Why are the vols so threatened by Hex when he isn't even a mod anymore?
Mods anchor every thread about Hex
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Degenerate why do you think we need identical spam threads?
dysnomia is a 55.9kg loli
It's the subhuman gook lover Way anchoring all the threads. I'd assume he's some sort of shitskin which is why he's so threatened by an Aryan man like myself.
t. Way
Daily reminder to hide all sagefag posts.
its because Way is the pedo vol and he needs to 'start strong or dysnomia will find out' and delete his vol account. this is why he's being irrational, subhuman orbiter. he wants people to hate him because then they'll forget about his slip ups as the pedo vol.
Yeah, and I am a 13 year old elementary school girl. 55.9 stone, maybe.
t. pedo scum
oh look, hex is talking to himself again
remember how I caught you yesterday
luda is a whore tbh. She would take nigger cock like a bitch in heat.
t. pedo vol
reported to your bishop
I understand that you being a pedo scum can't believe that most people are normal and attracted to adult women.
we love you Hex, tbh
notice that he never explicitly says that he's 'not the pedo vol.' this is because in a week or two he'll say some shit like "oh i never said i wasn't the pedo vol." you've already outed yourself as a the pedo vol on countless occasions and just yesterday you confirmed that you are indeed a nufag.
kys subhuman sympathizer
Your schizophrenia is quite severe one
It's a sad state this board is in right now. We have a subhuman gook white knighting faggot deciding what should and shouldn't be allowed. Going so far as to edit anons posts if they criticize his ugly gook posting
why should he? he knows that wouldn't have any effect on the fud retards like you spread.
I posted an anti-pedo meme and I got banned because it had a young girl in it. great modding !
he doesn't have to but that's what a normal human being would do. but instead he chooses to post gooks thinking that will dissuade anons to stop 'spreading fud,' to his surprise it only encourages it.
stop whiteknighting for a gook orbiter
thanks faggot
no that's what a dumbass would do. everyone knows that you only want to discredit him and it doesn't matter what he says or does.
gookposters OUT
we're done here.
Lets use this thread to shit talk about luda the kpop whore he posts so much
This is a KPOP thread now
Trips confirm Luda is an ugly subhuman whore
this is now a Hex Hitler thread
Hitler = Fashionable
every thread should be a Hitler thread
tbh ;)
Hitler hit peak-emo in 1933
Sorry you have shit taste nigger
lh stop shitting up the pgt faggot
Pick one gook boy
kys kikes
now you're just making it obvious lh
gook poster deserves a bullet tbh famalam
nazi ass please go watch Anime and stop desturbing me
posting gooks taking niggerdick
Fuck off whiteknighting subhuman gook
t. a gook poster
get rekt chung
I don't understand the point of this tbh. It is two subhumans one nigger and one gook fucking each other but that nigger dick is too fucking big for that tiny gook pussy that is only designed to accommodate microdick asians. It just for show that gook cunt is not even enjoying and if the nigger was even slightly careless with the fucking she would be in real pain and a world of hurt
link related
6.3 - 7 inches (largest)
3.6 - 4.1 inches (smallest)
Sri Lanka
South Korea
4.1 - 5 inches (second smallest)