This was 2 years ago. Did I get away with rape?
Girl I've been seeing for 2 weeks comes over to my apartment high off weed
are you the same guy LARPing as a Chad in the other thread?
sorry but ur dumb
No I don't even know what the fuck your talking about
No, dumbass, that's not rape, because just like when they don't remember consenting while drunk doesn't mean it's rape.
well, according to the cunt handbook, all sex can be considered rape. if they regret it, if either of you are on drugs or alcohol, if she changes her mind at any time, etc
Id say that isnt rape though because she could have easily avoided
Yea nigga, that's rape. Seems like you got away with it, but if she suddenly decides to tell her social circles you'll end up fucked.
Yes it was rape. That doesn't mean it's suddenly the worst thing in the world, but thats not what you asked.
Yes. You can thank feminism for partially trivializing rape. If they keep at it you'll be able to repeat the experience whenever you like.
Nigguh ain't gonna stop when he's balls deep women think you can just stop a train on a dime? Smh. That's why you think before you fuck meep meep you dumb cunt.
fuck you because that's why
Yep its rape better hope she doesnt remember you. This is what you get for being a normalfag. I suggest kys tbh
Rape is something that happens to women, not whores.
So this is the rape culture I heard about! Listen and believe!
Stopped reading there. Go back to wherever you came from Norman, we don't want your kind shitting this place up. Leave. Now.
Your real crime here is talking like my fucking grandpa.
Did she smoke too many marijuana cigarettes? Was she goofed out on the devil's lettuce?
Maybe if you didn't talk like a faggot you could get some without raping drugged up thots.
Depends on the statute of limitations in your state. You'll probably get v& in a year or two when she decides that it's time to fuck you up.
probably just needed to pee, you wouldn't stop, so she "squirted" all over you, nothing to worry about
Sex = rape
No, she got away with not getting smacked around for being a stupid bitch.
You are one of the biggest loser in this world.
its not abortion - u gonna experience a pushback
OP forgot to mention that she was only 10-yo!
even more so! Who lets 10yo pussy slip away?!
This never happened, and this board is being infiltrated. Where's that gif of forum tactics. This is one of them.
Yep, that's pretty conclusively rape.
feminists OUT
Let's take this scenario as an example:
It would be stupid to charge that guy with assault, of course, as he was simply doing as you requested of him. However:
Are you going to justify this as "not assault" just because you asked him to punch you earlier in the encounter? Of course not. You told him to stop and he didn't stop.
You can't just tell someone to stop; so in your scenario
and in OP's example, the correct route of resolution would have been to rape him back
she's basically already raping him, it's a foolproof method, just takes some practice and understanding how to control your mind
but thats an invalkd analogy because you imply women dont enjoy and or are always hurt by sex
Yea, actually, yes you can.
no I don't and yes it is.
Sure you could, but it makes you a piece of shit.
How about you make better decisions on who to have sex with so you don't have to change your mind midway through fucking, you dumb cunt.
do you stop masturbating when you hear your mom knock on your bedroom door?
should be just as easy when a girl says stop tbh
That's a false equivalence and you know it. Sex requires consent from both parties. Sex does not magically turn into rape because you change your mind about it.
Masturbation is totally different.
inside the mind of a rapist
t. tumblrfag
So let's say you're having consensual sex with a girl and mid coitus she pulls out a massive dildo and starts penetrating your asshole with it. Would you be allowed to withdraw your consent?
Yes, because the dild wasn´t part of the initial deal. My penis would
You getting to cum wasn't part of the deal either. Or do you explain every act you are going to perform before the penetration starts?
you're trivializing what is actually a good point; those girls that do decide they were "raped" the morning after having consensual sex that they then feel guilty about or whatever
but when they ask you to stop DURING sex, you should be able to stop, with ease, as per my example of you're mum and the bedroom door
It's not a good point at all, you're comparing two vastly different situations. A false equivalence. Come back with a better argument.
You calling it a false equivalence does not make it so. Whether you're thrusting in your hand or a woman's vagina, stopping is just as easy.
You're right about being able to stop fucking a chick when she's telling you to stop but you still made a false equivalence retard.
Sure, a girl can regret, or feel guilty after having sex, the morning after. But the mere fact that she gave vonsent, invalidates the rape point. Because rape implies the lack of consent by the other person.
No it's not. The experience is completely different, and only someone who is 100% disingenuous would say differently.
This thread is summed up in pic related
you are a moron; please go reread that post to understand the point that was being made
It wasn't even my argument, retard.
And no, it wasn't a false equivalence. If you can stop fucking your hand mid fap, you can stop fucking a vagina mid coitus.
my penis got so hard
we /islam/ now
I am newfag. Someone create a dumb bitch thread?
You have to go back
ok i will post trannies
you're fucked OP
that's why it's rude to cum without warning
I bet all these Hollywood types who are being accused today by girls and boys they raped decades ago thought the same thing.
but is it rape to cum if she says no?
columbine was based