink at such an age.
Kek. Triggered much?
What the fuck did you call me you little prick?
What did you call me?
I see you're angry about having lost out on life experiences as a young teenager. Let me guess, never kissed a girl, either?
A few weeks ago. I'm 20.
You dumb fucking borderline degenerate retard, i'm 32 and i've kissed a girl four times and had sex twice.
So no, i haven't lost any life experiences.
Here's my face shot.
I bet you're between the ages of 17 and 20, virgin, either in school or in freshman year of college, below average looking and socially retarded. Types like you just leave a certain smell. Women pick up on that, you know?
16 but I had gotten drunk off liquor before that
What are you fucking gay?
Please don't tell me you have an iq above 100 and that you're a normal kid with real hobbies and interests.
Actually, tell us if you are.
Damn you THICC nigga…no homo
Of course not. What would a well-adjusted, contributing member of society be doing here?
Then what are you doing here?
I have never dranken a can of beer as it tastes like shit and isn't even powerful.
If I wanted piss with mountain dew I'd make it myself.
Shots of vodka and delicious margaritas are a different story.
Probably about 13. I fell in love with booze and have had a long, intense relationship with it that almost killed me once, but I still love my buddy, just a little more responsibly these days. Also, beer is the greatest beverage on earth given you aren't a faggot.
4 locos in the 8th grade… that's all we could get. Fuck watermelon taste like straight vomit now.
2 months old. you are all faggots
Jesus Christ 4 locos are fucking nasty.
About 18 and alcohol is degenerate
24 yo
I was about 10.
when i was 13, me and my cousin stole his brothers
hai beer, chang i think.
we got pissed at the local park and smashed the bottles on the playground and started fighting, all the while a mother with her children was across the road with her two children lol.
strange tho, i never blacked out even with vodka after that
life is still shit
but i did puked with vodka
yeah i still haven't sobered up after all these years.
I've never fallen for the liquid jew because I'm not a degenerate. 24 currently
He's mommy's Mr. Right
Kikes not welcome
Like 13
Dad was pretty cool and let me drink at a really young age
Alcohol is for stupid normalfags.
That is not a kike it looks more eurasian. Id say like Keanu Reeves.
Probably around 12.
I was 7 and thought it was apple juice, nearly barfed.
I was 30 before I touched alcohol. And for a few years I still couldn't stand beer. And for most of the country, you guys don't have beer anyway. Macrobrews like coors & PBR are trash that should be used solely as a livestock feed supplement.
But a good oatmeal, or coffee stout is alright. Maybe a triple IPA once I'm tipsy enough to not be bothered by licking trees to get myself sick.
i drank beer for the first time yesterday it was a good time thanks for asking
beer is based maga